(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


totally understand how you feel. I was in same situation years ago with no. 1 (2yo) and no. 2 (newborn) overseas too. Mum came with us initially, to help around for 2 months. On the day when we sent her off at the airport, we were both quietly in tears. I had never handled my kids alone my whole life, usually with maid/mum/MIL so was very anxious. BUT no matter what, when the situation comes, we will be able to handle, and slowly, got the hang of it.

Your DH is right, find time for other things out of being a mummy. Time out with gfs, ask HB to bring bb out while you stay at home, buy a few piece of nice clothes to pamper yourself, let the housework on hold etc... One step at a time and You will be fine.


Jessie : checked & realised that I already got 10-11 pairs of shoes (from 6mths onwards) for my bb gal liao....heee....;p....me still tempted to buy more....dunno she can wear all or not ?

My hb said already got so many bb shoes still buy & told me not to buy liao....;p

I measured my bb sole over the wkend & she's already 9.5cm liao....mmm...big foot....;p

Btw, 1 yr old bb wear ard 12.5cm - 13cm shoes ? Can wear until how long b4 need to chnge ?

Heee...u getting the hat/cap ? Which one ?

Me also tempted to get 1 or 2 too ?

Shipping ard S$4-$5 ?

Oh dear, must really restrain myself from shopping liao....;p

Will get back to u by end of 2day of my order ?

Dolphin : You want to buy shoes? I am ordering them tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama : Many told me my next child will be a boy cos Arwen looks like a boy and also the thighs line thingy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie (febie)/Liverpool: Keke, I also blur about all the abbreviations siah. But better don't know, the more I know, the more I pressured myself. As long as A sleeps at 7pm to 7pm, poo once a day, drink 5 times, cry 2 times, smile 5 times, grab things 4 times, eat own foot 2 times, turn head around 5 times, naps 2 times I happy liao .

C.Yang: *HUGS.. not easy eh.. when DH left for Tibet on Friday, I felt like this poor things mother whose child had been abandon by all and I have to raised her on my own ( Arwen was wondering what's with the extra hugs that day...). I want to cry , I need a good cry I know but if I cry, I will be even more sad. So I tahan and keep thinking strong positive thoughts.

I remember when my mum left after my confinement, ahhh..I thot .. if only I marry a Singaporean.. I can spare her the pain of not watching her grandchild grew up... like so unfilial lor..

I guess having Arwen is really a blessing. Everytime I am down, discouraged, angry, I look at her and I will do everything to be okay again cos I really don't want her to sense my anxiety cos I am the only kin to her in this city currently. When DH comes back, gonna throw A to her and go drink until I forgot my surname. LOL!

I (luvbabe11) : How's Lucas , he drinking more?

mstan : I am getting the cap with the curls for her , like the one you show us. Only got light pink color left. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bryest (bryest) : I am getting some stuff from the store, I can order the sleep suit for you. What size eh? If the shipping is extra SGD 5 , is that ok? Cos this set got pants..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie : oh the cap with the curls I am looking for dark pink or red ones....;p

U ordering the cap 2nite too ?

Oh, realised these caps bb can only wear after 1yr, so now buy dunno is it too early as my bb head not very big....;p

Wah Jessie 7pm to 7pm is 24hours leh... hahaha...

quite true...

sometimes I'm alone with him, I get a bit depressed too... need help but dun have...

tell myself to be strong with him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I succeeded... they are our strength...

so you also can... And actually I look fwd to be home with Shayne alone...

That day had a mini fight with hubby in the car and refused to talk to him. So he was carrying Shayne from Car to home. I dun care, once go in, i go bath etc. refused to offer any help. and let him settle Shayne. but he helpless... I still stand aside... I apologise to Shayne later for not there for him earlier... Cos he's tired but the silly dad refused to sing to him!!! Sick and tired to everytime remind my hb to sing... he simply doesnt care abt his son's likes and dislikes...

