(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

bryest: i read that babies are born with teeth, just that they are under the gums. It is usually the erupting of the tooth that is painful, once we can see the white thingy the pain usually subsided already.

I understand how you feel, Em is going through the same phase too. Her pattern: Suckle-Suckle-fuss-Suckle-fuss-fuss-Suckle&fuss-cry-look for nipple-suckle-fuss...and it goes on.

It feels really sucky when you see them "suffering" and you can't do anything about it. But it's part and parcel of growth development, and a healthy one at that. Our tots just have to "suck it up" (literally) on their teethers, washcloths and what-have-yous to move on to the next phase, eating solids.

Does your boy take well to pacis? If yes, there is a type of paci for teething babies, maybe you wanna give it a shot? Some babies have teething symptoms for a few weeks, some last for few months. But the important thing to remember is: it will GO AWAY. Hang in there okay? Will share if i find more teething tips.

little lamb: wow, i can envision her on the debate team [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe she's more of a grown-up baby, doesn't fancy high-pitched baby talk. She'll probably learn to speak faster too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lsntyl - Yah yah ... that's what DH told me this morning. If she truly hates the high chair and doesn't like bumbo, then just gotta put her in her rocker and feed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bryest: also check if he has a fever. Teething might, not always, bring about a mild fever. Sponge bath will do the trick of cooling him down. If it's much higher than normal than it might be something else that requires doctor's attention.

stranger anxiety

Brought my LO to the mall this weekend, and the salesman was talking to us. LO was watching, then suddenly her mouth like inverted U-shape want to burst out crying. Then I quickly moved away, and consoled her, managed to stop her from crying. LOL...


actually if LO does not take to something the first time, we can always try a few days later, they may take to it. Just like introducing solids, they may not like the first time they taste something, but may learn to like it later. So, relax ah, don't stress out.

lamb> Yongxian will turn 6 months tomo. That's why starting him on semi-solid. I tasted the carrot puree and it tasted fresh and sweet to me. Guess he will need some time to get used to it. I still haven't got a highchair for Yongxian so have been feeding him on his bouncer, which he is getting too big for. I can't buckle him anymore and the minute I turned away, he's down on the floor.

Maybe you can wait a few days and then slowly re-introduce the high chair to her. Let her sit a while with you close by and if she's ok, then slowly increase her time in it over a few days. Maybe she needs some time to get used to sitting in a chair on her own.

lsntyl> i was hunting for a high chair in IKEA yesterday and didn't see the one you are eyeing. The one I'm eyeing is out of stock. I'm eyeing this (http://www.ikea.com.sg/en/catalog/detail.asp?art=60165234&q=b9r37p123&cat=children%2Cbaby%2Ceat) cause got tray.

andie> are you back to work? you've got a really nice routine going for Emma (love the name). Yongxian has never fall asleep on his own during the day. Usually need to pat and if I give him the pacifier, he will doze off faster.

sueann> Z looks happy to finally have his own chair.

xin> the stokke high chair is damn expensive. just the chair alone cost $500+. you still need to get the add-ons and tray to make it safe for a baby. i loved the design but was totally put off with the price.

cocomama>hee, saw the one you liked in the catalogue but machiam a bit expensive when I compare it to the 20+ one. The one i like out of stock?

cocomama: yup, but i switched from ops to research in order to spend more time at home and be around Em physically. But it also translates to stagnant pay, excessive grunt work, definitely more reports to churn out and time passes so slowly...

I came up with the routine out of desperation when DH and I were getting really hot-tempered with each other due to the attachment parenting method, which requires the parents to attend to the crying child "as soon as possible". Each time we will chide at each other if either one of us don't attend to Em soon enough. This cannot go on, I thought, for the marriage shouldn't suffer at the hands of raising a child. Thus we compromised and tailored something up.

Exersaucer and jumperoo is essentially the same thing right? Or do they serve different purposes?

lsntyl> the 20+ one is plastic and w/o a tray. The one I was eyeing is made of wood, comes with a tray and is out of stock. The one you like, I didn't see it there. Now I regretted not buying when they had a lot more nicer choices of highchair at the end of last year.

andie> couldn't agree with you more. can't focus on parenting positively when we are so stressed out. i am so glad that things has improved tremendously since we got him on a regular bedtime.

