(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

c.yang>hee, thanks. haven't been uploading ayden's pix recently cos we haven't taken many. :p

haven't thought of getting a potty. can use the normal toilet bowl mah? :p

think ayden's first puree will be spinich/peas/brocolli. can mah? prefer to start him on a not so sweet veg first.


Mummies, you all can start avocado too...

it's tasteless... but quite good for the babies... will start Shayne on this when he reached 6mth old... and also his cereal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie>thanks for reminding me about avocados! forgot about them. :p healthy fruit. plus I can use the leftovers to make avocado shake. :p

Rgd: East mummies @ Airport

Megan..not Sun..haha..weekday..

True..they can't run or walk..well it's more of a gathering for mummies to chat..haha!

I like the "tranquil" environment and few people not like town or those shopping malls.

Anyway, its just a suggestion..but if most are keen then lets make it happen!

Melissa..Yes I read growth spurts can happen around 4 months plus.

Febie, LSnTYL...Didnt think about avocados! Kinda ex though..not easy to get at NTUC. But I like the idea of making it into a shake!! Haha!

Smalldreams: Thanks, I’ll check out exersaucer then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not sure if the toy rental companies have it, coz I only looked at jumperoo previously. Agree with you that toys don’t need to always buy expensive ones. We can be creative and make use of materials around us. Borrowed two books from the library yesterday on activities to play with babies. There are some really good ideas which don’t cost anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie: Avocado is very good for babies! Er… but I just don’t know how to choose. The last time, i bought avocado, i picked those with green skin and were hard. I thought can keep a while for it to ripen but kept for 2 weeks also very hard! So can someone teach this blur mommy how to select avocado?

I also agree that when weaning, should start off with something not too sweet, if not babies will end up developing a sweet tooth!

hi mommies.. thanks for the concerns... esther's better.. i've stopped the fever medicine.. is it that so long below 38degree is not fever?

jessie > the doctor gave us orange syrup for her fever. i was given pink syrup from another doctor to give esther is she develops fever after jabs.. so not sure if there's any difference between both..

mommies... an update of esther's photos..

esther's current 2 favourite past-times.

lifting up her legs.. very useful as she will do that whenever i'm changing diaper for her.


n sitting up..


was at "The Forum shopping mall" last week when we brought Esther for her first little gym class. n loves the decor of this nursing room..


lsntyl, i think it's not too advisable to gv brocolli...cos broccoli is known to cause gas in many people..check out tis website...under the category "try to delay intro" kind of food.


my fren just told me that her PD advise her to start intro white rice 1st to bb instead of brown rice...i think i'll start HW on white rice cereal 1st...

charis> really can growth spurt at 4mths plus ar... maybe my son is too... wake up 2 times every night... he hasnt been like tt since 2.5mths... :p...

like e thought of a 'tranquil' place... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart> i saw exersaucer at rental site bef... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> i not sure leh... some parts like wrinkled n popped up... ltr discuss with hb agn... but v hard to get mr lee to come down... my sink til today still leaking n he haven come... :p...


avacado sounds good... got gd fats tt baby needs too...

cocomama> i thought baby actually don't need too much fibre? read abt it somewhere...

btw, so wad's e advise on oxidised apple?

jessie> e thot of slipping into the potty sounds really gross... esp for e mummy who have to clean e mess... :p...

Ooooh, avocados!

I wanna make guacamole and eat them with tortilla chips now! Cheerieheart, on choosing avocados, i think bumpy skin is ok. smooth is not necessarily good in this case. A little soft under a gentle squeeze, toing toing, not hard but not squashy mushy feeling. hahaha.


Mothercare has the same potty is a few designs and themes. We find this tombliboos one cute and it's not pink. Hub has this thing about giving Renee a colourful 'world'. Maybe cos his nieces only knew pink till they were 3. Everything had to be pink for them.

I also don't intend to start the fruits so early. I'm doing carrots this week, potato next week, spinach the week. Still thinking... every week different colour.

Hi mummies,

I'm new to this thread. recently my gal seems to decrease in milk feed and seems to be cranky at times. i suspect she teething so apply "Ba Bao San" on her gum...

