(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

koonie> yeah, same feeling as u at times esp hearing stories from friends of their encounters.. I've not MS so far...so i just ensure i have other symptoms (like sore breast etc) to 'calm' myself hahhaa.. but as long as no heavy spotting, i just reassure that the little one is ok..gg for my official first scan on monday.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


koonie, dun worry, every prenancy is different. My #1, I do not have much MS, but this one I feel terrible.

sherry, i still had gas/bloatedness , it was even worse before bcos of the duphastron keep vomitting...i stopped since wednesday at least better...abit of MS ok la still can tahan..luckily, i'm on AL tis week or else sure take MC (*_*)

Koonie> wah, so shiok.. guess i will save my AL for my future followups [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koonie /Sherry > worried my boss will find out so wont dare to take MC and also AL yet....haha..better save for future...haha

looks like tomoro need to hibernate at home again...will need to plan something for my boy so tat he won't feel bored....haiz...running out of ideas

hi gals, took my scan today. dosent look too good. Theres no heartbeat yet and according to the size, im still in 5wks. the sac is sooo teeny, its only 2mm. So i got to go back for a scan to make sure its alright in 10 days. sigh...

bride09> hahaha, aiyo, my whole office already know.. but heng, my boss very nice so quite relax for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koolduh> not sure, think yesterday she got some spotting and she went for her scan today. She just say this will be her last post and asked joy to remove her name from the listing.. just hope whatever happen, she will be fine.

Peachy> is it too early to detect heartbeat? think will only detect at week 6 and above?

Sherry: yup, i thk heartbeat can be detected at wk 6 and beyond. except tt according to my last menstrual period, im suppose to be already in my wk 6. oh well..maybe ovulated late. *self console* just that i tot the sac is really too small coz i rem when i had my first scan with #1 the sac was bigger tho there wasnt any heartbeat as well.

Lynn> Yup I stay in the east in Tamp!

Sherry & Peachy> I went to gynae last wk and was told I was 5 wks + and could see the blinking heartbeat.

Actually I oso feeling alittle emo after Emmie's post. Hope u are feeling ok Emmie *hugs*

Peachy> Dont worry, should be ok yeah!

Vanillaberry> oh ok, i am already in week 7.. so guess monday i should be able to detect.

vanillaberry: really?? i do hope everythg is ok for me then....if its meant to be, it will be huh. have to wait for 10 days to scan again. sigh...

hey peachy, should be ok, when i was 5 weeks, my sac also 3.7mm only, then no heart beat yet also.. Dun be too worried, relaz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope that emmie is ok, I also had spotting for 3 times since i got preggie..

Hi cocomama, yes of course. If I remeber correctly, we suppose to have full bladder. So do not go to toilet before the scan, if not they will make you drink water.

hey C.Yang

Finally found it and enabled it already. Can you resend please?

Peachy, I will be doing the Down Syndrome screening. Not sure whether it is called OSCAR cause' the gynea just said Down Syndrome screening. But I will go in 2 days earlier just for them to draw some blood which is also part of this screening.

Hey, cocomama,

Under 'edit profile'... 'preferences'.

You need to UNCHECK "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users".

Just don't want to bore other mummies with our Dubai talk. Hahaha.

Hi bride_09, oscars scanning include blood test, if it is your #1, hubby also need blood test.

cocomama: yup, oscar is to test for down syndrome. hehe..its gg to take some time so you and hubby can have plenty of time to see yr bb!!

Hi BB#2, like Vanillaberry, I'm also interested in the aqua aerobics if it can be arranged in the east on weekends too.

Otherwise, any mummies going to KKH for their aqua aerobics class? Anyone knows the starting date or is it on-going weekly?

everynite, I'll pray and tell bb to stay strong together with mummy...my boy will also speak to bb and tell bb you be good ok...

i'm juz wondering the down syndrome test usually when will the doctor recommend it to be done ? mine told me if really concern can actually be done on week 8 =( confused ... it's a package (scan+bld test) $300 in kkh

There is different type of ds scan available. Depending on ur risk lvl, ie ur age, ur husb age, health history etc. Ur gynae would recommend different type of scan. But u can always discuss with ur gynae what are the type of ds scan available and choose. Of course the more detail the scan is, the more exp it is.

oh yeah!i also touch my tummy everynight and pray..pray for God's blessing and protection and to grow healthy for next 9mth!

hi mummies!

wow, busy day for me...now then got time to come in and chat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just want to update my first visit to my gynae yday. saw the heartbeat! and gynae mentioned it's about 5.5mm now (6W6D).

remember i mentioned my hubby wanted two heartbeats? wahahahah, it was only one heartbeat! but my hubby damn funny...keep asking my gynae "maybe u move the scanner here a bit..." "maybe the 2nd heartbeat is behind the first so can't see" "this part (pointing at the scan) is the 2nd baby? (to which the gynae said, nope it's still part of the 1st baby...)

finally when we left the clinic i asked him wat he think. he said, "gynae ultrasound scan not accurate, and so blur...can't see properly. i sell her one of my company's microscope, can see clearer. i'm sure the 2nd heartbeat is behind the first that's y cannot see."



the down syndrome scan usually done between 8 - 12 wks. also called OSCARS. there's also another test that can test for down syndrome...called the Triple test, that is done in the 15 - 20 wks.


when is ur EDD? at 5 wks, think not surprising that u can't see the heartbeat. usually at least 6wks then can see.

dumbger>sounds like your hubby really wants twins. glad your bb is well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

emmie>hope you are ok. hugs.

Hi Megan ,

1/1 is good cos is new year and more sponsor gift from hospital.. tats what i heard.. haha..

maybe we will see u on TV also... every year, news will report 1/1 babies closest to 12midnight.. :p

hey dumbger, i just went to see my gynae today, saw my little bb and heard the heartbeat! My hubby so excited to hear the bb's heartbeat. But bb only 5mm big, gynae say must go back in 1 and a half weeks to see whether is bb growing normally.. So worried..


hey Peachy,

dont worry too much, though i know where u are coming from...everything is fine de...when i did my 1st scan at 5W2D, we can only see the sac as well...i was also worried ...but i hv always heard during week 5 is still a tad early, ...did my 2nd scan today at 6W5D ...we saw the little one's heartbeat! I cried!! My hubby said he didnt cry but i believe his eyes were red ;-D ... You will be able to see yr bb's heartbeat by the next scan de...so try to relax & dont worry yea =)

To Emmie,

I hope you are ok & pls stay strong no matter what you are encountering! We will always be here if you need us! I will keep u in my prayers.... (no matter if u are still reading this or not...BIG HUGZ)