Exersaucer is like a workstation when they can rotate. Jumperoo can't rotate but can jump. Try to google for an image and you will be able to see the difference.

re: toy rental

oh! can't remember who were dicussing about this. i rented a jumperoo at $40 from rent that toy. i placed my order on a sunday morning and they delivered it that evening. so far so good.

lamb: maybe place something on the tray for her to play with? Place things she is familiar with there? Yah, I don't mind if Arwen cry cos she is angry or frustrated but out of fear, that really breaks my heart. I don't take it personally, I mean how the hell I know what scares her and what not? It is also a trial and error thing keke.

So Arwen is afraid of

1) Being touch by pregnant women

2) Seeing me naked with dripping wet hair

3) Bakery.

I mean abit weird right..


I am suspecting if my bb is teething, cos he gotta fever out of the blue. But like Byrest, i dun see any white growing from his gum yet leh. The only thing is, he keeps biting his tongue, and he is biting his teethers too... Is this teething???

High Chair

Hmm... i guess i underestimate feeding solids. I thought bb will just guai guai sit there and be fed. Never think abt where he is gonna sit, and if he is going to be sitting still.. And i was planning on starting his 1st cereals this Fri! What a clueless mummy i am!!


>> Lin, i called TMC and asked if can bring bb, but they oso dunno. Ask me to call organiser! sigh... hey --- hope u feel betta soon. Take care!!

>> Xin, i think need to register for the event? Wah... your bb so fast can sit!! mine like wobbly head still...

>> Steph, I not resourceful at all.. It's cos i recieve all these emails from TMC, that's why i noe! wahahhaha.. U wanna go?

Stokke, I am crazy about their strollers but the price is so expensive! Basically I think the price they command it ridiculous most of the time.

Andie: We practice AP and I do like it but for some reasons, Arwen turn out to like routine and more of a GF baby!

Okie, still waiting for one box of shoes, then can ship liao~

Lamb: we feed A from the rocker since day 1 . Not a problem so far, we tried putting A in her highchair but like still too big for her and she likes to lick the tray.. so have to wait.

I think our babies really slowly developing personality eh.. they take time to absorb and accept new things.


I wanted to get a high chair for my boy from ikea but out of stock but I still gp ahead and start him on semi-solid. I just make a point to sit down on the floor and he sits on my lap to feed him. He's taking his cereals very well. Will always finish the 2 small spoonfuls of his pigeon weaning spoon.


he has fever on fri and sat cos he went for his vaccination on thurs. Yesterday got a bit and now went up to 36.9 degrees. Not sure whether his fever is due to the vaccination or teething. His stools are very watery and more greenish this morning. Heard teething will have diarrhoae. What other symptoms will there be for teething?


Z looks so happy waiting for his meal.


my boy can recognize people when he's 3mths old. However, if he's in a good mood. He'll be ok with strangers for a while. If he's sleeping soon, he'll cry very badly when stangers talk to him.

andie - Hhahaha, I dunno what she'll be when she grows up man but yeah, she prefers grown up tv programs and grown up music too!

Hey Andie,

Thanks for the tips. I'm just not sure if I should try anything on Renee. She's sleeping around 7pm to 7am. No dreamfeed but wakes up at 4am for about 30- 60mins. Sometimes she can self-entertain and then sleep. Most of the time i get up and give her some milk cos I thought she might be thirsty from the low humidity.

For naps, she does a one-hour at 9am and a 1.5-2 hours at 12noon. Usually i see that she's tired, i'll cuddle her and sing her lullaby, without much rocking and patting. She'll doze off in 2-5 mins. Then i'll put her down. When there's resistance, i'll just place my hands over her body and continue to sing till she sleeps. Only takes a few mins. Renee only sleeps in her cot too.

For bedtime she sleeps at the breast before i put her down. So, don't know if we should let her try to sleep on her own now.

BTW, with the sleep association for Emma, does it mean that she can't really sleep when outside, say, in stroller?


