(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Sorry eh, dun know how to use spreadsheet!

Think got 11 pairs now. We see the rest want or not. Let me know where to ship to later . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: keke, I am glad to find some nice shoes cos now A only have a pair, poor thing!


This is my LO taken at 4mths.


contortionist baby


furby - Hhahaa, my gal contorts like that all the time too. DH thinks she takes after me.

jessietan - I am not ready to let my gal wear shoes yet. Maybe after she turns 6 mths. But I already have so many pairs of shoes for her from friends.

whoa, mummies are happily shopping agn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... i've got a pair of hand me down shoes too... guess hb will scold if i buy... :p...

furby> my son likes tt contortionist pose too... it's his sleeping position...

lin> tt happened to my son too... but he didn't roll down... but moved sideways til he fall... cant put them on high ground anymore... :p...

what a busy weekend... ltr gg dinner and tmr got wedding agn... :p...

Okie, I survived an afternoon here with Arwen. It is my very first time having her all to myself in Shanghai!

Honestly by 4 pm, I don't know what to do with her liao. We read, sing, watch TV, do exercise, cuddle and then look at each other like "okay, we are stuck with each other this and next weekend, we better get along". So I bring her for a long walk in the park, came back, fed her porridge and then we watch Desperate Housewives together. LOL. I mean sooner or later, she has to know how to be a cunning wife so might as well start now.

I am now thinking what I will do with her tomorrow. Maybe go shopping abit but I really have nothing to buy leh. So sian. DH is Tibet, very happy with the fresh air and awesome sky, he owe me big time man! I am going to tax a Gucci bag out of him since anyway Euro dropping nicely now.

Now Arwen sleeping, I think I continue my Des HW marathon with my potato chips and cream cake!


my boy has been sleeping in that position since he's 1mth old.

Little lamb,

I carry him upright so he doesn't choke. Just make sure your baby swallow 1st before feeding the next spoon of food. If I'm too slow, he'll make noise. He likes his cereal.

Jessie, can wait till tmr I let u noe if I wan another pair? Cos my bro is coming bk fr hkg n he said he spend his bday angbao all on Ayden! Haha!

Just went for short walk at pc show. Ayden so funny, he was so bored he just doze off on my dad's shoulder n slept Luke 30 mins. It's so noisy n hot! When we found a quiet eatery n sit down, he mata Kuching!

jessie>have fun with arwen tomorrow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy>anything good at the pc show?

Cy : Not a problem, cos anyway it is not hard to buy at all . I will add to your order [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy (firipy): Of cos! I hope by Monday night to have all the orders in so I can order by Tues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LSnTYL (lsntyl): I order the towel for myself today. If stock is good, will order for you also cos anyway I want to get another piece. The puppets, you want the whole set ? The price is 2 RMB for 1 , let me know eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mel (momo32) : I order first , when the shoes arrived will let you guys know how much to pay. In case the shipping got extra left over. I prefer not to collect money first.

bryest> yes, I am, catching snippets of the world cup here and there, provided not looking after baby...in fact, Lucas also seems to love to watch soccer...He watched the opening match with his papa yesterday. Luis is not so interested. Are you watching?

hello mummies...

wow got spree again..i wan to buy shoes oso...

jessie, i post my choice tml or mon k.. abit sleepy goin to sleep le...kenna flu virus from my gal.. btw i interested in the puppets too.. how much is the shipping for it? Thanks.

Jessie : I am keen on the hand puppets too.....looks cute...;p

How much is the postage ?

Can I let u know if I wat to order the shoes on mon ? Need to double check how many pairs of shoes already got for my gal....becos think got already abt 8 pairs or so already....;p

Btw, where to collect if order any items ?

Thks so much for the lobang ! Must really restrain from buying so many stuffs....;p

lstnyl - Whoa, DH & I love the finger puppets. So cuuuuuuuute. Thanks for the recommendation.

bryest - Thanks for the tips and glad Estovan loves the cereals! I really hope my gal will take to the cereals I bought, otherwise, what a waste!!!!!!!

luvbabe11 - Hhahaha, this morning, I was watching the re-run (I think!) of the match between South Africa and Mexico and my gal was watching with me too! Eyes never blink okay! Think she likes the display of colors and the excitement (of sweaty men moving around). HHAHHAHAHAHA.


