(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

prayinghard>glad you can see your bb's heartbeat now. At least you are now at ease. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had a nitemare yest where I dreamt I had heavy bleeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Lucky hubby was with me to comfort me. Now, I'm anxious for my scan on Wed just so I know bb is ok.

really hope emmie is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hi, does anyone has dandruff??

I am starting to develop dandruff but dare not use strong shampoo..

what do u girls do?

Hi Lsntyl,

yea, am definitely much more relieved now that we are able to detect the bb's heartbeat...thanxs =) ...but then again, my gynae said i shouldnt get too stressed or too excited coz ultimately am still in the midst of the 1st trimster...everything still rather tender...another 6 more weeks to go before i can be much more relief again ;-D ...

Sorry ab yr nightmare last night ...i think becoz of the increasing hormones, preggie ladies tend to have some sort of a weird dream...dont take it to heart yea...juz the other day, i dreamt my granny passed away!! *touch wood* ...as long as in real life, u dont see any ang pow colours, can liao...dont worry yrself silly yea...How many weeks are u in Lsntyl? Sorry if i could hv asked before but there are quite a number of ladies here & it's difficult to keep track & remember clearly...pai seh! I will keep my fingers crossed for you on Wed...everything's find de...relax yea ;o)


I dont know much ab OSCAR test at this moment as am only at week 6+ ...i think other ladies who hv done it or in the midst of doing will advise you shortly =) ..but i think it's always best to do the OSCAR ba....ladies, right??

prayinghard: thanks! yup..will go back to do a follow up scan in 9 days time. will be 6 wks then. YIPEE! u saw heartbeat!! happy for ya! hehe...yr hubby must be controlling very hard nt to let tears of happiness flow!!

LSNTYL: its a nitemare! dun read too much into it k? i have all sort of weird dreams too! in fact, some of them are so real, took me a while to realise its a dream when i woke up!

yuki: depending on the age reallie...older u r, higher the chances of DS so theres more need to test. theres a triple blood test for DS as well, cheaper than oscar. u can ask yr gynae abt it.

peachy, i am 29 so still considering whether to take or not. i heard abt the triple blood test but the accuracy is only 70% compare to Oscar which is 90%......will u be taking?

Hi all Mother to be

i have 2 tins of unopened Anmum pregnant milk (expiry date is 2010) to give away. i bought them in early pregnancy but couldnt finish as i am in my 37th week already.

Any one interested can let me know. Collection at Hougang.

prayinghard>I'm 8-10 weeks. Waiting for confirmation from gynae as to how old bb really is now. Thanks for your kind thots.

Peachy>thanks. Went out with gal frens today to destress. Hopefully, no more weird dreams tonite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey Peachy,

thanxs...it was a challenge waiting for 10days for the 2nd scan hence i know what u are going through now ..but seriously, dont worry too much yea...in 9days time, you will get to see yr bb's heartbeat, just like me de ;o) ... yea, i think ah lau tried to be macho ab it but he tells me later that he was indeed trying to control his tears...kekeke...wahahhahaha ;-D


Glad that u went out to de-stress...maybe u can try warm milk before u go to bed...hearsay, that helps to have better sleep ;o)

prayinghard>thanks. hubby and I were a bit hungry yesterday so we shared a packet of instant mee. Couldn't sleep after that so by time I finally feel asleep around 2am, was too exhausted to dream. :p

Hi MTBs,

I am new in this thread. Last menstrual is 4 May. Have been following this thread but no time to post and join u gals.

I had a miscarriage on 14 Feb and quite worried this time. Moreover, my hubby just had a major operation yesterday. So worried and stressed abt his operation.

Hope everything will be alright. Will only be seeing my gynae on this coming sat, 20 June. Till now, I haven't had any morning sickness. sigh

Hi Joy,

Kindly help to amend my EDD to 13 Jan 2010. thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had my 2nd scan & doc confirmed i'm in my 9 weeks pregnancy. So happy to see BB moving hands & legs.

