(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

thanks Sherry... huggies back... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So next Fri lunch??


hi febie.!

actually me and baby seldom go shopping so we dont spend much.i just need to earn to pay for my CPF for housing loan also.

of cos working will be better,when your are financially capable,u can provide more.but i just cant bear to part with my LO and dont wish to miss the stages of her growing up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

C.Yang - ya loi dun dare to cry in front of my mum leh.. i will keep hold back until my voice tremble hahaha.. dunno y hor..

febie- hahaha ah pek Bryan hahah if he knw i say this to others he will be so so sad hahah

tt time oso lo i havent pump n baby havent slp n i havent even iron the working clothes n the shirt to iron is all his! make me du lan.. i say can u kindly help me ? all u knw is iphone, games, slp .. i nid to pump leh.. iron clothes u go iron if not u make ashton slp..

LPC- we will forever Bu fang Xin put baby at nanny, IFC, maid and etc,... We are the one who should learn to let go a bit n go outside work.. treat it like a break for us.. 24/7 look after baby will go crazy although we are willing to go mad hahahhaha...

but living in sg no matter how much hubby earns still nid to go work leh

like more pocket money n in times of need for money we dun nid to worry lo..

i dun like life like just enough lo.. i wan comfortable only lo.. not luxury .. just comfortable hahaha

like i told my ah pek hubby i wan buy febie playmat .. he say just bought jumperoo dun so fast.. then i say ok lo i buy ..

cos i got own money mah.. if not ah .. beg for it until he turn 6 months ahahah

Febie> Huggzz...take it easy and totally understand what you are gg thru. Shayne is really a good boy and know what mummy is gg thru so he really behaves well.

Is your hubby a soccer fan? Mine is so I will be sensitive a bit to let him enjoy his World Cup for a month but will expect him to at least still help out a bit here and there.

Yes, my motivation to work hard is also to provide for both my children and so that I can buy things for them as and when I like!

Ganbatte, you can!!! All mummies here can!!!

LPC, hehee... I need to pamper myself lor...

cos Hubby wont and dunno how to pamper me...

I nv ask him for money one.. so muz have a work out plan, otherwise, it will be doom's day for me... think most of us here also hope to be able to stay with our lil ones thru their stage of growing but no money no honey lah... hahaha

wah.. so many posts today..


thanks for d info..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jumperoo all these I paid one... infact all Shayne's toys paid by me and my sis...

the playmat from our joint acc... still kena scolding from him but who cares?? as long as my Shayne likes the mat can liao... hehehe...


I always give in to him leh...

He at work can't watch soccer, I watch and update him the score leh...but now we nv subscribe to worldcup, I toold him to go cc or meet his friends... I can't possible bring Shayne go and tired him out...

Afann, how's Ashton now? got see another GP for opinion? I think go back to the same one better...

Lin, we complaining so many posts lor... :p

ok i go pump, catch up later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie, I'm with you *hugz* too!

My hubby is leaving for his outstation this fri for 4mths! so these days I basically *threw* the responsibilities to him to take care of the nite feeds. So after this fri, it's I, me and myself to deal with the kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For those with domestic helpers, are you leaving your LOs with them? I haven't done mainly becos i'm still bf-ing.

febie- we didnt go to the gp we used to c .. cos he is not on shift yesterday.. n we couldnt wait cos he look serious.. went to the other doc instead.. if tonight still not good will bring him see his usual gp lo..

my hubby heard the mat cost nearly $300 he 0_0 haahaa

steph- dun worry u hv US... lolz...

firipy>sama sama. hubby and I always throw ayden at my mom when he refuses to behave with us. think he associate us with play. No matter how tired he is at night, just won't settle when he is with us. But pass to my mom for 5 mins and he's asleep. Told my hubby to enjoy this while we can. Once new home ready, cannot have this quick fix le.

re channel 8 contest>besides sherry, who else enter from this thread? Then i go and vote. Winner is based on no of votes?

c.yang>not sillyang lah. its perfectly natural. don't be too hard on yuorself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I don't know what the show is about too as I hardly watch TV these days.

re hubby>my hubby sometimes reads this forum if I leave the thread open too. He can recognise babies wor. Esp Ashton, Leticia and Kiana. :p

actually, I think I'm not a v good mommy. I seldom bathe Ayden unless I have to and hubby actually bathes and changes Ayden's diapers more than I do. Hubby also sing and play more with Ayden. I seem to be only in charge of feeding him. V terok mommy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

luvbabe>hope Lucas gets well soon. Glad he's eating more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luvbabe/LPC>I heard Hotel Re! is not bad. they've a promo now for 168++ per room per night. Not sure if its cheap?