Renee's licking the tray too. Ha! Keep telling her to "Lean back, Renee. Do you want to eat food or eat the tray?" heee. I'm using a rocker high chair with paddings. Super ma fan to wash the padding almost everyday. It's a gift. Just use for the time being lor. She wriggles too much in the other rocker. Renee should be able to stay well and long in the sack'n seat soon. She likes being propped in an adult's chair.

yeo couple,

unlikely babies will be guai guai. Either fussing or too excited to see food. haha.

hi all, I am on mc again, 2 days mc this time. My hb got high fever 39 degress! MC till wed n till further notice. He is being suspected for having H1N1.

oh yah, congrats to several Jan mummies who won the sophie contest!

We can't see Ayden for few days again!


my LO still does not take to sophie, she machiam gags and not interested in it, how to enter contest?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

furby - Thanks. Yeah I sure am a stressed out and worrywart mom! Each time my gal displays signs of displeasure, I'll get so worried like if I did something wrong or is there something that's bothering her. And lagi worse when I share with my mom and she goes like, "Why you let her sit on the exersaucer, maybe she's scared blah blah blah." [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] It makes me feel guilty and awful and I ask myself if I'm doing the right thing lor.

furby & cocomama - Yeah, I will slowly re-introduce to her the high chair and exersaucer again. Perhaps it's because she felt funny on the high chair. I mean, we didn't do anything but just placed her there, we didn't fix the tray there also so probably she felt helpless. But you know, I have never seen my gal cry when we've introduced something new, so that's why I kinda got shocked when she had that outburst. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jessietan - I literally LOLed as I read you list the things that makes Arwen afraid lor. You are so funny. Can't wait to see you all for playgroup this week! I think my gal is bored of being at home liao. Must expose her to other babies at her age instead of facing adults all the time.

bryest - Which IKEA high chair no more stock?

lsntyl - The high chair you're eyeing on looks very good. I have that same series for diaper changing table. But unfortunately, their high chairs are not available in SH. I bought the S$20+ one which I think is good enough.

hello mummies, a picture of benjamin. he turn 5 months today so excited for him! haha.. he has 2 teeth coming out le, at the bottom can see it and feel it liao.

so far, i only give him his hankie or the nappy cloth for him to bite on. this way i can keep his hands free from his saliva and secondly it can soak up his drool too!

bryest: maybe you can try to give him pacifier. i was hesitant to give my son too but in the end i relented cos his comfort is more important than my pride. cos i heard so many theories and stories on giving pacifier and was insistent not giving at first. in the end why i decided to let him try was because it really helps him to sleep faster and i read somewhere before that baby needs to suck/suckled to release their energy. so after i gave it to him, he can settled down faster. but i only give it to him only when he's taking naps or bedtime. thats my only routine for him.

wanted to post a picture of him but file too big and computer very old so abit slow haha will go dig out one soon!

P:S: i read on another thread that a mother from dec09 is pregnant with second one liao!! she concieved when #1 only 4 months old!


want to buy a cheap handheld blender for bb food, will check out later

oh just want to share, daiso got ice cube tray with cover/lid, just in case anyone wants to get for freezing puree

bryest, yah the high chair out of stock when we went to tamp Ikea on Sat nite.......

lamb, its the cheap one $25 i tink, we usually see in restuarants.....

I m on house arrest for 2 days n while I m sick have to take care of a lagi sick hb....gosh!

Jessie, nt sure if Bryest mention, u can send the shoes to me to CY.

qx13, my mil oso hint hint when we wan #2 cos Ayden is chewing his legs! But its quite impossible for us to have #2 now cos I hardly see my hb n when I do see him.....Ayden/mum/mil is with us.... ahhaha! Tink the dec mummy very brave!

who won the sophie contest? congrats wor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

furby>hubby just got me a handheld blender from philips. Looks quite good. can also change it to whisk stuff. Cost was about $90 after discount.

firipy>my mil more hiong. she said ayden10 so guai, should have a dozen. lucky hubby told her don't be crazy. :p

my aunty also keep telling my son (indirectly telling me) when are you going to have another sibling? siao! hahahaha... i think the best contraceptive is to look at #1 for now when doing it hahahha, i dun mean to be crude ah

qx13> to me, abstinence is e best contraception... :p... v mean hor...

cocomama> ya, v ex... but i really dont like e bulky looking ones... marche using somethg similar in their shop... mayb i shd try to steal one hm... :p...

yeocouple> i alr gg for e acent talk leh... donno want to go for the nestle one anot... hmmm...

today my son v funny, he furthered surprised us by flipping frm tummy to front... mummy sick then he so 'active'...

i really need to start renting exersaucer of jumperoo liaoz... now he really cant std lying down...

when do the east mummies want to meet up? i'll rent ard tt time, then all can play... hee...

jessie> when will e shoes arrive?

tyl> ur mil really love ayden alot... haha...