Jessie : maybe I hold on my order for hat/cap first until later. U let me know once u got yrs ? Take a photo & let us see ? Can imagine her to be cute !

Luvbabe, dolphin , febie .. My mother oso say before 1 yr old cannot wear shoes dunno why leh lolz

cannot see mirror too but this one I nv avoid Cos quite a number of his toys has mirror .. The toy I gave nanny has a mirror too n she kept it away .. So she dunno my house still hv many toys has mirror leh haha ..

Buying spree !!!

Now GSS .. Kiddy palace oso got 20% quickly buy the teats lah powder bedsheet all these ..

Febie .. My hubby oso leh nid to kick his ass or nag him then he help sometimes nv bother too.. Very pissed hor..

One time he drop the pacifier on the floor n I saw him straight away put to ashton mouth.. I screamed!! I say how can u do that .. We have a dog walking ard n our feet are dirty too the floor is not 100% clean ! I say if I drop ur food n pick up let u eat leh .. He say he is ok.. Kns!!!

I say wait till bb really sick then u knw ..

Nv use brain to think..

Argh angry .. Sometimes I nv even bother to ask him help me ..

Er.. I think only ONE daddy active in this thread nia , not some... if only my DH is so proactive... *dreaming.

Welcome LittlePreciousCloset! Tell us more about yourself, your LO is girl or boy? How old liao? Are u working now ?

There is 1001 ways for daddies to get involved, from bathing to feeding to playing etc, but it all boils down to individual. There is no point forcing them to do things they don't like to, in the end, both party suffer. But parenthood goes A LONG way, so they is plenty of time to catch up.

hello shanghaimummy!ure from shanghai?hee.

oh.my little princess is 5.5months now.am a SAHM mom running a blogshop.quit my job after taking maternity leave. :X cant bear to part with my little one,so decided to be a full time mom.hahas.

liverpool11:my hubby working hours are long.i know he did made some effort.but sometimes am rather disappointed that after a tiring day at work,he still can play game instead of lazing around with baby and me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jessie tan: hahaha you are so funny!!! i read your post on Arwen's routine, really made me laugh out loud leh!! she is so adorable! i also dun know the abbreviations that some of you mummies are talking about haha. though i also just play by ear to my son's cues. if i see he's getting sleepy, then i put him down for his nap, like 4 hours are up, time for his feed, his routine is like give and take 1 hour difference like that haha..

now my greatest accomplishment is to catch his pee esp when i'm bathing him lor. very tiring to keep changing his water everytime he pee into his bath water. the first few times he did it, i have to change 3 times lor! then subsequent when he does that, i lazy to change liao, just continue to bathe him, haha! s now, is i'll get ready his pjs and hold it over his penis, in case he pees while bathing him at the same time.

liverpool : Erm... I dun care if other daddies are reading, my DH certainly not! Sibei sian.

Afann / Febie : Same lah. What to do. Now I give him only ONE task , give the 5am feed can liao. Seriously , sounds very clique but our babies really force us to be strong eh.

Last night I saw a medium size bug in the bathroom, I tell you, I was shock cos it is quite big but not sure if it can fly. I was just standing there not sure what to do!!! I am worried it would fly and disturb my girl or would breed... I did a coward thing by covering the bug with my floor towel and stamp it with my feet.Then left it like that for my Ayi to pick up cos I am even more afraid of a dismembered bug GROSS LAH.

When I cool down... I thought to myself what kind of person I am to squash a bug and let other people clear the bug body for me... I am very scare but I walk to the bathroom and quickly toss the towel to want to shake the bug out, NOTHING LEH!!! I toss and toss , wah liao, the bug not there! Must be sticking to the towel liao. So I throw the whole towel away.

I told myself to start getting over my fear of bugs cos next time if Arwen see me like this... she would be scare also! LOL!

Oh the towel and raincoat arrived!

