(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

evian - yar....cannot eat too full...and i think diary products somehow will trigger our "merlion hormones"...

folic acid is a must lei... the rest chiam chiam one can eliminate =p heheheh... sometimes i merlion or not feeling well will tell bb not to torture me but alone at home so bo bian..

lynn - so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he looks veri bubbly...i already casted my vote! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

liverpool>hee, not competition lah. every couple is different. actually, he got suggest we go for walks or swimming more often. I'm the lazy one who just wants to hide in the air-con room. :p wah, your wife wants to take the preg pix? I can rec you my AD and PW photographer. He does that and the last pregnancy album was quite good. At least I liked it lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ginger>bb also wakes me up at 7.30 every day lor. tummy sure hungry that time. no more sleeping in for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

melody>think your gynea will know best bah. Mine also never tell me to take duphoston.

I dun know le... ever since i started taking.. stool become abit hard and i bleed (sorry ppl, a bit gross).. recommended to take 4 tablets a day..think i will cut down to 2

koolduh, i took antacid (actal) u can just buy from the guardian pharmacy counter..=p

liverpool, any gd studio to recommend ?

koonie - yar yar yar !!! ~~

i already started to talk to my BB too..whenever i bath or wana merlion..i will tell BB pls dont torture me....mummy dont wana evolved!!!

Rina> i drink alot alot of water.. at least 2 litres a day le.. but still.... hahaha.. think i cut the dosage and see how..

did anyone of u have donated/borrow maternity clothes from friends ? most of my friends had packed their to pass over to me but my mum-in-law abit worried cos if got any bad luck hor will spread also..headache lei..

er....koonie - i think if u pantang dont take at all lor..buy new ones..cos like me, i dont wana take ...cos i also not sure who wears them previously...

Hi Konnie ,

U are good to have ppl donating to u.. especially babies clothes.. i heard that it will be more comfortable for babies to wear reuse clothes instead of new ones.. as for the bad luck, as long they have healthy babies can liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i will take from my SIL...when sh eis back from maternity 1 month...

but hubby say this weekend bring me go and buy some for work...

develyn, i agree wif u got free clothing can save $$$ ... now got maternity and bb clothes ..my friends all cartoon one..=p

Actually, no harm buying instead.. U may keep for ur nxt pregnancy.. moreover, if u buy early, u can wear few more times.. U already spread out the cost..

ginger,megan,develyn,sherry,koonie: thks for all ur vote! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy birth weight was 2.95kg not heavy juz average..

Anybody like Mango clothing?

my frz told mi they having sales on tue 16 June.


my old maternity clothes all pass to my frens now...now dunno how many hands liao, so won;t be taking back fm them...now hv to find new sets of clothes...i dun mind wearing ppl's clothes as long u know the person well lah

emmie - errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr u got the luck to nap...we still working in office [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lynn - kekeke cant buy mango liao lar...cant even fit in...and even if can fit in, i doubt i will wear back that size after delivering :p

Lynn - no mango clothes liao.. haha.. now need to start finding maternity clothes..

Bride09 - No lah.. just some pandang especially dunno the history of the people who wore it before... so most prefer to buy new ones lor..

koolduh - 5 weeks..i already start buying...6 weeks already started wearing. Cos existing skirts too tight liao...even undergarments.

Frequency of makan - i nibble something almost every 2 hrs...so tat i dont have gaggy feeling..


I am looking for gynae and thought of trying Dr Benjamin Tham from KK. I saw some of you are taking him. Any comments abt him? Is he good?

Anyone husband is in civil service? Will we get discount rate for KK?


Lynn, your boy is so cute.. Voted for u liao..

I still wearing my existing clothes leh, still fits and infact, due to my slight weight loss, my clothes now got looser.. Got anyone who had not bought maternity clothes at all?

