(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

tink i miss out alot of interesting thing here...


had recieved my items, appreciate yr help was pretty busy doin my degree exam last wk...finally relieved =P


I'm tinking of renting a jumperoo but now my joey can use the donated walker passed dwn frm frenz..shift herslf around as if she's on a roller skate ..hmmm $40+ can buy few packet of diaper lei...


missed out yr lobang ...cake sim men..nex time round bah..

btw, anyone of u bought the brown rice/si shen/ginseng etc herbal mixture to put in FM give bb drink, MIL is taking care of Joey now bought 1kg=$11 ---we give her for a wk and also give puree/porridge..etc x2 a day in small potion.Surprisingly, Joey can take in mee suan pretty well also and bits of bread/grain of rice...tis shld be an interesting period to see them pratice the swallowing reflex =)


andie: KekeI don't think she is a model AP baby cos it is not fair as I did not really do much AP, more like she is born like that. As much as I am grateful for Dr Sears and his helpful guidelines, I have grown over the months to feel babies are so unique, I feel my own prespective is wrong from the beginning to even think I can classify her ...

Rant abit..

Today, I sat DH down and had a talk with him, I told him our little girl is growing up so fast I can hardly catch up with her. I told him he better open his eyes big big and watch her grow cos he is always working late sometimes and by the time he is home, she is asleep. He only have weekend time with her and he better use it wiser.

I don't know why I feel so emotional today but I am long overdue for an emotional outburst, I keep all to myself for very long liao I guess. Maybe it is because Arwen today starts to utter , not the ooo or the ahhhh but like "Wah Ka WOo!" , I was shocked to hear that, her very first mix of noise!

Sometimes I just am amazed by what kind of person Arwen is . She is just so patient, loving and accomodating, it is scary. Scary because I have to match up to her, or perhaps one day the world will not be so kind to her and she will lost that loving, trusting smile..

Maybe today too, I sat down and properly read some news and was very sad to see how the oil spill in the Gulf Coast had killed and is killing so many wildlife.. it is terribly sad and I feel lost sometimes, how can we do this to the earth? I know I know, so tree huggy but I see the 8 pairs of shoes Arwen has and I feel stupid buying so many pairs where in some parts of the world, some dun even have shoes.. it is like.. again I told myself I better start to change , not to be so wasteful, to really say and do what I mean , to keep every promise cos I know she is going to be watching me and learn.

Sorry for being so emo but sometimes everything just feel so pointless . No matter how much money I donate, how much I spread the clause , the world is still a mess. Big corporation still seems do their nonsense and they think money can compensate for everything . I guess today I feel a little defeated but well not for long, guess I need to be down abit to be up again.

So sorry for being quite negative today and thanks for listening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah but lighten the moment abit, here is A in her highchair, today I prop her up with loads of pillow and she can sit better!


koonie : I was really wondering where are you leh!

Later ,see if anyone else want to order or not, can organize again. 10 pairs can ship liao. No hurry as the shoes size quite big so can wait till 1 year old then wear .


I put the cube of frozen puree in a bowl and then put it in another bowl of warm water to heat thaw it.


I've been giving Renee brown rice porridge, she was taking in quite a lot until...

My hub came back from SG with si shen powder, both instant and non-instant ones. MIL bought it for Renee. I tried the instant one. first day, i KS, cook it lightly over the stove. it was alright. yesterday, i followed the preparation instructions (just mix warm water) it was sooooo sandy. Renee took a few tiny spoonfuls and gagged and vomited even her previous BF feed out. Gosh... today went back to brown rice porridge but she didn't take much.

Hey Jessie,

I'm feeling you, man! I always tell my hub the same. Renee is surprising us everyday. And, she's the only person who trusts me so much, e.g. dreamfeeding, i can pick her up and she'll open her mouth to latch, without opening her eyes to check who's carrying her, what's going into her mouth. I'm always very touched by that.

And the part about excessive purchases for babies. The utility is really not that high if you think about 'carbon footprint' (the buzz word, these days). That's one reason why i'm so good at controlling purchases for Renee. I rather spend on something she or the family can enjoy. Guess that the other reason is because i'm staying overseas, really don't wish to move so much barang around or back to SG next time.