Sherry>? what happened? How come your email become flooded?

Afann>Ashton still sick? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] You bring him to PD le?

I also cried when Ayden was warded for jaundice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

febie>hugs. not easy for you wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But you are brave. I know I cannot make it as a SAHM de.

eh, is there still a lunch this Wed?

tyl- asobang LG 18mm the biggest one.. super comfy leh..

different quality bah.. extra comfy ..

yup still not well..but fever no more le.. just serious running nose n cough..

heart pain pain leh.. see him cough like this..

febie> ya ok, 26 June.. onzzz

TYL> cause someone voted for shernise i have to vote theirs back.. then when there are comments posted on their link, i get an email notification as well.. anyway, hard to win la..so might as remove hahaha

AFann>hee, no wonder. Yours is the best. Ashton will have lots of fun on it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope he gets better soon. you must try to eat well and take care too hor. Pass him more antibodies through your milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry>wah, so competitive. But I see got more than 1000 participants le. V hot contest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have domestic helper for all my kids, but NEVER have I troubled anyone (not even hub, confinement lady or mum) before for night duty. Whether I bottle feed or BF, I do it myself. I feel more siong than maid lor.

I let her rest from 10pm - 6am, so daytime can help out.


got lunch on Wed? u back to work only Wed to Fri ah?

met mstan for lunch today to pass her the Happy Bellies..

MOmmies who ordered Happy Bellies Cereals:

any idea how long an opened tin can be kept for? the tin doesn't state. I'm only starting T on semi solids in August and the tins expire in Jan... hope will be able to finish~

I'm back....

hmmm... this few days did not eat fish, thik supply dropped a little...

Sherry, 26 is sat leh... :p

TYL, your hubby is so nice..

You are doin very good ald... u need to bf and pump leh... very tiring also...

your hubby helps because he loves too...

so dun blame yourself... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afann, don worry, Ashton will recover, no need to see doc lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, TYL> ya i think quite competitive lor... so many parents take part... prize attractive ah?

Steph, dun worry... your elder girl sure will help you... She's so sensible... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You have us here too...

Can invite cheerieheart etc to your place for chit chat so that wont feel so stress... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alternative, chat with us here...

TYL> ya very, thus i better pulled out.. anyway, not gonna win so dun waste time wahahahaha

Febie> ohh paisei, 25 June hahahaha

Wow so many post of Complaining!!

Jessie, Arwen's pic so cute...

I can distribute the stuff but location @ Sengkang or Clarke Quay Mrt. Should see majority staying which area for easily distribution.

Leticia's both thigh also 1 line lor :p Hope its true so can close shop.

Afann/ Febie, My Hb also sama sama wan... Manual gear n not automatic gear. Need push like old car always stalled. Sigh....

I got M size Pooh flower parklon playmat too same price as LsnTYL. :p

So when is our gathering again ???


you are super-mummy! motivates me!


so heartpain to hear that macho ashton is down. Hope he recovers soonest!


outstation, 4 months! quite long uh. so many "single mothers" next week.

wow furby_pet! power! I can't do it this time round, maybe 2nd time liao...no more energy and felt unjust that I put in more effort since #1.

I also let maid rest from 10pm-7am but my maid offers to take care of my bb at night. I thought it's ok since bb slept thru the nite for a while.

I read some where that to build kid's independence, by 6th mth, gradually move their cot away from you until they can totally be left alone in their room?

lin>eh, not sure about lunch wor. we were talking about it last week but think both sherry and I cannot take leave so a bit difficult. Ya, I normally only work Wed-Fri but sometimes will switch around depending on plans and work roster.

Think dates proposed were this wed and next fri.

Febie>thanks but sometimes think I can do more leh. Not v good at playing with Ayden so I borrow bb yoga book. At least can do some moves with him. :p

Hubby and my mom are both great help lor. without them, I sure pengsan de. So admire the SAHMs. Cos I cannot do it.

Febie>I went to see the website, don't think they mention prizes.

