(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Aiyoh ... my gal now has new pattern ... place her in her cot to sleep, refuses to sleep and will grab her toes and attempts to put them in her mouth! And then the socks come off, end up she'll chew on her socks! Alamak!!!!!!!



Must control leh. I also trying to control. My ayi complaining drawers no space to put her clothes. And recently, I just packed off her small clothes and opened up her bigger clothes. Gotta constantly change and pack. And the thought of no more space to keep her old clothes, that's how I curb myself from buying.

Plus my gal has a lot of nice aunties who keep buying clothes and passing clothes for her to wear.

Febie : Think BO more worth it. Even tho it is like about SGD 6 from my side, the shipping would be like SGD 4 to 5 liao. No point.

mstan : I also like the cap but eh but I think shipping also can 4 to 5 SGD cos of the weight. But cute hor.. maybe I should get one cos my Arwen hair so little can add the curls to her face!

Lamb: I think that is the next milestones eh, sucking of toes/ foot play. So it is good! Let her explore her foot! Arwen loves to see her foot but her fat tummy kinda prevent the foot for bending over to her mouth!!!!!

Yah, I think I packed away like 6 packs of her clothes liao but she is growing very fast! I need to find bigger rompers for her liao!

MUAHAHAHA BO!!! Sorry shld be BP. Wah liao , very hard to type when my one eye is on Arwen, she is destroying a piece of bread with her hands and mouh, very fascinating

Febie- thanks, will get my gf to go see from Wts section. She wants to buy one too but 2nd hand. I didn't know that there are different design of jumperoo.. I got mine at mattel sale for $200 brand new set.. Esther's in love with it.. She can be inside for at least half an hour.. Jumping n jumping non stop..


Hhahahah, BP become BO. Oh yes, one of her new milestones. So I'm leaving her be. Just hope it wun cause her to lose sleep at nite again or I'll become panda. Lucky next 3 days is holiday. I'll kick DH to wake up if she doesn't sleep.

At least Arwen is destroying bread, not your books or her toys. She is enjoying her food!!! Hhaha. Coz' I think a mom's greatest worry is that her kids don't eat! Actually lately, I noticed my gal doesn't like to lie down nor do tummy time anymore. She just wants to sit up to look around.

Yet she cannot sit independently, so end up, I have to prop her. That's why boh bian, put her in front of TV coz' after a while, she got bored of looking out at windows. LOL.

I just post the link here for those who might want to get some shoes.

Conversion at 1 SGD to 4.85 RMB



Shipping is SGD 2.50 but must ship to one location . I think if we hit 20 pairs, I can send it to two locations, so easier for some mothers to collect. You guys have to discuss who to do the distribution.

Latest Monday night, I will close the order.


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

Shipping 2.50 = SGD 8.7


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5235126261 Size 14 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996376385 Size 15 Rmb 33 / SGD 6.8

Shipping 5 = SGD 18.4


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 9.10


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847160631 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602823211 Size 15 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35

Michelle Seow (mwws)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4911840953 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996408827 Size 17 Rmb 33/ SGD 6.8

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4602338645 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.55

big foot (elynntan)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5577674095 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5569202603 Size 18 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35

Sherry (sherry79)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4198211115 Size 15 Rmb 19 / SGD 3.90

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4725547945 Size 15 Rmb 25/ SGD 5.15

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4604140823 Size 16 Rmb 29 / SGD 5.95

Shipping 7.50 = SGD 22.50

Conversion at 1 SGD to 4.85 RMB

Cy, thanks! I must have cut paste wrong one

I just post the link here for those who might want to get some shoes.

Conversion at 1 SGD to 4.85 RMB



Shipping is SGD 2.50 but must ship to one location . I think if we hit 20 pairs, I can send it to two locations, so easier for some mothers to collect. You guys have to discuss who to do the distribution.

Latest Monday night, I will close the order.


