(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


welcome to the FTWM club [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, Littlelamb

I took the remaining pills if i cud remember, haha. now finish liao. just drinkingmilk lor. but good to eat vit c, more for own immunity lah...


how many meals is tytus having now huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi girls, can i ask if any of you experience this?

My LO used to be able to sleep by herself in her cot (talk or whimper for a while then suck thumb and sleep) but suddenly these few days, she starts to cry and scream before sleeping for quite a while and we need to comfort her and put her back down then finally, she grows tired and sleep. At first, I suspected teething but during her wake time, she is ok. Does teething only cause fussiness before sleeping?

However, I realise during her wake time now, if i leave her for a whlie, she starts to cry and scream too wanting attention. She was never like this. Is this a developmental stage?

I also cant think of anything we did that may cause her to be like that suddenly.

She's 4 mths 3 weeks now.

smalldreans> ahahah thanks..

Fatbabe> miss ah.. but i am always bioing my CCTV screen hahahaha

melissa> same here, shernise gets a bit cranky at times at night before her bed time...


he's taking 2 cereal feed a day..but i do suspect dat maid will skip one feeding at times when i not at home...if i am around..its 2 cereal..11am & 7pm...

milk still 6-7 times a day 150-180ml


i tendered le..starting new job on 7th...but dun think haf many days break in between.

melissa - I am suspecting it's separation anxiety? Maybe try to talk to her and tell her why you need to leave her alone etc? See if it works.

Fatbabe> hmm do u still feed him with milk after his cereal ah? Ohh do u hv a few days in between? I can take leave then we can meet for lunch.

Fatbabe> Wow, Tytus is sure drinking and eating lots....Poor Lucas is teething and real bad experience and his appetite got affected too.... He can only drink like 100ml per feed and he only drinks like 4 times a day nia and can you imagine I feed 3 feeds out of the 4 feeds myself.... ie during the time I'm at work, he only drinks once!!!! My helper for sure cannot feed him and have no patience and my SIL is almost giving up on his tantrums and fussiness liao.... and kept saying he misses me and only wants me to feed but I need to work for the $$$$ leh!!! Sigh, really very sad!

Melissa..Have u ruled out wind? Or could it be a growth spurt? She needs more milk?

Chameleon..Maybe yr babies will enjoy the Jumperoo more when they are about 6 months old! Haha!

I didnt get a Sophie cos I was afraid Ely wont take to it too..anyway my #1 has a lot of teethers to hand down to her haha!

East mummies- Keen on an outing at the airport after June? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

Melissa: My boy was like that the last 2, 3 weeks. And when he sleeps, he will suddenly cry, as if he was having a nightmare. But this situation is improving, so it could be a phase that they go through.

Tonight, it's Day 1 of independent sleep training (he usually either fall asleep on my breast during his last feed, or I'll have to carry & rock him). I didn't cradle him to sleep, put him in cot and he fussed a bit but finally go dreamland on his own w/o any rocking. I hope this trend continues... but I expect some nights he will still end up crying.

I think minimising stimulations before bedtime helps too. Maybe give her a massage and see if that comforts her?


okie..will check out wif my bosses which day i can "clear leave"...have 17 days earn leave...dat works out to be more than half a months pay..wahahahah..tink can afford to take a couple of days leave to relax..hee...

let me know when you wanna haf lunch...btw my new opic not v far from you i think..


yup, i think he's ok wif his meals...but he haf been a milkster right from beginning...but he still drinks v slow...but he can eat v fast...so i also dun understand how his throat works..

think lucas use to be eating little...but lookin at him dat dae at compass heights hor...though he small size...but not skinny & he's still v agile & alert looking...think you dun haf to worry too much....=)...

where you girls wanna meet??...raffles place or suntec? i can take half day dat type..hehehe

A&A&A: Thanks so much for the suggestion, why didn’t I think of that?! Yes, I’ll create more opportunities for my boy to use his right hand from now on!

Xin: hehe.. I’m also like you, at times I also forgot what I heard during talks and my hubby will remind me. Then I keep asking him “are you sure they said that?” hahaha…

About the Avent steamer cum blender, I think can just use the blending function alone. Go and check the manual later!

Oh, I didn’t know boys develop their right brains first. Thanks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chameleon: Post some pix of your babies with Sophie! I also took quite a lot! But none seem good enough for the photo contest :p

Think our babies are still small, so can’t really appreciate toys now. I think it’s good to get hand-me-downs, esp toys, coz we really don’t know what they will enjoy or dislike. Think I’ll rent jumperoo and let my boy try out first. The daddy was glad that we rent and not buy the bumbo seat coz my son doesn’t like it. Nowadays, he will wanna get out after 5 mins.

