(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

mstan, my schedule is as follows:

1) 6.30am

2) 1230pm

3) depends on bb, between 6-8pm

4) 1030pm

4 pumps a day..

Sharon, I paying $900 a month after subsidies, but as can use the CDA to pay, it's $450 a mth for the 1st year until my CDA is fully utilized..


little lamb : yes, also feel it's her habit but dunno how to chnge her habit ?

smalldreams : woh, can hv letdown juz by reading ? I long time dun get letdown now....;p

Wei , as long as she is drinking milk and she is not cranky it shld b fine. My girl will use her tougue to push out the teat too and sometimes didn even want to drink at all. I could unds her cause she is teething.

If esther is rejecting milk, perhaps you gotta play around and change her bottle teat.


I see the ladies wearing abaya and nursing. like so convenient. just "flip" open and got direct access. haa.

ecookie and febie,

i never thought i'll find someone who does make up without lipstick. That's so me. I only use balm. Lip colours are reserved for occasions only cos they dry up my lips and mostly make my teeth look yellowish.


i guess it might look funny but i'm used to it (looking funny?!). Cos the make up experts always say if you are short of time, the first 2 things you must do is line your eyes and colour your lips. I do all the others but these two essentials. i'm weird! ha!

ecookie/febie/c.yang>I do makeup without lipstick too. started becos hubby will kiss it off n I'm lazy to reapply. now, still don't put cos want to kiss ayden.

jessie>so qiao. my birthday is next week too. :p suppose to go our the whole weekend to celebrate with diff groups of frens but now all cancelled cos ayden is sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tyl, hope that adyen will recover asap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams, hope that u adapt to working life soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my turn is coming soon, totally not looking forward

re: w/o lipsticks. me too!! hahaha started when i was pregnant with #1 coz dunno whether harmful to bb a not then after tat express milk, also dunno whether "edible" for babies.. slowly become a habit so now i put on makeup w/o applying lipstick!

cyang,I oso dun like lipstick, mostly lip gloss or lip balm. heheh

smalldreams, yah lo I am more than happy to see him everyday, but....

ahhhhh... just nice. done with the forum while making 18 pancakes. it's time for breakfast! Enjoy your lunch and the weekend ahead, ladies! We are enjoying ours already... fridays and sats are weekends here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan, i dun latch at all.. My baby only latch for 3 days...

cyang, enjoy your weekend, i am so looking forward to weekend now..

Makeup, i only put on during occassions.. Never for work, except interviews... hahaha..

c yang - 18 pancakes?! They're small round ones I hope? DH and I usually can take 4 pancakes at the most?

mstan8888 - I am not sure how to break your gal's habit but i would guess a lot of patience is required and observation of cues. And also, maybe try to talk to her? Help her understand that when it's time for feed, drink more? When it's time to sleep, must sleep. Another thing is, observe how much she drinks during the day. Experts say that in order to let them sleep well during the nite, they must be fed enough during the day. Is she having like 5 feeds a day? If so, then maybe waking up at nite is just a habit.

Mstan, jia you! I had more than 13 episodes when I bf no. 1 for one year. After that want to try for no. 2, my gynae also asked me to wean off cos he said I suffered long enough. Haha.

Tyl, dun feel bad. My raelynn also took antibiotics at 4 months plus. I also feel bad but babies falling sick is part n parcel of life. At least we are bfing n trying to give them our antibodies.

Wah… so many threads in half a day. Was very busy in the morning settling the air tickets stuffs... I was changing the destination from HK to Japan, so that can bring Zach along. So excited!

Firpy, glad to know Ayden seems better..

Jessie, thanks for the compliment. Haha… if they ever meet next time, can see whether got sparks or not

Mstan, sounds like a painful decision for you to stop bfing… *hugs*

Sharon, are you sending your baby to infantcare too? I heard got some charge as low as 200 after subsidy.. for me, I am paying about 500 a mth. So after CDA, it’s like 250.

Wei, my baby is like that too… cut back on intake to 700-800ml a mth ago.. PD says if he’s happy, then leave him to be.

Btw, in general, for breastfeeding, if you think that your SS is dropping, latching your baby frequently does wonders… and it also helps to shorten your pump timings. For me, i pump 3 times in office 10, 2 & 5pm… each time abt 200ml. When I am with Zach, I never use bottle cos it’s really troublesome.. he tends to reject bottle when I am around and only drinks from bottle at infantcare centre.

