(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Fatbabe, i ask hr b4 i even tot of the exact dates i wanna leave. I wont give them chance to let me lugi!The ans they gave is the effective date is after 2nd aug Will still get payout. Thats y i dowan to offset my leave n leave effectively b4 3rd aug. Let her get no chance to hire mu replacement oso. I wanna take a break fr wk n spend some time with bb.


Jessie, yah lor looking at Ayden really melts my frustrations. N also talking to u all in the forum helps take my stress off! Thanks for coordinating the orders. If u organising another spree then i order the shoes again.


Hey ... did you go out to celebrate father's day today? We went out with another family for dim sum lunch. My DH damn blur, towards the end, wanna pay bill, wanted to take out his wallet to pay. I said, "Hallo, today I treat, ok? Dun fight. Hhahaha." Tell you ah ... today I placed my gal in my friend's exersaucer coz' she wants to loan to us for my gal to use but my gal wailed when she was put inside!!! I dunno issit because initially it was too high and her feet were dangling.

Then we adjusted the height and placed her back in and she still cried. I think she felt kinda helpless inside leh. I've never seen my gal ever upset with a new toy or activity centre before and this is the first time! So after we brought the exersaucer home, I comforted her, explained to her again and then later told her that it's somehting new, gotta slowly adjust and that i'll be around for her and then she slowly explored, but less than 5 mins, she showed signs of wanting to burst again. Dunno issit because she doesn't like standing yet, that's why she hates being in the exersaucer. DH is worried the exersaucer is gonna be sitting there collecting dust.

So I think for now, we will put the exersaucer aside and wun introduce the jumperoo to her just as yet. Yeah, I guess for the europeans and americans, their country is so big, they just travel within and never out. I recalled there was once I was in US and in the shuttle with some americans. They got curious coz' we were chinese and asked us where we were from. I told them Singapore and they replied, "Issit in Indonesia?" I nearly fainted.

But then again, I understood why. Their news is mainly focused on what goes on in US, they travel, also do road trips in US. So you tell me lor, how can they ever learn about the rest of the world leh? That's why in Singapore, although we're a small country, but we're exposed internationally, so that we'll know what goes on in different parts of the world coz' there's just this much news about Singapore that they can air in half an hour lor. Hhahaha.

febie - Hhehehe, yeah, I think it's because of her hair lah, that makes her look so grown up lor. It's like her type of hair makes her look like she's already 2 or 3 y/o lor. Aiyoh, DH no need to hint to me about having #2. He'll tell me directly he wants to have #2! And I told DH, no exposing to her the world of gaming until she's much older lor. I dun want her to be addicted. That's why these days, i ask him to play only after she's asleep.

cocomama - You know, today I went to buy some apricot and pumpkin to puree at home. I dunno why but I just feel like puree-ing and trying it out on my own first. My gal probably won't start solids until a few weeks later. I think I'm quite KS. LOL.

bluey - Do you give dream feed? Or if not, make sure your gal has a full feed before she goes to bed, just to ensure she sleeps longer.


sorry to hear about the unhappiness at work. It can be very tortourous to go to work if got colleague like that. Luckily your hubby supportive of your choice. Quickly start to look around. Wish you well.

Jessie, tks. At least I knw wat to expect if I were to buy.

Firipy, good that u've checked with ur HR so dat u wun lugi. Looking at the positive side, u can spend more quality time with Ayden wif ur leave n u r nt burden with work frustrations.

Mummies, do u put ur LOs in exersaucer or jumperoo if they cun sit on their own yet? Thinking if renting a jumperoo for Lucas but nt sure whether it's d right time now.

Jessie: Pls check ur email, I pm u abt the $.

firipy: Hope you find a job that you like soon! As fat_babe says, send your CV to some recruitment firms and let them do the job, afterall, some job openings are not advertised and companies just go thr recruitment firms.

little lamb: what a coincidence... today I brought my son to mothercare n was hoping to let him try out exersaucer. But they dun seem to have it and only has the jumperoo. So let him tried that and he seems to like it. But he is still a bit small though - his chin touches the 'tabletop'. The previous time I brought him to CK Tangs and they have the evenflo exersaucer. But that was even bigger than the jumperoo, coz he has so much space around him when I put him in!

Bubblebath: maybe u can bring your baby to one of the shops to try out the size of the exersaucer/jumperoo before renting, plus see if he likes it?