Littlelamb and xin,

Smalldreams is right. It's quite satisfying when the young ones start appreciating our 'cooking'. First day, Renee scrunched up her face at lunch. Second day, took to the brown rice porridge well. Today, i mixed quite an amount of brown rice and BM then told my mummy "if Renee can finish, i change my surname uh!"... I nearly had to! Seems like she's enjoying food already!


Have fun on your road trip! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The Islamic R&B song i sent you is pretty simple, catchy and straightforward for me but apparently touched many Muslims to tears. Possibly cos at this region, they are quite misunderstood.


Thanks! My hub will be happy to hear compliments about the photos. He took most of them. Renee is quite a cam whore, easy to shoot cos she'll pause and pose for the cam. But she's tough to film cos she'll stop whatever she's doing to look into the lens. She was having carrot puree yesterday and she wasn't fully enjoying it. I wanted to take a shot of her doubtful expression but she gave me a carrot-coated sweet smile the moment i took out the cam.


Renee developed a routine of her own, very close to a 4-6month old's routine described by Hoggs. I wouldn't do anything to it. I'm still babyled and patting her. The only thing I'm hoping to improve is not to let her fall asleep when and after latching. I'm so babyled maybe cos the KKH LC and Dubai LC told me not to read so much but use more maternal instincts instead in bringing up a child. I hope I'm not spoiling Renee! Hoggs' readers... actually what is wrong with baby sleeping at the breast uh? It's like I know she has had enough and I've softened, so, why can't we just let her sleep? Is it because it's a bad to sleep after a meal?

On solids,

I'm planning to BF Renee for at least a year if I can. Not even halfway mark now *Pants* So now I've introduced a lunch of brown rice and puree. At what age will she need a second meal or third meal to supplement the BF? Any advice?


Missed out my regards to you Kieran. How's his baluku? Is it the kind that bothers you more than it bothers him? heeee


Hope your girl's fever is gone. Did she just developed fever without any other symptoms? As is not caused by jab, no flu, no teary eyes, no constipation, etc? Then could really be teething as suggested by liverpool. WHat did the doc say?

on potty training,

Anyone started? Smalldreams?

Renee has been cueing me for her poopies since more than 6 weeks ago. The hit rate is above 90%. Every time she cues, we hold her in squat position and go "ummm ummmm, phooot phooot" she'll relieve herself in the diaper. She's quite easy to kenah cos she poops on average 3 times a day. But I tried undressing her and holding a potty for her at her cue, she doesn't dare to phooot phooot in it leh. Is it normal? My mummy says last time, around 5-6 months she started potty training us already.

Morning mommies... CYang- thanks.. esther's temp has gone down to 37.2 yesterday night... She was still playing happily the night before she developed the fever.. We only realized she's not feeling well when she's not as active n made alot of sad moaning sounds n wanted us to carry her.. Will keep monitoring as I heard sometimes will shoot up again.. However, I've told my mum to stop giving her the fever medicine.. Any idea wat's the diff between pink n orange paracetamol?

wei>hope esther's temp continues to stay down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

c.yang>I really like your photos too! Renee is so cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cannot let bb sleep at the breast arh? I always let Ayden do that esp for his nite feeds wor.

sherry/babe>I wanna meet up for lunch too! Tanjong Pagar only 1 stop away from Raffles Place. :p

hehhe ok.. we will wait for fatbabe to confirm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charis, excursion to airport...i want!!! but if it's sun morning I can't...

mummies, I think i bot too many cans of Nestle cereal liao...currently i hv 4 cans of happy bellies, 3 cans of nestle...someone is interested in taking 2 cans of my happy bellies liao...mummies that are feeding cereal, do you think it's too much ah??? if it's too much i think i'll need to sell of 2 cans of nestle...

good morning all...

hey hey dun forget abt me...

I can take leave too...

Am taking leave on 16th...

wanna meet?

Morning mums & babes


Think it's OK lah, not too much esp if the expiry date is still a long way. Did RJ take cereals until he's into toddlerhood? if yes, maybe HW also same pattern.


It's good to rent, coz no clutter and more variety. But for jumperoos, i think it can be worth it to buy too, or if you want to rent, rent slightly later (say at 6 -7 mths plus) when baby can start utilising it well. If you rent now, baby cant really jump much yet. An exersaucer would be more useful now.