CY, i burst out laughing when you describe hubby as manual gear car.. hahahaha... I fully agree lor.. So nice if they are automatic de.

yeah i cant do 16 June cause i need to cover for my colleague wo...

hehehe i also take care of little shernise for her nite feeds.. though maid offered but just wanna spend a little more time with her in my arms ahahha

Febie, Charlotte is an attention seeker actually. She will have her moments too which I end up scolding her *feeling bad*.

That's right CYang, 4months...by the time he's back, my boy already 10months! wonder if the boy can still recognize him. LOL

My gf taught me a method which i think a little gross; not to wash the last T-shirt my hubby wore and wrap around the bb at nite so that he can rem the daddy's scent?

Sherry: stress at work ah?

Cy: hahaha... think most guys all same lah...

ya must meet up leh... our lil ones needs playdates...

Actually I very bad leh... I kinda of looking forward to July cos Hubby's not home for 10days... :p

can no need to visit PIL...

last sat my lil Shayne got free Sauna... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

He already got heat rash on his neck but dunno wat the hell my SFIL thinking lah...

I'm so angry lor...

c.yang> it's a good idea to hit the gym.

lsntyl / firipy> according to my SIL, if can only see one line, then next one is boy. if any of the thighs can see more than one line, then next one will be girl. she said it was very accurate with her kids. she has 4.

afann> hope your LO get well soon. i just visiting the GP. Seems like everyone there all down with cough and running nose. And I can't take antibiotics as still BFing.


mommies, anyone can recommend a comfortable playmat? i don't need a very big piece as i don't have the space. Yongxian has been flipping in his cot and everytime gets stuck at the corner, he will scream for help. i was looking at this (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4052407.html?1276496659) but not sure whether it's good.

ET/CY: now most of the cars in Sg ald auto gear liao but think we "bought" the wrong ones lah... all manual one... very tiring...

YL, you did your bit lor... Yoga with Ayden. He will know mummy also putting in effort...

I also did night feed all by myself...

Hubby only woke up twice since Shayne's birth.

to wash bottle only...

ok so set for next Fri lah... see who can make it lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm bringing Shayne... :p

Steph, dun worry abt bb not recognise daddy...

Rem to Viewcam almost everyday lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Caleb will know...

Charlotte trying to seek your attention cos now got did to fight with her over you.

febie>when set place next Fri, tell me. I see if I can sneak out for lunch during my training at Amara. :p

Hubby finds it v hard to wake up for nite feeds so I either do them myself or my mom helps me.

I only learn a few moves. Must try harder lor.

cocomama>then if no lines?

The mat looks nice but never saw it so no idea if its good. I quite like the parklon mat I got though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie> hahaha no la.. now still a bit lohboh mood le...where u plan to go?

hahah mine also one line.. hopefullt ganna boy then factory can close hahah

Furby, Steph> I also let my helper rest from 10pm to 630am on weekdays and 10pm to 7am on weekends. I have been the one taking care of children on nights, even day too, if I'm home on weekends. There was a day she offered to help me out to look after at night but ended up, I got to carry Lucas back to my room coz she is sleeping and snoring so loudly till even when Lucas cried, she also couldn't wake up....Sigh!!!

CY> Hahaha, I laughed out loudly too when I saw your post describing hubbies like manual car!!!

Steph> I thought that clothe/T-shirt thing is more for mummy's smell...Apply to Daddy too? More practical would be to show your boy his Daddy's photo or picture and tell him to recognise your hubby via photo instead of smell...haha

CY, TYL> Think our gathering tentatively next Fri. Prob meet for lunch or something bah...

Sherry> no idea leh... bring Shayne out for a walk lor... wont be driving lah... Use my best friend --> Sling... :p

If the lines at the thigh is thru, then I shall stop at one...

lsntyl> i also don't know leh.. i just hear say only. my CL also told me next one will be a boy. she was saying something about the nipples. i think i'm trying not to trust this cause if i really have #2, i'm hoping it will be a girl.

