(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

All this talk abt baby food is makin me super super gian to start the twins on solids!!!!! But this lazy mummy needs to go read up on weaning books and buy all the necessary gear and utensils. So exiciting hahah.

C.Yang -- His baluku is gone already haha. He was a brave boy. Didnt cry much when he hit his head. I told him knocks and cuts are part of growing up so he has got to get used to it too hah!

Lamb -- Hah the photo is super cute! Kieran is also a samseng boy. Can rotate 90 deg or 180 deg in his sleep and his arms and legs are everywhere!

Charis -- Yes T3 is great for babies! I'm at the airport with the twins almost once a week!


Jessie> whoa ur explanation really v good. Hope I can rem when e time comes…

Can give egg ar… thought cannot leh...

Smalldreams> it's hard to find food tt not gm in one way or another… :p

c.yang> ya, I fully agree tt even as adults we don’t behave e same way every day… will always tell myself tt when baby is cranky… :p

Littlelamb> if I'm not wrong, babies need fat in their diet and before age 2 should not give them low fat stuff?

Ur girl so cute not samseng lah…

Wei> esther really cute leh.. Can sit and stand liaoz…

Chameleon> my son also likes to rotate 90deg or 180 deg… I wanted to give him a lot of space to see if he can do 360deg but he didn't turn at all… :p

Yesterday my son also had a small knock… during tummy time, he moved his body sideways til he fell off his mattress… thk God it's just a short height… really v xin tong leh... initially, i was still telling myself tt every baby nds to fall... :p...

tyl> ya lor, dunno what's wrong leh... he re-do alr still like tt... sighz... think we calling a plummber liaoz...

c.yang>wah, how you clean renee's gums? I can't get ayden to keep his mouth open long enough to check if he's teething.

lamb>will feed him sweet potato and carrot lah. but maybe one or two weeks later. Don't want his first food to be sweet.

xin>glad matthias is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin - Oh yes ... they need fats. Avocado puree is okie, but just be mindful of the fats. ie. Know the limits when giving them. Coz' too much of it may turn them overweight and I dun think we want that in our babies.

Xin, yr bb fell off the mattress on the flr ?

I very careless-put bb on bed on tue nite but too near to edge & I juz turned & next she turned & rolled off the bed. We rushed her to KK hosp & the doc said she seems ok & juz ask us to monitor her for 72hrs (3days) for abnormal signs etc. So was on urgent leave these few days to monitor her....hope she will be alright & will not hv any "hou yi zeng".....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any mummies had such exprience of bb fell off bed b4 ?

Lamb :Aiyoh, paiseh I blur, thot it was you who call your girl ladio. KEKE

Xin : Diff theories and practices when it comes to eggs. Many think better to give when 1 year old, some are ok with 6 months old but here they give at 4 months old! I was very worried but Arwen don't have problem with it so now she is getting one third of egg yolk three times a week .

Lsn: Yah, think better start w vegs than fruits eh. Now my girl everything must mask with apple puree ..

xin>he never send qualified plumber? his renovation got warranty right? can go back find him? what did your ID say?

mstan8888 - Oh no ... hope your LO is ok. My gf's son also once rolled off the bed. She brought him to see paed but he was okie. Try to observe a bit, k?

jessietan - I'm considering to bring my gal to Gymboree. Coz' the musictogether class schedule doesn't seem to coincide with mine. *sigh*

mstan> it's his mattress so a abt 10cm only... thk God it's my hb last touch if not i surely get a gd scolding... :p

hope ur girl is fine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> thks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think he did ba... can go bk to him... but he always dont turn up... anw, we still owe him 1 payment n e tv console money... quite substantial... if he dont respond to us, we'll just get someone else to do it and he can forget abt his final payment... :p

jessie> oic... guess every baby differnet ba... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlelamb> think my son will do well with avacado... he so skinny now... i also no fats one... so i actually v worried my milk not fatty enough and he not getting enough fatty acids for his brain and overall development... :p

today i just found out tt join the online nestle baby club can get free samples... hee...

they also having an exhibition and talk...


jessietan - They have weekday and weekend classes. Mostly afternoons I think. Are you keen on weekends where your DH can join? I can get the consultant to call you and you can talk to her to enquire. They have trial classes.

xin - Hhahaha, my gal also can make do with more fats lah ... the interesting thing is ... everyone says she's chubby. But huh, she's only like 6.5kg? So when I read the gals posting here about their babies being 7kg or more ... they must be really chubby!!!

lamb: Thanks! I was thinking of weekend classes cos normally very boring here on weekends and it would be good if my DH can come too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

litle lamb & xin : yes, hope bb will be ok & will not hv any 'hou yi zeng' next time....;p

little lamb : how's yr gf son now ? Any side effect after the fall ? Dunno will affect the brain to become 'slow learner' or not ?