I love baby toys too but when I put on my sensible thinking cap, I dont think babies will be any deprived if they played with simple toys too. The important thing is the tactile & visual stimulation. Last time my mom filled up an empty plastic container with some coins, and my #1 was so entertained by it.


What's our plan if we go to the airport? Our babies can't run around yet leh...hahaha...


wow, you must be so happy that Renee is taking food well! Once a day first huh? Like you, I'm also waiting for tips on when to start on 2 meals. I'm almost new in this coz #1 didn't really like food.

& Great to know Renee responds to toilet training too. Lucky you coz you're a SAHM so you get to do momzilla things like toilet training a 5 mth old, lol. I still let Aifah pee in the toilet / potty / sink on weekends when I can, but on weekdays I don't expect my mom to do it. She tried but it can be tiring holding a 6-7 kg baby over the sink for 10 mins,going psst psst...

So good, Renee poops 3 times daily, quite predictable. Aifah poops once a day, or sometimes once every several days. Like this morning, I was buzy pumping, cooking a quick breakfast, and by the time I wanted to bathe her, I realised she pooped liao. Missed the signs.


Parents from attachment parenting schools of thoughts will say there's nothign wrong with bb falling asleep on breast. But practical-wise, it's not good to associate feeding & sleeping. Further more when they have teeth, the milk can cause tooth decay. I was very disappointed when my #1 had tooth decay when he was abt 18 mths - I was still latching him then. It happened altho he didn't eat sweets!! Anyway I was told by the dentist to wean him, and I did...so I'm hoping Aifah won't become like her brother. Once got teeth, gotta do something abt the latching & sleeping liao :S

charis>don't mind meeting up but need to confirm nearer the date. but ya, our bbs cannot run leh. airport got big place for them to sit/lie down? :p

smalldreams>ohh. ayden always drink till he fall asleep wor. esp for his nite feeds. so how arh? I have to wake him up after he finish drinking? but I want him to sleep leh. cos I also want to sleep. :p


Same lah... in fact I'm happy if she falls asleep so I can sleep! hahaha...and at 3 am, who cares about parenting rules... lol.

smalldreams>ya lor. so happy when he sleep cos means I can finally rest. :eek:

but kinda worried about the tooth decay part

Good morning everyone ..

One more day to fri and then long awaited weekends!!!

Been so tired these nights .. Bb keep waking up!!

wei> hope the fever bug stay far far away from Esther. and all babies.

smalldreams> here you go. one of him eyeing his bottle of milk and another one in the swing.


c.yang, lsntyl> i am also guilty of nursing Yx until he dozed off sometimes. especially if he wakes up at 4, 5am. other than the tooth decay, it's also to avoid associating the breast/nursing with going to sleep. one of my friend's baby actually woke up in the middle of the night just to suckle. she did this even after my friend has stopped breastfeeding. and she does not want any pacifier. finally, it stopped when she turned 1.

If he dozed off in the middle of a feed during sane hours, I would gently wake him when I place him in his cot. He would usually open his eyes a little to look at me before going back to sleep. If it's during those insane hours, I would place him in his cot as gentle as possible to avoid waking him so that I can also go back to sleep. I guess we all do whatever we are comfortable with bah.. I don't follow all the rules and what nots that I read in those books. I only pick and practise whatever that suits me.

lsntyl> My PD told me that by 9 months, we should stop all night feeds (if baby is still waking for milk) to prevent tooth decay. The analogy is that at that age they would have started solid and that they should have sufficient food intake during the day and not have to wake for feed in the night.

c.yang> Renee sounds like a baby that one will enjoy caring for. Establishing her own routine and giving cues when pooing. my MIL commented that I am so lucky that Yongxian is sleeping thru the nite. She totally forgot about the first 2-3 months when I was waking every 2-3 hours to feed. And she is not around to witness when he has trouble sleeping thru the nite (like this morning). I intend to start potty training when he can sit unsupported.

cocomama>love him in the swing!

ok, will try to wake him a bit when feeding him during day. at nite, he can get into v deep sleep when he drinks till he falls asleep. Cos we are quite rough when putting him to bed but he continues to sleep. :p

Dear mummies,

My son is 6 month old now. Wanted to start him with solid food but need advice. Should start him with cereal or rice cereal or oak better? Any brand to recommend. My baby going for last jab of 6 in 1 tomorrow. The last 2 jab he develop fever but last for the most 1 day.


anyone tried giving friso1 and/or frisocream to baby? Any feedback?