Wah May, 3 times, how long to get 200ml? I would be happy if i can get 100ml for each pump and i pump like 30mins each time.. I abit embarass to go pump for 3x in office, so can only make do with 1 pump in office..

n erm.. for the record, I've been back to work for 8weeks; but I m a stickler for routine. So even if I have meetings, I either try to rush them to end so that I don't miss my pump schedule or I tell my bosses that I want to go and 'work'.. so for mommies back at work, jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and i agree ML should be 6mths loh... it was so hard to return to work when I can't wear most of my clothes. Have to upgrade from size 6 to size 8.. and some cutting even size 10. :x

ET, I take about 10min in total. If I am playing 'angry birds' on my iphone, sometimes will exceed.. cos die die want to clear some stages, so stuck in toilet for another 5min.

Hi mommies, i hv a question. Someone told me that when weaning baby, it's good to eat some chinese herbs (in powder form). Said can be bought from chinese medicinal halls. Problem is I can't remember who told me and what the herb is. Think it was 'si shen' 四神. Has anyone given it to their LOs? Of does anyone know what exactly the chinese herb is and what is it good for? Thank you!

febie: i will call my mum when yr is in her care and i try to call ard his feeding times so i know he's up and i wont disturb his naps.

when he is in my MIL care, i dun bother to call. cos 1st she doesnt pick up the call and yr's schedule normally haywire when with her so im really unsure if he's awake or not. just go to rush home after work to see if everythings fine.

littlelamb: i will put on balm or lip gloss only hehe. my lip color is quite reddish (maybe heaty ? LOL) so look quite ok (at least to me). seems like alot of mummies are same style as me no lipstick! haha soemmore my lips dry sometimes lipstick make them drier and the lines shown up eeks. but my mum like u! can dun put anything except lipstick on.and she will apply lipstick even when she just going downstairs. very vain!hah


your supply really good. I also pump 3 times at work, but everytime only manage 120ml, after 1/2hr of squeezing like crazy! envy mummies like you.

cherieheart: i heard of that. my mum said its to make the baby appetite good. for my elder one i didnt get it cos doesnt really want to feed him any chinese herbs at such young age and his appetite is good to start with so she didnt nag me to give him eventually.

mstan888: u are not alone. yr after his dream feed at 1130am sure will stir for pacifier ard 2-3am. good thing is this 1st stir very easy to settle w just the pacifier but the 4am stir sometimes need me to feed him some water before he can sleep back. im still keeping to my time between 5-6am before 1st feed is given.

lets just hope the babies will sleep through fast! or just wake up once during the night haha.

ET, I latched on dd.. when I was on ML, it was like once every 2hrs! Think that's how the SS build up; plus, i always make sure not to miss my pump timing so that zach can bring 'fresh' ebm to school the next day.. he takes abt 400ml in school and the rest i will bag in freezer .. n err.. usu to donate. I've donated abt 100+ packs to another baby so far.

ecookie, mstan

my bb last feed is 10-11pm, then throughout the night also stir a few times, but i never feed, just pacifier and pat pat backside (v loud!!) pop pop pop till she sleep....only at 6am then give her milk

furby, i also envy mommies who can lose wt fast. I am very 'on' on producing milk cos it's the most effective way to lose weight.. otherwise, dun tink i will be so disciplined.

smalldreams: i will put on powder, blusher, lip balm/gloss no matter how tired i am. at least look presentable bah.. if i got time then will curl the lash + mascara n eyeliner. but thats abt it. i seldom put on eyeshadows nowadays. like past the stage liao.. and its already a feat just to wake up slightly earlier to make up the face n blow dry the hair liao!!! yawn.

furby: last time my elder one much easier. he will also stir once or twice during the day out of habit. once i heard him stir, just need to put my hand on his thigh pat abit he will go back to zzz. yr's temper not good. will be like v angry when he stir and will rouse himself awake and ended up crying n screaming. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

only recently then it becomes more managable with me giving him pacifier/water with him lying down to comfort him back to sleep.

Bryest: Estovan is so cute! Nice hair too. Did you shave or cut his hair? I shaved my boy's hair after the 1st mth and till now, he still looks like a tweety bird; only little hair on his crown.

May:Thumbs up! How did you mgn to stay disciplined to pump regularly? I used to do that, now I slept thru the night pumps...can't wake up. :p

Steph, I sleep until I feel uncomfy like too heavy w milk or leak until whole top is wet.. Can pump up to 400ml if I Zz 7-8 hrs str

Thks Pauline & May !

May : woh, u very gd & disciplined leh ? Every 3-4hrs pump 10mins, 10mins can pump out 200ml ?

So gd, fast & smooth flow ?

U latch when u reach hm ?

At nite/middle of the nite, u still wake up to latch / pump ?

U must hv use Medela PISA ?