Bubblebath: btw, my boy can't still that well yet. I think as long as the seat fits your baby well (doesnt have lots of room around) and his neck is firm, should be ok to play in exersaucer or jumperoo. What do other mommies think?

hi cheerieheart, may i know which mothercare did you bring Kenan to try out the jumperoo? also i remember u mention renting toys before, any good rental place to recommend? thinking of renting the jumperoo or exersaucer for LO to try out, nowadays he gets bored easily, can't stay long in his walker or bumbo.. headache..

cheerieheart - Yah, that's the case for my gal. She seems tiny in the exersaucer. Maybe that's why she feels insecure in it? The one that I have is the evenflo one. I think evenflo makes good exersaucers. *sigh* I hope she'll get used to it eventually. Otherwise I won't know where to place her next time as she outgrows her rocker.

Cheerieheart, thanks! Guess I'll bring him go try. Hopefully wun end up like our baby carrier buying episode where he cried n cried when put into 1. But at least I knw whether he likes it or nt. If nt will b nagged to death by my DH for buying white elephant!

Mummies who wants to try jumperoo can try d toy'r'us at vivo city. I saw they haf display units there when I was there few wks back. But no chance to let Lucas try cos got a kid jumping inside it n having so much fun!

mstan : Your items all arrived liao. I weight the whole thing, the poastage just nice siah! I think I am getting better and better and estimation. The corners are pretty heavy, I was right, it was about SGD 9 for the shipping. The fishes thingy are quite big also. So just need to pay me the balance and give me your address, can liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: My DH just came home from Tibet, enough time for to take a snapshot and yell "Happy Father's Day!" . He is tired but looking pretty fit and lost some weight from all the trekking ! Poor thing..

I am not sure about your LOs, but I think Arwen 's other emotional is surfacing, she is showing fear. Today I bring her out in my Ergo to go walk walk and buy bread. In the bakery, while waiting to pay, I noticed her eyes super big and keep looking around, then she suddenly show signs of want to burst into tears! I quickly cuddle her and sing to her and she calm down abit. I hurry home man, so scare she will be upset!

This is the 3rd time she show fear. I don't feel sad or what but more like amazed at how she slowly learn what is familiar and what is not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't know what's wrong with my boy. He'll cry very loudly when I let him sleep on the bed. I usually will latch him

and he'll fall asleep. Then I'll let him lie on the bed after carrying him for a while but he just refuse to lie on the bed today. He just cry very loudly. I've to carry him the whole nite. Sigh

Hi mummies,

been absent from the forum for so long! Been really busy with work. Only managed to catch up on few days of posting.

Emma (Em for short) is coming 5 months old, and grandma has been nagging to start her on cereal since she turned 4mths! Luckily we dont live together otherwise bound to have clashes.

Em is a terrible terrible napper, she naps 3 times a day, for 30mins each time. But the great news is she sleeps for 12hours at night since she was 3months old, no waking up at all. I believe it has to do with the fact that she sleeps alone (since 5 weeks old). She's a true testament that TBF babies can sleep thru the night.

Something to bitch about (where there's nowhere else to do so...): This relative of DH's, let's call it "Z", disliked me ever since DH and I got together, and more peeved when we got married. Then Em came along and made DH's grandma really thrilled. 3 weeks ago a gathering at my in-law's, grandma was carrying Em, but Em was feeling tired so started fussing. That stooopid "Z" made this remark loudly in front of everyone,"wah, Emma, you don't like ChorChor huh?" I could see that grandma was soooo paiseh...and no one knew what to say! Then DH quickly carried Em over and said she's tired. Then we brought her upstairs, fed her milk and she slept. I could just....arghhhhh...

AND this kuku DH left the windows wide open at night without realising it. There is now a freaking flying cockroach in the room, and being paranoid, I can't sleep. He was like,"don't worry, cockroaches are blind, they won't disturb you" and snoozed off to lala land.

I'll be heading to the living room soon if I want any shuteye...

Cindy: I brought Kenan to the Mothercare at Harbourfront :) No babies were trying it when we were there. I also let my boy tried some of the high chairs.

Any mommies bought any high chair? I wonder if I should get one since will need to start feeding semi solids soon. Can’t get bumbo since my boy doesn’t like it. But high chair probably can't use for long also. If I don't get one, how else can I feed my boy? Any suggestions?

As for toy rental, I got a bumbo and piano from Toy Rental Club but they are close for abt 2 months. However, the thing with this co is that their rental is on the high side and they don’t provide free delivery (at least that was the case a month ago). Other places will give free delivery as long as you spent the stipulated minimum amount. I used Toy Rental Club previously because I wanted to rent bumbo seat very much and it was one out of 2 toy rental co has it. The other one I waited for 2 weeks and it still wasn’t available!

