(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Hi C.Yang & Lsntyl,

thanxs for the kind concern =)...yea, i do try to get as much rest as possible...am in fact, napping quite a bit every now & then ..kekeke ..

C.Yang, wow 3.5weeks wait...that sure is quite a wait! Luckily my gynae is nice enough to ask me back after 10 days or else if it's also 3weeks plus wait, am sure to hamtam him! ;-D ...I really hope & pray that we will get to see the twinkling heart 2m & will ask ab the rate, thanxs for reminding =) ... & am sure yr gynae will release yr records fully coz u tell him, it would be a crime not to ; ) ...& most gynaes in SG are using internets & emails etc..am sure u wont hv a problem to find one who's able to do that =)


will try to get more rest tonight...would be a huge challenge though ;-D


Hi Firipy ,

I am the one who gets retrenched... It is a blessing in disguise.. at least for sure that i am not worrying so much on the work now.. $$$ can earn later and babies come first.. dun get emo. abt it.. if it really happen , it is fated that god wants u to rest.. Yes, double nausea/vomitting.. seriously no joke.. I am extremely exhausted and hope to pass 1st trimester.. i really missed alots of food.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Develyn develyn develyn : POSITIVE Mind please.. haha.. i am always losing my mind and get emo. too.. :p

Hi C.Yang ,

Yes, insist on it.. and u start recording down slowly.. Hmm.. some gynae in singapore practise to email.. like Dr Sadhana @ KK as my friend is in Indonesia , she emails her every now and then.. Then when come back to SG , the bonding is there.. Try checking out .. i believe more gynaes will be able to take your case. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies,

I heard in KK they offer pre-natal aqua aerobics class...i used to do aqua aerobics...according to my instructor, it's good for preggie mum

oh ya, cos i think the water absorb ya body weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any idea how much is the course?

morning all, i suddenly had some sharp pain after squatting.. is that normal.. but it last less than a min..

hope my bb is fine..

its getting tougher for me to go to work now esp with the crowded & my MS.

anyone stays in Tamp/Pasir Ris & works in suntec area?? am thinking of taxi carpool .. too ex to pay on my own..

megan...no leh still gonna work half day tmr! arrggghhh

wah..ET so nice...going for ur scan huh? My 1st scan is only on next Tues..

Koolduh> hehe mine on Monday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait man

wah, KK got aqau-aerobics? where are the lessons held?

Melody>sorry, can't help. hope you find someone to carpool with

wow the aqua aerobics in KK quite ex ah...prob bcos it's specially catered for preggie woman...those in public pool only charge less than $100 for 3 mths...

Hi Megan / LsnTYL ,

Are u going for it ? Mine is a big yes yes.. i try not to go outside classes.. incase emergency , i believe KK appointed this company will be more experience to handle the situation.. u know what i mean right..

develyn - hey u guys going to KK aqua aerobics? pls count me in!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

develyn>a bit tempted. I like swimming. But donno whether my swimming costume can fit me in 2nd trimester or not. :p

morning all!

thanks develyn. Trying to stay positive as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No more spotting and cramps. But think I would still keep my appointment. Can't wait to see my baby and the heartbeat.

cyang, i checked SQ's website. It says 35 weeks. But I will try to be back by 1 Dec as that should be my 34th week. I have been doing yoga as well before I discovered I was pregnant. So walking has become the alternative exercise. My gynae here says I can do yoga but not all the upside down positions and nothing too strenous. Haven't checked back with my yoga centre but they don't seem to do prenatal yoga. And those who do teach prenatal are charging an arm and a leg for it. Sian.

aqua-aerobic is great. Can't find inexpensive ones here though.

prayinghard, I'm really trying to stay home and not do anything but somehow everyday a reason will crop up for me to be out. :p Will ask my gynae about the multivits.

it would be nice if we can organise our own class ah...then i'll get my instructor to teach..she say currently her class got 2 heavily pregnant woman

Melody: i stays at Pasir Ris works at Raffles place, i tak mrt train daily to work.. becos at Pasir Ris u can always get a seat. is wen gg hom sometimes, i'll tak cab.. becos definitely cant get a seat and now tummy not obvious so nobody will giv up their seat for us.

ginger>v wasted leh. maybe if I see swim suits sales. but now tummy like this, go swimming also i shy. :p

Lynn>I work near Raffles Place too but get on the train at Tanah Merah. 90% of time no seats back to n fro

Liverpool: R u here? hey! u look familiar to mi.. maybe both of us stays at Pasir Ris, datz y..

i dont mind joining e aqua aerobics [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] count mi in too..

develyn: i'm gg to join ur sahm club aft my delivery... hahahaha! we can go shopping together next time.

Isntyl: becos at Tampines station already no more seats left unless someone alight.. Moreover now tummy not obvious, ppl thot i eat too much got a small tummy... they will never kw is pregnant.