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Firipy - PAID

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Wei - PAID

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Michelle Seow (mwws) -PAID

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SGD 8.25

mel -PAID

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big foot (elynntan) - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25

Febie - PAID

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5569202603 Size 18 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

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Sherry (sherry79) - PAID

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yuki - PAID

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bluey - PAID

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xin - PAID

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Shipping 2 = $3.20

sharon (sharonk) -PAID

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Shipping 12.50 = SGD 42.55

Megan -PAID

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4846933843 Size 15 Rmb 28 / SGD 5.75

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Bubble -PAID

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1479758968 size 13 RMB 18 / SGD 3.70

Shipping 10 = SGD 29.30

cocomama -Paid / Pending

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5614272239 size 13cm RMB 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5016972229 size 13cm RMB 28/ SGD 5.75

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5458228863 size 12cm RMB 32/ SGD 6.6

Shipping 17.50 = SGD 56.70

cheerieheart (cheerieheart) -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5618404393 Size 16 RMB 28/ SGD 5.75

Size 16 RMB 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 5 = SGD 16.50

mstan - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=2766454414 x 4 RMB 26/SGD 5.35

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4423916238 x 6 RMB 4.80 / SGD 1

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3190102020 x 1 Rmb 7 / SGD 1.45

Shipping 23 = SGD 36.20

All packed liao.

Cocomama -> So sorry , can PM me your address again, I don't know where it had gone!

Cy- > Address please

Febie -> Address please or whomever doing the CCK side, thanks!!


1) Sengkang/Serangoon North -> Cy + yuki + Firipy + bluey + Mel + Sherry + Bryest + -cheerieheart

2) East -> Xin + TYL + bigfoot + megan

3) CCK Side -> Febie + ET+ Sharon+ Wei + -Michelle Seow + Wendy + -Bubble

4) mstan -> On her own

5) cocomama-> On her own


Made some butternut squash puree for Raelynn today using my new baby cubes. Strangely, she likes it better than apple puree which is sweeter. maybe she doesn't like the grainy texture of apple puree. haha.

TYL, I used a Braun handheld blender too. Mine was bought for $69 during taka sale 3 years ago. Some bits are hard to blend especially if it's stuck under the blades so better to mix in more of the liquid if you are steaming the fruit/veg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama, the $20+ one oso got tray, the tray is seperate tho, I need to get 2 high chair, 1 in our hse n 1 in mil hse, bumbo is at my mum plc.

tyl, my hb's aunt said Ayden09 so cute n handsome, got sample le, no need worry, can have another one soon......My hb said he anytime on one, its me....My eyes open till like pingpong ball so big!

On fri nite,I was watching Ayden for like 1 hr by myself when hb was out n my parents buy food....he crawling clumsily on the mattress n cos he cant crawl well yet, got so frustrated he make so much noise, I was kinda sick still so I dunno wat to do! Sang so much out of tune nursery rhymes n pop pacifier till almost ke siao. Cant imagine preggy n have to coax a baby, n it wld be so sad to not be able to carry him cos am too preggy to do so.....

Ok, I m very drama, I always imagine the worst one.

Super MISS my Ayden!!! Arghh.....

bryest: fever developed from vaccinations should be very mild and shouldn't last more than 2 days, according to my PD. Babies who are teething tend to have diarrhea due to swallowing excessive saliva.

When your boy had his vaccine, did the doc give him a checkup as well? At this age, another possibility could be an ear infection. The symptoms are very similar to teething, except that in a teething baby you can distract them from the pain with a favourite toy or cartoon. Rarely so for a baby with ear infection, plus a tendency to tug at the infected ear.