Hhahaha, you can be taobao queeen and be our Jan 10 mommies taobao buyer. Hhahaha. I love the finger puppets. If you're getting, can help me get 1 set? I pay you next week when I see you? Hhahaa, now I know there's a price to pay when your DH goes on his holiday.

Maybe I should encourage my DH to go for his holidays too. ;P You'll get by ... That's how I got by when DH goes for his biz trips. My longest record so far is 6 days. Hhehehe. Although I hope no more!!!

Oooooooh, so I dun feel bad making my gal watch TV with me. These days, in order to train her neck and head muscles, and train her in sitting, I prop her next to me on the sofa, support her back and then we watch MTV lah, CNN lah, discovery lah. I try not to let her indulge in drama but hor, her head will inadvertently move towards TV when I watch my drama and she stays in the rocker. So well ... what the heck right? I mean, she was exposed to so much of it while in my tum that it's no wonder she'd prefer dramas to baby einstein!

bluey (bluey) / mstan : By Monday will be good. Not that it is rush but I try not to drag too long cos if sold out, hard to find back.

Lamb: Keke, The thing is, me and DH each have a holiday budget and this year he blew it all on Tibet and I still have it , so I plan to buy a bag with it. He owes me not becos I have to be alone w Arwen but cos I push him to go. He might be the only Malod-Panisset ) his surname) to ever go Tibet. LOL.

Lamb: Ok , will help you order for our side.


Sock puppets SGD 4.15 for 10 pieces but postage may be about SGD 3 or more. So perhaps better to get from the BP which LSN linked.

Lamb: I mean, I know I will get by but the responsiblities is so huge! I am like siao, every 15 mins I go check on Arwen since 7pm. Normally DH will sleep with her at 10pm so no worries but this week, I feel like I am guard duty siah.

Then again, I also had a good time just snuggling up to her and watch TV. I know now she needs my time and attention more than ever so I put my work aside this weekend .

Ok, come to my place on Thursday !!!! We have mummy talks!!!!

luvbabe, Was watching the earlier game,kinda boring for the 2nd one. Ayden loves soccer lei, he machiam cheering (made a lot of noise) when his daddy shouted goal! Hb's fren n wifey is over at my plc watching world cup. My daddy came over to stay cos he is worried I can't cope alone with hb so engrossed in tv!

Wei, yes. ;) why?

Jessie, I give u my orders for the shoes, raincoat & towel tmr.

I saw the bp on the raincoat, ald wanted to buy. I go dig out the link tmr. Then we compare the price.

Finger puppets. Hee hee I got mine on wed. Bought from munmycents too. So cute lor. Tmr shall play w Shayne.

Good nite all.

wei : Noted! Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie : Okie, I also think there should be a BP on the raincoats in SG. If can save on shipping, will be good.


I'm watching with my hubby now. You watching wih your hubby?

Little lamb,

what cereals did you buy for your baby? I'm feeding my boy organix baby 1st white rice cereal. I mix with bm and give it to him.

I just post the link here for those who might want to get some shoes.

Conversion at 1 SGD to 4.85 RMB



Shipping is SGD 2.50 but must ship to one location . I think if we hit 20 pairs, I can send it to two locations, so easier for some mothers to collect. You guys have to discuss who to do the distribution.

Latest Monday night, I will close the order.


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

Shipping 2.50 =

SGD 8.7


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5235126261 Size 14 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996376385 Size 15 Rmb 33 / SGD 6.8


Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 27.30


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.35


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 9.10


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847160631 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602823211 Size 15 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6


Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 26.25

Michelle Seow (mwws)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4911840953 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996408827 Size 17 Rmb 33/ SGD 6.8

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4602338645 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.55

Don't worry for those who miss the Monday deadline. I can still get for you , just that shipping would be more expensive if buy individual.

World cup ... never understood the game. I remember I once dated a football freak... super good looking guy but dump him after I saw him cried when his favorite team lost.. Still I love sound of cheering heard around my HBD block. Keke.

Morning mommies... Febie- because I saw dolphn's facebk photos on the gathering at ur place so wanna ask u abt the jumperoo u bought where?


does anyone of your babies keeps latching and unlatching? My boy latch and unlatch, then he becomes very frustrated and scream. I don't know what could be the problem.

jessie>the finger puppets cheaper from the bp? then I'll get it via there lor. thanks wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>hee, they are cute hor? n can play imagination games with bb with them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hhahaha, wah, you all still set aside holiday budget. Very disciplined leh. For me, if wanna go, just go. But with my gal now, a bit hard. Your ex-bf damn funny lah. Hhaha.