I was recommended to start with friso1 if wanna intro fm to baby and frisocream for semi-solid.

Febie> Hi 5, me also on leave on 16 Jun to bring Luis to Science Centre, prob only for half a day bah...Wanna come along? Am also on leave on 18 and 21 Jun. 18 Jun is Lucas reaching his 6 month's milestone and will also be bringing him to jab, jab at Tiong Bahru Healthway.

Sherry, Fatbabe> Am ok with Raffles Place for lunch too, coz I can also take half day leave! Just got to set a date.

Fatbabe> What size of Nuk teat are you using for Tytus now? Am thinking of upgrading Lucas' Nuk bottle teats to Stage 2 Medium hole, dunno whether ok or not.

cocoMama> YX is so cool....I like the way he gazed at his milk...My Lucas won't do that, he would only get ready his fist to slam the milk bottle away!!!!

charis> I don't mind going to T3 too tho me not from east....Big space for the toddlers to run but babies will likely be sling or strollers bah....let me know when, k?

C Yang> Wow, Renee seems to settle into routine quite well and now you are even toilet training her liao.. If Lucas gives me cue on his poo, I will also try to put him on potty and make that "mmmmm" sound and was successful last weekend and the weekend before. Other times, I am usually at work so can't really "trained" him.

bryest> I am using Nan Pro 1.

bitbit> I started Lucas on rice/brown rice cereal with BM/FM as a start when he was 4.5 months old.

smalldreams, lsntyl

then what abt moms who let their bb latch throughout the night like pacifier? Means not good for the teeth is it? and does it mean after last feed must clean bb teeth?

smalldreams, what did you do abt your no. 1's cavity? My SIL's son also, then had to go under GA to fill the cavities abt 3yo then. cost her $1000+. But for my kids, they had cavity abt 4-5yo, they couldn't sit still at dentist. My son even walked out of the clinic and I had to chase him, but i still had to pay $20!! Dentist say just wait till they are able to sit still then treat, else just leave it.


think better to start with simple grains like brown rice / rice cereal. Oat is more difficult to digest.


If latch all thru the nite, I think my body sure twisted the next morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Once they have teeth, the danger is the milk deposits will cause decay. My mom was shocked to hear my #1 got decay, coz when we were young, she didn't take any extra care for our teeth, yet no decay :S

The dentist said, usually kids at 3 yrs old need to go for GA coz can't sit still or can feel the discomfort. But surprisingly my #1 could sit still thru out his 2 earlier dentist visits. So we went w/o GA at the 3rd or 4th visit. Each filling was $100 I think. I sat on the dentist chair and he was propped on top of me. When he wiggled a bit, I just assured him by holding on to him. Thankfully, it went well.

Hey Angela,

I dun mind... I can bring Shayne too...

let him go out enjoy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

18th I'm also on leave... but dunno taking full day or half day cos in the evening bringing Shayne to meet my gfs for dinner...

Cocomama, YX is so cool... so handsome... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding BB dozes off while feeding, i will let Shayne sleeps on in the weird hours. I regret changing his diaper the other nite and he refused to sleep.

wei : Hope Esther is much better now. The doc give you two syrup, one orange and one pink ah?

coco : Aiyoh, YX soo soooo macho siah! Sit in the swing so well. I am tempted to buy one for A but no place to put in the house eh.

smalldreams: Yah lor.. i know no point buying expensive toys but sometimes backside really itchy siah... must tahan! I mean I see how A can stand quite well ( against the sofa) , I feel like buying a jumperoo for her but I know after a few months no use liao. Keke

fat_babe : WAH! Your Tylus really have good appetite!

Potty training ... Arwen's nanny is keen to start but dun know why I am reluctant. Maybe cos I read that it is also up to the baby to show cues that they are ready to but potty train . I mean.. Arwen so fast started on solids, then so fast learning how to crawl ( her nanny damn siao on) , I want to slow things down abit.

But now I am potty shopping keke. Was very keen on this cos looks nice and sturdy


Then Arwen's nanny give me a look like I am mad to spend 80 buck on a potty, she said normal ones would do , so maybe have to rethink.

We realise A is those quiet but super stubborn type. If she dun like certain taste like pumpkin puree, she simply refuse to open her mouth. The pumpkin puree is actually quite sweet but she hates it. We force her abit and she takes but did not swallow then she would choke and cough and puke all out! She would store the puree in her chubby cheeks so we thot she swallow but didn't! Now we do the "cheeks test". If we try new food and she eats, we will squeeze both cheeks to make sure she is not storing them then we give more.

