(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

hello (monchichi) : Welcome, tell us more about yourself and your little one , prince or princess eh ?

As an expat girlfriend-wife-mother , for every dollar I think my DH has an affair, I would be super rich now! I was like this before , when I was a girlfriend, I fight with him almost everyday over stupid things like if he is having an affair with his 40 year old secretary .But I realise is it because I was bored and got too much time to think and that is why I started a home business to keep my mind active and do something that is mine and mine alot. My husband don't even know my business bank account cos I prefer not to share everything with him. Keke

I am very practical, I know no matter what , there will always be a chance my DH might stray but I cannot afford to go mad being suspicious all the time so I told him, if he does, he better don't let me every find out cos if so I will destroy him ( I use very big words to scare him).

If he does, he will be so cursed until he will cry and beg me for mercy , I told him, I will go to the most powerful Chinese medium and voodoo him, that everytime he goes to the toilet , there will never be toilet paper. Everytime he want to catch a plane/ cab/ bus , they will always be delays, minimum 30 mins. Everytime he wants to withdraw cash from an ATM, by the time it is his turn, always out of service one. Everytime he talks to his clients, colleague, boss, potential girlfriends , he will suddenly feel like a diarrhoea is coming and rush to the toilet but back to point one, there will be no toilet paper.

Needless to say, my DH went abit pale. I told him I have alot of time to think about how to get back to him and he knows I am capable of that if I want. Keke.

I mean, come on, if he stray, what can I do? Divorce and move on. I think every woman must have a back up plan , a back door, not just if partner strays, but how about major illness etc etc. That is why I work at home and try to save as much as I can cos in event something happened, I can protect me and my children.

So reassess your thoughts, maybe you need to do something else other than staying at home. Dress up, put on nail polish, lipstick, go for a nice hair cut, go out and meet other mums, join some club or meet old friends. Whatever it is , don't coop up at home.

On the other end, if your gut instinct is so strong and you think it might be true, do follow it and observe further . I really hope not though .



Gosh, you are so right about the bit where you said how we realized it takes so little to make us happy. My DH always thinks I'm a very difficult person to please. I frown more than I smile. But with my gal, everything just changes. Yes, while I may still be a worry wart, but I get so thrilled when I watch the littlest things she does. Like if she takes a 1.5 hour nap today instead of 1, I feel happy.

Or when I leave her in the cot while she's awake and I do my stuff and then I come in and see her flipped over and happily looking around, the immediately plasters a big smile on my face and I go all warm and fuzzy. So much so that DH is wondering why he had to try so hard to make me happy sometimes. I wish this kinda feeling will just go on and on even when she's a teenager and comes back to retort but I'll still wanna smile at her because she's my daughter.

welcome monchichi!

i'm in Dubai. SAHM. Reality is just sinking in cos my mummy has been helping but she just went back to Singapore last weekend. Chat here, keep sane! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe your DH is have 'daddy anxiety'? Is it that he doesn't know how to handle a baby? Some guys are just better at playing with toddlers but lost when it comes to babies.

You need some babysebamed stuff? I confirm going back to SG , around 18 july. Can tabao for you. Weather is hottttt and rising uh... maybe this weekend i go out and check the prices. i guess guaranteed much cheaper than in SG lah. Anyone else needs sebamed stuff can PM me and let me know the product name. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not many things are cheaper than in SG... wish I could tabao some petrol lah. Petrol is like SGD 0.40 per litre and it is after the recent hike. hee.

tyl> e collection for bedok is on 26th... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wkday may also have for next wk...


Happy Bellies Multigrain cereal - 16 Jan 2011

Happy Bellies Oatmeal cereal - Feb 09 2011

Happy Bellies Brown Rice Cereal - Dec 22 2010

these are the expiry dates in case u want to know...



Actually, I have the same thinking as u leh. It's like I am more inclined to prepare solids in future that are close to what DH and I would eat. Like fish, chicken etc. But a friend reminded me once, that things we find tasty, they may not and vice versa. So for that, I will let her explore new stuff and who knows? She might influence us to love it too.

So I gotta keep an open mind. Actually, another concern of mine is whether my gal will eventually love my cooking or not. I mean, if back in SG, I can always depend on my mom to whip up stuff for her. But over here, she has only me to prepare her food! So she'd better like it lor! LOL.