Reduce, reuse, recycle. My nephew even built an almost life-size military tank with lights, targets and mirrors from corrugated cardboard boxes. He is only 5 years old. I was absolutely impressed. And, I honestly love hand-me-downs.

Hi mummies

sorry to interrupt.

I have 6 bottles of DOM (1litre) & 1 bottle of Yomeishu (700ml) to sell. All brand new! Selling cheaper than retail and provide foc delivery. Pm me if keen. Thanks!! :)

andie>thanks for the links. hubby reminded blur me that we have a pigeon bb food warmer so will use that to heat up frozen purees. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now just need to decide whether I want to get baby cubes

xin>hmm, so there's collection at bedok mrt? Maybe I buy 1 or 2 boxes to...

Pauline>I'm stubborn lor. Refuse to leave bb in whampoa mah. Lucky hubby also agree. We scared bb will be close to grandparents and not to us. Plus will miss them.

ya, if they really move in with us, will have a lot of adjustments to make. Hopefully will be ok. I think I'll be ok if just my PIL move in. But if my BIL also move in, I will buay tahan. :p

koonie>hope you ace all your exams. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie>hugs. hope you feel better today.

arwen's highchair is so nice! the flowers v pretty

c.yang>thanks for the tip for the puree

I'm impressed by your nephew too!

Pauline>how many days you intend to spend in Taiwan? I think go Taiwan free and easy can le. You can hire a taxi to bring you to places outside Taipei like Jiufen, Yehliu, etc. I hired one to bring us to more scenic places when we went there for our wedding photoshoot. I got pass you the URL to see before? If you want, I can see if I can dig up the contact of my taxi driver. Travel within Taipei in mrt is v convenient.

Then if you want to go Taroko Gorge or Hualien, can take the train there, then hire a taxi bring you around. Can find contacts on the Internet. You can even get the taxi to drive you from Hualien to Chingjing, a resort area in Nantou, Taizhong going via the Taroko Gorge. But I think will be too tiring for your kids esp if the higher altitude so maybe you want to save that for another trip.


Yah, having a child force us to take perspectives of things that we may not do so if we don't have any children.

For example

- we only realise how great our mothers are only when we become mothers ourselves

- how little we need to be happy,

- what values we want our children to grow up with

- what earth they will inherit

- how we appreciate nature and outdoor when we are in diff environment, not just the rat race

This process will make us stronger and focused in life. Hope you are feeling better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for calling up about the seminar. I've decided to go and leave BB at hm w MIL. Havent spoke to her tho...

Nestle / TMC Seminar

anyone else going?


on la, i like the shoes lei.. yr arwen confirm can participate in bb WWF ..hmm can sparring wif sherry's / CY's/geraldine bb..hehhehe can put bet on them =p


the brown rice+si shen mixture mus cook one until abit starchy- x2 scoop cook with 100 cc water then mix with the FM x3 scoop 90cc === then ok liao..



Morning mums!


I so agree with you. I believe deep inside all mummies don't want their children to be caught in the rat race, but like what you say, we are in a different environment. It won't be easy for me to accept it if my child had to go to a technical stream even if I do know that if his strengths are there, why not?

I know someone whose children grew up in australia. Then, their 8 yr old only went to school with a pencil case & lunchbox!

Pauline, TYL

I agree that TYL's MIL seems accomodating. But yes, they need their own space too. I think even a few hours of rest at home would do wonders even for myself too!

Pauline, little lamb

Ouh, butternut squash is pumpkin! Say lah! Lol.

I wanted to get pumpkin too, but it's not a food malays eat frequently, so I'd rather baby eat something that'll be her regular foods when she's grown up. I guess I'll stick to sweet potatoes & potatoes etc.


You very good leh. I used to think of how many tins of milk powder I could buy if I splurged on a toy. But sometimes I just go, "Ahhh, heck it" and buy anyway. So when will you be graduating?


I feel what you feel many times too but my hubby is the wet blanket and would say, no one else cares, so why are you trying so hard? But I do what I think and feel is right, regardless what he says. I think we all have a moral obligation to stop wastage in any forms.


