(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


ohhhk...take care & enjoy the weekend with him.


I think when we say baby can flip, it means baby can flip on his/her own. Don't worry lah... once he can do it w/o you turning him to the side, it's going to be very auto one. Will flip and flip in a blink of an eye!


manunited - Errr no leh. DH can't bear to cut her hair so we left it as that. Let it grow out. Yeah, only her face is fair. Body still tan leh. Funny right?

cheerieheart - Errrr. If not for the fact that I'm BF-ing, I doubt I'll get to eat birds nest everyday lor. Hhahahahahahah. That's one of my motivations to continue to BF lah. But my birds nest everyday is only 2 teaspoons lah, dun misunderstand. Hhahaha.

cy & afann - Yah, life is always like this ... when you least expect it, it just happens. Just like how I didn't expect to be able to BF? I didn't buy anything BF related before delivery. I only got a PIS pump which was a hand me down and 2 nursing bras. And nothing else! So after I realized that I was able to BF ... the next few days after I got discharged from hospital, I had to go shopping for nursing tops, covers, bras. Lucky some still can buy from BPs. And her hair, same thing too. I never expected her hair to be so. And then I never bought any clippies, hairband etc, thinking she wun need to use them till she's like 1? And then who knows ... after birth ... see her hair ... heheheh. But still, I never buy a lot of clippies. I am quite fussy when it comes to dressing up my gal and her hair accessories.

smalldreams - Yeah, I am a DH myself mah ... so watch DH lor. HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH. The kids reaction damn funny right? Especially their son, cannot remember his name "Eeeeeeeewwwwwwww, you guys are still DOING it?" LOL. Super funny I thought.

firipy - She's not samseng? Just now I went into her room to check on her if she's napping. Turns out she was barefooted! Her socks were like over the bed coz' she pulled them off! Apparently, someone was grabbing her toes and trying to pull her socks off lah. Samseng or not?

Afann, she is 5mths 8days old liao.

Macho Ashton must change his rocker to toddlers rocker liao.

Smalldreams, ya soon cannot put her nap in swing already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] She does not like to nap in her cot excepts night. Dunno why ?

Afternoon we will put her nap in her Swing & she wont perform.(Like in circus)Hee.. but after she have enough sleep she will scream for attention. If nobody goes to her, she will try to push herself up.

For rocker, we will buckle her as she likes to sit instead of lying down. She had broke the musical hanging toy by pulling off liao. Super strong leh !!

Cheerieheart, ya hav to put her in sitting position :p

smalldreams & cheerieheart - For some reason, my gal only likes to flip on her left. Doesn't really do so on her right. Think it has become a habit. And it's only from back to tummy. Dun see signs of tummy to back yet leh. How to train huh? I am quite xien of always seeing her stuck there and going in to 'rescue' her when she's pek cek.

lamb, ^5 man, my boy also only know how to flip to his left and once flip after awhile will pek chek and scream for help.. And recently he got this habit, he like to look at his left hand, he will lift his left hand up and stare at it, like its very bright like that.. so

Hi Jessie, I’m ok to drop with Febie. IB done & details PM u.

Aside to Febie, thanks. Had pm u my contact. Can contact me when the stocks arrived? Thanks!

ET - Hhahaa, maybe it's just an exploratory thing. My gal also loves to kaypo around. So you see lah ... her daddy still wants to groom her to be Li Ka Shing granddaughter-in-law. How right? So samseng and kaypo!

Btw, can I check who managed to get the Abbott mother's day gift set ? I think they already sent email or sms to those who manage to get it liao....;p....so those who did not receive sms or email means dun hv....;p

Is it nice ?

little lamb: your girl is very cute! so rosy and her hair!! its really her crown of glory haha..

btw mummies, is teething a tiring process for the babies? cos i see my son's gums got 2 little white spots and his gums abit swollen, plus he's drooling sticky drool machiam like uhu glue like that. so think he is teething liao. but hor he's like very tired out by the process. can sleep 3-4 hrs, wake up for milk, play for an hour then sleep again for another 3-4 hrs leh, then sometimes in between still can take 15 mins nap kind haha.. normal? his milk intake also decrease from 180 to 120-150ml too..

et: my son also has this habit of raising his hand, but his right hand. then can hold very straight and long somemore haha i have found him sleeping like this too, very funny to see him like that sometimes.

then these few days he got new tricks. he will lift up his legs and then slammed down like doing wrestling move like that. then best thing is can do it 3-4am kind while he's sleeping! then boom boom boom, so noisy man!

wendy : Noted about your choice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dun make payment first, I order by tomorrow, got stock will update and then you pay.

afann> wahh glad that he is recovering.. must drink more more, otherwise shernise gonna be fatter than him hahaha

qx13 - I was LOL when I saw your post about the 'wrestling' move coz my' gal does that too!!! Initially i thought it was pretty weird why she always slams her legs. On playmat, in the cot, everywhere! DH and I always wondered if it was painful for her.

manunited - Yah, my DH even plan her career path for her already. He wants to groom her to be hair shampoo model. Then get 'spotted' by Li Ka Shing's grandson. *faint*

afann> hahaha true mah.. i think Ashton, shernise, tytus and probably HW is the 'chubbiest among all le... hahahaha..

