(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Afann>yay. glad Ashton's fever finally broke. The antibiotic smells horrible? The one Ayden got smelt quite sweet.



glad that ashton feels better now. My LO also coughing for 1 week already, low grade fever, lots of phglem. Saw gp twice and PD yesterday, luckily no infection to lung.

I mix the medicine with a little BM in the bottle to give her.

PD cost $80 for consultation. Mummies, wonder how much does your PD charge?

good morning all...

All the babies so cute...

Wei, You want to me to help u?

I staying near to CCK...

Dun mind to help... But I must ask ET cos she helping me to collect from mstan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Jessie... You really help us to save alot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

little lamb : yr gal so cute & with so much hair...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]....my bb till now still not much hair....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].....plus her mummy's hair still dropping alot....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You sure you wanna know who strangled Julie? Aiyoh ... watch on. But I must tell you ... the answer will only be revealed towards the last episode lor (as usual!) The tom drinking on behalf of lynette episode was damn funny. Have you got to the part where they announced to the kids abt her pregnancy? That part was lagi funnier.

You know, about my gal's hair. I think it may be the talking point now coz' she's still young. Once she grows older, I doubt it'll be the case coz' it's normal to have hair grown out by toddlers age. So I guess maybe I'll be getting this kinda comment at best for 1 more year? LOL.

lamb>not flooding. please show us more. she's really cute wor. love her rosy cheeks and lips. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie>yeps. thanks v much wor. maybe you can do a collaboration with one of the SAHM moms to do biz in BP. You source for good deals and she organises the logistics over here. :p

c yang,

Like you, I really dun get toys for my gal at all! I have friends here showing me this and that toy all the time but I'm just not keen in engaging her in too many toys. Plus i have so many pre-loved toys from friends. So I think tt's enuff to keep her occupied. Yeah, as for pumpkins ... I'll probably just try out a little on my own. A gf once told me that before I let my gal try anything, I must always make it a habit to try the food first before offering it to her.

So I guess whatever I introduce to her, I gotta taste it first, just to make sure the taste is safe for her. You know, I was trying to imagine how hot it is for you over there. I mean 43 degrees?! Do you turn up the air-con in your apartment everyday? Over here, it's like 30 degrees and I'm dying. It's the 'huang mei' season in SH now where there's rain and hardly wind.

Even though there's wind, it'll probably be the hot wind kind. And it's stuffy as hell! I am hiding indoors as much as I can!

lsntyl - Thanks ... yeah, her cheeks got a little bit more rosy when she came to SH. I think it's the weather. Somehow ... her face is fair but her body is tanned! Dunno how come like this also. DH says it cud be the birds nest I'm eating everyday. LOL.

Febie, or u wanna arrange to send over to your place? I am flexible de, can send my order to your place also.. Think Jessie can send to 3 locations.

Jessie, can be done? With mine, Febie, Sharon and Wei's order?

little lamb, did you cut her hair before? Nice soft hair she has! Very fair too..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning all!!!

Hi Jessie, had transfered $27.30 to ur account under transaction 2943902489.

Will pm you my address !!

Looking forward to Leticia shoes. Thanks Jessie for the lobang :p

Sure Sharon, ELin...

Sorry Jessie...

Can have another location to my place?

for the following personnels:

1) ET = 2 pairs

2) Wei= 4 pairs

3) Sharon = 5 pairs

4) Febie = 2 pairs

Total: 13 pairs

So to reconfirm that Jessie will send my order (5 pairs + socks) + TYL (2 pairs) + bigfoot (1 pair) + xin (2 socks) to my place, correct ?

Any more changes or add on ?