Anyone gg for Oscar at 12weeks or triple tests at 16weeks. Dunno which to choose ... ??

Yuki - Oscar abt 300plus & triple test 100plus.

hihi, I'm from Jan08 and Dec09 threads. Just kaypoh, pop by to say hi to my friends : lyn78 and blessedbaby(formerly from Jan08 thread) and LSnTYL. Enjoy your pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LSnTYL, hope you can see baby's heartbeat this Wed when you see Dr Tham. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Shermaine ,

I am taking Annum for pregnant women too.. Ermm, how can i contact u ? U may reach me at 98560606... Thanks !

Hi MTBs ,

I am also thinking of the OSCAR test.. some details given by my friend in 2nd trimester.

Hope it helps for u..

"I am typing out from a pamplet on the pricing of the 3 packages that you can select from: Package A – ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks, detection rate of 80%, cost $150 Package B – Ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks and blood test at 11-14 weeks, detection rate of 90%, cost $300 Package C – Ultrasound scan at 11-14 weeks and blood test at 15-20 weeks, detection rate of 90% cost $255. The rate will be more for twins but not written here. You can ask the nurse during next check up."

Cindy, Yuki,

I am thinking of taking the triple test. Because the Nuchal Translucency, actually my 1st and 2nd preg. own gynae manage to measure, so i felt that there's no need to go through oscar if they can tell, since oscar is 90% accurate for down syndrome testing.

hopefully this time round doc will help me measure 2 weeks later as well.

I have the following for sale:

1) 4 BN BPA FREE (240ML)Pigeon wide necked bottles for $13 per bottle

2) Brand's Essence of Chicken for $14.Quantity and weight: 7 x 70g

Expiry date: 24 Feb 2012

3) 3 bottles of Benedictine Dom to sell at $100.include free delivery

4) Baby bjorn active .Red and black colour. Very outstanding. Bought at $199 ,letting go at $130.Just bought 1 month ago.

Condition is 9/10 ,used only 3 times. Baby Bjorn active has additional back support ,very comfortable and easy to carry bigger babies.


Kindly PM me if interested

tototan, u mean that our gyane is able to measure? i din know tat ......but oscar include a blood test as well right?

is it the same as triple test?


i nvr been to oscar, but i heard many say the scan is very detailed. my gynaes different for both births all can help me measure the thickness, tell me how many cm and say that risk of down syn is v low. for the rest of the organs, it will be the detailed scan for organs anomaly at 20th week.

that's why i tot triple test is sufficient.

tototan, i was thinking of going for triple test only too. but still considering ... as it seem like a lot of ppl go for Oscar.

who is ur gynae now?


my gynae is CH Koh at TPY. he helped me gave birth to my #2, but last time, he don't offer OSCAR, now he do. So i am not sure if he will help me check the neck thickness. but wait till next appointment 2 weeks later. then i can tell.

kitsune_sg: thanks. ;)

Peachy: may I check which gynea you saw in Sydney and in which area, can share with me? I don't mind to go to Sydney for a check up to make sure everything goes well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks in advance.


u stay in syd too?? i havent been to a gynae yet coz before you can get 1, u have to go to a GP first. The GP will take blood test, give u a referral letter for a scan if you have no idea when u ovulated and later on, a referral letter for a gynae. so if u are staying in syd, just go to the nearest GP. i went to one outside my place for convienince. let me noe if u need more help!

Peachy: I went to GP already, but he said my case is ok coz I tested pregnancy trip 4 times so it's for sure that I am preggie. I even tested one more time yesterday to make sure I am still preggie and the line is super dark and thick. ;) Should be alright.

I am not staying in syd but I don't mind to make a trip there if any gynae is willing to see me NOW.