Your nephew is a genius! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tell my hubby how lucky he is to be able to see his kids grow since he has been a full time student until this year. Now that he's starting his permanent job, I hope he'll be able to understand just how tiring it is holding a full time job, and having to manage a household at the same time.

smalldreams>don't think butternut squash is pumpkin. think its similar to pumpkin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh, I donno if my MIL confirm will come stay with us to help out if I've #2 wor. So far, she has not confirmed anything. I'm kinda worried she will change her mind after I get pregnant again as she has recently gone back to fulltime work after working part time for a few years. See how lah. I think if she doesn't, I will try and ask my new neighbour to help take care as I heard she is a v good nanny from my other 2 new neighbours. But haven't had chance to meet her yet...

Good morning all...

Jessie, I feel the same as you too...

Felt that our lil darlings are growing so fast that I'm sort of like breatheless... Not too sure if I missed out anything without imparting to him...

Last night, I was still telling Shayne why he grown so fast and he still smile at me...

His daddy was amazed at how he flipped, talked etc because he was never there... Even when he's at home, I have to tell him please look at your son. He's trying to flip and show u... But he nv seems to care...

Sometimes I overheard him say: "wow boy boy, what are you doing? You so smart, when did you learn this?"

I was sad cos nv once he wants to join in when I'm there bonding with our son...

I gave up telling him to look at our son even then... I'm trying to help but he's not putting in the effort...

Zach and Arwen can sit so nicely in the high chair...

Think I have to start searching for a high chair soon...

Smalldreams, butternut is a gourd looking pumpkin ( like papaya) not like the usual pumpkin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tyl, i agree with u n Lawrence. I also refuse to be weekend parent cos not comfortable. I only lasted 2 nights of raeanne at ils house then told hubby I want to bring her back every night. Hubby was reluctant then cos raeanne was a difficult baby who wakes up a few times a night n he gets very little sleep as a teacher. But I am the one who let more sleep cos I am latching on demand so he respected my decision. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think your mil went back to full time work since there is nothing much for her to do since your mum is looking after Ayden. I think she will be more than happy to quit if u have no. 2 n wants her to look after. ;)

as for Taiwan, I know it is easy to get around but I am not sure if the gals can take a 1 hr train ride, let around 3-4 hours. Raeanne fidgets when we got a long car ride, will keep asking me: "daddy park already or not?" faint. :p also, another concern is that raelynn is just one year old so won't have much teeth, dun know whether they serve plain or bland porridge there or I will end up having to make home made porridge every morning at the hotel. :p

Pauline>hee, see how lor. Hubby and I think we will really miss staying at my parent's once our place is ready. Ayden too. He really misses my mom when she is away. Last sat, he refused to sleep no matter how much hubby and I coaxed him. Die die must wait till my mom came back from her outing and carry him. Yesterday night again same pattern although he was with her whole day.

Maybe don't be so ambitious and just hang around Taipei/Hualien first? A leisurely trip for these 2 places already can take 6-7 days wor. Can stay in a nice minsu in Hualien. If you take the Taroko express train, think will last 2 hours? But not sure. :p N can request more frequent stops if you hire a taxi to explore out of Taipei. SG car scenery nothing much to see cos all buildings. Maybe Raeanne will be better in Taiwan cos its a new place?

jessie> PMed you the mailing address.

I can totally understand where you're coming from. I am constantly wary about the kind of world that Yongxian will grow up in. One of the reasons why it took so long for us to have a child.

firipy> hope you get well soon. oh! the 20+ highchair come with trays too? then it's worth considering leh..

koonie> since i don't have any hands-me-down toys, renting is a good way to reuse.

smalldreams> i wish for Yongxian the kind of life that your friend's child has in Australia. I mean at that age, I rather he is more engaged in playing and enjoying life rather than worrying about whether he will pass his exams, bespectacled and lugging a 5kg school bag. But then again, if the society is very conformative and you have one that stick out like a sore thumb, i wonder how that will affect the child.

i think everyone can play their part no matter how small. DH and I will sponsor the printing of table cards on why we should not be eating shark's fins at my brother's wedding at the end of the year. if your DH throws you another cold blanket, remind him 'sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit'.

c.yang> your nephew is impressive. Yongxian has been in hands-me-down since birth. We only buy whatever is not available and a few pieces for CNY.