I mean, I 'got by' for the past few years because DH ain't fussy about food. So much so that I've taken it for granted lor.

hi mummies,

guess we all going through emo times this round. i had an outburst too last week. as i'm on no pay leave currently, my husband is the one bringing home the money now plus he's in the trading sector, so the risks is very big sometimes. and cos so happened 1 of his clients lost a big sum of money then don't want to pay, my hubby have to pay lor. but have to borrow from his cousin to pay first. then now every month have to return a big sum to them. its very staggering to my mind the amount of money that stupid client of his lost.

anyway, i'm always very scared that we really have no money to buy milk powder for my son, till now he actually haven went for his 4th month vaccince cos no money to pay, aiyah actually now as i'm typing i'm getting depressed le, so i better stop right now.

on another note, its really nice to meet up with friends once in a while to brighten up our mood. yesrterday i met up with 2 of my gf and we had alot of fun! just chatting and laughing can do alot of wonders to my mind haha... actually alot of gossiping lar but heck! hahahaha and sometimes i will just dress up abit nicer even though i stay at home, just for kicks! and practice my fashion sense too lol

Mrs EC,

Think your gal may be going through stranger anxiety. As for why she displays such habits towards your DH could be she got confused. I mean, that's just my personal thoughts lah. I think a mommy here also had the same experience. I've read that what you can do to help her is that when strangers are around, what you do is your carry her, introduce her to the strangers with your voice. And then after she warms up a bit, you let the stranger carry her and then let her face you (it's a MUST!) and then assure her you're around.

My gal has a once in a while outburst when other people try to carry her too. Like yesterday, my gf wanted to carry her and initially she was ok, and then she suddenly burst out into tears and I think it was because I wasn't looking at her and started getting engrossed in my conversation with my friend. They can be quite sensitive. Do try this method out and see if it works.

lamb>SG also have boliao news. my hubby told me the day. Seems a 13 year old gal eloped with her 18 year old bf. The guy AWOL from army and the gal stole $2K from her mom. Think they haven't been found yet and there is worry that they might kill themselves due to past history. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

then recently papers all about how much Sun Ho spending in USA. Also heard from my hubby. :p

firipy>ya, sometimes I will get emo for nothing de. After hubby explained to me consequences of going AWOL, my crazy mind started thinking what will happen if one day Ayden crazy enough to do that. Then I was emo and poor hubby had to comfort me. :p

ET>wah, how you bring your boy to facial? Mine will keep struggling wor

jessie>hee,you are so funny. I just told my hubby if he ever stray, I will cut off his balls then leave him. no second chances. But I trust he won't lah. He even showed me the crazy smses from an auditor in his office who kept coming onto him.

xin>26 don't think I can collect cos prob need to run around to get fittings and stuff for my place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if you collecting that day, can I tumpang you for collection? paiseh wor.

Lil lamb, how I wished my hubby got this anxiety but nope he doesnt...

Think Shayne is still not on his priority list yet... Now work always come first for him.

Think if he has 5 piorities in life, the last position will be shayne and me....

CY, yes yes... tmr I scan and email you those selling at Ocean... if cheaper or differences not much, then heavy one I buy in Sg, light ones you help me get in dubai lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if can trade petrol, u can start BP on that...

"Tua tua Tan Tan" => Hokkien... hahahaha

febie>maybe he is putting work on top of priority list cos he trying hard to provide for Shayne and you? So since he working so hard for both of you, both of you are actually at the top of the list. Just that he blur, don't realise you 2 might want time with him rather than $.

YL, hard lah...

Think I understand him too well...

Anyhow, I adjust my mindset liao.

Until he's ready, otherwise, wont waste my breathe... Like what Angela told me before...

Her hb din not help wtih Luis but with Lucas, is totally a different story...

Hope my hb belongs to this category lah...

keeping my fingers crossed. :p


Wah, petrol is cheap there uh! Oil producing country. You must be looking forward to go back home! If only I could ask for yr help to get those cute little jubahs for my #1 & #2, haha, but no lah, I won't trouble you.


You're so hilarious lah. I cant imagine how bizarre your french hubby must've thought about what you said. haha!

I think if my hubby strays, I will kick him out.

I have the kids anyway. He can go and find another person. I can bet, no one can treat him as well as his first wife. But then again, this is his choice. I pray my marriage will last lah, but I'm always very alarmed at the high no of divorce rates among malays.


Welcome! hey it must be difficult having those thoughts. I agree with TYL. perhaps can let him know your thoughts? At the end of the day, it's your child that matters and I'm sure he won't do anything to hurt the innocent baby.


Yeah, while there are depressing news, there are ridiculous ones too. Talk abt wastage - how can anyone allow themselves to spend so much money like that sunho?! Wah seh. And here we are thinking 10 times abt spending $40 on an exersaucer, lol.