Lsn:The towel very nice but hor.. weights about 400 gm like that!!!! That means shipping is like SGD 15.70.. not worth it leh.....

Bryest : You might want to reconsider the sleepsuit, I think the shipping also going to be about SGD 15 to SGD 16 cos I weight Arwen's quite heavy...

Re: Shoes, my mother also said babies before 1 year old should not wear shoes and as usual, never give me the rationale behind it. I felt Arwen need shoes cos she likes to stand and at the park, we always let her stand on the grass or bench so shoes makes more sense than socks eh .

Hi ..

I'm back from our staycation @ Resort World .. Thanx to mummies who wished mi 'happy bday' on fb .. *hugs*

Abit disappointed tt we couldn't get e tix for e rides @ Universal Studio .. But we still had fun @ Hollywood Boulevard watching Madagascar 2 ..

@ Festive Hotel Lobby:


Lucas on e bed:



Hey gals,

Thanks for the hugs!


Renee's the same as your twins. ESYA for first and last feed. In between mostly EASY. I was very comfortable with that all the while but classic case of read too much, think too much... i probably over-reacted when we discussed the tooth decay caused by sleeping at the breast. ha!


you are so right! My mummy is so close to me and such great help. Can't bear to see her leave. I was single bride, single preggy and single mother at times now! Hahaha.


My mummy is going to misssssss Renee sooo much lah! But I should be going back to SG in July and mummy says she might come over again for fun again in Dec when weather is good. Hub's folks asked how will we cope in Dubai alone, he replied "cope lor, anyway, we are there, call out to the heavens, heaven no reply, call out to the land, land no answer. just cope lah"

Renee also sleeps 7-7, poos more than i can ask for, play and naps ok, screams to show me she's around... what more do i want right?

Febie and liverpool,

I also wanna let Renee tian shen tian yang! I shall quit these books! Always reminding myself to let maternal instincts take over, not the info that authors wrote.


I think i'm feeling exactly that lah. but i can't seem to escape for me time. Hub was telling me "it may sound selfish, but go for your classes, do your things, get out of the house while mummy's around to help." I rarely did. Cos i don't want to make it look like i just dump Renee to my mummy's care. Like give birth and then ask people to take care of your baby?

Anyway, it'll be good to be totally on our own after mummy leaves. Totally no interference, no over-carrying, no over-reaction at the whimpers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'll be fine, guys... After i fill the buckets at the departure hall next week. Such a cry baby i've been since young!

cocomama>if both legs have 1 line, means next bb will be boy? then how to tell if next bb will b girl? :p

c.yang>hugs. gambatte with Renee. I can sort of understand how you feel. My mom has been helping me so much with Ayden that I think I'll be v lost if she can't help me anymore.

Sherry>hee, ok. Shernise so cute should have a good chance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi littlepreciouscloset.

Jessie- u r brave!! U step it to death!! Hahaha

Wad I did for irritating bugs tt transpass my home!! I use a transparent container n cover it inside so they will die slowly SLOWLY hahha lack of oxygen .. So on the floor got a container with a dying bug inside waiting for hubby Who is the bug undertaker hahaha..

wendy>did Lucas enjoy the staycation.

jessie>hee, thanks. Will order it from the bp then. I remember seeing it before. Just need to hunt for the link.

hi mommies~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how's everyone's Monday?

wanted to check for those who have brought ur LOs swimming... what did u wear for them?

and did u have to wear swimming attire to go into d water with ur LOs?

Thinking of bringing T this Sunday but dunno what to prepare! >.<

Febie, i ever did to hubby the same thing too, end up, its Oliver screaming his lungs out and cried till his face red.. Then i quickly cut short my bath and rush out from the bathroom to take over and when Oliver is back to my arms he cried like i had abandoned him, so pitiful..