Pauline, getting plain porridge is not too difficult.. u can check with the hotel too...

most hotel have porridge for breakfast.

TYL, think really hard lor...

You are so lucky... U no need to say anything Lawrence will go automatically to Ayden10... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie Yup I pm-ed you too regarding my address.

I actually pm-ed you too last week.

Not too sure if you receive them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I hope things are alrite with you & hubby. I've always thought yr hubby was supportive, I mean, at least he agreed to swing by to my office to pick up the cereals for shayne & all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess you're an independent person, so maybe your hubby leaves you & baby alone most of the time. Perhaps if it's hard to bond at home, you might want to go to the park or something? just bring a small mat, a few toys and some snacks so the 3 of you can spend some quiet time together? Sometimes like what Cy mentioned, men are not auto one. Must use manual gear to move them, hur hur hur.


Wow, your peribahasa is very good. if i tell my hubby that, he'll give me one weird look. he used to fail his peribahasa, he told me. Lol.

Just finished clearing my workstation & cabinet. Already my workstation is pathetic - I kena banish to this seat after I began working from home a few yrs ago.

Hi dear mummies, I'm new here! Also started my little 5 month gal on solids liao.. she's taking to it quite well.. Thank God!

I need some advice here.. anyone experience their babies crying & screaming like mad when held by other people including their dads?

My baby don't know why like this for the past few weeks. My hubby used to be able to carry her. Now no matter what time of the day, she'll scream like crazy when her daddy hold her. My hubby felt so hurt. Sigh.. don't know what to do liao.. try to be away hiding in the room & walk out of the house, but can still hear her scream..

small dreams, he did not volunteer that day...

It was because my MIL stayed at the hawker centre there... so it was on the way...

I'm always the one with Shayne...

To go to the park? hahaha... hard I guess...

Think only can head there when Shayne is at least 1 yr old...

smalldreams>pwah, u give me nitemares of the time when I had to memorise all my peribahasa. still had to memorise malay customs then. but quite fun to learn all the malay ghosts.

febie>throw shayne with your hubby for a few hours while you go jalan with gfs? maybe then he will appreciate the time with him? but then you might bu fang xin oso hor?

pauline>ya, like febie said, the hotels sure have plain porridge for breakfast de. seems to be a standard there.

TYL, yup, now hubby like not so keen so bring kiddos at all cos we'll be too tired. At one hand, I look forward to a real break if it's just the two of us. On the other hand, I I 'fang bu xia' the gals lor and bu she de to wean RL off just because I'm going on holiday (cos of my blocked duct history, if it's more than a weekend holiday, I'll got to wean off before I go). Sigh, so 'mao dun'. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Are you M'sian too? wow. I took a basic mandarin course last year but I think I'll die if I have to memorise Chinese quotes, lol.

Malay ghosts?! You mean memorising the names were part of the curicullum? wow...


Welcome! Erm, hopefully some moms here can offer some advice on that.

Thanks girls, after a good night sleep, I feel more refreshed and more calm, sometimes that is why I avoid news, nothing but saddness and chaos. I actually did not read an news for the past 3 years and half the time do not know what is going on. Should not have read last night! Nothing is clear anymore these days. I am pretty sure a lot more of good is done but not reported , the media just love to broadcast bad news.

C.Yang : Your nephew is on the right path eh. Must learn from him! See that is the thing, I must quickly be sure of what is my value and stop being so fickle. One hand, I am saving and scrimping for Arwen's education, then I see nice stuff for her, i buy without thinking at all. Yes they are cheap but cheap doesn't mean I can waste. So now no more new clothes or stuff for her until she wore them all out. I must make her nanny control me, she is very good at that. Keke

One thing I am pissed off at myself is when I see how poor some orphanage are, how the wildlife is affected by the oilspill etc etc, I will be all mad and angry and vow to do something but in the end, I think too much and all the excuses comes out like " ahhhh others will help one lah", "if others dun care, why should you?", "the government will help one lah" ," organisation is all crook these days, better don't donate" etc etc etc, then I forgot all about it. I think I must stop being like this and really do something! I really believe charity begins at home or in my case, my host country and I will go and see what I can do for some of the homes here . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie : I had the talk with DH because he is like your DH too. He is often preoccupied with work thoughts and when he is home, he does play with Arwen but more like out of obligations and that really pissed me off. I know he really is trying but it is not good enough, I will kick his ass until he become a good father, keke.

