(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Err.. I hope I got this right!

1) Sengkang/Serangoon North -> Cy + yuki + Firipy + bluey

2) East -> ) mstan + TYL + bigfoot + xin

3) CCK Side -> Febie + ET+ Sharon+ Wei

-Michelle Seow (mwws)


-Sherry (sherry79)





mstan and all, Arwen also leh, she slam hands and foot damn hard one. I have to cover her changing table with towels everywhere also cos she always hit her hand against the wood but never cry leh, so weird.

Same lah, Arwen naps 3 times in the afternoon now. 12pm, 2.30 pm and 5pm , all 45 mins nia! Then sleep from 7pm to 7pm.

She will stir but not really cry for milk so anyway I still give lah since I am awake. But my friend told me to just give some diluted milk or water and let them sleep on . This is to let the babies know nothing good await them when they wake up at 12 MN. Abit bizarre theory to me.

Febie and all those interested in BP, a few things to think about...

1) The local BP organizers here very on and fast one.. must make sure the things you wanna sell doesn' t clash with them..

2) Good to sell things which comes in one size nia, no need to stock up every size , waste of space and may not sell.

3) Calculate your capital and profit margin carefully to make sure it is worth the effort. If you sell very well but are in front of the computer, sorting goods , packing and earn like SGD 3 an hour ( divide profit by time REALLY spend) , then might as well work in MacDonald.

Yes, it is a simply BP to most of you but honestly.. loads of work one..

4) Always order more to anticipated damage goods or for returns and exchange

5) Do your research well, the thing is you like doesn't mean everyone will like also. Don't ask friends or relatives, they sure say VERY UGLY ( when they hate you) or VERY NICE ( cos they love you and don't want to hurt your feelings).

6) Prepared to be very committed to the long run. Plan for 1 year run at least. In case you succeed, you will be caught in the race and you need to keep sourcing for goods to keep your buyers interested.

I will only help to source for the regular posters in this thread, cos no time to do too much *wink ( that is my excuse and I am sticking to it).

Er.... since the shoes quite well like, anyone want to do a BP for them elsewhere? But I don't know how to do eh. Maybe post some photos, ask for the size, do a preorder thingy? This , have to sort out cos I don't know how to run a major BP. Is the shoes consider cheap here? I don't know how much Gap/Navy / MC etc etc charge.... can tell me??


Wah teacher teacher at work. Eh, fast hor ... end of week liao. DH coming back from Tibet. You must pretend pretend and look super haggard so he come back see you like that will heartache. And remember your GUCCI bag!!! LOL.

The people must be blind to mistake Arwen for a boy lah. Her eyes are so girlish!!! Plus I'm sure u dress her up in girly colors too right? About the waking up at nite and giving her water theory, I've read before too. It's to prevent them from waking up in the middle of the nite as a habit. So give them water to make sure that they know waking up at nite will not get them food.

I mean, the ultimate goal is to make sure they eat more during the day so that they wun wake up in the middle of the nite to drink. So if you give them water, they'll realize that it's no point waking up at nite looking for food. And that eating and drinking is only meant for day time. When my gal starts on solids, I also hope to cut off her dream feed to encourage her to eat more during the day.

mstan8888 - Your LO considered good liao ... can sleep from 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs. I let my gal take 3 naps a day. One morning, about 45 mins, noon time nap (struggling to get her to sleep 2 hours but always end up like 45 mins still!) and evening nap (another 45 mins). Lately, she's been cutting short her noon time naps and thinks she can sleep more at evening naps. So when I wake her up for her evening naps, she gets extremely pissed with me. Boh bian, I need to wash her up and feed her. And during the time when I wash her up, I need to change her clothes, she gets even more upset with me. *sigh*

Oh jessie, I saw something else from the store that u post, bugslock, wonder if it works! Its going for abt $4 here in sg....The shoes, gap n mothercare is selling about $38 for the design I bought, they have 30% on sale period, so ur bp is still gd!

wah, my hb is enjoying his WC with his frens at hm while me n bb is at my parents plc. I gotta work tmr, so mum will help look after bb for me, feels so shitty...dunno y.Ayden seems to be having growth spurt, kept asking for milk jus nw...then slp abit then cry so sad, like nitemare! N I realise he can crawl, n when I told mil, she said "yah, past few days can ald, few steps"! So sad la I miss his milestone, but Ayden still cant seem to sit without support yet lei.

$38!!!!! Sure or not!! How come so expensive? I thought the most $19.95.......

Buglock ah.. dun know works or not but all I know is that it is selling like siao over here !

jessie/little_lamb : oh, my girl only sleep 1 long nap & the rest only catnap for abt 10-20mins the most. Used to be able to sleep once abt 1.5hrs to max 2hrs (althou seldom) but noawadays for the last 2 wks she dun wat to sleep & only sleep 1 long nap of abt 1-1.5hrs but during this 1 long nap always in between wake up like once to 3 times & u hv to pat her back to sleep again....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jessie : woh, so gd ? Yr bb can sleep 12hrs fr 7pm-7am ? In btwn she wake up how many times for milk ? How much u gv her?