Cheer up *hugs* Wah, not easy huh if yr hubby has to keep paying up for others' losses. How come uh? I actually planned to go on NPL but I know I won't be able to afford it coz my hubby won't be employed full time until next month. still gotta give $ to my own parents. But I think no matter what, our kids' health is the most important. No toys, nehmind, but vaccines must try to go. Hope you can bring him down soon.

Little lamb

you have aircon in living room? wow. Actually where I'm staying now, there is too, but we'd only on if weather's unbelievably hot or if we have guests. I'm seriously dying from paying for utilities. Hitting $250 a month already. Imagine, if 2 mths, already $500 - I can buy a KS bag (more wastage, lol). That's why I'm so looking forward to move to a hdb flat; hoping the utilities won't be so high.

Can, cos i am my beautician's long time customer liao ma, went to her like 8 years liao.. Basically, i brought him up, then hubby came up, then he help to coax him to sleep then he went off, then i did my facial, he woke up just before i put my mask, so i carried him to sleep on my chest while i put my mask.. hehe.. Then when my beautician is done, she help me entertain him, then my hubby came back and took over..

Wah tyl, u fierce.. hehehe..

Here's a pic of my lil A taken when we were on a

river cruise in malacca. MIL was carrying her then.


Wow... didn't check this thread for like a day or 2 and it is moving FAST!!

Ikea high chair -- For those interested in the cheap $20+ one it is out of stock in Tampines. Must go to Alexandra outlet. Thats what they told me when I called yesterday so am probably making a trip down to Alexandra this evening.

I started the twins on the Happy Bellies cereal last weekend and they love it! Will prob start on purees soon.

Pauline -- How to you thaw/heat the puree in the baby cubes? I bought them too but not sure whats the best way to thaw/heat .... thinking of using my Pigeon bottle warmer.

febie>I cross my fingers for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams>I totally agree. Hubby said the newspapers found out that her shops are not doing well and the report implied that she only got her songs into billboard because she spent a lot of $ there. really wonder how she can afford to live like that. As long as its not the church funding her though, I guess its her choice. Although I can think of much better use for the $. :p

ET>not fierce lah. must set expectations. :p

But I feel that we must also put in some effort to dress nicely and go out paktor. Give them less excuse to stray, if they are so inclined. Hubby will, hopefully, stay with us till the end of our life. Bb will grow up and leave the nest. Esp boys. Once marry, might listen more to wife than parents. So cannot neglect hubby too much. :p

smalldreams>so cute! is that the nissen motivational T she's in? You should put up the photo of her in the malay headdress you have in your fb. She is so precious in it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chameleon>not Pauline but I read in a thread that a mom just plonked the puree in the baby cube into a cup of warm water. That's why I thought of getting the cube as it makes it easier to heat up the purees.


I think you power lah... can talk to your DH like that... If I were to talk like that to my hubby, I dun think we can even talk today... hahaha I like I like... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldream, aiyo, your aifah so cute lor...

qx13, like wat smalldream said, toys can do without but vaccines must go... when we have playdates, you come along lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wont feel stress too... It's hard on our hubby too... hope that client still got his conscience and pay back to your hubby soon...

ET, doubt I'm able to bring my Shayne along lor... I'm with the beauty salon long time liao but my hubby not supportive like yours lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies using Medela Freestyle pump and having problems with the suction power? Recently my pump has been wonky and only able to pump effectively on one side. The suction power for the other funnel will not be as strong no matter what I try to do (re-adjust funnel/nipple etc etc). So I will end up with very little expressed milk from 1 breast and I will have to hand express. It is very time consuming and frustrating that I'm so tempted to just stop expressing and going on full formula milk if I cant solve this problem. Arrggghhhh.

Okay ... this is something so random ... I felt so emo after reading posts today and looking out the gloomy weather outside and guess what? My gal is starting to get used to the exersaucer. Heheheh. She is even exploring the toys and watching TV at the same time! And I am just so happy. Yeah ... little things like that makes me happy. :D

YL, agreed with what you said...

Was just telling my colleagues during lunch that with son, by the age 13, they will ditch us, only joining us for dinner that's all...

Who dun want a happy marriage right?

So we must really spent sometimes to doll up...

Btw, who is dropping hair excessively?