Fyi, here are the toy rental companies I found online:

1. My Growing Toys (http://mygrowingtoys.com)

2. Rent-A-Toy (http://rent-a-toy.com)

3. Rent That Toy! (http://rent-that-toy.com)

4. The Toy Rental Club (http://toyrentalclub.com)

5. Toys 4 Rent (http://toys4rent.sg)

6. Toy Rental World (http://toyrentalworld.com

7. My Toy Rental (http://mytoyrental.com.sg)

Little_lamb: maybe try putting a small pillow behind her back to kind of fill the empty space? See if she feels more secure and will start playing in the exersaucer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bryest,

I latch my girl to sleep too, but for the past 1 week she will wake up the moment her head hits the pillow. What I do is kiss her once on the forehead and leave the room. First 5 nights, she will cry for a few minutes (not more than 5) then fall asleep on her own, as I observed from the video monitor. Then yesterday and today, I plonk her down while she was drowsy and saw that she fell asleep after a few minutes, didn't cry.

My grandma was saying sometimes babies have this "air" that they need to let out before they can sleep peacefully. My mom then mentioned that babies need to be given the opportunity to soothe themselves to sleep, just like providing tummy time so that they'll learn to roll over and subsequently to sit upright. They may not like it at first, but they'll master it soon enough.

Different schools of thought, and all babies are different, but I think it's good to explore and see what works best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I started out with attachment parenting and it nearly drove me nuts! This current way of parenting makes her a much happier baby for she gets uninterrupted sleep, and us, happier parents. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Okay, can't sleep...constantly thinking the cockroach will attack me from behind. Posting some photos to get my mind off it.

This was Em at 2 weeks:


And Em at 4 months:


She looks sooo different! Well, except for the hair, she has stunted hair growth. When I was looking through her birth photos the other day, DH was commenting,"who is this baby?" Hahaa.

And Em enjoying her favourite channel, babyTV:


Wooo.. Emma so cute and pretty! I love her eyes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Er.. I was told not to kill flying cockroaches cos the flying ones are the pregnant ones and very cruel to kill them but honestly, if I see one, I will totally freak out and hunt it down, no way I can sleep knowing "she" is with me!

Yah, Arwen's nanny always thinks I am very "heng", I really just ponk Arwen down and let her sleep on her own. I will watch from a distance. She will play, sing abit and then slowly sleep. The way I see it, how can she sleep well in my arms and all weird angles? Then when I have to put her down, it will wake her up. Might as well let her sleep on her own.

I feel also she need to release whatever tension she has, be alone for awhile and once she is comfortable physically and mentally, she really sleeps better.

I started at 3months and now she so used to the routine, she sleep once her head hits the pillow at 7pm.

bryest (bryest) : Maybe you need to tahan his crying for a few nights leh. What time you start putting him to bed? Did you dim the room, make it cooling, put on some soothing music, sing to him etc etc,need a few props one...

Hi everyone, been away for awhile. Just brought Z on a road trip to KL. The journey up was a torture! He didn't want to sit in his car seat for half the journey. He would straighten his body so that I can't buckle the safety belts. So small yet so full of tricks. Luckily he slept most of the way back.

Cheerieheart: Thanks for sharing the list. I think you shared it a month or so ago and I decided to rent from my growing toys. Excellent condition and service. I rented a jumperoo on Friday night and they delivered it the next morning! Free delivery somemore. Was so impressed that I decided to rent an exersaucer after returning the jumperoo. Thanks for your research! I bought a highchair for $80. Some warehouse sale at LOk Yang way abt 2 mths back.

Little_lamb: A small pillow in front of the tummy might help her to sit up straight and not knock her head on the table.

A pic of Z on the high chair:


jessie: yes yes I can't rest well knowing that "she" is around the house! DH is gonna get cockroach bait tmr and put it underneath the bed. Hopefully it'll work. As for tonight, I'm camping out in the living room.

Yah, my mom and friends say I'm very "heng" too!

The first few weeks when I looked at Em, I was like, huh...look like boy leh...and not the handsome type. Then as she grew, she started "morphing" and looks more like her daddy (DH has nice eyes, from my MIL). Phew!

bryest: I used a little trick - white noise. It was from the time jessie mentioned about Arwen sleeping through the flight from SH to SG due to the plane's engine.

