(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

smalldreams> really? hmm maybe will get hubby to go see see haha.. thanks thanks

bride09> ya its confusing but they basically serve the same function.


If u get the chance, just take a cab down to that Bobae Tower. U can google for the address first too. My friend will never give that place a miss if she goes to BKK.

When i went there many yrs ago, I also saw vendors lugging bags and bags of items from Bobae Tower - to be sold at other places I assume.

If u go to Chatuchak market, there are children's clothing there too, but the quality u must check first. Some can be a bit "warm". So fun. BKK is such a great place to go for shopping!

Hi Konnie ,

I will be getting package B also.. but abit early cos my scan will be this friday.. now only 8 weeks.. and the scan is btw 11-14weeks.. hope everything is ok.. :D


i rather not risk it.. u just got married this yr right.. u went for ur honeymoon already? Or this is a honeymoon bb? =P

melody > Already went for honeymoon...Found out when i was back in Spore...counted with Hubby, think it is made in Singapore.

yuki > I heard from anotherperson asking this question....according to her,YES...but to be safe, check with gynae..should be fine..

bride_09, thanks a lot....yst i went to a site and realise that we have to pass thru the metal detector but they did nt state pregant can be exempted

Were u all given multi-vitamin to be taken? I was wondering if we take folic acid and multi-vitamin, will the amount for folic acid be too much?


i do not tink that would pose a prob, as usually if our body takes in too much vitamins, it simply get passed out of our body..

However, better to check with ur doc to be sure..

melody, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i forgot to ask my gynae during the last appt. she just ask me to continue to take my folic acid and she add on multi-vit

bride_09, wow u taking so many pills.......

i am only told to take folic acid initially then last visit, multi-vit was added on.

megan, i heard some ppl took folic acid for the whole pregnancy so not too sure but i guess shld be able to stop once we have multi-vit to replace

my gynae very nice, i bought my own folic acid from pharmacy.. cheaper le.. 1mth supply only $2.95.. i add on with calcium and DHA pills... he say will give me iron when i am in my second trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry, i agree wif u juz buy folic acid from guardian pharmacy cheaper.. another way to save $$$ is to get those left over calcium,multivitamin etc from friends..(*_^) since some of them are so eager to have all tat to be clear off..

for me, i dun have MS but after taking multi-vitamin start to have a little.

i also get my folic acid from outside and my gynae say it is fine as long as i am taking it regularly.

yap, wan2 ask u ladies, the obimin pills is to be start off after all ms (vomtting etc gone off) my gynae told me to start once my ms gone.

i browse thru the website for aqua-aerobics in kkh, anyone sign up for it ? bcos it start in aug i'll be in my 2nd trimester

Sherry, koonie, Yuki

Actually I don't quite understand why you gals always say it's cheaper to get folic acid from outside. Isn't it inclusive of gynae consultation etc?

For my 1st appointment, I only paid $80 - they also gave me folic acid and iron pills. I thought that was reasonable? I think subsequent visits would be $50, inclusive of those pills too. Not cheap? Someone care to enlighten me?

smalldream, i went to kkh for consultation and etc ...was given prescription to be bought and paid at the retail pharmacy =) actually price vice versa..sometimes i ask my friends who are staff in kkh to buy for me cos got % off (*_^)

just to share, think I'm addicted to yakult as it helps in clearing my MS and bloatedness... green apple flavour is yummy !!!

smalldreams > My folic acid and all medicine except my AN TAI pills are within the package...

Think everyone got different package with gynae..that is why some pay,some dun pay..

Bride, koonie

thanks for sharing on the folic thing. But i still can't tell if i'm paying too much for it ley.


had yr lunch?

I'm hungry, but too lazy to get lunch.

Hi mummies,

I'm new here...

I tested with the homekit and found positive...

Have fixed an appt with the gynae on 29th Jun...

Have not see a GP etc...

but I'm suffering the wole day sickness....

i got my folic acid from unity at a box cost me $2.50 only. think it has 100 tablets... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tks smalldreams, I had mine...free lunch..boss gave us a treat, nyonya food. took some chendol...cannot tahan not to take

smalldreams> i can only take up the prenatal package when i am at my 16 weeks. Now is based on per visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Even if i take up the package at $450, its not inclusive of medications. $450 only include consultation, scans and a free 3D scan. but was advised to keep all receipts and can probably partial claim it off from medisave.

yap, NTUC unity pharmacy had quite a gd deal at times..(*_^)

febie, u can try to drink yakult see if it helps..cos i very scared of preserved fruits.. so find other alternative like green appples, yakult,manuka honey to remove the MS

halo everyone..

Hows everyone??

I m in my 10wk le.. but somehow.. my puking like starts everyday at late afternoon.. n my nite appitude was bad.. dun like to take dinner..

jus had wan tan mee and sugarcane drink for lunch.. now so full n sleepy..

koonie, yup i drink yakult...

It helps a little...

i read the forum over the weekend, use the method that you all using...

keep talkin to bb... feeling better...

but still no appetite for rice etc...

btw, i used the baby center pregnancy calculator, I'm in week 7 now... will 29th be too late to see gynae?

cladi, I'm like vampire after the dawn..eat every 2-3hrly after 5pm then before 11pm ..go sleep like a pig..but morning is bad no apptite.

anyone here still consume shell seafood ? I've craving for satay beehoon past 2 days had cockles inclusive in it, think shld be ok la since i ask the auntie to scald before adding in =(

sherry>I also don't have much symptoms so getting worried. hopefully, will be ok tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yc>hope u feel better soon.

Hi Sherry,

saw from the list that you are with Dr Phua. How do you find him? is the queue very long? Easy to ask him questions not? Because I wanted to change to him, but end up my hubby insisted that i go back to my original gynae. wanted to find out more about Dr Phua.

febie, it will take some time for the feeling to goes off... i'm juz wondering how our grandma endure these kind of symtoms in the past - no yakult,tablets..etc

tototan> eh i am ok with him le. quite a nice chap. abit uncle uncle kind hahaha

I usually go after work and i ensure i am the first to reach so actually during my last 2 visits, i did not get to wait. Always the first to go in.. it usually only take 15 mins per session [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] charges wise, seems like he is one of the cheapest around? so far, 1st visit $78 and 2nd $62 (but without medication)


koonie...i control not to eat cockles...on sat hb bot some sushi...but a lot i can't eat...so sian...

febie...some ppl will go gynae only ard tis time cos can see heartbeat liao...better