But yeah, you reminded me of those heartlanders cheers during soccer matches. *sniff sniff* I do miss Singapore. I was telling my mom, next time, my gal will go to singapore and say that is holiday, not home. Sad hor? Yes, I'm looking forward to this week meeting up since we missed out on last ... Yeah, can understand why you gotta check on her every 15 mins.

For me, even if she sleeps in her cot, I'll go in and check on her. Sometimes it's coz' I suddenly missed her and wanna go in and see her. Hhehehe.

bryest - I bought healthy times for her lor. Hopefully she'll take to it leh. Otherwise I cham. When your boy unlatches, does he cry or just kaypo around? My gal sometimes does that. But it's more to kaypo. I'll let her kaypo a bit and then re-latch and I'll try to squeeze a bit to see if there's still milk. Usually if it's hind milk, then I'll know she's almost done and move her to the next breast.

lsntyl - Yes, I've been scouting around for finger puppets coz' I know my gal has shown interest in pictorial books and sometimes, I'll take her doll to talk to her and I see that she likes that. So she tends to have an inclination in that aspect. In fact, I am gonna let her wear the lamaze socks I bought for her coz' she's been lately touching her toes and putting them into her mouth!!! LOL.

Finally have the chance to log in... Life of being back to work... Haiz!

Jessie, can I still add in the order for the shoes? I am keen on this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721

If ok, help me get size 15, 12.5cm. Thanks so much!!

Are most mummies still breast-feeding? At times, I am getting so tired of it cos my son will get up in middle of night to latch... To make things worse, I tend to fall asleep cos I am so tired and he don't get a proper feed, so he ended up not sleeping well too. I really wonder should I switch to FM at night... Any advise from mummies?

big foot

i am still bfing, but last feed around 11-12pm, then the next one 6am. LO does stir through the night looking for my breast, but i just pop the pacifier. Don't think they are actually hungry, and will encourage habit of using the breast as pacifier even up till 2yo, like a lot of my friends


the time you spent with arwen alone, you will experience another level of closeness between you. I am sure you will enjoy that bonding.

Wow, for awhile, I thought you gals strike TOTO,4D, or hmmmm win alot in World Cup 2010 and suddenly go on a buying spree. Lolz!!!

Anyway, enjoy the shopping!!!

Little lamb,

he will just pull off the nipple and fuss. Initially I thought not enough milk but he seems to gag on the milk in his mouth. Not sure whether flow too fast. Sigh


it could be he is not hungry, so does not swallow the milk. At this stage, the flow should be regulated and fast flow should not be a problem.

some babies get distracted during feeding, so find a quiet dim place to feed.

sometimes he just need a short bf session for comfort, or to fall asleep, or thirsty.

I usually try to get LO back to breast, but if she still not interested, i will just stop. In fact, nowadays, she makes displeasure noise if i force on her.

furby > my LO still want to latch every 4-5 hrs. So even if he latches at 11pm, he will wake around 3-4am... If I pop pacifier, he will scream. I wonder if he don't have enough feed or what, but when I pump out, I actually still get the amt he would drink from btl too... Yawn, so tiring. But I do agree that if he no longer wants to suckle and I force him on, he will make angry noises or give me the 'glare'.

big foot (elynntan) ; Noted of your choice :)

mstan : Each pair of socks about 40gm , means shipping is about SGD 1.50 a pair like that eh....

I am looking at some Gap, Zara clothes, onesies here also don't know cheap or not.. cos maybe BP have... I think I better stop shopping... everytime DH is away ,I will shop like siao one! Keke



I think onesies more ex to ship eh. Each can be about 100 gm so about SGD 4.80 for the first piece and SGD 3 for the second piece. You guys want, let me know but not sure if this would be worth it.

bryest - Hmmmm, furby is right, by now, flow should be regulated. Have you tried squeezing out milk when he unlatches? If there's still milk, shudn't be a case of not enough milk. And please remember to give yourself a pat on the back because it has been coming to 5 months that you've been breastfeeding!!! I have to constantly remind myself too. That it's not an easy task and I'm glad I have come this far.


Jessie : then think socks not so worth it then...;p

How abt shipping for hats/caps? Like those I mentioned above ?

So many things there so tempting to buy....;p

Thks !