I dropped too much till I can see my scalp and feel very thin...

monchichi, mrs EC

welcome to this friendly forum.

lynstl, chameleon

i guess warming puree is like warming FBM, same concept lah, nothing complicated. Although I have never in my life made any puree before. Mine is always freshly cooked or if outing, use instant cereal or heinz food jar.

hubby helping out

my hubby also never help out, and that's why he insists that we need a maid. We are happy with this arrangement, as we got more energy to enjoy life at the end of the day.


I think you did not cap the membranes properly.

I experience this and I trial and error to locate the problem...


i think i drop half of my original head of hair liao...I am not worried abt botak, but quite irritating to see hair all over the place, on bb's face, neck, diaper, hand, and toilet, dressing table, pillow, see huge chunks of hair...

Ok, just shipped all the items! If never received maximum 2 weeks time, let me know hor. They will only attempt delivery once nia so if they missed, they will put a notification slip for you to collect at post office.

Lamb: Don't think so much negative thoughts eh, weather's the pits today ah! Sian, poor Arwen and nanny so bored at home. I am glad Nat slowly enjoying her new toys! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah, I also feel Arwen is really developing her likes and dislikes but most of the time she is still her obliging self, sometimes I really feel she is like thinking "whatever lah, I really don't care if you carry me or not, or feed me or not, I am qing cai one lah". Keke

qx : So sorry to hear your DH kana this type of client.. I really hope things will turn around soon..

smalldreams: Aifah so adorable! I always love her cheeky smile and sparkling eyes!

As for my DH, he is an angmo and has no idea about Chinese voodoo but he knows he better believe. Keke

About Sun Ho, I really dislike her! I know her 17 years ago when her husband church is just starting, she is one of the leaders and very promising. She is the one who will sing gospels and all. She was soo strict with us you know, only can listen/ sing Gospel songs and said God will not allow us to hear or sing other songs, it is disobedience and basically we will go to hell for it, she ban us from playing any computer games and she is always so vain. I dislike her then but now, I super dislike her cos she is such a hypocrite, her two head snake actions had caused a lot of believers to be so disappointed with her. Her case quite famous , I was in Nepal and had met other missionaries who heard of her and said it is weird how she can afford so many branded bags.

I am glad the authorities are investing the church, that church is always asking for money one. Sickening.

Dropping hairs !! >> Mine too furby !! All over e place ! !

Avent weaning talk> I have recieved email on my confirmation for e talk alr .. Hubby & lucas also goin ..

DH did this to Lucas so he cant flip.. trapping my 'xiao bao bei'


jessie>huh? what happened to her? last time only allow gospel but now shoot revealing videos?

furby>FBM put in bottles so easy to warm up. Was puzzled where I can put my purees mah. Cos put in bowl, cannot warm up in warm water. :p

wendy>hee, I did something similar to ayden too. bad mummy. :p

btw, any moms know of bps/online shows selling those rompers that look like tuxs? or at least more formal wear. Got 2 weddings coming up so thinking of getting for ayden. I looked through the bps but can't seem to find. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xin - Awwwwwwwww, your LO is really sweet ... it's like as if they know our worries and it just takes so little from them to cheer us up right? You know ah, my gal is so cheeky. I've been propping her up with a cushion behind her to sit recently. And she'll just purposely arch her butt to slide off the cushion. I think she thinks it's a game leh coz' I'd get irritated with her and she'd laugh and laugh lor. Very cheeky!

firipy - Yeap, that's what I meant by lifestyle changes. If you were to be a SAHM, you'd have to be prepared to sacrifice your buying power. And I guess more imptly, your DH has to be understanding enough to let you stay at home for Ayden.

Mrs EC - Your theory about worrying your LO not liking the IKEA high chairs outside is very true. Some kids are so used to their high chairs at home that they simply won't like the chairs outside.


Reading your post reminded me of what I've been thinking of late of which I'm really guilty of. You know, since my gal was born, I've been focusing all my time on her and inadvertently, I have neglected my DH's feelings. Although yes ... he loves my gal too and he understands why I need to give her attention but I know that he also wants my attention too. The other day, it was a very small remark he made but it kinda got into me. I think he was sharing something with me and i said, "Oh you told me about this before?" And then he went, "These days, you don't really remember the things I tell you or put it in your heart."

Although he had put it in a very casual manner, but the words kinda stung me hard. It's like I've been so focused on my gal. I felt kinda bad about it but I just can't help it sometimes. And this morning, I told DH about how sorry I felt for not really being a good wife to him and he said, "It's alright. I married you because I knew you'd be a great mother to my kids. So technically, I can't fault you for not giving me attention." I dunno whether to laugh or cry when I heard it lor. But I really ought to reflect upon myself and learn to give him his attention too.