Cocomama and Febie, got your address liao, will ship today !

koonie: Ok, maybe next month, I start another one, this week busy. Er, should include other thread's mummies or not huh?

Mrs_EC (mrs_ec) : Looks like your girl is very niam to you eh. Maybe she is developing a very deep sense of separation anxiety. I think ask your DH not to hold her first but just play with her, feed her the solids and keep talking to her, hold her hand etc.

I feel at 5 months, my girl also don't like strangers much, she would look and stare and if she is okay with them, then she would smile, if not, she will turn away and don't even want to show her face!

pauline>huh? go without your gals? If I'm you, will also v she bu de.

smalldreams>no lah. I'm Singaporean. But had to learn melayu at one of my previous jobs. Learning malay customs was one of modules for standard 2. We had to learn stuff such as malay wedding customs, ghosts, confinement practices, etc cos we're tested on them. I remember the customs but can't quite remember the names le. :p

Mrs_EC>eh, sorry. donno how to advice. maybe your hubby need to spend more time with your bb?

jessie>unless you ready to handle more orders, maybe better keep to this thread or any other threads you frequent for the shoes. wait like sophie, end up with so many orders that the amount run into the thousands. Will take up so much time and coordination on your side that you might as well start a bp to earn a bit from it. :p

some days when I come home from work, Ayden will ignore us. think he angry we go work and leave him at home with my mom. But if we then go about our stuff without carrying him, he will start to eh eh and manja. really donno what to do with him. :p but strangly, he still ok with strangers

Hello mommies! Thanks for all the ideas abt high chairs, think I'll also check out the Ikea ones. But I really like the Chicco one coz height can be adjusted and it can be folded away and doesn’t take up space when not in use.


There’s another one that can be used from 0month onwards, too bad I din see it earlier :p

Febie: like TYL suggested, maybe leave Shayne with your hubby for a few hours and you go out & have some 'me time' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He should get a taste of how is it like to look after a baby and also to bond with his son. Sometimes, because we women offer to do too much, so the men get spoilt.

smalldreams: I also bought the Avent blender cum steamer but hasn't use yet. Was a bit worried if I've made the right choice or no, so glad to hear gd reviews [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs EC: Welcome! Sorry I can't give any advice coz didn't experience that with my baby. Hope some mommies here can help. Can intro yourself a bit? Are you a SAHM or working mom and where do you live? Join us for our gatherings next time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL: wah, you really know Taiwan quite well. I was hoping to go there for a holiday but hubby end up too busy with work. If can go now it will be much easier coz I'm still latching. If travel later, it will be quite a chore when baby is weaned off. I mean, must bring FM, then gotta disinfect the bottles, bring cereals etc. Btw, how to disinfect milk bottles when travelling? Is there such thing as packet FM that we can take along for travel?

Any mommies going for the Avent weaning talk this weekend? I registered, waiting for their confirmation.

LSnTYL (lsntyl) : Start a BP like an Official BP ah.. scary..cos don't know the mothers there. Nevermind, I see 1st July, who still want shoes and then order for them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Seems like it's a tough time for you guys, taking turns to fall sick. Try to recover soon, then you can play with Ayden. How's your work situation like? Have you decided to quit to be SAHM? The other day, I was having a conversation with my friend and she's like a weekend mom to her kid. She was sharing with me that as much as she hates this arrangement, but she still has to so that she can work to contribute to the family income.

Her heart aches when she watches her son picking up bad habits and being spoilt by his gramps. But what choice does she have? If she doesn't work, it's really cannot get by type coz' her hubby is not earning a lot too. I used to be naive and think, what's so difficult in quitting your job and be a mom. But I also have come to realize that a lot of commitment and courage needs to be involved. Lifestyle changes have to be made.

