(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Lamb: My DH just left for Tibet for his holidays and will be back only on 20th June. If you guys can wait, we can make it on 26th June, Saturday, if cannot, then you guys go ahead first and let me know if it is good or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



for 10pairs to ship to Sin is $25?

that's cheap...

or per pair $25?

many nice ones... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie : The shipping is 10 pairs for SGD 25. See if you guys want to combine and ship or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessietan - Wah ... you damn steady leh. You let him go on his hols without you guys? I'll be killing my DH if he did that man. LOL. Well, at least not at this stage now. My DH has been wanting to travel to tibet too. But I didn't wanna go with him coz' i totally hate rough it out places. He's coming back on 20th June ... that means he wun be around for Father's Day? Will let you know again on when we wanna go for the class and we can arrange to go together or something.

If you want to order on your own, let me know and I help you to calculate the shipping.

Anyway, let me know over the weekend if you guys want. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie>wah, I'm interested. sounds good wor. But how to we go about it? You order for us (TT to your SG account?), send to one of us then we distribute ourselves?

LsnTYL and all : Anyway you guys want. You want to combine, you want me to ship directly to you guys also can . Just TT the money to my POSB acct can liao.

It is just that China Post charges SGD 5.70 for the first 100 gm and each additional 100gm are at SGD 3.40. So for example, if you buy two pairs and the weight is like 120gm etc, you have to pay SGD 9.10 for the shipping.

lamb: DH very reluctant to go but I push to him cos since we are in China, Tibet is once in a life time opportunity for him leh. If we go back to France, going to Tibet will be super expensive and not possible. Then now he go khaki to go with him, better go. Yah, he will be back on Father's Day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessietan - Hhahahahahah, yeah, I read khaki and went laughing. My gal huh ... today sleeping haywire man. Dunno what's wrong. Like early this morning, can have paci on her and cried non-stop! Dunno issit teething pains came back again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

okok... i wanted to get a pair for Shayne to wear after one yr old... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mummy refused to let him wear so i just follow suit...

think can just send to one of the mummies (or mummies from different zone), then we got excuse to arrange gathering again...


jessie>agree. should go Tibet lor. So now its just u, your nanny and arwen?

super tempted by the shoes but see got other moms interested or not.don't think i want 10 pairs of shoes. :p

HAHA. No worries, I plan to get a few and just thot if you guys want, can help you guys to get.

Lsntyl : Yah, now left me and nanny and Arwen. At night, nanny will go home so left me and A. But I kind of look forward to it cos eversince I am back from SG in March, I never once spend a day with my girl alone!!! Either always with nanny or DH. I am abit scare to bring her out alone in this city so tomorrow, I will just bring her gaigai nearby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, I see liao, ald shortlist 2 pairs leh...

but Currently Shayne has 3 pairs at hm waiting... :p hehehe...

Jessie, dun worry, I'm sure you can handle Arwen alone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also dun care, just bring Shayne out on my own most of the time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now car ride is slightly easier with his fav music on... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually when hubby works night shift, only Shayne and me at home, we have lots of fun too...

he will sleep on the bed with me... and always give his big smile to me readily... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie/jessie>wah, peifu you gals. Ayden really exhaust me at times. Am quite grateful when my mom or hubby takes over so I can rest. :p

Will look though the shoes after I finish checking the office invoices. Quite excited as I haven't got any for Ayden yet. :p

YL, I'm also exhausted by end of the day...

but at least I'm can have him accompany in a way, less me time of course and more running than walking... hehehe....

But worth it when u see the smile on their face... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you... i go pump now...

today so quiet...

mommies... so fast buying shoes?


I can't view the link from office! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hubby has banned me from shopping... have to check this secretly when home. LOL


phaw you came in wif nice lobang for us....my bestie there always buy things from taobao oso....soooo many to buy hor...

me keen!!

febie, tyl wait for me to see & look okie...

i got 4 pairs of soft sole shoes for tytus...for 12-18 mths..the lenght is OK but his calves too fat...& seems tight...=(

Mstan.. hugz hugz... I know how u feel exactly!! But dun worry, u r nt alone.. my poor boy got very stupid, negligent parents... he slipped off the sofa when he was only 2.5mths... Heartbreak loh.. just wanna cry on the spot when I hear him cry on the floor... =( went online to google for concussion, brain damage in the wee hours... but read that it is very common for babies to fall from sofa, bed, watever... just have to be more careful next time..

Monitor your baby for 2-3days... measure temperature regularly to ensure no fever. Observe that there is no apparent bruises, her feets and arms can move, her eyes can track objects and she still feed well and appears happy, can play etc. If nothing out of the ordinary, then shld be ok... tt time summer's mama told me no need to go see doc immediately cos doc will ask us to go home and observe...

Wah jessie, agree with lil lamb.. u very steady and u are a very good wife to encourage your DH to go on a holiday!! For me, sometimes I will pull a black face when my husband wants to play golf on the weekends even tho it is only once in a blue moon, but then I tell myself he needs some "me" time so I will eventually relent.