Febie: Viewcam everyday? *lazy*

luvbabe: My maid can ^5 with yours, she snored very loudly at night too. When I got up and pump, I can hear her. As if she worked very hard :p

My first CL told me my next will be girl again but wrong leh...I count my dates, more 'zun' I think.

febie - My DH is the one that gets scolded by me everytime he irritates her. He likes to snatch her toys from her just to see her reaction. So bad hor?

jessietan - I dun think A is cold and impersonal. In fact, I think she is very calm and steady, totally unfazed by other kids crying. It shows very strong character on her end and she is truly a contented baby. You know earlier this afternoon, I was latching her and she kept unlatching to watch her daddy play his PS3. So I spoke to her sternly that she should not keep doing this because it is very painful for me. And then she pursed her lips, frowned and burst! Aiyoh ... really cannot take scolding leh she.

c yang,

*big hugs to you* Somehow, the day will come lor ... when we have to be on our own, just a matter of earlier or later. I totally understand how you felt because when my mom first came over with me, she could only stay for a week and after she left, DH had to go on his biz trip. Imagine, all these happened within 2 weeks of me reaching SH. It was just nitemarish. I think back and I dunno how I pulled through. I recalled crying so much after my mom left.

So yes, I can totally understand how you feel. I think you really must consider getting a part-time helper. Not so much of relieving you of your duties but more to gain your sanity back. I need my breaks lor, otherwise, I'll be such a disgruntled wife when DH comes back that he'll wanna divorce me! LOL. So yes ... I still need ayi around to help me with my chores ... though she can be really careless and forgetful.

My DH also always complains that I'm on the forum, ask me to go rest when I can. But I told him it's just hard coz' I'm the kind who takes a damn long time to get into deep sleep and by the time I do, my gal would've woken up from her nap already. So I'd rather be online lor. And yes, like you, I only read parenting books, surf parenting sites and shop for my gal's stuff. If I'm out, it's usually for grocery shopping. I think my 'me' time is when I have luncheons with friends or get online to chat with my friends back in sgp.

As for routine for renee, there's something I've kinda learnt in the past 5 mths of motherhood and that is ... pick something that works best for you. I adore G Ford and Hoggs for their routine but at the end of the day ... I have to make sure my gal gets used to the routine. I stopped G Ford for a while and used Hoggs and after that, I realized that cat naps from Hoggs is just not working out for me, and that my gal needs longer naps. I mean, if I had stuck to EASY, I'd have to have play time for her like 5 to 6 times a day. I'll truly peng san. And then as I observed her sleeping and feeding patterns, I decided to put her back on G Ford when she was more comfortable.

You can consider putting Renee on trial ie. Let her play after feed. For G Ford's routine, I think only the noon time feed and evening time feeds are before sleep. Even then, I will still let her rest a while before putting her in bed. It really depends on your lifestyle. I mean do you foresee yourself latching renee to sleep everytime she goes for her naps and letting her self-wean? Or you prefer to let her sleep independently on her own?

I guess try the method that works to suit your lifestyle best. I've always kept in mind what my friend told me before and that is, a happy and confident mom raises a happy and confident child. I need to find a routine that suits me best before I can raise my child up happily.

mummies are always vy "wei da"....big clap to all mummies...

It can be really stressful when hb is not helping much...i've been thru tat before i had a maid...during my 1st one...evenings and nites are tiring for me cos have to take care of LO, hb will be out for tuition till 10pm, i have to rush back fm work, clean the hse, grab a fast dinner then pick up bb fm nanny then later tat put bb to sleep...thank God morning is not too rush for me cos hb is at home in the morning, he will bath bb and send bb to nanny's hse...for no.2, life is quite a bliss wt my helper ard...she really help me alot...when i come back fm work, hse is clean, dinner is ready and all the kids are all showered...i just need to spend time wt them...once a while i can also hv my "me" time...like going for my kickboxing exercise and once a while meet up wt my frens after work...thank God tat my helper is really capable..

i've just start HW on cereal and she loves it...

T3...Charis, I brot RJ there liao...he loves the slide...

smalldreams...you have a good trip in Perak!!!hehe u miss me already ah???

I just post the link here for those who might want to get some shoes.

Conversion at 1 SGD to 4.85 RMB



Shipping is SGD 2.50 but must ship to one location . I think if we hit 20 pairs, I can send it to two locations, so easier for some mothers to collect. You guys have to discuss who to do the distribution.

