(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

prayinghard> think minimum is 500 to not more than 1000 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah i experience some ache on my butt 2 days ago haha...


prayinghard>I don't have backache but I have neck and shoulder ache. v uncomfortable at nite when sleeping. luckily sometimes hubby help me massage. seems to help a bit.

hey Sherry,

on yr butt?? LOL ...sit too much liao?? kekeke ... hey btw, how many weeks are u at now huh?? got a feeling that we are about the same weeks, no??


so, i guess aching is nothing uncommon then??! ;o) ... wah, yr hubby v nice...hv to ask my hubby too liao! ;-D

Hey, Sherry, I got this ache in my right hip socket, which is like the joint right in the butt cheeks a few days ago. Guess it's the same kind of butt ache as you? I did some stretching to ease it.

prayinghard>ok lah. He doesn't mind. sometimes i massage him too. I find stretching seems to help too. but there was one nite when the ache was so bad, I couldn't sleep at all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The next day, hubby rub tiger balm on the aches and it got better but then friends advised maybe cannot use tiger balm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So will check with gynae if its safe tomorrow. :D

prayinghard> haha i think so le, been sitting whole day in the office.. i am abt 7 weeks gg 8 this thurs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

C.yang> yeah, sounds similiar.. but its just for one night


yea, better check with gynae ab the tiger balm first...doesnt hurt to be safe ;o) ...hey btw, are u also in my facebook contact? I know a couple of gals here are but coz sometimes u gals are using nick here hence i wonder if í hv added u in my facebook but didnt know it's u?? *scratch head*


we are at the same stage definitely...but u are 4 or 5 days ahead of me ;o) ...am 7W2D today...*shake hand* ;-D btw, do u hv any MS?? i dont leh...only gag a bit at times but definitely no merlion lor ...boobs also not so pain as before liao...still tender though...wonder is it becoz am immune to it now or they are too small to be painful?! ;-D

& what's ES huh? ..some post above mentioned ES...somebody explain, can? :eek:)

prayinghard>not sure if you r in my fb. :p I only added those who posted their email addresses. My breasts are not as tender and my bloatiness is much better now too. No MS for me. All the symptoms that are going away worries me a bit lor. But luckily, no spotting.


yea, likewise here...as long as we dun see any colours that we dun wanna see...can liao ;o) ...i do at times hv some sort of a crampy feeling though ...nothing intense but i do feel it sometimes :-/ ...will msg u my fb id shortly then ;o) ...yr pm is activated here, i reckon?


I'm new here, should be around 6 wks now.

Have not see a GP but tested positive with Clearblue.

No MS but have backache. Also any one exprienceing water retention ?

LSnTYL > me feeling exactly same as u yesterday, then hor, today from after lunch to evening, i merlion like shit... *dun think too much*

Hi gals, just back fr my inlaws plc tdy, waiting for hair to dry. I am going for the down sydrome scan at TMC next week, in week 10 nw. Dunno wat to expect. I also nvr ask my doc, after I go hm then I realise I din ask.....Getting blur!

Guess wat I wore my maternity dress for 1st time tdy, test see whether got ppl give me seat or nt, n really got ppl gave up the seat to me! So happy, cos I hate being push ard in mrt.

We ald booked to go macau n hkg in end jul before I got preggy, with the H1N1 cases increasing my hb was saying maybe we shld cancel.....But I really wanna go, can get bb stuff n maternity stuff there.Will be in 2nd trimester ald. I ask him with sg cases also increasing, so does that mean that I am suppose to take cab to work or he sent me everyday. He tiam tiam

where's joy ?, long time nvr see her here, so many new mummies here alredi shld see the updated chart lei...

juz now have buffet with my parent, before goin out like merlion for 5mins -talk to bb later no gd food then we two hungry in the nite..hehhehe...

good morning...i had a bad dream last night...dreamt i went toilet to pee pee,suddenly so much fresh blood come out,lost my BB...

so sad.

good morning...

prayinghard...ES means Evening sickness...thank God my MS really getting lesser...now more on ES.

bride09...wow scary nightmare ah...

Good morning mummies!!!!! Hope everyone is still progressing well and good. My wife scan is not until 22. Seems like an eternity waiting.

morning mummies!!

i am now in my 11th week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will also be going for my down syndrome scan on 22nd...

have been vomitting and nausea since week 5

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had prawn mee for breakfast ah.. hehe

Morning all!


gosh that's a scary dream. Glad it's only a dream, not reality.