As for the traveling bit ... to be really honest with you, I do get upset. Yes I do! Coz' sometimes his trips can be damn last minute. Like today come tell me tomorrow must fly. And so far, my longest record held is a week lah. I am not afraid to admit that it gets daunting when I dun have family here but the great thing is, I have good friends here whom I can rely on for support.

That being said, I also understand that my DH really hates all this traveling and even when he's outstationed, he'll call home, put himself on speaker to wanna talk to our gal. And this is part of his job, he has to keep it so that I can afford to be a SAHM. So when you think about it this way, maybe things won't be so bad.

lsntyl - I tell you ah, if not for CNA I have over here, I would've lost touch with SIngapore news. Although my bestie sometimes would also update me and I would read from asiaone lah.

lamb>I understand. when i was studying abroad, will also occasionally read sg papers to keep in touch. even bagua entertainment news also good lor.

BTW, update on boliao news. They caught the runaway kids le. N Zoe Tay is pregnant again.


You know, before my gal came along, for as long as I pat tor with my DH (10 years), he has never placed me on priority and he dare admit it. It's always work, his gaming etc. But I also dunno why I so gong gong, stayed on in the r/s (wished I had guts like jessietan!) Even now, yes, our gal is important to him, but he'll always remind himself that his work still has to take priority. Simply because only if there's work, then he can provide for us. Initially, I found it hard to accept because I told him, in the event should anything happen to me, our gal should be his priority that even if it means he has to settle for a lousier job.

I hate to admit this but he does make sense. And that is why no matter what ... I have to keep reminding myself that his work still has to take priority so that he can provide for us. Coz' I've been outta the workforce for a while and I really dunno what are my chances in looking for a good job when I get back. I find Singaporean employers very realistic when it comes to working experience and interviews. It's like no matter how relevant experience you had or if your attitude is good, if you have been unemployed for a while, they will not deem u as a good candidate and yes, that's a constant reminder to me. I seriously am not setting my expectations high in looking for a good job should I decide to work.

So for your DH ... maybe he thinks this way too. That his work has to take priority so that he can provide for Shayne and you. I hate to say this but you married this man and chose to have a child with him, you'd have to accept him for who he is by now. Sounds a little harsh I know but I also think that that is the best way to make the marriage and family work. Like what one of the mommies here mentioned, some men are just not good with babies but better with toddlers. Don't ever doubt that he doesn't love Shayne because no matter what, Shayne has his blood running in him.

Maybe your DH is the sort that doesn't show his emotions that openly.

LSnTYL (lsntyl) : In the first place, she is very vain one. She was very pretty when she was 20 years old so many girls want to be like her. Then no surprise the pastor marry the Princess lah. That time, she was promoted to Pastor somemore .Nevermind, the Church is so strict, I buay tahan and left. Anyway I was so pissed when I saw her first starts her so call singing career. Really, back then she really was so harsh on anyone who listen to like pop or rock music ok! Made us all feel like major league sinners. Her voice only so so lah. Majority of her fans are from church lor.

Once she went to see doc at Raffles, she got her own entourage and all are church people, I recognise a lot of them. She is so YUKS. She just stand there with her brand clothes and bag and let her "fans" do her registration etc.

Why I was pissed also was back then, they keep asking us for money to build churches in the Philippines for the poor. Yes ,they did that but why the pastor got money to build such a nice building? Why the cars, the branded stuff and now Hollywood! Whatever it is, this church not using the money in the right way.

Lamb: I think your DH is so loving lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I also told DH before A is born that I need to put her first for awhile and so must he. I mentally prepared him liao to be second place. But I still find time to cuddle and watch DVD with him most of the nights.

Er, tell your DH it is not just you. I also always forgot what he or anyone says these days! I simply ask him to repeat and told him really, my mind is very scattered, nothing personal. Keke

Wendy: WAH! So funny lor!!1 MUAHAHAHA, really trap him in there siah.

I (luvbabe11) : Thanks for your nice words ;). Ok, next spree should be 1st week of July. I will post all the links and also see got new stores or not.

c yang,

You're heading back this summer? You know, I've been thinking about it. I just had one of the best webcam sessions yet also heartwrenching at the same time with my mom. Lately, we've been web-caming pretty often coz' my mom misses her little granddaughter. And earlier, I watched how my gal was smiling as grandmama sang twinkle twinkle little star to her. Today, my gal responded very well towards webcam, smiling and even 'talking'.