Anyone had prob weaning bb? I only manage to let my gal tried once on corn puree cos Mil not confident in weaning. sign..

It's healthy...

anyhow doubt they can finish one on their own...

do it into shake...

we also can make avocado shake with BM for them... ahahahah

Choose those very brown. very soft... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ripe one too...

smalldreams> no worries. the pic was taken at a playground at my mom's place in KL.

lsntyl> no need to completely wake him. just a gentle shake to make him aware that he's going to sleep in his cot will do. broccoli is actually considered a gassy food. so might want to avoid that for a start.

xin> no advise on oxidised apple leh.. i thought i remember reading somewhere how to prevent the oxidisation. but my cookbook merely say to expect some discolorisation. so i guess it's ok as long as you dont mind the color. high fiber food is good for anyone, and i think especially for babies if their digestive system is not so mature yet. that is my own theory lah..

c.yang> can't help it. since you hardly rant, i can only remember all the good things about Renee.. ha..ha..

on introducing sweet stuff

there's also a theory that TBF babies will be more likely to develop a sweet tooth as BM is sweet. so many confusing theories so I guess we just do whatever we are most comfortable with, can leh.

Wow Loves Esther's photos...

super cute... love the big eyes on the leg lifting one... hehehe...

Shayne got the same leap frog toy too...

And you know what? he has decided to use his tongue to "spin" the wheel. cannot tahan...

everything looks delicious to him...

wei : Reason I ask is, there are typically two types of fever meds.

The pink one is more "universal" known as Panadol syrup. The orange one is either Brufen ( ibuprofen ) or Voltaren ( diclofenac ) syrup.

The thing is never to take the color of the meds to identified the meds, always look at the name of the names.

If I am not wrong, the orange one is for fever over 38.5 .

At the hospital , the protocol is if baby has fever over 38.5 to 40 degrees. We give a dose of Panadol + Brufen , this would reduce the temp and also any inflammation which might cos the fever.

Suppose it is a random viral attack, the virus tyically attack the muscles causing it to inflammed with contribute to the fever ( thus we have muscle aches and headband and soreness etc etc ). Hence the Brufen would reduce the inflammation and less inflammed = less fever.

But if the fever is only 37.5 to 38, we normally give Panadol nia to observe.

So do see if the orange syrup is Brufen or Voltaren . If fever less than 38 , we try not to give as it can bring the fever down too fast and result in slight hypothermia like 36 degrees.

So point is , to be effective, if temp is 38.5 and above to give the Brufen and Panadol. Once temp drops below 38 , just give Panadol . If temp later up again to 38.5 , then give the Brufen.

Brufen and Voltaren must be use with care cos will cause gastric ulcers in prolong uses, hence after some milk, then give.

Er... hope i make sense..LOL

cocomama> oic. guess id everyone's eating it shd b fine ba...

on gassy food, think potatos also gassy leh...

cyang> colourful foods are good for babies... and us too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wei - Esther is so prettyyy !!!

Jessie - eh ur nurse profession suddenly come out ah .. Two liquid type medicine can type like essay out haahaa !! Now we knw the differences [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Esther is really so cute! She can sit up already uh? So strong.

Ah seee... Jessie already give you one thesis on panadol...hehehehe...joking only yah? Thanks Jessie, we trust you coz you were an ex-nurse :p


I intend to give broccoli but not too early lah coz it's gassy, furthermore it's one of those vege which is genetically modified, or I could be wrong. I watched one episode of desperate housewives and mrs mcklusky said that to one of the characters, lol.

wei>can I intro ayden to esther? :p she's such a pretty baby.

cheerieheart>the toy rental companies have exersaucer. Can look out for this book called itsy bitsy yoga in the library. They have lots of yoga poses you can do with bb. I tried some on Ayden and he likes them. Also fun way to play with him.

xin>har? your sink is leaking too? aiyoh, how come so jialat?

jessie>wah, cheem wor. The doctors only gave ayden the pink syrup.

ok, no brocolli! :p


I read in G Ford ... that she starts the babies on twice solids a day from Day 3 or 4 already. But in small quantity though and still recommends supplementing meals with milk. So you might wanna try lunch and dinner. Wah, you're good to start toilet training now man. For me, I need to train her to poo first! So every morning, I'll have to go through the routine with her.