Mine will drink some milk ard 8+pm then catnap for abt 10-15mins then she will wake up so I hv to make her sleep again & also let her drink more milk. Her last feed ard 9+pm & she only sleep ard 10-10.30pm.

Then at 12am, we will dreamfeed her but she only drink very little-abt 60ml now as compared to previously which is more.

Then at abt 2+am she will start kicking & slamming her legs then ard 3-4am she will make noise. If we can drag then will avoid feeding her but if sometimes she makes too much noise & make us cant sleep so no choice will feed her but she only drink like abt 50-60ml also now as compared to previously which is more....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....then again at ard 6+am, I will feed her again & sometimes she will drink another 50-60ml then sleep awhile then wake up ard 7+am....;p

Oh, how I envy those bb who can sleep thruout the nite. Dunno how to make her sleep thruout the nite ?

jessie, I shall try n research abit n see if its worth to get like 5 or 10 straps from u instead of buying here. Yah serious the mothercare one confirm is $38, saw it ytd at mothercare, with 30% dist, $20+

mstan : Yah, Arwen like clockwork, 7pm KO one. She will eh eh abit at 12MN , actually her nanny says dun need to feed her one, just coax her back to sleep can liao but I still feed cos like want her to sleep tight with full tummy and dry pampers. I am worried now it is too late to wean off this 12MN feed liao , then again, I sleep only at 1am , so nevermind lah.

Then DH will wake her up at 5.45am for her morning feed before he goes to work, then she sleeps until 7am. On weekends when her nanny is not here, she can sleep until 8 am!!

mstan :Maybe cos I am not a FTWM , I can afford to feed at 12MN. I think it can be a good thing, cos to me , Arwen sleeps from 7pm to 5.45am, then that means for 10 to 11 hours, she is without food, wet pampers and without human touch, that is like close to half a day without any attention, so I don't mind feeding her now and I feel it attribute to her weight also. I give 200mls every feed.

Mmmm Jessie, how much is the shipping cost for buglock ?

Firipy, u research & let us know worth it to buy or not ? If ok, then I dun mind getting a few buglock to try too ?

jessie, warrau, taobao make me so wanna visit china ahahhaha! I dun have gd exp last time, but I tink I will need to change my mind. Y some store selling the bugslock like at 32 cents n some $9.90.....see till I blur. Must ask u n lamb where to go in shanghai next time man, I am going Dalian next yr for bil wedding, need to change flights in shanghai, so I n hb were tinking of staying over in shanghai for few days

More info ... er, when I read it, maybe can dip some lavender oil or patchouli oil on hankerchief and put beside baby can liao. I wonder if baby bite it ok or not? LOL.

"Bugslock" is a mosquito controlling product to repel the mosquitos with a 100% natural aroma. It is a creative and band shaped product, which prevents mosquitos from approaching by wearing it on the wrist or ankle, where the item emits an aroma that the insect can't stand. As it is small in design and easy to carry, it is usable at anytime, thus it is considered a very convenient product. Plus, it is a safe product, which can be used even by infants, in other words, all age groups can use it because it is made of non-toxic substances.

1. 100% natural essential oil including lavender, etc.(30%) Measures : 25x1.8cm.

mstan, the bp in the forum is going for abt $5, ebay is selling for abt $3+ to $4. I always kanna mosquito bites one, I hate the insect repellant, bought mosquito patch ,sometimes work, sometimes dun, so this buglocks thing really made me so wanna get for myself. Tink I can only put on Ayden's feet cos he sure to lick n bite if i let him wear nw

jessie, will u be able to estimate how much the shipping wld be for bugslock?

firipy (firipy): Hate to disappoint you and maybe Lamb would agree, Shanghai don't have all these shops one!!!! Like only on Taobao can find all these items!

Here, good for sightseeing and makan nia and maybe a trip to Qipu road for wholesale price kinda clothes but that is about it! Ahh, also got the children underground store, pretty big mall with good selection of kids clothes. Stay in Shanghai like maybe 5 days can liao. Keke.

jessie, tink I can only afford like erm....3 days stopover maybe, I dunno hw many days we gonna stay in dalian n also we dunno when the wedding is going to be also! Mil is so worried that if we bring Ayden to china he wld get kidnapped, alamak, so many ppl going over, nt that scary la rite?

Jessie : the problem with my bb is that she dun like to drink milk nowadays or rather all along she dun drink much during the day (small stomach) & never hv habit of sleeping thruout the nite....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....dunno how to make her sleep thruout the nite ?