I place order for most of it liao. Anyone still want, latest Tuesday 11am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

Shipping 2.50 =

SGD 8.7


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5235126261 Size 14 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996376385 Size 15 Rmb 33 / SGD 6.8


Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 27.30


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.35


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 9.10


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847160631 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602823211 Size 15 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6


Size 16 Rmb 31 / SGD 6.4

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 26.25

Michelle Seow (mwws)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4911840953 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 =

SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4996408827 Size 17 Rmb 33/ SGD 6.8

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4602338645 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 5 =

SGD 17.55

big foot (elynntan)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4847246721 Size 15 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 2.5 = SGD 8.25


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5577674095 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5569202603 Size 18 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

Shipping 5 = SGD 17.35

Sherry (sherry79)

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4725547945 Size 15 Rmb 25/ SGD 5.15

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4604140823 Size 16 Rmb 29 / SGD 5.95

Shipping 5.0 = SGD 16.10


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5169374775# Size 15 Rmb 30 / SGD 6.2

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5602998237 Size 16 Rmb 32 / SGD 6.6

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5577674095 Size 16 Rmb 28/ SGD 5.75

Shipping 7.5 =

SGD 26.05

AFann (afann) : Wah, you very "heng" , I can't even stand the sight of them. *shudder

I (luvbabe11) : Glad Lucas is drinking. I think some kids like that leh. I spoke to my mum and she said my brother also like that but very active so dun worry eh.

Yap, if I have no.2. I will sit DH down with a lawyer and make him sign in front of the law the things he must do for his kids!!

C.Yang / Lamb :I think you guys are very maternal liao and your maternal instinct very strong so no worries , Nat and Renee will sure be a very well balanced kid .

Febie: We are here for you and always side you one . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: Er I think I speak too soon. Today Arwen FUSS! Like she pout and purse her lips and had fake tears and all. Me and her nanny were overjoy to see this display of displeasure! LOL!!! Seems like Arwen recently dislike it when we change her clothes. I hear of this weird phrase where babies will cry and fuss when changing them but never thot A will be one of them. Today she really cry until face red when we change her! She is a contented baby I must say but I don't think it is due to me leh, I think it is her nature really. Still, I must be grateful!


You damn funny leh. Turn head, eat food, smile and cry got quota to meet? LOL. Eh, to be honest, I don't think you want your DH to be too involved in this forum lor. Can you imagine your DH everyday tell you about this mom do what, that mom do what and ask you to do the same? I think I would be damn pek cek.

I'd rather be the one with the power of knowledge and then guide my DH. MUahahhahaha. Oh yah, over here in SH, all sortsa nonsense bugs appear during summer one I tell you. And they're like triple the size of what we see back in sgp. Even the cockroaches and beetles are bigger here lor. Damn scary one.

You steady, still can use floor towel to cover. If me, I'll cover the bathroom door there and then not use it till ayi comes next day. Hopefully your bathroom towel not the expensive type. Speaking about breeding, there was once I got back to SH after a long holiday in sgp, to my horror, I discovered gazillions of flies on the balcony floor and i mean gazillions! Turned out this mom beetle landed in my balcony and nested there!! And then dunno how come those flies died at my balcony too.

Maybe too cold. You should've seen the way I shouted man. But you are right lah, I also dunno what kinda example I'm showing to my gal by being afraid of bugs. I told my DH about your story, he said from today onwards, he'll start training me by catching bugs and showing them to me. SIAO!


Speaking about pacifier. Yesterday, I heard my gal made noise in her cot, ask him to give her paci. He anyhow go take one (which has not been washed for a few months) and put inside her mouth! I screamed at him like mad when I found out. But too late, my gal already suckled like mad. I could only take oral wipes to keep cleaning her tongue and gums lor.

And pray hard hard that she doesn't fall sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But to be fair to him, he rarely makes mistakes like this. But sometimes when I think about it, when our LOs can start crawling, walking etc, we'll have more things to worry about them putting nonsense into their mouths. BTW, good tip on how to kill the bug with the container. Next time I'll do that if DH isn't around. Hahhaa.



I think liverpool11 has a point. No point forcing the men to do things they dun like. I mean, you want them to enjoy loving the child and not finding it a chore to be with them. My DH is a gamer too. And to be honest, he finds every opportunity he can to play his PS3. But ... he also will take up tasks like bathing my gal, feeding her, playing with her, taking her for garden strolls. Because he enjoys them and also because I ask him to.

I think it's a give and take thing. I dun mind him playing with his games after a hard day's of work because he needs his break too. I always believe that his work is just as hard as what I'm doing at home too. So he also needs his break.