But u are right, shld take the opportunity to travel while u are in China. You know, in the 2 yrs that my husband and I were in China, we didnt travel within China at all! Cos whatever opportunity I had I wanted to get out of the country and either fly back to Singapore for a short break or travel to another country. Needless to say I didnt really enjoy my 2 yrs in China, but now that I am back in Spore there are moments when I think back abt the 2yrs in China and I realise that I do miss some things abt the country.

Keke, ok, once you guys confirm, just put the url and the size. I will comply and see if we can get 10 pairs to SG. Going out liao! Chat later![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lunch also can...

coffee/tea w cakes also ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fatbabe, how many cm to buy for 1 yr old huh?

LOs falling

mommies, gotta start keeping an eye on our LOs now I think... d other day I put T on her flat baby mattress on the floor and went to wash her bottle in d kitchen. 1 minute later my MIL called me and I went back to the living room and found T had rolled onto the floor!

I've never seen her roll before so was super surprised... luckily she wasn't on the bed!

Hi chameleon, i was like u! The one yr i spent in China, I also din travel around, coz whatever leave i had, i wld fly back here. Complained quite a lot when i was there, now come back oredi, i do miss being in SH and now wld sometimes ask hubby get a transfer there :p hahaha... grass is always greener on the other side syndrome! But with baby, tough lah. Hubby worry alot abt the food standard there. Anyway, i love my wk here too much also! Can't imagine later come back n gotta start all over again!


dats why i say i kiasu..i bought the soft shoes 2 pairs are 13cm, 2 pairs are 15 cm..for 12-18 mths...hahahaha

coz you will be suprise the feet can all of sudden grow v fast too! juz like how they outgrow their clothes!

Haha, I hav been a silent reader n can't help to log in after looking at the BB shoes. Yes, I want to get 1 pair too! ** Shopping antenna out again! ** [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB Chris has mild fever (37.6) this morning. Sponge him and administered 1 dose of paracetamol. Fever just subsided. Think is becoz of teething.

febie>hee, I was beoing the shoes you short-listed too. But decided to be good and just get the one I like best. :p

I'm also kiasu. Rather get the biggest size as I find ayden's feet already quite big.

yuki>long time no see. hope bb Chris gets better soon.

21st that week is bad for me. Cannot take any days off cos 2 colleagues on leave or on course. But think if meet for lunch should be ok bah

fatbabe, ya i wanna be kiasu too...

will get the biggest size available...

hhahaha... and I know the way they grow too...

Yuki, Hope Indiana Chris is ok now...

Cheerieheart, dun worry... when Kenan starts to show sympton, you will panic... so relax now...

you will be surprise at how fast he is to everything...

ET, if you are reading this, I just wanna tell you how Oliver movtiate my Shayne...

Now Shayne can hold his head high up when tummy time... Thanks Oliver... Auntie Febie muacks muacks...

BB 'rolling good time'

My LO also enjoys rolling from side to side, sometimes coupled with a flip. I was jus telling hubby few days ago we need to buy a foldable mattress. I will sleep with BB on the floor to prevent him from rolling down the bed. Haizz.. mummy downgrade to floor soon

Hi TYL n Febie, **wave**! Been reading the posts but too tedious to type on my iphone. So hardly post unless at home, hehe like now.

My Indiana Chris feels better now, back to his usual noisy self after lunch. Now he is napping n I have some time to browse the webby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is there a gathering on 25th? I shld be off on that day. Can join the mummies for makan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sure lah...

so we set at 25th first, since a few of us can meet for lunch... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, no worries... I still have many days to clear... just let me know when there's a gathering lor... I try to take leave... :p

btw, YL, I also like the pair you shortlist for Ayden... But Shayne has a pair of blue shoes liao... shall go back and check tonight then let Jessie know what I want... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Give your boy some time, k? I am also trying to be patient with my gal's wobbly head. I mean, it wobbles when she turns her head, so I'm concerned lor. I mean if it's not steady, I am not confident to start solids for her. Your DH is right lah, I wudn't consider bringing my LO to china for holiday. It's not exactly a child-friendly place if you ask me.

In fact, I dun find HK a baby friendly place either. I think we're really pampered back in singapore with the nursing rooms and ramps for strollers. It makes traveling around with baby so convenient. I can always stroll my gal to mrt station and take a train to anywhere lor. Good thing is, both my place and mom's place near mrt stations. hehehe.

My gal also cannot roll yet. She can only flip to one side and then she gets pekcek. I am more concerned about training her head to be steady now and also for her to sit ... so that she can start solids. Have about 1 mth to go.

lil lamb, your gal is showing symptons to flip anytime when she is ready... think for a start, they love to flip to a side...

so no worries lah... in less than a mth, u will see her flipping... then u will face pro when u want to change her... hahaha...

Febie, glad that Oliver manage to inspire Shayne into holding his head high.. hahaha..

My MIL bought the jumperoo after my hubby show her the pic with Oliver in it and told her he like it very much.. hahaha.. But really space consuming sia.. But i worried next time he want anything my MIL will buy, no control..



wow, so fast your boy boy ready to wear the white shoe to go to school!

LO sitting

my LO also bobs unsteadily, but she is very curious, cannot lie down, must be sitting up. So maid has to support her body while she busies away with toys.

In the morning when I say bye bye to her, she gives me a smile and then blur blur look into the space. Very funny.