Lucky ya. Sometimes it takes a less preggy woman to give up her seat for a more preggy woman!

Sherry, Vernice



My MS is really strange, it seems to be beginning only now - and I'm in my 11th week too. When's yr due date? Sometimes when I am talking to someone, I can feel like puking. Anyone with similar experience?


me too been having scary dreams. think it is part & parcel of pregnant. the dreams are more vivid than not pregnant.


prawn mee soup or hokkien mee?!?!?!


my due is in 2/1/10.

yes yes.. i have those puking feeling too...


hehe.. dry prawn mee ah... i first tot of eating suddenly in the middle of the nite.. cant wait for breakfast to eat it.. haha.. greedy me

Morning! how's everybody?

Im bac to work aft 2 days annual leave on Mon & tue.. I went gynae check up yest 10wks, my bb is 3.9cm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy: mi too booked hk trip 2mths bac, gg in aug wif my frz.. my hb ask mi to cancel e trip. e prob is i booked Jetstar dont kw they will refund anot. i kw SQ is full refund.

gd morning everyone, just finished making breakfast for my hubby and my little one in my tummy keep ringing bell "time to eat"-urge to eat ,sure bcome fat fat like tat...

Koonie: my hb tells my gynae dat i need to eat every 2 hourly..

bride09: talkin abt fresh blood, i had red spotting twice last wk but no cramp... i told my gynae abt it, he said i walked too much and wen sitting down must b slow motion.

ya lynn, i keeps getting hungry 2-3hrly but eat in small portion , at least rice can keep stomach to hold till 4-5hrly..


haha.. ya.. start of the day my appetite very good de.. but when the day goes.. it jus get worst.. so dinner is alway a problem..

I can't take normal meals... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starting to stay away from rice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

only can intake noodle and fast food...


wow.. some many of us same problem.. ES ah.. hehe


fast food.. i still cant stand deep fry oily stuff leh... but burger.. hehe .. yum yum.. make me hurgry now liao

yeah am feeling hungry.. rice? hmm i dun like rice in the past but have been eating more lately. bump into this friend who commented, oh can see u are pregnant.... shit, wonder if i put on too much weight? hahaha

aiyo i ate some fish roe yesterday at ichiban then realise its raw..


I'm very easy to feed de, keke


Me too, one of my male colleague last week asked me if I'm getting fatter, I just answer him "YES!", so sad leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


im an aug MTB

i have 3 cans of unopened similac mum

expiry date: 27th Sep 09

$13 each or $35 for all 3

collection at khatib or boon lay mrt

pls sms 97687676 if u r interested

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I only into fries for the time being...

been aiming to eat fried food leh...

sure put on alot...

i stock up potato chips at hm...

at least, can eat when hungry...


fries.. no no for me.. i dun like the oily smell.. but potato chip.. i like..hee.. but cant eat too much.. cos salty.. eat liao must drink lot of water.. will disturb my nite slp lol


hehe.. easy to feed ah.. ur hubby must loves u lot lot ah.. hee..

i thk i oso put on weight le.. but no comment from others yet la.. mayb i know how to hide my FATs ba.. whaha... i weight myself.. gain at least 3-4kg liao..

cladi, u in whic week now??

during first trimester, u all put on alot?

my hubby was saying i look thinner now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You're petite size, right? I'm LARGE size, so I put on weight easily even this is my 1st pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm...i try to avoid fries(potato),onion,some veg and beans that create bloatedness but still when i crave for it just take in moderation lor... i also secretly take a few sips of my hubby's coke/bitterlemon =P kana caught again ytd..nag and nag.. bcos yakult finished alredi, I seem more like a hungry/greedy tham jia mummy (*_^)

jasmine u wrong liao...

I'm large too...

but haven been eating my dinner properly and lunch I only take a little all becos no appetite...

koonie, I went to stock up my yakult last evening although I still have ard 6 left in my fridge.... I've been taking one every day...

expensive... hahahaa


febie, ya lor... but bo bian, the yakult help in digestion and had varieties of taste to choose, so far original and green apple is nice..

I'm obviously seem to be preggie cos petite then got one tummy there, pp see like will think tis woman nvr go excercise =(