Cyang, don't worry too much.. Our babies are smart de, they will cooperate when they know you are alone and helpless.. I had been alone with baby since the day I left hospital with little help from my mum (like 2 hours a day for the first 2 weeks only), ever since, its all own my own already.. And now, after he come home from infant care, I am also taking care of him at night after work.. So far, he had been quite cooperative to sleep from 11pm to 7am (sometimes 4am) for me to have enuf sleep and to be able to get ready for work in the morning..

Its very tiring but its all worth it when you see his smile..

Cocomama, I also wanna know if girl is how many lines, my grandma passed away so no one knows hw to see le. hahhah!

Jessie, Arwen's so pretty, sure to get discount when u bring her out ahhaah!

cyang, I m guiltly of replying so much on mil n mum for help. The parents so worried when I n hb are left alone with Ayden.

Thanks, TYL, Sillyang takes over my life sometimes. hehe.

Sherry, I've voted for you guys, just wondering what i'm missing out in the local tv scene. hehe. Hope the winner is from our forum! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, liverpool,

suspect my hub stalks us on the forum when he's really really free. hahaha.


sunscreen, float, swim wear, swim diapers (i've not used that though), towel to quickly dry n 'swaddle' Terilyn until you get indoors for a clean up. I saw some ang mohs also let baby wear hat as sun protection while in the water cos it was very sunny.

as for daddy n mummy, we were in our swim wear. we did without the float to give Renee some sense of the pool water first, carried her with us in the pool then one of us put on the neck float for her. Watch the clock, don't get carried away... i think for a start 10-15 mins is good before baby gets too tired.

Afternoon mummies... I was lunching in today and reading the forum while having lunch and were laughing away with Jessie's posts on the bug, etc...

Jessie> Lucas is now having a bit of running nose but milk intake is much better than before...seems like roller coaster, some days good, some days not so good but as long as he drinks something, still better than he drinks nothing and go on strike.

Febie, Afann> Men need time for their daddy instincts to kick in one...When I had one (i.e. Luis only), I did everything for Luis, bath, make milk, feed, play, sing and pat him to sleep. My DH never lifts his finger to do a single stuff, only occasionally carry him or play with him nia. Even night feeds, I was the one who wakes up. Then, after 3 years, when we are ready for no. 2, I gotta "speak" with him to request him to put in more effort...Hmm, I must say he is a very involved papa now to both his boys....For Luis, he did everything for him nowadays, especially when I'm busy with Lucas. For Lucas, he will entertain him and play with him....He also learnt how to sing baby/children songs nowadays...haha!

So, key thing is must talk to your DH gently and request them to help out....Think they would take to them if we are "gentle", instead of scolding/telling them off.

Lil Precious Closet> Welcome!!!

C Yang> Hugs....You're a chio mummy and ni xin de. Let your maternal instincts kick in and Renee will be fine. Agree with your DH, do find some time to do things you like, e.g. yoga, etc.

Wendy> Aiyoh, you inspire me to plan for another staycation leh....tho i just came back from Japan holiday. hmmm...which hotel in SG should I go to?

Liverpool, Well, doubt your wife will treat u like that lah... But Hubby really hit my roof lor...

Jessie, I think we very much wanted them to be a little active but have to wait lah... Maybe when bb can call them papa and talk to them...

We very much hope our hubby will be half as good as Liverpool but think we dun have such life lah...

Liverpool, because u active, thus your wife doesn't mind 3 kids... so can plan for no.4 lah...

u can do it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

welcome LPC. I also toying with the tots to work from home but can't possibly be selling Children's clothes... there's so many in the market... hmmm...

Thanks for the encouragement, ET. *hugs*


we had it too easy hor? With all the help around. First grandchild?

hello hello!


me too!any hotel in SG is good ar?was thinking of celebrating my wedding anniversary but have to bring along my baby.wanted to on a holiday but afraid wont be good for my baby.want to eat a good buffet yet my baby wont let me sit there peacefully for the whole session.so was thinking of ordering room service to hotel room.hahas.any suggestions?