I tried several, from vacuum cleaner, hairdryer, to static from the TV, and finally ended with rainstorm. So now if it rains in the morning, Emma can even clock up to 13 hours of sleep.


Em's pretty! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The 5-day sleep training that you have implemented... does it apply to daytime naps too? I read that consistency is the key to independent sleep training. Hub can help me with the evenings if she cries for a few nights. But daytime, i'm afraid i can't handle the crying myself.


Superboy Z looks like the friendly superhero. Yeah, Renee keeps trying to get up from all her seats too.

all the bb are so cute....ya i love emma's eyes...

notice that HW is more responsive nowadays...even by just calling their name they will just laugh n laugh...am glad tat HW loves sitting in the stroller, brot her out for shopping together wt maid n my boy, thru out the whole shopping trip she just sit in the stroller, tiam tiam sit there while we shop...on sun, when we bring her to church, she just sit in the stroller most of the time...mummy bo chap her, she just sit there then slowly fall asleep on her own...wake up then play on her own...thank God she is quite easy if not mummy will be vy tired

Sueann: Your Z is soooo cute! He's such a happy baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for sharing abt My Growing Toys. Will see if they have the jumperoo available.

The high chair you got is the fisher price rainforest one ya? Do you feel that the material is hot? Btw, I'm looking for it but can't find it at the major stores like robinsons, mothercare and kiddy palace. Do you have the name & address of the shop you went to? I think $80 is cheap! I was looking at one chicco high chair yesterday at mothercare and it was about $350! Just can't bear to part with so much $ for somethg which I think can only be used for a few months.

Mommies: What other brands of high chairs are you using for your LOs? Can share what's good or not so good with it?

andie: your girl has sparkling eyes, esp the 2nd picture. So sweet! Yday I was at mothercare and saw so many pretty clothes for baby girls... droolllllll... maybe i'll just go adopt a girl lah!!


yeh, I went mothercare and they have so many pretty clothes for girls. I was so tempted to buy and keep. Haha

I spent a lot on clothes and toys in the mothercare at west coast yesterday. Wanna go to the outlet at harbourfront today. Can't resist the sale. The discount very good.


Emma is a pretty girl.

and you know what, i also scared to death of cockroach esp the flying ones. They are the most detestable creature in the whole wide world. I can even smell their presence and DH thinks I am crazy but everytime I am right.


Saw the seminar... looks interesting and I'm keen too but dunno if should bring T along or leave her at home with MIL?

Furby wad a special skill u hv !! Lolz

my hm alot lizard .. I can freak out when I saw the lizard crawl over Ashton milk bottle ! I scream n determine to kill it ! No choice bought a box to keep the botles n close it air tight !

Terrible !! Buy lizard trap no one gets trap ! Lolz smart lizard crawl pass the trap n poop! >.<

c.yang: well, Em is a lousy napper (though she can nap on her own), so I cant say that from experience. But I believe this - you need to set the routine, mood and tone so that they will recognise it's nap or bedtime.

I've been doing these since she was 5 weeks old:

1)consistent place to nap/sleep - whether it's on the bed, cot, in her own room

2)the same music/white noise played on loop - it either lulls them or bores them to sleep. You get the same result either way. But I use different music for nap and bedtime.

3)fan for nap, aircon at 25degC for bedtime - we tried the aircon-then-fan method for 2 nights before, and she woke up screaming at 4am. Deciding sleep was of priority for us, the airconditioning in her room is on for as long as she sleeps at night.

4)have a routine so that she can expect when her nap/bedtime is coming. Then 15 minutes before, turn off the TV, cease all playtime, read a book, and sing to her.

Babies can associate things faster than we can imagine. That's why Em sleeps for really long hours at night but only for 30mins during each nap.

Aiyoh but girls will make you spend a lot. One daddy once told me (he has 3 girls) - girls are very expensive to maintain, cuz when they go "daddy, pleeeeease", all the NOs become YES. Regardless of their age. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Megan: Em used to sleep through church, but as she grows older she refused to sleep. Worse still when she decides to babble loudly during the homily/sermon and you see heads turning around to look at her.

furby: Yah! And when you google cockroaches, you see things like "you'll never get rid of them for good", "if you see one, chances are there are more hidden", and "their lifespan is 1 freaking year!" Irritating...

got diarrhea today... but rem better pm jessie my add... so i came online...

jessie> pm u liaoz...

cant resist temptation to skim through...

michelle> i saw a happy bellies promo yest...


this one also says happy baby but like got no cereals


think i gg to try happy bellies too... coz relaise tt nestle and frisocream got milk inside... :p...

healthy times is e one with worms found hor...

yesterday went ntuc and saw fm without milk and lactose... so ex... think i better continue BF as long as possible...

yepcouple> saw e event too.. think it's like an exhibition can just go right?

tried to sign up with nestle baby online... but e system like weird weird one...

cockroach> my hb also googled and read that they can survive on just water for a mth... and just minute traces of food tt our human eyes cant see... so gross hor... saw a few when we first came in... sob sob...

somethg happy happened this morn... made my diarrhea pain vanish for 10secs...