So .. do think thoroughly on your priorities.

littlelamb> guess my son wanted to cheer me up coz i was not well... hee... but aft tt sometimes he can sit, sometimes cant... n e flipping is really v v fluke... sometimes, if e surface is uneven, he'll move n move and somehow 'flip' but i dont really consider it as a real flip... i didn't give him any training leh... tried to use a toy to entice him but he not interested leh... just tt a few days ago he started to really enjoy tummy time and can stay in position for up to 10 mins... bef tt only 5 mins...

firipy> thks for ur advice... will watch him... my son likes to grab things too... if ayden can grab e string then must b v careful... if he gets it ard his neck then not good liaoz...

on saving gaia> did u all see e comic strip in sunday times? it's abt 2101... tis wk's comic showed a shop with halogram flowers: e ones ur grandparents used to see... what a strong message...

guess i'll continue sourcing for hand-me-downs and make my own toys or rent them... :p...

megan> ur girl so cute can respond to her name... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this morn my friend called to say tt her teacher last min mc ask me to go down... i agreed without consulting my hb and got scolded... sighz... my hb really too protective leh... say i just got well... and go out til so late he cant see baby... (usu tues he come hm and then go out for class)... guess i shd b appreciative of such a concerned hb?

sleeping on their own> i realise tt without me, my boy can slp on his own quite well with patting... but if it's me putting him to bed... it's usu slp on e breast... mayb i gave in too fast?

Hi hi! Currently I'm on no pay leave to take care of my gal. I stay in cck. My hubby oso poor thing. As my bb sleeps early, usually by 9pm, when my hubby comes home, she already getting fussy coz close to bedtime. When he wants to spend time wif her, she alr too tired. Tough ah. I even resort to tying his shirt in her cot so she can recognize his smell but to no avail. Haha..

Are u all on the topic of high chairs? I got the ikea one as I don't want my BB to get too used to a gd one then go outside eat, refuse to take the common ikea high chairs which every other restaurants have. Haha.. Funny theory but who knows


You're really very considerate to think for your in-laws lor. I used to think that way lor. But now I dun. Coz' I find them quite imposing, as cliche as it sounds. Maybe you're lucky in the sense that they'll still agree to living your place in your style. I still recalled huh, my place huh, no pests one leh ... then after my MIL came over to do confinement, I see flies lah, cockroaches lah, etc etc.

I was quite mad. And why? Coz' main door always open and windows (despite it's so freaking hot and we told them can turn on air-con). I mean, I have air-con in my living room for a reason lor. I guess old people just not used to air-con. So they'd rather switch on fan. I tell you, my place no single fan. So they buay tahan, brought their own fan over.

But there's a reason why I keep windows closed lor. I live on a low level and mozzies fly in very easily! And true enough lor, thanks to opening of main doors and windows, I get all sortsa pests in my unit. I was really upset lor. They dun understand, they think I'm trying to waste their son's money by turning air-con. I mean, I do open windows when weather is cool, but I usually would open 1 or 2.

I would prefer breeze anytime to air-con lor. But they'd open all 5 or 6 windows! Sometimes, it's really a clash of living styles lah. And it gets bad when they just want to have things their way at your own place lor.

Afternoon gals, so much to read, hee...

jessie, tink once in awhile we will have this emo outbreak. Its ok. I realise how fast our babies grow when I saw him trying to crawl last week n also other ppl's babies who reminds me of how tiny Ayden was at birth...

Cocomama, the ikea $20+ high chair got tray, but must buy seperately, tink $5 or $6...forgot le. My hse the coffeeshop there got, maybe I go "borrow" one 1st hahh, jus kidding!

febie, my hb will do his bonding with Ayden, but must see his mood, if there is nothing for him to watch. Or he will bring Ayden with him in front of the tv. I still tink he has alot more to do than jus change 1/2 diapers a week n feed him only once or twice. He dunno hw to make milk for Ayden without instructions fr me.....

halo mummies! long time no post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs_EC> looks like yr LO starts to recognise liao (good becos it is part of growing up!)

yah i tink like wat Jessie said, let yr DH play wif her (after her good sleep n feed)..do it slowly..dun feel disheartened, it takes a lot of patience to communicate wif LOs, we are all learning mummies..