Looks like many babies have tried cereal, puree and fruits. Raelynn is already 6 months plus but still haven't started her on any. Hee. :p

Will start her on cereals when I come back from Penang bah. The whole family is down with cough/cold so I think she is not missing much. Even my taste buds are dead. :p

mstan : I am so sorry to hear about your bb's fall, I hope she is fine now. Normally if by 72 hours she is her usual self and not vomitting, it should be fine. Don't think will result in slow learner..

Pauline : Hope your family is alright soon !

Wei: Esther is so sweet! She can sit very well, how many weeks is she now?

Little lamb: Your girl is lovely! She doesn’t look tiny or thin, just nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin: Thanks for the info on nestle club! I was considering NAN, at least now I know how to get free samples. Because this week, I’ve received call from Dumex and Friso, they are going to send free tins of FM. Was wondering if Nestle will call also. Now I just sign up online [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, Jessie. I'm overdosing on cold tablet, echinacea, and drinking lemon ginger tea. HopeI recover soon so that I can pass the antibodies to Raelynn through my BM. :p

I just started feeding mu boy they organix white rice cereal today. I mix it with my bm using the weaning spoon and bowl from pigeon, become very watery. He seems to like the cereal. He took 5 spoonfuls and then turn his head away so I stopped giving him. I tasted the cereal and it's a bit sweet. Don't know whether the cereal or my bm is sweet. Will continue to feed him everyday and increase the amount.


anyone tried or is giving friso 1 and/or frisocreme? Any feedback?

I'm trying to introduce fm to my boy now. Not sure which brand to start with. Need advice. Thanks a lot.


my friend's baby rolled off rhe bed 3 times and he's still as active now. Don't worry so much, she'll be fine.

bryest / cheerieheart : how old yr frd's bb when rolled off the bed ?

I scared bb now so young n brain & organs still developing, dunno fall will cause blood clot or cause any "hou yi zeng" next time like headaches etc?

Pauline : take care ! My throat also feels phelgmy & will cough once a while.....seems didnt 100% recovered after I sick 2wks ago.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jessie : normally if anything happen will be within 72hrs ? Will it happen after the 72hrs or much later ? Was suppose to bring her for her jab next tue. Dunno still can jab ? Need to let the doc know abt her fall b4/during jab? After jab, she will hv fever so dunno later will it becos of jab or becos of fall ?

I cant delay too long the jab becos she still hv not hv her rotavirus n need to finish her 2 shots b4 she reach 32wks?

Mstan- hope ur bb's fine... Cheerieheart- Esther is now 5month 5days old now... Yup can sit on her own pretty well.. But doesn't seems wanting to crawl..

Morning mummies!

Was reading bout potties.. Have oredi started my Bb on it since she was bout 3 mths plus.. Now, she won't really poop in her nappies but will make tt "nngg" noise really loud so we can go grab the potty for her.. So no harm starting to potty train early..

But try to take note of their poo poo times so that they don't feel stressed or pressured on the potty.. I usually switch on the tv for her while she poos.. Works so far.. Though she's no really interested in tv anymore.. =)

I know tt some bks don't encourage potty training too early for fear of stressing their anal muscles.. I guess it's the comfort of the parents ba.. My friend refused to potty train her boy.. Till now, at 2 yrs plus, he's still not potty trained..

Hi Febie

Yar lor..only L and XL leh..at least thats wat i saw when i was at Giant, Vivo. So i bought L to keep..haha..super kiasu.


I am quite concerned with my gal's neck and head situation. She has just turned 5 months but her head still bobbles a bit here and there as she turns. It seems like most mommies here have their LOs' heads quite firm already and can start solids. If my gal's head still bobbles, I am not inclined to let her start solids for fear of gagging. Any tips on how you let your LO's neck and head stay firm?