Jessie - I had transferred the money to you. PM u the reference number. Please let me know where is the shoe sent to. Once I back will contact her. Xie xie!!

mstan8888 (mstan8888): I use a few methods when I want Arwen to sleep at 8pm then.

1) Keep her awake from 5pm to 8pm if possible

2) Warm bath at 7pm

3) Warm milk at 7.30pm

4) Let her "decompress" and chill , like quiet time till 8pm and pop her in bed.

5) When she fuss, I put her in my bed with me and sleep.

I really find a warm bath helps alot! Arwen after that, ususally very subtle and stone stone one..LOL

If cannot sleep through the night, then bo pian, some babies are like that leh..

ET - do you think you can help me to collect the shoe? I can collect from your office. If not convinient, is ok.

My POSB NUMBER IS 112-19501-7

Lsntyl -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.80


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5235126261 Size 14 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996376385 Size 15 Rmb 33 / SGD 6.8

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640418017 Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 27.30


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.35

Firipy - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.80

Wei - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847160631 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602823211 Size 15 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640418017 Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3965031815 x 4 pairs Rmb 20 / SGD 4.10

Shipping 11.5 =

SGD 34.35

Michelle Seow (mwws) -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4911840953 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 8.25

mel -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996408827 Size 17 Rmb 33/ SGD 6.8

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4602338645 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4910127655 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 7.50 =

SGD 27.80

big foot (elynntan)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25

Febie - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5577674095 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5569202603 Size 18 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35

Sherry (sherry79) - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4725547945 Size 15 Rmb 25/ SGD 5.15

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4604140823 Size 16 Rmb 29 / SGD 5.95

Shipping 5.0 = SGD 16.10


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5577674095 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 26.05

mstan - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5188003279 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640467097 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640534413 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5112106315 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3965031815 x 4 pairs RMB 12 / SGD 2.45

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640710089 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 16.50 = SGD 50.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1589509994 x 5 pieces Rmb 24.50 / SGD 5.05

Shipping 7.80

= SGD 18.75

bluey - PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4789279433 Size 16 Rmb 28 / SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640418017 Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1589509994 x 5 pieces Rmb 24.50 / SGD 5.05

Shipping 10.30 = SGD 27.50  


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3965031815 x 2 Rmb 6 SGD 1.20

Shipping 2 = $3.20

sharon (sharonk) -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5640674313 Size 13 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4789279433 Size 15 Rmb 28 / SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847160631 Size 13 Rmb 28 / SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5188003279 Size 16 Rmb 28 / SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/auction/item_detail-db1-32ae9d96cdb2dc6aeae509e14d517370.htm Size 13 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 12.50 = SGD 42.55

Megan -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5085004253 Size 13 RMB 26 / SGD 5.35

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4846933843 Size 15 Rmb 28 / SGD 5.75

Shipping 5 = SGD 16.10

Bubble -PAID

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5235126261 Size 15 RMB 32/ SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4894579901 Size 16 RMB 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 15 RMB 32/ SGD 6.6

Shipping 7.5 = SGD 26.45

Here still got some who has not decided where to tong bang the shoes with :

-Michelle Seow (mwws)

-Sherry (sherry79)




1) Sengkang/Serangoon North -> Cy + yuki + Firipy + bluey

2) East -> ) mstan + TYL + bigfoot + xin + mel

3) CCK Side -> Febie + ET+ Sharon+ Wei

Here still got some who has not decided where to tong bang the shoes with :




1) Sengkang/Serangoon North -> Cy + yuki + Firipy + bluey + Mel + Sherry

2) East -> ) mstan + TYL + bigfoot + xin

3) CCK Side -> Febie + ET+ Sharon+ Wei + -Michelle Seow

If got mistake, tell me hor.

Jessie - if no one to tumpang, you can send directly to me. I don mind to top up the shipping cost. But you need to send to me 2 weeks later so I will be around to receive the package. Let me know so I can PM you my address.

jessie, I dunno y there are such a big diff in prices in taobao lei for the bugslock, those less than yuan$1 can be trusted or nt ah.....*scratch head* when u wanna close the next bp for shoes ah? I feel like buying another 1/2 more pairs

Mstan, ya I agree with Jessie, may help if you let baby sleep less in the day. The babysitter may complain though... :p

Jessie, can you share your feeding schedule with me? I started solids for Raelynn on Monday but still not very sure how much to feed her. :p

I'm feeding about 3-4 times leh but not replacing any milk feeds yet cos now she's only taking 2 'tablespoons' (those tapow disposable tablespoon). I'm following no. 1's feeding schedule so not sure if I'm giving her too much or too little. :p

Today's schedule

645am - latch

9+am - missed morning cereal feed cos she slept at 9am

11am - latch

12+pm - cereal mixed with EBM

3+pm - EBM 110ml (supposed to feed cereal again but I went out so asked maid to give EBM)

5pm - latch

730pm - cereal mixed with EBM

1020pm - latch