Her nanny would chop vegs, egg yolk in her porridge and we have to mask it with apple puree ( which she loves) , then she takes!

Aiyoh ! So for those who are starting, dun give sweet things first, that is our mistake! Once given sweet things, babies may not like more bland food liao.

littlelamb> it does seem like separation anxiety after reading up cos she makes noise when we are away but yet i'm not sure cos she's a little too young (5 mths next week) and need to find out more how to handle it if that is so. think i'm going to start playing peek a boo and drop the toy under blanket thingy soon with her.

charis> can growth spurt happen now? yup, i think it could be growth spurt cos she's suddenly drinking alot but the strange thing is after she drinks full, she still cries loudly and this never happen last time during all her spurts so i'm not sure if it's due to spurts.

airport? yea should be fine.

cheerieheart> thanks! hoping it's a phase too. heh maybe i'll just cuddle her more before putting her down awake in the cot to sleep and see if it comforts her more too. this is like troubleshooting what's wrong with a computer. haha. i got the steamer and blender too cos my sis said we can share so each person pay $60 so ok lor if not i wouldn't get it. looks convenient for instant food though.

c.yang> heh i think it's just becos if baby get used to sleeping after latch, means u always have to be ard if not baby cannot sleep and eventually when u wean, baby wont be able to sleep. so that's just it lah. hoggs just encourage falling asleep independently.

Cheerieheart> my boy now also keep suddenly cry leh… whether sleeping, lying down or playing… hope it's a phase and not somethg wrong…

c.yang> just chg to ur hb's surname lor… hee hee…

Glad to see tt renee is eating well… sounds so exciting…

I have e same prob as u when taking mattias' photos, he keeps looking at me… so sometimes I try to std far away n zoom in… but somehow he can still feel my 'presense'… :p

Sleeping at e breast

Think those agst is afraid tt e habit will b very hard to break as the child grows older… like smalldreams' son, my friend's son at 3plus was still slpg at the breast for his last feed… n he got tooth decay… however, my anoth friend's 5yo got tooth decay frm slpg at e bottle… :p… so think the point is don't slp aft drinking milk… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]… must always rinse mouth or brush teeth… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tyl/smalldreams> I totally understd how u feel… Mine now don't even want to slp at e breast… which to me is an easy way to put him to slp… :p

Solids as supplement to milk

From what I read, til 1yo, solids are complementary feeding… seems like e milk amt shd not decrease too much and still be the main bulk of baby's diet… (what a disappointment, thought I can take a break… :p)…

Actually aft 6 mths can slowly increase to 3 times a day feed liaoz… think no hard and fast rule...

Potty training

Can start alr ar… think my son does gives some clues tt he want to poo too… but I usu don't notice… shd start to be more alert…

smalldreams> u v strong leh... hold for 10mins? i sure cmi...

Furby> thks for the link… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wei> hope esther will be fully recovered.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cocomama> yx looks v matured… can sit swing some more… hee… I must go try too…


No lah, usually by 3 -4 mins I will give up if there's no pee. My mom held A for more than that, and still no pee came out! Can imagine how our arms ached.


Thanks for entertaining me...YX is adorable! Where was the pic with the swing taken at?

lsntyl> initially he whimpered a little but soon got the hang of it.

luvbabe> i love that pic too. i guess Lucas is just not so into milk. Since he likes his cereals and hitting 6 months very soon, your ordeal might be over soon. I have a good feeling that he will enjoy his food.

febie, jessie> thanks.

jessie> i didn't buy that swing. it was the playground at my mom's place. in fact, he's still playing with toys he received as gifts. i'm contemplating getting a jumperoo but it's kind of pricey. so might rent one to test water first. your description of the cheeks test is so funny.

i was thinking of introducing pear puree as the first food. now that you mention it, maybe I should reconsider.

c.yang, smalldreams> with regards to introducing semi-solid, i am also clueless. this is what I read. you introduce something in the morning for a week. and if no allergy, then you can move that to the afternoon feed and introduce a new food in the morning. then in the 3rd week, you would have incorporated 3 semi-solid. always introduce a new food in the morning so that you will have the whole day to monitor for allergy. and for a start, the amount is very little and it does not replace, rather complement their usual milk feed.

melissa> Yongxian also had difficulty falling asleep these 2 days, especially last night. he passed some wind and looked like he was going to poo. then i make the mmmm sound and he gave me that pushing look but then tears started rolling down, like he was in pain. then i rubbed some ru yi oil and he was back to normal but it still took him a long long time to doze off despite not taking any long naps during the day.