I stock up a box liao... hmmm... think will go grab one more... storeroom too full liao...

lil lamb, from the photos, think Renee looks ok leh... More tummy time for her?

mstan..hope ur bb is fine!!!

bryest...hw is on friso 1 but not giving frisocream...so far hw is ok wt friso...i think she is "fat" bcos friso is quite sweet

mstan: My elder gal fell off twice the bed (fom abt 80cm height) when she was 4th and 7th mth. I was so scared that I brought her to the doc but was advised if there are no signs of vomitting and high fever and intake as normal- They are ok. Babies' organs are 'well-cushioned' by fats and there are 'elasicity' in them to reduce such impact.

She is turning 4 soon, besides being blur and hyperactive. She is generally OK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just monitor well, check if there are tenderness or bumps.

koolduh, to me friso smells vy nice...i hate those wt milky smell...my no.1 loves it vy much, now we change him to another FM he starts complaining say only Friso is nice

febie - Hhahaha, my gal is not renee. Renee is c yang's gal. Hhahaha.Yah, been giving her a lot of tummy time.

mstan8888 - My gf's son is doing so well now. He's a very smart boy. So nothing to worry about, k?

jessietan - Maybe we can go together for a trial class? Coz' I would like to let my DH attend also.

cheerieheart - Thanks. Yeah well, she looks chubby but she's only 6.5kg. Hard to believe sometimes.

lil lamb, sorry sorry...

all yang mah... so confused lah... hahaha...

your gal good lah... dun wan mummy to feel tired carrying her...

sometimes i wonder if my boy grows fat etc and I have no strength to carry him how... hahahha

Steph : how long u monitor bb after the fall ?

Yes, my bed rather high as mattress already ard 12cm.

My bb not a lot of fats leh....heee...more on the skinny side now as weight is below 50% percentile...;p

Tenderness or bumps on head ?

How to see/determine tenderness ? Blue-black ?

mstan : Honestly you will drive yourself mad with all these questions. I think if after 72 hours , nothing happen, then all is good. It is very simple. Don't complicate the whole thing and thinking it would be worst when it is not. Having a fall has nothing to do with vaccination so it is ok to go for her jab.

Is you girl her usual self now ?


my friend's baby fell from the bed when he was less than 6mths and I think it's about 3 times. He's going 3 years now and is smart plus active. Just monitor for 72 hours. I know it's hard to ask you not to worry cos I will freak out too. If she's fine during these 72 hours, I'm sure there's no 'hou yi zheng'.

jessie : heee....I came back to office to work 1/2day 2day as need to settle some office stuffs....;p

bryest : my hb keep on blaming me for dropping the bb & keep saying wat if next time she hv 'hou yi zeng' or she not as smart / slow learner, etc ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mstan -- I know it is only natural to worry when our darling babies fall/injure themselves. For a split second when my boy hit his head my paranoia also set in and i was thinking if he needed a brain scan! Then the logical side of me set in and I told myself all babies are bound to fall/hurt themselves at some pt in time. Its all part of growing up. As long as they seem ok, eat and play as per normal after the "accident" all should be well! Dont worry and reassure your hb too and all should be well.


I also heard that friso is sweet and closer to bm. But I'm concern whether the sweetness will cause baby to reject food that are not sweet next time. Too sweet not good for baby too.

I'm considering friso 1 cos I wanna let my boy take frisocreme. I just let him try this organix shire rife cereal yesterday. Not sure whether to continue or let him try frisocreme. Starting him on semi-solid at 4mths plus though his neck still a bit wobbly cos he's not drinking much milk when I'm not around.


hope bb if fine. With so many anecdotes from others, it should be ok.

Learning point to all mummies is, when bb have signs of flipping, they can suddenly know how to flip overnight, so do be v careful, never leave your attention even for a split second.

Dear mstan,

My son also fall off from bed during night time 3 week ago. But he seem fine after that so we were thinking to observe before bringing him to c doc. Just now bring my son to pd for injection n check wi him over this. He mention just observe for 48hr. If there is no signs like vomit, baby feeling tired n no strength then should be ok. Is yr baby appetite normal? My baby weight 8.2kg n 65.5cm as of 6 month. I saw my son tooth growing out. No wonder last week he has been v cranky. Don wan slp n keep crying. Nw he seem ok becos the tooth is growing out. To9 will be a stress night for me becos usually he has fever after injection.