Just had a super quick glance at the threads...

lsntyl > thanks for the offer to collect the shoes on my behalf. I will pick up the shoes from you on weekends ok? alternative is from mstan cos my office is superly near her home (but that comes with time limitations too)

jessie > will transfer the fund to you tonite. din bring my little bank gadget out today.

hope hv time to go through the threads tonite.

thx everyone..

tyl- ashton antibiotic is powder form but need to add water ourselves so to become liquid n feed.. really disgusting lo..

and his appetite is slowly recovering back! at least he is willing to latch now =))))

Fever is no joke man.. n can be quite tiring mentally , worrying for him

so to all babies!!! stay healthy!!! dun let mama worry hahaha

lamb- ur girl is so cheeky.. her hair is really long for her age hor.. soon u can tie pony tail ...

furby- u went to see PD? i went kkh emergency .. only spent $85 inclusive of blood test, x ray to chk his lungs. and lots of medicine..

Im suprised too.. i thought gg to spend alot..

better than keep see GP and waste money cos wont recover..

next time *TOUCH WOOD* *CHOY CHOY CHOY* sick again , i guess i will go to kkh straight bah..


good to hear that Ashton is slowly recovering... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Megan / Bubble -> Noted your order [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .

Bubble : Ok to drop with Febie?

Megan : Who you want to tag with ?


think I got a very expensive PD (SBCC) leh...haiz

only consult 5 mins, no x-ray or test, and only 1 medicine. Blah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My POSB NUMBER IS 112-19501-7


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Firipy - PAID

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3965031815 x 4 pairs Rmb 20 / SGD 4.10

Shipping 11.5 =

SGD 34.35

Michelle Seow (mwws)

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SGD 27.80

big foot (elynntan)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25

Febie - PAID

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http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5569202603 Size 18 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35

Sherry (sherry79) - PAID

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mstan - PAID

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bluey - PAID

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sharon (sharonk)

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Shipping 12.50 = SGD 42.55


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Shipping 7.5 = SGD 26.45

maybe we should start a collection in the east hor? xin's place? then we can have a mini gathering in the east again? :p

I m still sick, on mc, i went to wk sick these few days, my stupid New boss advise me on something last 3 wks to push it to other dept n nw Big boss qn y i nvr follow up, my boss din defend me n i gets blame! So sick i taking mc tdy!

Jessie, its my dream to wk fr hm, haha. I m looking to get stuff fr taobao to sg, issit True we need a taobao agent to ship stuff bk here?

Afann, Leticia now will push herself up from bumbo seat with her arms. Now we dun dare leave her alone on the seat n her swing. She can sit upright on her own for few seconds before humpty dumpty falls !! wahahah...

Alo gals

Just had a quick lunch at my desk. was out whole morning.


Do take more Vit C. Think that'll help a lot. If you want to work from home, you must get a good customer base too... now there are tonnes of online shops... must carve out a really cool niche... who knows you can set up a BP here? With Ayden as yr model.

TYL, Lamb

Hey you all also DH fans uh?

Yes, i saw the part where Lynette & Tom told their kids abt the pregnancy. Haha...!


Did Doc say what happened to Ashton? Just a viral infection?


Think by now swings are dangerous already. I still put her in rocker, but must buckle. It's too easy for her to lunge forward and topple over.

febie, my company got only infant/childcare leave, either 1, regardless of the number of kids. 6 days

cy/afann/ i must buckle Ayden when he is on bouncer/swing, he likes to show off his turning n rolling skills

smalldreams- doc in kkh didnt mention wad happen to him just say luckily lungs not infected n gave mi advice on hw to take care of him..

firipy- now he can only play jumperoo , buckle him inside rocker he will try to sit up n almost topple over ..

he knws how to flip but not yet roll.. so baby will knw hw to roll 1st or sit up 1st?


Hi mommies,when you say baby can flip, do they do it totally by themselves? Mine can only flip if i turn him to the side. So it is considered he can flip or cannot flip?

Cy: my boy is like your girl, if i put him in bumbo, less than 5 mins and he will try to push himself out of it with his hands. Btw, when you say ur girl can sit upright, do u have to help position her or she can push herself to a sitting position?