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

Shipping 2.50 =

SGD 8.7


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5235126261 Size 14 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996376385 Size 15 Rmb 33 / SGD 6.8


Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 27.30


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.35


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 9.10


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847160631 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602823211 Size 15 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6


Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 26.25

Michelle Seow (mwws)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4911840953 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996408827 Size 17 Rmb 33/ SGD 6.8

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4602338645 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.55

big foot (elynntan)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5577674095 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5569202603 Size 18 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35

Sherry (sherry79)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4198211115 Size 15 Rmb 19 / SGD 3.90

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4725547945 Size 15 Rmb 25/ SGD 5.15

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4604140823 Size 16 Rmb 29 / SGD 5.95

Shipping 7.50 = SGD 22.50

Conversion at 1 SGD to 4.85 RMB

whoa, seems like taobao really have alot of things... i better not surf it... :p

tyl> thks for the link... still trying to convince my hb... hee hee...

can buy finger puppets frm ikea? hee hee...

mstan> not sure if u browsed, this BP sells the headband with the curls of hair... really v cute... i saw someone wearing it and sherry's shernise also wearing it for her channel 8 baby... v v cute... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (too bad i don't have a girl)


finding toes> nowadays my son like also getting interested in his toes, when bathing, he'll keep looking down at his toes... so difficult to bathe... btw, do you all start to apply shampoo and body gel directly already? Or better to wait til they can sit properly?

bryest> my son also liked to latch and unlatch recently... but thks to the mummies here i'm assured tt he is ok...

though he's wt gain has been quite pathetic... 1 mth only gain 465g... doc suspect it's due to the cow milk protein allergy... sighz...

world cup> i support italy!!! (coz they v shuai... haha...)


what's this cow milk protein allergy about? Can share more? I think my gal also gains about that kinda weight or less in a month! *sigh* Today, something very funny happened. I was lying in bed pretending to cry and then she saw me cry, she started frowning and looked as if she was about to burst into tears. Then I assured her I'm okie and started smiling.

And then from her frown, she suddenly smiled. Aiyoh, so cute. So DH and I decided to disturb her. We both pretended to cry and the moment she showed signs of about to burst, we started laughing and then she smiled again. We repeated this a few times until she decided that we were just making fun of her at her expense and realized she was being tricked, then she didn't frown anymore, just laughed with us. Hhahahahahha.

Babies are sometimes just so funny lor.

febie/Wei, the jumperoo is arm saviour for me.. Oliver can be inside for 30 to 45 mins.. I can pump while he is inside and when no one is around..

Jessie, thanks so much for coordinating...

ET : You are welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry : Paiseh, FB is block here in China so cannot vote for Shernise .. I hope she wins ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: I think your LO has great deal of empathy and compassion for people one. Remember Audrey's baby? When she cries, your girl also look at her and then cries? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think also our LO is growing more awareness to people around them. Today when A's nanny left, normally her expression heck care one but today she frown and keep looking at her nanny , like confuse and sad like that. I think she might slowly develope some seperation anxiety liao!!!

Ok, today I realise something, as much as I always tell people to be themselves , I forgot that applies to me too. Yesterday was the first time I am with A alone , I was patronizing like "WE ARRRREEE GOOOING TO HAVE SUCH! A GOOD TIME!!!!! BOTH OF US GIRLS!!!" I talk and in high pitch voice, I laugh too hard, I sing too loud. Arwen was of cos ok but she look at me like "Can you like ..stop it ?".

Today, I decided to stop worrying that she will be lonely, she will feel left out, she will feel neglected and just behave like my ususal self. I worked and just let her sit beside me in her bouncer. I then carried her when I feel guilty. Bad I know but it works for us the past few months. In fact, it was a better afternoon for both of us. Neither of us is pretending to be the best chummy mother and daughter , we are just normal. Keke

littlelamb> haha... i used to do the crying trick when baby cried and i didn't know what to do... he'll stop once we 'cried' too... haha... today i tried to scold him and frown but he still frown bk leh... :p

cow milk protein allergy is when we mummies tk dairy pdt and pass to the baby... doc informed tt his allergen markers had increased since the last chk-up... and he is also having rashes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

his poo is still having blood. and his haemoglobin level is quite low... not increasing as it shd be... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sometimes he has diarrhea where the poo is all liquid and no solids at all... doc say diarrhea means he not absorbing the nutrients...

toy rental> my hb read today's feature on toy rental in sunday times and he say we shd go rent some toys... yeah!