She sure made my mom super happy lor. Yet at the same time, I was thinking to myself, could she be taking my mom to be just one of the newscasters she sees on TV? And what if she grows up thinking that grandmama can only be on computer and cannot accept it when she sees her in reality! It just made me so sad thinking about it. And I'm sure my mom missed her even more after that session. And then being the worrywart me, I keep thinking if I were to head home, and then there's no playmat for her, no rocker etc.

And would I have time to go rent those stuff for her? So I really dunno if I wanna head back or not.

smalldreams - Errrr ... that's because I told DH, air-con in the living room has to be a requirement before we decided on that unit. Otherwise, NO GO! I was quite apprehensive coz' it was low level and I am that sort who hates being hot, rather be in cold than hot. So he agreed to that. Hhahaa.

Hi mummies, hv been very busy & got some new jobs so will be busier....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jessie : heee....I loved shopping esp for gd/cheap buys....;p...so keep me posted if u organising spree again ?

Thks for sending out our items !

Oh, look forward to get the items soon....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...if quality ok, maybe can order more in yr next spree ? I hoping to get some other stuffs for bb....;p....u know of any shops that sell cheap hats/caps/beannie ? Think wat to get more cheap socks too....;p

Re : hair dropping

Me hv been dropping so much hair until can see bare patches of scalp on my head....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....me so scared....better go for hair treatment liao...;p

Yes Lil Lamb...

Like what you said, my hubby is this kind...

He loves his work more... Not in a sense providing to us but he's really so much into work all the time...

I dun ask him for money and can never ask from him too...

I know he loves Shayne and also agree that maybe until Shayne is at least 1-2 years old, can call him papa and communicate, otherwise, he will nv contribute...

I also tell myself that guys dun really know that their children exist until they can call them...

What makes me angry is he doesnt even willing to sit beside Shayne for 5 min or less...

Everything I do at home with Shayne, I have to run here and there...

And you got it right...

he doesnt show his emotion at all....


Hhahaha, when you get a chance to meet my DH, must tell him that k? That i'm not the only momma who forgets the things he says. Hhahaa. He? Loving? Okay lah, I wun say he isn't but he's also the kind who's quite shy to show emotions lah.

But one thing's for sure lor, if I were to talk to him like you did to your DH ... sure end up quarreling. He's the sort who never likes to be threatened (quite mcp sometimes). But aiyah, who ask me to be the little lamb ... always gong gong. You know huh, speaking about our LOs growing up. I dunno why, I still can't seem to shake off Nat being the newborn in my mind. I still think she's still the small little being who doesn't know what is going on and just sleeps and eats.

So I can't really reconcile sometimes when she starts showing exasperation or when she laughs. I wonder if she's really aware. Okay, I know I'm quite siao lah for thinking this way. But I think I'm the one now who needs to adapt to the fact that my gal is growing fast!!!

febie - *hugs* Some men are just like that ... but it doesn't mean they aren't good fathers. Just different priorities. Take heart, k?

Hi all,

Wah! The posting really move very fast.

Little lamb,

I think you should hint and tell HD that he should put more effort & time for you and bb.

My HD ever complained to me that bb is not close to him. I told him off directly that he should put in more effort to spend time with bb rather than stay in his study room. He also will spend most of his time at work, computer game & wii game. I told him 'do you know that most of the time i sing, read and play with the bb but you play with the computer only.'

Now I'm back to work. The time spend with bb bcome lesser too. But night time I still spend atleast 1-2 hours with bb. The time spend with bb is not the QUANTITY counting but is QUALITY.

In coming July, I'm gg for my bakering course. I told my HD that he also need to spend time in taking care of bb. Mummy also need day off & to do my own thing.



Remember to PM me, CYang, not CY, ok? heee. You can check out Ocean but Ocean's range is so limited for Sebamed. You can check online for the full range and i'll go and find the prices at the supermarket for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry to hear that your family is facing a tough time. hope that you will tide through it and do continue to share your woes with us. We'll lend a listening ear.


for how long do you intend to be back? rent lor. book the necessary items early. Anyway, our babies will be fine without a rocker. playmat... crawl and roll on a mattress also can.


you mean you want a dishdasha for your boy and an abaya for your gal? I saw a pair of twins wearing them... they were the cutest! The little gal was also wearing the metal-piece-of-thing across half her face too. Sorry uh, i don't know what it's called. No idea where to buy it yet, but could ask my emirati friends. you want?


so the sishen instant powder needs to be cook over the stove too? not just mix water like the instructions suggested?