Jessie, at least your DH hears you out...

No matter how nicely I talked, he will not go in one lor... Actually I'm hoping that Shayne cries when he tries to go near him etc so that he knows he has neglected him... But I teach Shayne to recognise his papa thus, everytime, he saw his papa, he smiles so nice to him...

Surprisingly, it still did not melt his dad to do more...

TYL/Cheerieheart, I'll not be able to leave Shayne with him... Ever talked to him to look after Shayne while I go facial but he dare not...

Also dun want to give him the chance now, scare he drive Shayne go to his parents' pl w/o me ard... All of them dunno his habit, and he will suffer lor... ald got a bad weekend there last week which pissed me off...

Mrs EC, think you have to speak to your hubby see if he can try to reach hm earlier on alternate days... so as got chance to bond with baby...

lamb, we can definitely get by without my contribution but it will mean no more LV,gucci, Kate spade, coach for me for a long time. Just need to get used to the lifestyle n also I must start to do my own hsework daily n cook also perhaps. Need to change lifestyle. But I wld wish to work again some day next time.Cos I definitely wld miss buying things for Ayden n myself. I take this as a gd oppty to spend some time with just Ayden n myself. Cos majority its always with someone ard

hi mummies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb born in jan too.been reading the forum on and off and found that there are a few expat mummies here with hubby travelling very often, i wonder how you mummies stay strong and sane. hubby been travelling alot for biz these three months and is driving me crazy, even though i trust him but do not know why the gut feeling is so strong that he is cheating on me when overseas. hiaz. but cant find any signs and when talk to him about how i feel, he felt that i m crazy to think so.

sorry for the -ve posts, just need a place to "shout" my thoughts. hope to be able to come in and chat more often during my off days

you mummies are so great to support one another through this forum

Firipy at least your hubby still change Ayden09's diapers... Think the last time my hubby change Shayne's diapers was 2 mth ago?

I'm glad that he helps with the housework but sometimes, I helped too so that he can bond with his son but he doesn't seems to care...

I will live with it, at least I'm there to experience my son's growing up process but for him, think he will not see much if he continue to live his lifestyle...

cheerieheart>no lah, I only familiar with taipei, hualien and chingjing. I did free and easy on my 3 trips there so quite familiar with them as already did my research on them. I find I much prefer free and easy travel although its more time consuming before the trip due to the planning.

I read somewhere that there's no need to disinfect after 6 months as bb's tummy is stronger and can take some bacteria/germs. But not sure how true that is. maybe one of the more experienced moms can advice?

Jessie>ya, I think official BP also quite scary. :p

xin>your hubby concerned about your health lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie>[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] donno how to advice. maybe tell your hubby no #2 unless he helps out/bonds more with Shayne? Give your hubby tasks to do for Shayne lah. Like change diapers, feed him, bathe him, etc

firipy>glad you so positive. ya, time with Ayden v impt. They only this small once in their life. Branded bags, etc will always be there.

monchichi>I think marriage must have communication and trust. Not healthy if you keep thinking your hubby is cheating on you. Try to talk it out with him? Maybe you just miss him and feeling insecure cos he's away so often.

Afternoon mummies....Had been extremely busy so had been silent reader and didn't post.

Jessie> I want to order from taobao too...will join next spree you organising.

Understandable that we do get too emo sometimes.....Just tell yourself that you are already doing very well as a mummy for Arwen...I simply love her pics...Looking at her will brighten my day too!

hello, mrs_ec> Welcome to this thread! You are right..All the mummies here are very supportive of one another...You can rant here and all mummies here are willing to lend a listening ear.

MamaD> Halo...How's baby? Enjoyed your bonding time with you these few months...Planning to go back to the workforce soon?

Febie> Be strong, my DH is just like yours previously too...They need time to settle in as a new Dad! Share more with you when I meet you this Fri, k?