Then again...when Em started tugging at her ear 3 weeks back for no reason, I brought her to a GP to make sure it's not an ear infection. Turns out it was nothing. So I am pretty confident that her current fussiness is her teething.

c.yang: oh yes, Emma can't sleep in the stroller. It's always the breast to the rescue when she wants to sleep while we are out. The car serves her naptime well too. I wished she would take to the paci, but she wouldn't hear of it. I tried NUK, pigeon, tommy tippee, mothercare, both silicone and latex, but she simply hates it.

firipy> hope u get well soon... like u, i also cant imagine having to tk care of a young baby when preg... my aim is to get preg only aft mattias can walk... :p...

ayden learning to crawl? so cute... can play alot more liaoz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andie> my son has quite abit of earwax n likes to tug at his ears... cld it b infection?

hiya mummies

finally got my new laptop today so finally connected. one whole day at work not connected. quite weird. but lucky no withdrawal symptoms, haha!

suanne79 & andie

your LOs are so adorable!


Alamak your hubby suspected H1N1? How come? Got bad body aches is it? do take care. Hope Ayden is well.


I wanted to tell you, Congrats for completing that tuition assignment! You mean you brought yr LO along? wow! *claps*

And also that Happy bellies cereal quite good deal also at $8. Where is the collection point huh?


Thought I saw you asking if the Avent steamer/blender is good. I tried using it twice - blended avocado & last weekend, I blended sweet potato. It's really easy to use, no mess. Easy to clean too! I tot of selling it away before I opened it, but once I did, I know this is for keeps. I'm the lazy sort lah, so I think it's worth getting coz steaming/blending can be done easily.


Thanks for lobang on that ice cube trays.

Am still at work today.... got visit to make later...haizz...hope kids are alrite at home. Need to go collect my milk in nursing room and maybe go pump again too, for tomorrow's milk supply.

TYL, haha, ask your MIL to move closer to Bedok and look after Ayden and no. 2 for you then. Then your mum can take a break and enjoy her retirement. hehe.

Xin, haha, wait till they are toilet trained even better then no need to change diapers for 2 kids like me. Every month's diaper budget very siong. My no. 1 until now not fully toilet trained. Had no time and energy to start when preggy and even when no. 2 is born. Only started 1 month ago. :p In hindsight, I think 2.5 years gap will be best. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What in the world is butternut huh? I saw a recipe included in the Avent cum steamer and wondered where I could get butternut

Anyway, there's never a "good gap". My kids are 2.5yrs apart & I'm thinking 3 yrs gap would be good. neverending, lol.

pauline>my bil said my mil will move in with us to help if i get preggers again. donno if tat's good or bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

she won't sell her place to move closer to us de. she likes it too much.

xin>mil only play with him once a week so easy to say tat mah. doesn't have to handle his daily nonsense

firipy>hope your hubby n u get well soon

c.yang>do you use baby cubes for your purees? if not, how do you warm them up?

furby>I was thinking of getting the trays from daiso. but can't figure out how to warm up the purees leh... microwave?

smalldreams>butternut is a squash, like pumpkin. saw it selling in ntuc before

xin: maybe, but tugging at ear not that accurate cuz they could be playing. Just like Em, GP said her ear was fine.

Main symptoms are still fussiness, fever (even mild), loss of appetite, diarrhea, most of which are associated with teething.

According to babycenter, babies are particularly susceptible to ear infections and most children have at least one ear infection by the time they turn 3.

furby: thanks for the info on ice cube trays!

smalldreams: you can find butternut squash at ntuc finest or cold storage.

lsntyl: i found some info the other day -

Heating and Thawing Homemade Baby Food:


Food that freezes well - chart:


Food that baby should avoid:


This website is pretty comprehensive, can take a look if you have the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams> thks... and tyl too... saw ur post yest...

my mum was taking care of him... gg agn on fri... hee...

e happy bellies got collection along ew line from aljunied to pasir ris... think e $8 is a promo...

tyl> i thought so too... hee hee...

i'll b quite reluctant for anyone to move in with us... but today i really appreciate e goodness of having someone ard...