Presenting the new pix of my Xiao fei mei


Sherry, your gal also very cuteeee!!!...chubby chubby! Like my little pui pui also...Is she sitting in a jumperoo kind? Can she hold her head uprite well in it?

Shernise is sooo cute, her cheeks so bak bak.. Sherry, how heavy is Shernise??? She sure enjoy her jumperoo..

TGIF, i can't wait to finish work, today i wanna go back early for my little boy and my doggies.. All lack of attention from me.. oops, i seems to forget about my hubby.. hehehe..

yayay she is in the jumperoo.. she can sit and jump in it for more than half an hour...

Manuited> ya think her head quite steady liao.. but when she is tired, she will drop her head on the cushion...

ET> close to 8kg 3 weeks back when she was 4mths...hahah.. thats y i think she is the fattest among all the ger gers hahaha


your gal has kissable lips (in a baby-ish way of course!) I can see she likes food!


I'm working tomorrow...bummer... half day in the afternoon some more..! After that, got some sort of a baby full month party to go...there goes my saturday! but it's OK, there's still Sunday!


Your little arwen is so pretty. I always show my hubby her photos and he also find her so pretty.

By the way, can I still order the shoes? I'm interested to buy these but don't know what size should I buy for 1 yr old. Prefer to let my boy where when he's 1 yr old. Did you buy the raincoat? I wanna buy the seal towel that arwen has but do they have blue colour?

little lamb> some auntie say she look like korean hahaha.. i love ya girl's hair.. very thick and black.. shernise one very fine

smalldreams> yeah think her best asset is her lips loh..

sherry - Oh yes yes, a bit korean look too! Actually, my gal gets mistaken for jap all the time. Then I realized that actually jap and korean babies do have a lot of hair at birth I think. Shernise has a lot of hair too!

sherry - BTW, fine is better than thick hair leh. Fine hor ... grow up already, the hair will be straight, no need to go for rebonding. My gal's hair potentially got natural curls. Can see already.

bryest : Thanks, can you let me know the size you want for the shoes. For 1 year old onwards, definitely the biggest, like 12.5 cm or 13 cm.

As for the towel, here is the link


got 4 designs, the thing is, it weight about 300 gm which would means another SGD 9.50 for shipping eh. The towel is $7.20 so plus shipping is like $16.70 ...

Lamb- my boy slams his legs toooo!!!

Lift up high!! Den let them go.. *bom* on the mattress!! Especially mid night feed he lazy to cry ah he will slam his both legs!!!

afann - Hhahaha, welcome to the slam legs gang. So we have 2 boy and 1 gal wrestler here.

bryest - Hheheheheh ... yes yes, plan for the next one to be gal.

jessie>have transferred the $. Trans Ref is 2944618125. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry>aiyoh, she's really cute lah. Why you never put up the one with the sunglasses? :p

hehe, sherry.. ya lo...

everyone oso say she so "xxxx"... many skin folds too..

but at least it show that we are not torturing them... hehe =p

Jessie n Febie, will get my stash from Febie unless these delivery point to yishun. Thank you. Think I've bought 3 pairs of shoes n 4 pairs of socks..

Sherry : Shernise so pretty! I did not know she has so much hair!!! Her eyes are very charming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Lamb: Thanks! Or Aunty Jessie will think Mummy Lamb siao liao, so nice hair go and cut! *Look at the hairclips Arwen will not get to wear till God knows when....

Seriously... so many people say Arwen is boy, I am tempted to look for lipsticks for baby liao..

Aiyoh, my boy oso wrestler lo, nw that u all mention, his banging of legs n hands really like wrestling. Sometimes when he flips on his tummy, he slams hands, machiam the referee doing the counting down! I was awaken by his slams, n his dad snores, really torture for me when I slp with both of them

Lamb, nt samseng la, all bb same, ahahha!

sherry, shernise getting more n more "feng man" ahhahah!

Aiyoh, my boy oso wrestler lo, nw that u all mention, his banging of legs n hands really like wrestling. Sometimes when he flips on his tummy, he slams hands, machiam the referee doing the counting down! I was awaken by his slams, n his dad snores, really torture for me when I slp with both of them

Lamb, nt samseng la, all bb same, ahahha!

sherry, shernise getting more n more "feng man" ahhahah!

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Oh, my girl also like to slam her legs in the middle of the nite....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw, every time when my bb sleep after abt 1/2-1hr, she will sure wake up crying like frightened or scared. If she hv a 1+ to 2hr nap, she will sure wake up 1-3 times during the nap. At nite when she sleep also will wake up at least once or twice too....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh, my bb only take 1 long nap (abt 1.5-2hr) everyday & the rest are catnaps of ard 10-25mins. Plus she's an early bird-wake up ard 7+am. At nite she still cant sleep thruout e nite & hv to wake up at least once for milk too....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies : any of yr bb the same too?

Any way to change it ?