Ok, here is one where she destroy a piece of bread with her hands and mouth, in a good mood for photos today , she pretend to be good friend with Emma but the last photo shows what she really did to her...



Hiya mummies!

Greetings from Perak, Malaysia. We survived driving to KL, then later to Perak with 2 kids (again!) & 6 other cars. The plan was to put Aifah in carseat at the back with #1, so hubby & I can have peace infront, but halfway thru KL, Aifah cried, so to the backseat I went.

Haven't had time to read thru the posts. But I can see there's a shopping spree taking place here!! So fun!


Your arwen is too cute lah. Her thighs are bite-able!

ET, Febie

Same same! I also think the jumperoo is my life saver. I can prop A in there while I pump, or even cook quickly.


Hhahaa, empathy and compassion? I never saw it that way. Always thought she was just being kaypo. Hhahha. And recently adding 'samseng' to the list. Yeah ... but thanks for making me see it this way.

I guess she kinda takes after me in that aspect? Hehehe. I mean, I do tend to be more sensitive to the feelings of those around me. But you are right, they're starting to be aware of their surroundings and it seemed to have happened overnight kinda thing. So it does take me a while to get adjusted. I guess I've been too caught up trying to train her on her neck and head so much so that I've neglected the other aspects of her and took them for granted.

I simply love that shot of A on tummy time. So sweet and lovely. You know, my gal has a similar doll like Emma, except she's a blonde. My gf was teasing me, better change doll hair color for her, wait she grow up thinking she can only have ang mor friends. Never mind, A is part Ang Mor, so they can be good friends. HAHHAHAHHA.

xin - Oh no ... sounds a little scary. I mean the allergy thing. Your LO's paed is quite detailed to go through the tests. I doubt we'll get that over here though. But thanks for the explanation. Sometimes, BF-ing, while it's good, but it's really a sacrifice on mommy's end also. I mean, the food we take, really gotta be careful. I tend to be really careless sometimes and take things for granted.

smalldreams - Ooooooooh, you're on a road trip to malaysia, no wonder these few days never see you log in.

c yang & prayinghard - How have you gals been doing?

Xin, u have to stop drinking milk.

I only took the anlene concentrate 4x fortnightly.

If u goin to introduce FM to Matthias, pls use HA hor.

Lil lamb, dun think of ur girl as samseng lor.

My lil fella worst lor. He knows that I dun Like him to put the mittens in his mouth, he purposely showed me. It has been a long long time since I put mittens on for him for his nap.

He tried to flip when I walked away. Today after he flipped, he still attempt to move with his hands. Think he will start crawling in another 2 mths. But u and ur DH so good. If I disturbed my bb, hubby will scold me.

Aiyo, Arwen so cute.

Love her chubby look, big eyes & lovely smile.

Sherry, voted. Y this photo huh? Toy she has those really chio ones? Hee hee.

Small dreams. Enjoy ur trip huh. ;)

too bad. Jumperoo still has not rescue me.

Today broke record. He sat for 20 min. But w me beside him.

When will he leave me alone?

Thanks, she is in very good mood today and smile alot! Sometimes she really hardly smile one...

Lamb: Yah, I guess sometimes have to have outsiders observe certain stuff. I mean, sometimes I worried A would be a cold or very impersonal kind of person. She see other babies cry, she no reaction one. She hardly cries or fuss , if she is hungry, she would wait for me to make milk for her patiently. So I do observed when other babies are more socially intune [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin : I think also things like cheese or anything that got milk eh. You can switch to soy bean, also good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m nt feeling too gd, sore throat, took too much chips while watching world cup....looking after Ayden myself tonite, cos tmr on childcare leave. Ayden so awake till 15 mins ago. Hb watch f1 n Ayden was engrossed in it, he push my hands n cried when I move him away fr the screen! Wish mil or mum was here....

firipy (firipy) : Drink more water eh.. I think Ayden super boy boy hor, like watching F1 siah! Don't be sad, I am sure you can manage him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry just scan thru post cos kinda sleepy.... Ayden not allowed to chew hands so he decides to chew toes ... N best he lift his bum up nowadays n my mum says he is learning to crawl! Babies learn so fast n I m learning abt them everyday....