C yang- you can do it one.. dun worry! lolz sometimes let it out n cry loudly hor is very shiok one leh.. nowadays i wanna cry but no time n no energy n no more tears!

i remembered the last time i cry was when Lil Ashton re admitted hospital for his jaudice lo.. hahaha

luvbabe- sorry sorry for forgotten about the lunch appt with u and nv msg u!!! my boy lah.. too sick so i dun wanna carry him ard in the morning to my nanny place so i took child care leave n take care of him myself..

lets arrange again!!! this time sure can de hahahaha

ET / Febie - i did that before n baby cry so loud n like wad ET say .. carry him n he cry like as if i dun wan him ..

cannot bear la.. maybe now bb too small to knw how to play with daddy..

at least now is better .. hubby at least knw how to play a while with him n they both have a song for themselves..

and he make me promise i cannot sing the same song as him that song is their bonding song hahaha...

last time when we preg we complain hubby not attentive enough maybe when bb out they will ..

now out le we complain hubby dun wanna lift a finger to help n maybe baby too small to knw how to play with daddy..

lets wait till bb grow up n we shall see wad daddy is up to ..

Febie:yeah.but no choice ar.my hubby is not earning much.thats the only way for me to be a SAHM.i was wondering if i were to go back to work,who can i entrust my little one to.not infant care.not maid.nobody [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

its not earning much actually.or rather,i pooled all my money into the stocks.i cant hope it can work out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lor. i love to cry. ha!

It's funny how when you are a kid, you cry cry cry non-stop to your mum but when you are all grown-up you are scared to cry in front of your mum. i'm sure my tears will run like a tap when seeing her off next week. Mummy and i have cried together as grown-ups before too anyway.

ET/Ada, I think i very bad leh...

I was in the bathroom and kitchen etc, keep hoping Shayne will cry our loudly... but he did not... only make some noise that all...

Think Shayne knows that I wont bear to leave him alone with his dad, so he din cry lor...

Afann, at least ur bryan ah pek hubby so nice to have bonding song with Ashton lor...

Thanks, luvbabe, i will. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thinking of going to the gym later. The last time i went with hub, there was no one else in the gym, i joking 'shouted' "All the mummies in the world - yes, we can!" x2 while i was on the treadmill. then hub and i burst out laughing!

Luvbabe, I can't rely on hubby at all...

but he will make me clean up parts of the house lor if weekend I'm hm... but he offended me the day before, thus, sun, I basically can't be bothered...

And last night he knows I need to pump but Shayne haven sleep, he still go sleep leaving me all alone with Shayne... Luckily Shayne loves me lots, he lie on the mat and watch me sitting beside him pumping... so sweet lor...

LPC, ya I know... so pray hard it works for u...

Now I'm working hard to provide for my son... buy things I can afford now...

I'm giving myself sometime to decide if I can be WAHM... Still need to contribute to CPF so that got money to pay HDB leh...


Afann> No worries...while I was pumping milk, I sort of read somewhere that Ashton is unwell and that you may be on child care leave to look after him yourself! We can arrange lunch again coz Melody also got some urgent stuff to do and cannot do lunch today too....Ended up, I went grocery shopping at Carrefour and bought lunch back!

C Yang> I used to be very emo and will cry easily too...especially watching those drama...My tears can just roll, and roll de... Nowadays, I try to control my emotions but sometimes also quite difficult de. Yeah, cry it out better than suppress inside!

Good to know that you are heading to gym later. Enjoy!

Lil Precious Closet> Actually, my elder boy Luis loves to stay in hotels so if we never really travelled, we will choose a SG hotel for our staycation lor...We have stayed in quite a few in SG, FairMount Singapore, Merchant Court, Grand Hyatt, Meritus Mandarin, Rasa Sentosa, Pan Pacific, Conrad, Ritz Carlton, Grand Copthorne....All also very good with different locations and he enjoyed himself very much... Depends on your budget but I usually will book at corporate rates or have vouchers to offset lor.