If some days I get busy, then I wun be able to go through with her and she'll forget to poo! Aiyoh eh. My mom also told me the same thing, she said she potty trained us when we were 3 to 4 months. But personally, I'd prefer to wait till after she's a year old. You know this morning, she refused to take her morning nap, refused the paci, just laid down the cot and cried. It seldom happens and so I decided to latch her and let her fall asleep and she did.

I hope it's not gonna become a habit!

jessie- really a big thank you for your explanations!!! becoz her temp has already gone done below 38degree therefore i wanted to stop using the orange one as i suspected it could be a stronger type but not sure.

febie-i bought it only last weekend. was on sale at kiddy palace for $24.95. She has another one - the alphabet worm from leapfrog too at my mum's place to entertain her.

smalldreams- yup.. she can sit without back support now. for quite a long time. but we try not to let her sit unsupported for too long... she doesn't like to lie down, doesn't like to be on tummy for too long.. doesn't seems interested to try crawling.. only want to sit n n wants to stand... really dunno wat to do with her.. doesn't wan her to miss the crawling stage..

jessietan - Arwen is so funny!! She stores food in her cheeks?! I'm thinking of making pumpkin puree for my gal too, but probably do that at 2nd stage maybe after 7 mths. Listening to your stories kinda psyches me up on starting solids. For the longest time, I'm really dreading it. Coz' of all the work involved! But I guess I totally just masked out the fact how enjoyable it'll be watching them experiement with different tastes. Alamak, you miss singlish? Talk to me lah! Hhahahahha. But I can understand why lah. Coz' your DH is french, nanny is chinese. At least for me, I still speak to my DH in singlish. And when I meet my singaporean friends, it's so nice to be able to speak singlish lor. Hhahaha.

melissa - I won't be surprised if separation anxiety starts now for your LO. I mean, some babies just develop certain things faster. Like firipy's Ayden ... he could flip at like 3 months? So I guess sometimes those timelines given in books might not be a good guage. My gal is also starting to display some signs of stranger anxiety.

lsntyl - okay ... just be careful about broccoli and peas coz' they do tend to cause gas. And spinach has a weird taste for the babies to start with, I heard. For me, safe bet would be sweet potato and carrots. And avocados contain high fat content, so you might wanna go easy on that too.

wei - Whoa, I love the nursing room in Forum! Gorgeous. I dun even know if I can find decent nursing rooms in malls in SH!!! Hahha, my gal also likes to lift up her legs for me to change her diapers.

c yang - You make me crave for tortilla chips ... let's see ... I still have some salsa in my fridge. Hehhe.

Keke, when it comes to medical stuff, I am always curious and the Nurse in me pops out. I wish I can be a nurse again, really miss my patients!

Wei: Esther getting prettier and prettier and so active ah!

jessietan - Speaking about pottys, my KS mom already bought my gal a potty from mothercare when she was here liao. But I was so hesitant to start her so soon lor. So it's staying as a white elephant in my house now until it's gonna be used.

Lamb and all, one thing to prepare when start feeding is THE CAMERA or VIDEO. Trust me, you want to capture the various expression on their face!

Today we tried steam egg yolk, Arwen's is so disgusted with it, she frown till her eyebrows nearly need! Too bad my camera batt dies so did not take photo. Keke

I think like what smalldream said , enjoy the process, if they refuse or choke or spit it out, dun give up, continue the next day in smaller amount or try diff food.

Yah, thank you for the avocado tip! Will make some for her~

lamb>carrots and sweet potato are sweet, no? I don't want to start ayden on sweet stuff first so thought green food is better. anyway, still got a while to decide. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb> was wondering why you disappeared today. I think if it's a once off thing, it will not be a habit. Sometimes, only latching can calm them when nothing else works. I've been through that too. If I was in the right frame of mind, I would unlatch when he has calmed down and go through the usual of putting him to bed.

Lamb: You did the right thing. I read sometimes babies go through so much developemental phrases , they are overwhelm and to "Reset" the buttons, they need to be latch or cuddle more.