My GP only asked me to take blood test and urine test next week and he will refer me to see a gynae when I am 16 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I called a hospital to make appointment but then they said the same thing. They need my blood test result and fill in the form and send back to them. After that, they will call me for appointment- not I call them. ;(

If I go to private gynea (there is only one gynea that is willing to receive new patient who has a deliver date in Jan here), but he only see me when I am 12 weeks. Now i am only 8 weeks so have to wait till early of July for 1st u/s.

Btw, you mentioned that you can't detect your bb heartbeat yet last time, does it mean that your GP also got ultrasound machine??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nope. GP dosent have the machine, she wrote a referral letter for me to take a scan nearby. the place dosent accept walk ins, and for a follow up scan, i have to go back to GP to get another referral letter.

nope, i dun thk gynaes here are going to take u in without referral.

i have already taken my blood test and am waiting for the result. once its out, the GP will write me the referral letter for a gynae, dun need to wait til im 16 wks leh..coz the gynaes here are booked up rather fast, so gtta chop them fast also.

you are concern that u havent got an ultrasound rite? why not get yr GP to give u a referral ltr for one? becoz over here, its common to have only 2 ultrasound, one ard 12 wks, and one ard 20 wks. for my case, GP wanted me to go for one so that can date my bb otherwise the EDD is a question mark

Peachy, thats right. I only need to have u/s to hear bb heartbeat so I can be sure everything is ok mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Over here also need to have referral letter from GP to see a gynae but then my GP will only give it when i am around 16 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think I will ask him to give me when I see him in 2 weeks.

Btw, how much did you pay for 1st gynae consultant? do you have medicare card? I have to wait for my medicare card to come end of June. Hubby doesn't mind that I go to emergency department at hospital and pay cash for 1st u/s ($370 for Dr consultant) - no need to make appointment. but I think somehow everything is ok for me so I don't want to spend this money. ;) Maybe I am too kan cheong.

Heya.. been busy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Men are insenstive one lah hahaha..

I have been having dreams but cant really remember the content

quite bz today so only pop in to say hi. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope everyone feels better soon.


I think we tend to be more emo now...

I was telling my frens, sometimes really vy funny, I've been looking forward to weekend so that i can sleep but during tat past 2 days, I can;t nap...lie down on the bed for so long but toss and turn can't fall asleep...haiz...now weekdays liao...can't sleep...have to wait for another weekend to come...

I'm in week 10 now, am feeling better...I think MS, and ES oso lesser but at times still worry is BB ok...haha...everytime I feel tat way, I'll speak to bb to hang on strong with mummy.


relax, else the headache will get worse.. I had it yest, but i just think to myself the headache is due to bb developing then I will start to tolerate the pain..

Megan > I am also in Week 10...think my ES also getting better..but still not much appetite for dinner...

Keep having bad dreams,dreamt of "white affair" last night and woke up in shock..quickly held my hubby hands and he continued sleeping!..urgh....

i am also worried if BB is ok or not?..i will talk to BB and tell him to remember to look like the pictures i pasted on the walls...haha....dun be like daddy...hahaha...

My hubby talks to BB too...

I tend to get irritated easily..but i just cant controlmy moods...having a bad migrane now!!

Hi everyone...

Do you know where I can get the bra extension strap or something? My current bra is really tight now...but dun feel like buying new ones yet...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me oso no appetite for dinner...actually now my son talk to bb more than me n hb...every nite he will kiss n talk to bb


i paid au$105 for the scan. it was done at a center tt does scans. no gynae there. im nt a PR bt i gt medibank, altogether i managed to claim back ard au$80+ for the scan (au$105) and GP consultation (au$35). thk even if you dun have your medisave card yet, u are still covered from the day u start paying your premium. becoz you dun get back the claim on the spot. u pay the full amt and go to the medisave office with the reciept to get back the claim.

btw, thk the cost for scans vary across the centers so do check with your GP which place provides the cheapest scan if u are concern with cost.

Lorraine> i bought mine from Pretty (there is one outlet in AMK and another in Toa Payoh) $3.90 for a set of 2