Jessie, sometimes I oso wonder if he tink he super boy, doesn't want to sit or lie down, likes to stand.... We have to sort of nudge his legs to relax n make him sit then he willing to sit

firipy (firipy) : I think you must try to have another baby, a girl for you to dress up and accompany you *wink. Looks like your Ayden's going to be very manly next time . LOL.

Okie, finally I can go and sleep! Finish my stuff liao.

Hey littlelamb,

I'm here! Haven't been that great these 2 days. But today's better after some bit of crying last night and some self-practice yoga this morning.

Hub left for biz trip to Singapore last night. I took the opportunity to cry when seeing him off. My mummy told me to cry it out too. Heh. But i guess they both know that i'm emo because i'm the one having separation anxiety!! Yes, at the age of 30! You see, hub's coming back in 5 days then a few days after that, my mummy's heading back to Singapore.

I really have been having it too easy all the while, boy! Cos my mummy has been around every single day to help me with Renee. When things are not swee swee, Renee screams (occasionally when she's tired) or when she doesn't nurse nicely, i spray around... mummy's always there to catch her while I clean up myself. These days when that happens, i will be very emo, asking myself "oh dear, what am i to do when mummy goes back to SG?"

Hub assured me that we can just call for delivery for meals, no need to cook so luxuriously 3 dishes and a soup or what. But i "jian" mah... i love cooking. I think i gotta quit cooking a little and start doing more one dish meals. He also suggested that we could get a part-time helper. But i stay in a serviced apartment, there's only cooking, dishes and laundry to be done. I mean i could do with some help in terms of washing bibs, tray, bowls when feeding Renee her porridge... but i probably can do without too.

And suddenly this week, my neck is a little swollen. Mummy says it's some thyroid thing and it's psychologically induced. Asked me to relax. Hiyah... i'm so silly. I know I can handle Renee, we will cope somehow but i suspect the underlying reason is i can't bear to have my mummy leave me (not leave Renee).

Ai yah! Ultra emo lah!

Hub even asked me to take my attention off this forum. Not that he doesn't like this forum but he's thinking i should use my free time for myself. Don't be in a mother's role 24/7. Read also read parenting books, surf also surf motherhood forum, shop also shop baby's stuff. He wants to buy me clothes to cheer me up but honestly with the BF going on, i don't really know what i wanna add to my wardrobe now.


(Sorry folks for the negative energy!)


Oh and i was reading the Hoggs then thinking if i should press on E.A.S.Y cos Renee is ES(Y)A most of the time. She sleeps at the breast. But showing signs of independent sleeping at times. She's been sleeping through since 2.5 months too. Is there a need to change her? Kellymom.com got some opinion that sleeping at breast is not a bad thing. Even Hoggs says it's PUPD is a last resort for babies with no routine and cannot sleep through. Renee got routine of her own, quite close to Hoggs' and sleeps through with simple cuddling n her lullaby (What A Wonderful World)... just that it's not E.A.S.Y. sequence. i shouldn't insist right? Almost wanted to try PUPD but figured i was too emo this week and i don't unnecessary tears cos it's mummy's last 1.5 weeks here.


then you are off dairy products totally? hope mattias will get over this soon. I share your worries on bloody stool... remember Renee had a few specky streaks a couple of times? I also don't drink much milk now, don't know if it's the cause but i just avoid lor. Still taking cheese and icecream though.

I have also pretended to cry in front Renee too. She also stopped to see what i was doing. hah. I only did it once cos I thought it may not be good influence. haha.


I was looking through you lobangs. So tempted to buy shoes too. But Dubai's summer sale is starting in 4 days. hee...

And i'm still waiting for hub to take me thru taobao's website. I speak mandarin but taobao is quite confusing for me to read. Maybe I don't know the web and online lingos in chinese.

Arwen's a cutie! Does Arwen look more like you or your DH?