Reading your late nite's post made me emo and guilty at the same time. You know, for the longest time, DH has been reminding me to be more concious to the environment. And I keep taking it for granted. He keeps telling me that we have to be considerate to the world that our gal is gonna live in. You know, I often watch news and it's almost nothing but about terrorism or natural disasters or some major disease going around. Like you said, it's like they only report bad things and nothing good.

That's why sometimes I like to watch Taiwanese news. A bit wu liao like talk about this ah pek and ah soh quarreling or this gal threatened to commit suicide because boyfriend left her etc. That's also why I also prefer to watch CNA to CNN. Call it denial but I guess that makes me not think too much and worry too much. Just today, I was watching CNN, Brazil and Southern China flood. And not forgetting the recent flood disaster in France.

Is the world sinking or what? Weather experts say it's due to El Nino causing too much moisture in the air that causes the rain. And then there's also the news of the BP spill. And then there's news about how pregnant women in India who died while giving birth, due to lack of proper healthcare. I watch it and I feel sad and then what? Okay, why I feel guilty ... I can cite so many examples.

But a few of them is like how I sometimes leave my bedroom without remembering to turn off air-con or how I would pull out 2 tissue papers instead of 1. Or how I would turn on the running tap to full. DH would shake his head when he looks at me do these things. And I can still tell my mom not to keep using plastic bags. I keep telling her that her granddaughter will suffer next time if my mom keeps using plastic bags. But I guess it's really a habit that she can't kick.

And yes, been meaning to share with you ... about how my gal is really starting to be aware of her surroundings. It's like she suddenly developed her personality. She can indicate her likes and dislikes. Like how she sucks her toes and sometimes I have to take it off her coz' I need to change her diapers and she'll fuss. And I realized it's coz' I didn't explain to her and just took her toes off her mouth. She sometimes just gives these sighs of exasperation like as if she's pek cek with something.

I think her personality is starting to show. And not forgetting she's at this stage where she can only flip one side but cannot flip back. And she wants to grab the toy in front of her yet cannot crawl. Or she wants to sit up but cannot sit independently. Coupled with occasional teething pains. I think it's just a very frustrating time for her.

hello, i tink we still have alot of hormones left after we deliver so we tend to have many weird emo thots. Tink u really need to have a gd talk with ur hb.

febie, my hb totally nvr help in hsewk. My mum n mil helps me, esp mil. I had a fight with my hb last time cos he is like nt used to having a baby I tink, his frens kept jio him go drink. I went mad n told him, if he really go drink I m bringing Ayden bk to my parents n he can go drink everyday but dun ever come lookin for us. He said his fren's bday. Celebrate the bday like 2-3 times tat wk! I was so pissed la, I nvr celebrate my bday this yr cos it was near to cny n I was too fat to feel like celebrating. I told him having baby doesnt mean we stop doing wat we used to do but it also doesn't mean he dun have to do any adjustments. Ayden see his daddy only he smile cos daddy always play with him

Oh yah, need to check with u all, do ur babies have a period they wld be super alert n wanna play? Cos Ayden is super alert ard 7 to 9 pm n wanna play. These past 2 weeks we din visit him cos I was sick n he was super moody no one play with him.

luvbabe> LO driving me 'crazy'...nw hve to bring him out for vaccination..i tink he poos..appt time is 2pm..geee...gotta hurry..talk to ya later..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie, i brought my son to facial with me last sat.. hahaha.. luckily he used to my smell and hug that when he see my face with mask, he never cry.. hehe..

Mrs EC, my boy used to wail and scream when my hubby carried him.. But now better, cos i will ask hubby to carry him while facing me and i keep playing with him, then i ask hubby to dream feed him in the morning, nowadays he will only cry for me when he wanna sleep at night.. Hope this helps..


Wow we have 2 new mummies today...


hello, i guess we tends to think too much at times, feeling neglected etc...

But our hubbies could have feel more neglected too... Our focus used to be on them until the little ones came along... Then we somehow neglected them...

so see if u can manage to get hubby bring u out etc... dun think abt the neg part abt him cheating overseas... think watch too much drama liao...

