(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

ya koonie...

I was wondering how my mummy tahan when she had me...

Megan, the earliest date the gynae able to see me was on 25th but my hubby working... so I fix it on 29th which is also my hubby off day...

hope not too late...

I also realise I can't take fish, fishcake and seaweed... the smell turn me off...



don't worry lah 29th not late at all. meanwhile just get yr own folic acid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Most women would be turned off by fishy smell, but for me, I can still eat fish.

I can eat pretty much everything, but if it's milk, got funny aftertaste lah. Which is why I think I'd better stay away from yakult too.

A bit giddy today leh...

bride, no need to force yrself to eat..follow yr feeling =)

i also crave for ham,steak..etc those meaty stuff at times..surprisingly I'm not a meat person

Hi gals > Not sure if this may be a sensitive topic for some of you...but I would like to find out if any one of you know if sexual intercourse during the 1st Trimester is ok? I asked my gynae and she said its alright as long as its not too frequent..but some people actually have slight bleeding after that..so I quite worried...


haha.. Vampire.. I like tat.. Keke.. I m opp from u.. Morning can eat.. Dawn.. Like ai xi ai xi one.. Dun even have energy to play with #1…


hihi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do u stay somewhere at hg or sengkang har??


I know my fren did...but i think better dun lor...must be more careful cos 1st tri still not so stable mah

cladi- yes i staying in serangoon north.. u?

Lorraine> its ok, as long as there is no complications. Some ladies may have lower uterus etc so gotta play safe. for me, still doing it but less frequent [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


most websites say it's OK as long as baby is stable rgt. But i think the mood is also important. no mood, nothing can take place. heh!

koonie, i ate fried fish only...

no choice... wanted to eat LJS last nite but dare not... really miss the fried fish... :p

ya smalldreams, I intake the folic acid everyday... hope by 29th can see my bb heartbeat etc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i stay at fernvale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite close oso ..hee


i thk when gynae give green light.. its alrite to bd ba.. we r wait for the green light..hee

yeah..that is why i create a file to store my scan photos,bills and other essential stuff..

even the nurses say,"wah,so nice"...hahha

bride 09, thanks for sharing the info.. now can do my accounting job alredi..

i'm having bodyaches at times, went to *refresh for relexology & back massage & *FIL-pre natal massage -all tell me to come when reach 2nd trimester =( sianz men..


my mom is against me going for reflexology. she read before that this famous malaysian artist had a miscarriage after a foot reflexology. so my mom suggested going for a massage by an experienced pre-natal masseus instead.

actually yesterday she asked me to go for a massage (she called her friend, a masseus to her home) but as I was having a cold, I just stayed at home


159 got pass by fernvale meh???


thk massage sld only go in 2nd trim leh.. safer..

now jus ask hubby massage for u at home ah...

dun think can do foot reflexology lah...but back massage reflexology still ok...but must be done by a trained masseus

smalldream, my friend also recommended me to a javanese pre-natal masseus at upper thomson road ,i guess will give it a try 90mins for $75 (*_^)

megan, how come they told me not safe to do..pp bodyaches lei.. sob sob.. my hubby had slipped disc problem lah so ,we only share use the osim electro massanger not shiok at all !!!

gals>do you all sleep well nowadays?...not sure if its cos endingfirst tri,sleep not to good liao as compared to last time..

bride, I haven been sleeping well for 2 weeks aldy.. Will always wake up in the middle of the nite. haiz...


i can slp la.. but will wake up few time at nite to visit toliet n will take awhile to go back to slp liao.. then sometime #1 make noise oso disturb me..


but i m very near to yck rd.. so.. there r few bus to sgoon north... hehehe.. we talk as if we r meet up liao wo.. keke

bride 09> so far ok for me, only to wake up to visit the loo...

cladi> haha ya hoh.. but ok la, can meet for afternoon tea

Bride > Me too! I have been waking up in the middle of the night..at first thought maybe I slept too early but still the same thing when I try to sleep later..also have been having really weird dreams...I read from one of the website that some pregnant mothers actually have funny dreams too...

Thanks all for your advise, actually I am also waiting for my doc to give me the greenlight when I see her next Fri..that will mark the end of my 1st Tri..yipee! Else, I really heart pain to see my hubby DIY himself..hahaha


aiyo.. I dun have tai tai life wo.. Must work daily ah.. If only I can stay at home.. N had high tea everyday… *dreaming laio*


same same.. i oso wan ger ger if can chose.. hehe.. cos #1 bor bor liao..


sat.. good good.. hehe.. can arrange wo..

Megan, happy as long as healthy kids..but if girl will be best..cost its my first one mah..also I can doll her up..

Cladi, my dream even more weired, I actually dreamt of my secondary ex-bf...that we have lost contact since then...then somemore we...yucks! I think maybe i have not had it for sometime already...hahahaha...


haha, i actually stay in serangoon north too! which part you at?

me contemplating on changing, because my old gynae waiting time is minimum 1 hour. even if i reach early. the only thing is i am very confident of his c-sect skills.

however i also know that Dr Phua is his replacement if he goes on holiday. so they are "friends"

tototan> oh i am at serangoon nth ave 4 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I find Dr Phua ok le, maybe u can arrange one visit?

bride_09, i had e same feeling when i had my no.1 so we only thought of a girl's name and true enough, it's a girl.

Now i want another girl but i got a feeling it's a boy.

think most mummies want a girl cos they more tie xin and can doll them up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyhow, as long as bb healthy can liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

boy or gal nvm...

Febie, i agree, bb healthy can liao.

i remb when i gave birth that time i was so worried abt the health of my bb. so when i saw my hb i asked him how is bb. guess what, he just kept laughing. he says, bb weight and birth time v similar, v easy to buy 4D! he didnt tell me how is she, i was so panicky!

my girl was 3060 grams borned at 0603. =)

I donno why but I think my bb is a boy. But doesn't matter about the gender as long as the bb is healthy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hey ladies,

for the folic acid thingy, maybe u gals would like to check with yr own doctor first ...but according to my gynae, he said during the 1st trimster, 800mg of folic acid is necessary...maybe that's why some of u are being given extra maternal vitamins...coz folic acid is also included in there, i think... anyway, thought i would share what i was told ...not sure if it's becoz my gynae is an ang moh, that's why he said that but i asked one of my gf who's preggie as well & she said that was what she was being told too ...

& wanted to ask if any of u gals here experience some sort of a backache?? even my legs are aching?!!! (& nope, i dun walk much at all...maybe that's why?? lack of movement?! LOL) & it only kinda came in the night...& some sort of a crampy feeling too...not sure if it's becoz i want to "put put" but cant let out gas or what?!! haizzz... i think i really ought to relax & not be so anxious... :-/

