(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


i m in wk10 now.. i gain bit by bit all the way for #1.. n hit 17.5kg gain.. haha.. hope #2 i can oso mantein like tat.. dun gain too much..

yakult... later i go buy.. hehe.. lunch time soon.. enjoy ur lunch mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i end up eating dry prawn noodle for lunch...


i thikc diff gynae say diff things...my fren's gynae told her tat can drink coke...she always craving for coke, gynae say if it helps to release the bloatedness and gas y not...


ice longan so nice...i just had half a cup of chilled kickapoo...no ice...so sian

koonie yes...

only original yakult and apple taste nice now...

Imagine Grapes used to be a must get for me...


cladi, you are week 10 so not too bad you can still have a good breakfast... basically now, I'm asking mummy not to cook my dinner, I will just tax tax a little since I've not appetite for dinner...

wah not bad leh... gaining weight bit by bit...

Hope I dun put on much and the rest go to BB... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha.. i give u idea for lunch wo.. hehe

my gyna oso tell me can drink 7up.. but thk coke not so good..got caffine rite..


moving into 2nd trimesters.. i thk we will all have better appetite liao.. so need more self ctrl then.. hehe.. i gain 17.5kg.. bb only born at 3.24kg.. but i m happy with tat liao.. hee

koonie>Marmite seems good....

gota late meeting today at 8pm...sian..thinking of how to spend the time alone form 6pm to 8pm..arh!!

thinking of whats for dinner too....

My gynae says no coke, no green tea,no tea stuff la....maybe spirte and ginger beer will begood..so far no urge for such carbonated drinks....

bride 09 >

i agree gingerbeer is gd drink alredi burp burp...

marmite got vitamin also,just take watever healthy not rubbish (snacks )can alredi...


ya hopefully sometimes feel hungry but the smell turn me away...

I hope we are all lucky, MS will end after first trim....


I came in a few times then MIA, wish to join the discussion with you..

I am expecting my #2, EDD at 250110, delivering at Mt A.. Think in my 7 weeks

Having whole day sickness, appetite had been bad, so kind of worry for the small one in me..

hee hee....

do you all burp often?

I dunno why I have been burping frequently...

can't take it man... like so rude... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


burp out good wat rather than stuck inside...me sometimes feel a lot of gas inside so "xin ku"...like the stomach so hard


hihi.. me too goint to MtA.. how old is ur #1??


i oso got burp.. but only after meal.. then once in a while ba..

re: burp

i also have been burping, feel good after that.. if not so "meng meng" lor..


when ur EDD? maybe we meet there, haha..

#1 is 7mths ger..

happymum I'm new here too...

joined yesterday... we get to learn alot and share here too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happymum10 = chacha??

my edd is 11Jan.. if i late a bit.. u early a bit.. got chance to slp side by side wo..hee

ur ger only 7mths now ah.. so by jan.. sld b 14mths wo.. active period wo.. how r u goin to handle two??

afternoon ladies!


i burp all the time! yah its rude, but i think my colleagues are fine with it, because i am all along like that. keke


think i have gain 1kg, just went for an afternoon crab feast with colleagues. and slurp up a piece of heavy rich chocolate cake. am in my 10th week.


not sure if will go to Dr Phua, becuase appt made for 29th already. and i can take up Dr Koh's package that day. hmm, may stick with him afterall. bear with the waiting time.

happymum10: i'm gg to Mt.A too. my no.1 was fr there too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

had my weight taken during my appt yest, i put on 1kg..

I seems to be burping very frequently leh...

cladi, you only burp after meals?

so good...

happymum do you burp anytime of the day?

wah tototan, your appetite good huh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

envy... I force myself to finish my lunch earlier...

I dun normally burp unless I ate very full...

Now I'm like a new person... Burping non stop...

I myself can't take it...

hi all,

just came back from the gynae. confirmed bb is 8 weeks. have a lot of vitamins and other pills to take now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Is everyone going for the down syndrome test? I donno why but somehow I don't want to take it. I think whatever the result is, I'll keep the bb so might as well save the $ and the trip down for the scan. But hubby thinks its good to take for peace of mind...


yah we can give encorage everytime too and share tips..