Ladies ,

I am so glad that u all are going.. Yuppie ! I got kakis liao.. keke.. Oh for swim suit, buy maternity ones.. at least can wear all the way till delivery.. i cant fix well on to my swim wear liao.. think maternity cuttings different ? Dunno leh..haha..

Hi Lynn ,

When is your EDD ? Wow , i dun mind to go shopping.. i will sure start at 2nd trimester man..

Lynn & Isntyl: i take the train from Paya lebar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think we will need another mth before tummy starts to show.. even if so, some people will just pretend that they are sleeping loh..

lsntyl - u not the only one lar..if 2nd trim then can learn tat means all will be having big tummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

During my 1st pregnancy but MC la.. i will rub my stomach at train or buses.. ppl still dun stand up, i will go over and tell them.. sorry , i am pregnant , can u give me this seat as i am really tired.. ah bo i sure MS on the person.. bleahz.. naughty me.. :D

megan: was wearing my bikini last week to suntan.. and i look so fat with my thick waist line hahaha.. stupid hubby say" look at your 3 layers of fatssss"

develyn>wah, got maternity swimwear? I didn't know that at all.

megan>bikinis i got. but tummy so big, a bit shy. :p

sherry>paya lebar lagi crowded! ya, most peeps will still ignore. The other day, I gave up my seat twice in a row for a more pregnant lady and an old man. Everyone else pretend never see. haiz...

Lynn: Agreed. I had difficulties tavelling home too.. Cos tummy not big enough for ppl to give up seats.. I normally take train back to Pasir Ris in morn to get seat but cos this week MS is bad, I had to take cab in the morning.

Megan > I stayed in Serangoon Nth but will followed hubby to Paya Lebar MRT as he is working around haig road [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At times , i cant even squeeze up the train loh...

LSnTYL , very easy.. those that can see your rub tummy but still dare to sit down and look at u.. i won't let the person off.. i ever meet a thick skinned one.. just continue to sit there when i am gtg to puke.. i called hubby as i am alone.. And say "Dear , i am in MRT , not feeling so well and there is a man that just refuse to give me the seat... why ppl like that.. know u are pregnant still dun care.. wonder next time the wife pregnant , will same thing happens.. " Haha.. then everyone starts wanting to give seats n look at the man and gossip pointing at him.. wakaka..

Oh Ladies , yes.. there is alot of maternity swim suits.. ok, i go find cheap and good ones and post u all the link okie... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha develyn..peifu peifu you ah...

Sherry, Paya Lebar vy diff to get in one...Aljunied station is better cos more ppl get down.

develyn>lol. that is such a funny story. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] might try that trick next time.

i have not logged in for 1.5 days and having difficulty catching up...

anyway i have been to my gynae yesterday and she say i am in my 11wk1day..EDD changed to 30 Dec 09..looks like i haf to join the dec 09 forum..

BB was sleeping during the scan..after a few coughs and shaking my tummy, BB finally woke up. saw BB turning and rubbing eyes and went back to sleep. soo cute!! Dr wong was very patient...took a long time scanning me and wait for BB to wake up..

thanks ladies for the reccomendation!

so i am left with 2 weeks to the end of my 1st tri! soo hapi! anyway my MS and tender breats is subsiding...she also gave me calcium and multiV pills..:-D

please update my details

Nick: Yunzz

Edd: 30 Dec 09

Gynae: Dr Adeline Wong

Heez.. sorry hor.. i am those type of "garang" gal.. keke.. so dun care de... :p

Hi V_ni,

Welcome to the thread.. Oh yours is an SO-IUI baby.. big congrats ! I didn't opt for SO-IUI that time but went straight to IVF.. Our efforts are really paid off.. Btw, what did gynae scan at 8th week ? My appt is next week at TPS..

Develyn: u super lei.. must learn fr u. during my 1st pregnancy, even thot my last trim tummy very big still got ppl juz sit there and see mi immediately closed their eyes. Sometimes, i'm juz too tired standing, will juz alight at any station and tak a seat rest there awhile and wait for next train then board.

my EDD is 9Jan 2010. urs?

anybody watch channel 8 last night, whr is e maternity shop and e tim sum place? Looks quite yummy!

Hi Lynn ,

Next time , wake the person up.. arrggg.. hate this type of ppl.. Trust me , they will be embarass and will stand up if u ask them aloud when everyone is looking at him.. Confirm they stand up de lor.. or not others will start offering de.. haha... Mine thru IVF calculator should be ard 03Jan 2010.. should be premature as twins mah.. :C

I didnt watch anything abt food channel cos i will be Singapore Merlion No. 2 lor.. haha..


Lynn & Develyn: When i take MRT, if any young people pretend to sleep or listen to MP3 loudly, I will make sure to wake him/her up also. ;) Or I will just stand right in front of him/her and end up have to leave a seat for me. ;)