What's this channel 8 contest about? Big prizes? So many friends in it! I'm voting for all of you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oops missed the shoe spree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes btw my mum said bb hvny reasch 1 year old cannot wear shoe ... not sure y ... perhaps is old folk tales ...

C.Yang -- Hugs. I guess with all the hormones in us it is only natural to get emo from time to time! But your hubs is right. Good to get some me time. I was sharing with lamb yesterday that I realised just as our LOs are in a routine, our lives (or rather mine) as a SAHM can be quite a routine too. So it is nice to break out of the routine every once in awhile. Yesterday I took some time off for "me time" and baked choc chip cookies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About the EASY/ESYA routine. My twins are on a mix of both. After their 1st and evening feeds they are on ESYA and in between in the late mornings and afternoons they are on EASY. Personally, I feel that as long as the baby has a nice routine going on his/her own, there is no need to follow things strictly by the book. I mean these are just guidelines and suggestions and ultimately if a variation of the recommended routine works for the baby and there is no forseeable harm in continuing the baby's natural routine then by all means just stick to it. No need to "force" baby into a routine that is prescribed by someone else. Just my thoughts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning Mummies!

Jessie> oh, arwen is such a cutie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie> hahaha i tot that pix look funny.. anyway, just for fun only la.. not as if she will win lor hohoho

Good morning mummies...

Wow A few of u sleep so late?

Dolphin, you still in time to order...

I also can't let Shayne wear till 1 year old... but buy first lah... who cares?? hehhee...

Wow I really jialat leh... I nv bother to read up on those Terms like EASY/ESYA... so no clue abt wat u all talking...

Sherry, think hard to win too...

too many entries... I also lazy to submit mine...

Sophie one, I will join the June to July one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Liverpool, think we still belong to the Tian sheng tian yang group lah... hahaha....

do whatever we can within our means, thus no stress huh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie, I got read here read there abit lah, but never so chim stuff. Ask here ask there also, aiyah, read too much also no use, I got 3 kids, all different pattern. So in conclusion, the kid chut pattern, we must chut more pattern to counter them. Wwhahahhaha

Liverpool, hahaha... very true... all children behave differently... if you have 3 the same patterns, you also boring leh... hahaha...

Regarding Chut pattern, think children nowadays pattern more than badminton lor.. they know you counter them liao, new one appear real soon...

Ask here and there is the way to learn lah...

cos if we dun encounter, rem too much also stress...

jessie>arwen v cute leh. I esp like the last photo of her with her doll. :p

sherry>voted le. what are the prizes arh? see so many people entering. Think I won't bother. a bit lazy. :p

liverpool/febie>I also have no idea what EASY/ESYA, etc are.

jessie> love Arwen's pics. btw, if what the old folks said is true, your next baby should be a boy; judging from the single line in both Arwen's thighs.

c.yang> i find your mom very supportive. can totally understand that you will miss her support, company and the extra pair of hands when she returns home. I miss cooking too. Not that I can cook very well but I just enjoy the process. Nowadays we make a lot of one-dish meal too like pasta and wraps. At most, add a salad cause easy to make and minimal cleaning up required.

you know what.. my DH is flying off to ME tonight and won't be back until end of the week. So, Jessie, you and myself are single mothers for a week. My only worry is whether I will be able to get to work on time in the morning since I have to walk my dog and settle Yongxian before I get ready for work.

I am not very particular about Yongxian's daytime routine other than his feeding time. When I sense that he's tired, I will put him down for his nap. Everything else can come in any order. However, I am particular about keeping to his bedtime to cultivate a good sleeping habit and also to have some ME time afterwards. So I think any kind of routine is ok as long as it fits your lifestyle.

smalldreams> hope you're enjoying the roadtrip.

Morning mummies....

Jessie> Arwen's pics are so pretty....She really has more and more of the ang mo look leh....

Sherry> Voted for Shernise liao...hope she wins! She is also getting very cute by the day, seeing her pics in FB....

Febie, liverpool> haha, sama, sama, I also dunno about the EASY or EAYS routine so also have no clue. Yeah, I have 2, but both Luis and Lucas are totally different. What works for Luis does not work for Lucas leh....