If my pumping so smooth & fast like u then I dun mind continue bf liao....;p.....I need more than 1/2-1hr to massage & pump then massage then pump....;p....now cutting down on pumping time....;p

furby : oh, if my bb is hungry in the middle of the nite, she can really make a fuss & kick like noboby biz until u cant sleep wan....so in order to sleep, hv to feed her, cant pat her to sleep wan....;p

When I dreamfeed my bb, she drink very little leh even thou I gv her more.

During the day she also drink very little - very small appetitie - 1 day she can only drink ard 620-700ml....;p

Mstan, I latch whenever zach wants. Typically 7pm and 9pm++ .. For weekends, we usu go out v late so will latch one more at midnight.. Only pump once at abt 4-6am, depending on wad time I wake up.. Then it's morning feed.. We dun haf fixed timing; just play by ear. I m using medela freestyle but v seldom use dual pump cos each pump session is aldy so short. Medela Pisa is pump in style?

May: I used to be like you but can't sustain this kind of lifestyle esp during the day now that i have return to work, everything is like back-2-back. Work, pump, work, home, pump,spend time with bb, pump etc..

Energy level zapping off quickly.

If u zz over 7-8hours then pump, the next pump will your supply dipped? or your body can tune back to 200ml again? and all in 10mins?

This happen to me if I cross over the 'usual' frequency, I will get a lot but the next pump, it dipped so badly and it took a long time to let down. I have to start to be diligent to increase the freq so that it's back to normal.

Jessie- Arwen's pic is really very cute!

bryest- ur bb can really hold his head well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]n he has so much hair *envy* my boy is botak!

May- wow your milk supply very gd! I only manage pump like 70ml in office. In fact I must admit i only use my pump less than 5 times during ML coz initially always like 30ml i so discouraged.My fren told me pump may not b as effective so I keep latching my boy n supplement with FM.

now that back to wk this wk no choice must pump coz I want to give as much breastmilk to my bb as possible. my wkplace no nursing rm somemore n only have one meetg rm that is without glass walls but door lock spoilt. just this wk, one of my colleague who is the only other colleague pumping told me somemone open the locked door when she was pumping n she screamed b4 they came in! Imagine the stress evrytime we pump!

and everyday i need to lug such a big n heavy bag to work... muz peservere....

hello mummies.. haven't logged onto this thread for sometime.. how are the mums and babes doing?

Here's a recent pic of my girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mstan: I get lumps and block ducts also, went to TMC recently and they say it's due to underwired bra...but i told them that i wear when I go out. Still they say it's a NO-NO.

I have been obedient and do the massage before and after pumps, it seems ok for me now.

Other than that, you are right on the stress, so they encourage me to look at pictures of ur bb, have a nice cuppa beside or something to divert your attention away from the pumps.

The best is to let your bb buffet, as and when it want to latch and change their position, from cradle to football hold according to them.

Van, I had probs w my pump initially too. Was v disheartened but my confinement lady was v supportive. She helped me massage my clots everyday! In the end I even brought the pump to tmc to ask for help. I was v Sian but determined to use the pump cos my hubby paid 799 for it! He didn't want to spend so much but I like how small it was

stephy, the night one not affected. The day one haven't try such a long interval; but if exceed five hrs, I cannot take it aldy..

vanillaberry: Same here me expressed in a room with broken lock and the walls are not full fledged so i have to bring little blankie to muff the sound and I sit back against the door in case anyone attempted to open the door, it will be blocked and i will have time to react.

Yes Sharon, it cost me $60+ for abt 1 hour of torture! It was really painful and they kept kneading and squeezing until it's so bruised but really glad they help to clear it and it mgn to squirt.

They also use PISA to express on the spot and it's really good but too ex for me to invest.

May: Salute to U! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Steph - thanks. My ss is decreasing. Am abit lumpy unlike last time when i empty my breast, it was totally soft soft feeling. Anyone encounter this?

How does blocked duct feel like? So far i just keep pumping n expressing it out.

Sharon: the block duct is like having a little hard lumps being big or small and when the milk comes in, it's the first thing to bulge with pain. For mine, it's even apparent on skin level and it didn't 'soften' even after express so it has to be manually 'push' out in the direction towards the tits. If you mgn to clear the ducts, you may be surprised how much milk the block ducts contain!

May: Same here, I cried too. Find the pain more excruciating than labor! LOL


Thank Steph. Shall manually squeeze it out tonight. Sigh. Bf needs alot of knowledge and hardwork thou.

I rmb when my milk comes in the 3rd day of delivery. I couldn even pump / squeeze out the milk, its hard like a stone no matter how i massage it. I get the kkh senior nurse to squeeze it out for me for free, hehe my girl was still at the special care then.