Mattias sat without support!!! hahaha... only once though... aft tt cant really do it liaoz... so fluke...


has anyone of your babies refuse to latch or drink from bottles and keeps fussing? My boy wanna sleep and latch but when I let him latch, he refuse and keeps crying very loudly. I really don't know what he wants. Sigh

cheerieheart> i thinking of buying e stokke high chair... can use til adult... are all items on sale? i thinking of gg down but got no time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i gg bk to rest... enjoy ur monday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin: i saw the stokke high chair last Sat at MotherCare at Great World City, and DH was contemplating but it's soooo ex! I was thinking, would the child want to use it for so long. Remember how we always want to grow up and use "adult" stuff, like using a pen, sitting on a dinning chair, etc? I think by the time they reach the tween age, they might refuse the chair. And the saleslady didn't mention any sale for it.

bryest: he might be teething, if so, it will be painful for him to nurse. I read that in addition to a teether, we can give them a cold washcloth to gnaw at to relive the pain. Apparently babies like the rough texture and it can help to absorb some of the drool.


your girl is so pretty. I also want a girl for next one but think I'll most probably have another boy.

He wanna drink but when I offer him, he'll pull off and cry very loudly. But when he's sleeping, he will latch. Doesn't he feel the pain when he's sleeping and latch. I gave him the teether but he just shove into his mouth, he doesn't know how to bite the teether. And I don't see any white thingy on his gum. How do I help him to feel better? I see him cry, I so heartpain. How long will this last?

jessietan - I realized DH didn't take photos with my gal this Father's Day! Oooops. Probably I was too overwhelmed by her crying in the exersaucer. You know this morning, as I placed her on the IKEA high chair, she cried too!!! Oh no, I really dunno what to do. Maybe I should buy a high chair that feels more secure? I really am at a loss. I mean, if she's not comfy with her high chair, it'll be hard for me to feed her solids. And she doesn't quite like the bumbo too. Oh no ..... I really feel like crying myself lor. I think my gal is like Arwen now, starting to get more aware of her surroundings and starting to show fear. I get very affected by her when she cries outta fear. I feel like I've done something wrong and never made her feel secure enough.

bryest - This morning, my gal just refused to sleep on her own in her bed. I also dunno what happened. She just kept crying and crying and I had to cradle her. I dunno issit because earlier I put her in her high chair and she got very scared and cried, plus it was near her nap time. And her morrow reflex thing sorta came back again. It took me a long time to calm her down and to get her to sleep in her cot. I wonder if it's some phase they're going through.

sueann79 - I am so envious as I watched Z smiling so happily on the high chair. I half wished my gal would feel the same way. For some reason, she really gets very scared sitting on the high chair. Maybe there's no sense of security for her and she's being put so high up with her legs dangling down. I suppose she's not ready for it. I am now having a headache as to where to place her when she starts her solids. :S

andie - My gal, for some reason, doesn't enjoy baby tv programs at all! She LOVES watching the news. Coz' she thinks the newscaster is talking to her and she'll respond back. And then I started reflecting, could it be because I'm not talking enough to her at home?

cheerieheart & sueann79 - i haven't tried the pillow method but I think I will let her try the exersaucer after she's 'conquered' her fear of the high chair. Maybe she has height phobia like her daddy. :p

Sueann, ur Z is soooooooo cute! sitting upright already? wow! can ask how much to rent a jumperoo? req any deposit?

Yeocouple, impressed with your resourcefulness. I read the paper over the weekends and there was one seminar by avent abt weaning which i think you have post b4 too.

Cheerieheart, I got ikea high chair during Charlotte's time, hardy and easy to clean. but have to invest in a girdle cushion to prop bb up.


Em and Zach look so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

high-chair>I saw this high chair from ikea in a mag recently. looks nice so thinking of getting it.


lamb>If I don't get a high-chair, will probably feed ayden in his bouncer.