thks andie for the links... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... and furby for e info... but guess e trays are not BPA free hor...

quite excited to start solids now tt he's showing signs of sitting up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams - Hhahaha, I am curious about butternut squash too. Been reading it in books. So I googled it. Here you go! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butternut_squash

firipy - You mean H1N1 is back?! Oh the IKEA high chair that's OOS in Singapore, there's a lot available here man! They should ship the SH stock over to SG lor.

xin - Wah, so sweet, 2 surprises in a day, first is sit independently, then it's flip from tummy to back. Eh, curious, how does he do tummy to back? I've been wanting to train my gal that, but dunno how to do it leh.

hi mummies, sorry to intrude, im from dec thread, i got bnib thermos food jar, in pink n blue, anyone interested, pls PM me,tks!

thanks everyone, Im feeling better ald, after numerous hrs of slp, I only dare to go slp after hb's fever went down....

lamb, doc said H1N1 is always ard,jus tat it wasn't so serious like when it first happen cos now got tamiflu. No need to go hospital or home quarantine jus tat cos of Ayden n my aunt we chose to confine ourselves at hm. My aunt with cancer is at my mum's plc this week. I saw alot few mths bk at ikea but cos I dun need it yet so din buy....shall wait for stock to come in.

xin, wah u must watch him ald,means he can roll since he can flip both ways. I found Ayden dangling at the side of the bed when he slp on our bed. Safest is his own cot but slp in his cot oso got another problem, I dunno hw he found the ribbons for tying the bumper to the grills n he was tugging n pullin at it, pull till almost whole bumper coming off! Cos he was learning to crawl so he always shock himself in his slp nowadays.....We caught his bum "kiao" up in the middle of the nite with his tummy down. Abit stress lei now that he learning to crawl,always knock himself in his slp.


I've transferred $29.30 to your posb account already. Transaction reference is 2950056376. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for helping to coordinate the purchase.

smalldreams, yup, butternut is an expensive form of 'ang mo' pumpkin. :p I never knew about its existence until I had kids. :p Bought half a butternut squash for $4+ at NTUC, that's why I only steam it after I got my baby cubes so that I can freeze the excess. :p

TYL, actually one of the Feb08 mummies with no. 2 and no maid is having her ILs stay at her place now. Pros - always got babysitter help and can go out when she needs to. And everyday, got home cooked food if your MIL can manage. Cons - less freedom and privacy lor. Even if want to buy something for baby, MIL will tell her no need to waste the $, then paiseh to buy liao.

But it is a big sacrifice for your MIL to agree to stay at your house cos she has to follow your house rules and doesn't have her own kitchen and the convenience of her usual market/neighbourhood. Most grandparents prefer to look after the grandkids in their own home. That's why I got a lot of friends who end up as weekend parents if they don't stay near parents/ILs.

My MIL stayed over at my place to help look afer baby after confinement when I was on maternity leave for no. 1. She was glad to go back to her own place. In less than 2 months that she was here, she moved over her rattan armchair, house slippers, water jug, and other bric bracs. Everyday, she must go back to shower and eat dinner and rest from 6pm - 11pm. Then she will come over again with FIL escorting her at 11+pm. She also nagged about me and hubby eg. cannot drink cold tea/coffee lar, will cause diabetes, don't sleep so late at night, don't put our laundry basket in the toilet, will attract mosquitoes etc.

Their style is to open all the food wrapping/styrofoam boxes up (eg. tapow food, fruits, pao etc) and leave on the dining table so that the food won't spoil, but ants/houseflies are so happy with the feast and they moved into my otherwise 'pestless' house and they refused to move out even after 2.5 years. :p

I think it's not easy for both parties to adjust and adapt so for no. 2, we got a maid so that I don't have to ask her to stay over again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama, no deposit required. I rented the jumperoo for 45 I think. Cash on delivery. my growing toys. excellent service. they sent me an sms to remind me that 4 wks are up.


cherrieheart, sueann, cocomama: thanks for the info on renting toys. Think we'll rent soon and if Em really stick to it we'll buy during GSS.

jessie: oh my gosh you are sooooo lucky! Arwen is a model AP baby, the confident and non-clingy type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