Dear luvbabe n smalldreams,

Thank you for your advice. What brand do you all recommended?

For mummies whose baby drinking enfalac. Do you all notice that baby tools is softer and more watery under the new packaging. Now my baby is 6 month. Not sure should I change to stage 2 .

xin>hee, most of the time, we actually know when ayden is going to poo cos he will giv a gek sei look and can see him moving him body to 'release'. but hor, we v silly and will just look at him and encourage him. should quickly bring him to the toilet bowl instead hor. :p

btw, hubby ask your flooring how? he said just do, shouldn't pop up so easily.

jessie> i always love ur descriptions... hee hee... so we shdn't start fruits first is it?

cocomama> pear puree is rec by hoggs hor... i have a qn abt apple n pear purees... wont they oxidise?

my son had been pooing in e wee hrs these few nights too... but he'll fall aslp aft awhile... i just slp first... :p...

smalldreams> ya, i can imagine... think i'll start aft he can sit... hee...

furby> e seller is so near my old place... makes me feel so much like gg bk...

they also sell this peek-a-boo toy like so cute... v tempted to buy... http://www.monpetitjardin.com/Mon_Petit_Jardin/peek-a-boo_bags.html

but my son like prefer cheapo toys... like his blanket and pieces of plastic... :p

charis> T3 sounds fun... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! i 'stalk' Ayden on FB too. Love his cheeky expressions! Hahaha. I didn't know about the prob of sleeping at the breast and like you, secretly happy that i know that it is one of the ways to make her sleep. :p

smalldreams, cocomama,

the tooth decay thing scared me! I should slowly change that bad habit before her teeth comes out. Judging Renee, i doubt she can sit still at the dentist chair. Thanks for sharing the issue on this problem!


YX looks so mature and deep in thoughts. Heh. Looks like very shiok in the swing.

Cocomama n luvbabe,

Routine-wise, i think she developed quite nicely but c'mon, we all faced nightmares in some other ways too. haha. Hugs to Luis and Lucas!


I don't wanna be momzilla! I wanna be the cool (and hot at the same time) mom! hahaaa. I want to be cool to let her crawl here and there, play with sand, let sand get in between her toes kind. like real... don't know if i can do that. My hub can, for sure!


i'm opposite from you. I think i can control the toy-buying quite well. Dubai's summer sale is coming, i really gotta stay strong. And the potty, i wanted to get the heartland-style cheap potty like what i used as a kid but there's nothing like that here! All fancy and fancier! I bought http://www.mothercare.com/In-the-Night-Garden-Potty/dp/B001NZDTVS/sr=1-18/qid=1276144538/ref=sr_1_18/276-4032278-6181358?_encoding=UTF8&m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&n=42858041&mcb=core from mothercare cos it was the deepest among the cheap ones!

furby>I donno about the brushing after feed part. cos only know that not so good for bb to fall asleep at the breast today. :p

jessie>aiyoh, arwen so cute. she will store the food then spit it out? :p

cocomama>ok. I try to wake ayden up during day time. hope he will go back to sleep after that.

xin> i was thinking of pear puree as pear has high fiber content so unlikely to cause constipation. in fact, it is recommended in quite a few books and i can find it in the cookbook i bought also. i remember reading about oxidisation for apple purees, not so sure about pear. let me double-check the cookbook.

Xin : Keke, I miss Singlish and I enjoy using it as much as I can here eh. Her nanny said shouldn't start on sweet things like puree first. If got blander things, then try that first, slowly then introduce sweet stuff.

I make those rice cereal before with her FM, it is actually quite sweet also. So perhaps using BM and mix with cereal better.

C.Yang (baa) : The one you bought very nice leh!!! Ok, maybe I go to Mothercare and see if got or not. Her nanny actually tells me here the local just buy $1 normal small plastic basin nia and potty training. PIANGZ. I was like eh... how to aim leh?

I remember those heartland ones, my mother bought one for A but I recalled when my bro was small, he sit and fall and all the pee spit and he ended up also sitting on his pee. GROSS !So maybe I am wary of letting her try the potty.


xin> first food books recommend veg first, my frens too cos they say what jessie mentioned.

cocomama> thanks! yah i also started putting ru yi oil again cos i stopped for a while. haha i really trying all ways.

peek a boo> did peek a boo with my girl just now and she really loves it. she chuckles! haha think she's really starting to know when we disappear.