A also has trouble sleeping since she turned 5 months, she will struggle quite abit to get into deep sleep. Me and DH will take turns to hold her hands or stroke her head until she sleeps. Last time, no need one, her head hits the pillow, she will automatically sleep liao.

Jessie> ahh, whats reset button hehehe.. yeah i agree they tend to calm down when u hold their hands and whisper to them..

LOL! LADIO siah! You mean lah Lamb! Your Nat so fun to be with eh. I miss her leh.

The "reset" button is more like they just need to be a baby again, to cry, to fuss and to be cuddle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there was one bad episode last month. Renee needed to be rocked drowsy before latching. Then latched, full already, she'll sleep. It was like that for more than a week. Super tired then. I think the latch till sleep habit was formed since that phase.

littlelamb and jessie,

Renee also keeps some food in the mouth, like little hamsters, before pushing them out. Really shows how important it is to clean their mouths. I clean them twice daily at the baths and now after food too. After she gets teeth, gotta really watch oral hygiene, boy!


i agree with the reset. Even adults have nights of insomnia or tiredness too right? Can't expect babies to be so consistent everyday too. :p

When are you bringing Arwen to France? I'm probably bringing Renee back to SG for 3 weeks in July. 4 hours time difference. Scared that it'll screw up her nice routine. But we gotta adjust her to Singapore time, right? The other day go Jordan was easy cos only 1 hour time diff.

So bored at wk...... Counting down to 6.... Wah, u all so fast chop.... No more for my Ayden. Tink I go make frens with feb, mar, April n may 10 babies ahaha

C.Yang : Yah, I am only going back for 2 weeks . I also read that babies have no concept of day and night so should be ok. I think tho A sure will have trouble sleeping in new place. Plan is to tired her out so much she knock out without much fuss.

i think babies nowadays are smart...

they will keep stuff they dun like in their mouth... once full, spilt it out like they coughing and pretend to vomit...

this always happened to my Shayne...

Be it with milk, water and medicine...

Sherry, half day can anot??


does Arwen have a sleeping bag or sleep positioners? Bring her familiar stuff. I was afraid that Renee couldn't sleep in hotel room but she was ok with both the hotels we stayed in for the trip. Got her pillows and sleep sack along. But we had to take turns to go for dinner cos she sleep at 7pm. Then we couldn't watch TV cos it was just in front of the bed... ended up we rested so much cos there was nothing much to do at night other then speaking softly and watching her sleep.

Firipy, dun worry...

muz "lai dian" for the babies mah...

if not, we book, chop also no use lah...

Liverpool, ladio reset still need to tahan another yr or 2 lah...

jessietan - You should be secretly happy that your nanny is so responsible lor. I mean ... if you think about it. Some people think nanny is just looking after the kid. But your nanny actually seems to have a curriculum for Arwen. That's why I am so impressed! It's basically like homeschooling for Arwen. I guess when you wanna hire a nanny to watch your LO, it's something we sometimes have to accept.

lsntyl - Carrots and sweet potatoes have sweet content but they're natural. Personally, I think it's fine. But to each his own I guess.

cocomama - Hhahaha, I was out for lunch with some friends earlier. I think socializing's good for my gal. I cannot keep cooping her at home with me! She'll be so sick of me!

C.Yang (baa) : Yah, last week I introduce a small bolster to her to hug everytime she sleeps. I want her to be use to it. Then also she is chummy with the Lamaze doll Emily ( tho we call her Emma) and Freddy the Freako Gay Butterfly ( LOL) and also Elmo. So I plan to bring all these to France with me . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: If I really let her nanny have her way.. I bet A is now 10kg big, knows how to poo, do somersaults and say Mama liao. I think the locals here really push their kids too hard siah.

But then one thing her nanny dun know is English, this I have to make sure I am on the ball to expose her to words talk to her in English. I mean her nanny take care of her wellbeing very well but intellectual not so . Still I am grateful for her everyday!


jessietan - Not me call my ah gal ladio lah, it's liverpool. Hhahahaha. I not so bad ok! Yeah, the locals love to fatten their babies up. No choice, it's their culture. I think if they see my gal so small, they'll faint lor.

cyang - Dun remind me about oral hygiene man. Now it's clean gums and tooth. Older is flossing, then it's brushing. Wah liao eh.