Yes, I burp everytime..


haha.. yeah happymum10=chacha

yah maybe there be a slight chance for us to meet..

you first time mum or also #2

mt a confinement food are yummy...

my ger be 14mths by then so should be easier to handle bah.. intending to get a helper to help with hse chores/cooking lo..


oh u same same like me.. so how old ur #1..

when ur EDD?


i still do not know whether did i maintance/gain/loss weight lo

Hi mummies, I would like to join in. My EDD will be in Jan, though doc haven't cfm EDD. should be in week 7 now.

Very bloated, MS and dun really like to eat. But today just had soon kueh for lunch. Love it.

hi ladies, long time didnt post... have been lying down to rest for the past one week... no energy.. just wanna to sleep...

went to gynae on monday... my gynae tot i went for pap smear then after checking my LMP, then she asked me whether i m preggie ... so funny ..

my bb measures 16.5mm at 7w6days... i saw yolk sac in my sac too... i dont rem i saw my yolk sac when i had my ger...

coz i have been having breathless... i m given iron, calcium and multivit... and the smell came out after i burp...

i simply have no appettitte... cant even finish my meal...


this my #2 oso.. #1 15mth+ now.. very active n noti ah. but mayb bor ba.. yaya.. MtA confinement food not bad hor.. but i dun like their breakfast leh.. then western kind.. not so nice..i intend to send #1 to childcare in Nov.. to let him adapt to the centre b4 #2 arrived.


hihi.. break ur meal into small one.. thk u can digust better then..


thk i m goin for the detail scan soon ba.. see wat gyna say this fri visit lol.. y dun u jus go do the test.. jus take it a detail scan.. can view ur bb thro the scan..dun thk abt result lol..


whaha.. hi5 ah..


maybe you can talk to your hubby first before making decision...

think your hubby also need to prepare mentally...

But all sure goes well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, mummies, when you all start using the stretch cream? and wat brand you recommend?

tot of applying now... kiasu... :p

Lsntyl: i only had folic acid and already costs mi almost $100. my frz also opt not to tak e ds test becos watever e result she's keepin e bb..

happymum: my boy is 17mths now, my edd is 9 Jan 2010. i luv Mt.A confinement soup not too oily juz nice..

cladi: u really gain 3-4kg? or u juz guess?

sherry: as long as bb is healthy no matter how much we gain is worth it.. juz gotta diet next yr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u r hardworking enough.. can start anytime liao.. no fix time to start one.. dun wait til u feel itch on the stretch.. then is too late liao..


mayb now peak for ms ba.. so do endure a while more.. soon will b over.. yolk sac?? u haven c heartbeat meh?? the sac got tail ma??


last weight myself.. got gain 2kg liao.. so i est.. now sld b 3-4kg lol.. cos i m only maternity pant liao.. normal pant all cant wear liao..

Thanks for the welcome.

I applied strechmark cream for my #1, but didn;t help. actually a lot of sources say it doesn't help. so this time, i'm just going to apply baby oil. hahaha..

i delivered in mt a for #1 and will deliver #2 at mt a too. not changing gynae too..

no appetite: I also dun have much of that... take small meals, just hope not to puke.. hahaha... i was scolding the baby yesterday for maing me eel horrid then realsie that i am being silly. kekeke... sometimes, just lose control.

I will normally be advised to take the blood test first. of high risk then do the OSCARS. but think different gynae recommend different tests.

hubby has reservist on the only day they can slot me in. So I told him see how. If they willing to release him, then I go for the test lor. If they cannot let him have day off, then I won't go. :p

but donno leh... wait result not good then more worries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


any brand to recommend??

I dunno which one to get...

tot of shopping for one over the weekend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow u so fast into detailed scan liao..

so #2 is gal/boy?

i dun like their breakfast too.. love their confinement food, esp soup, haha..


u can try Clarins tonic oil for stretchmark, i think its quite good..

i used that for #1 so thot of not using this time but i scared stretchmark appeared..

okok I think I saw someone selling online...

let me go search the thread...

thanks happy mum... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this is my first pregnancy, so very ignorant...

need a lot of help here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i use clarins.. but was so lazy.. tat i didn even finish 1 tube for my #1.. but luckly i got not stretch mark leh.. touchwood ah..


havent go la.. will see if gyna will ask to arrange appointment at tmc for scan at wk 13?? or wat ba.. goin to c gyna this fri lol

