(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Hi, Amby

Yup, my boy was born at 36weeks with quite good weight and I am glad he came earlier, if not, like wat you say, will hit 4kg..

Hi, Jes

Yup, usually its scan on the tummy but according to my gynae, she said cos mine is still early so scanning on tummy can't see much so go from below lor. goodness, I hate it when its from below. the stick is not thin and its quite think and hard.Gynae has to put lubricant on the condon before inserting it in.hopefully next round will be on the tummy..


ET, it depends de, for my #1, my ms only start when I was ard wk 9 or wk 10 and it last for a mth. this round my ms start at wk 4, sob!

Congrates Joanne!! It's not really true it may be delayed, some will due early. Right now just enjoy your previges of being pregnant, keke!

Joy, i evryday machiam crawling out of the bed.. beh tahan.. aft i dressed up liao, i still lie down n nap for another 15mins.. reached office worse, feeling like sleepin n throwing out.. lol..

ya #1 i was ok, very active, #2 i became sick chicken... kekeke...

hello joanne, congrates too! there's quite a few gynes in amk n bishan ma

OO, YC, haha! ya me too, everyday i been struggling to get out of bed, lol! Now I can't wait to wait for 2nd trim to come.

For those 1st time mtbs, 2nd trimester = honeymoon period, hehee!

den hor, everyday feel like taking sick leave... oops... den my dh ask me, still hv 2 more mths to 2nd trimester, hw many sick leave i plan to take...

but really tired ma... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bt my co in 2nd trimester lei, she oso very tired n sleepy too.. kekeke

Joanne, I think amk central have 2-3 gynaes there, I only rem there is one Dr Theresa something there, her clinic i think is near to courts or something, it's in the same block as Singapore Baby and Child Clinic. Sorry my memory failed me this big time, hb was saying both side of my memory had passed over to #1 and #2.

i was looking at the other forum and alot of the mummies go to dr ang at semabwang...is he really good?? me and my hubby looking for someone who is good and not too ex....anyway...im starting to have MS ald...puked out my lunch jus now...

YC, i enjoy a lot when I was in 2nd trim that time, feel so awake, but nt sure will be the same this time around or not. Hope i don't use up my sick leaves like last time, lol!

Hi, YC

Me too.. every morning is bad drag! Guess it is worse for us as we have the no. # 1 to manage too.. how old is your no. 1? mine is 9mth plus.. so tired.. today take half day off to sleep at home. really deprive of good sleep! me not even half way thr my 1st trimester. .gosh!!!

Joanne, you will have to check with YC, etc. They are seeing Dr Ang, though his clinic is very near my home, but I din see him cos mainly I was looking for a female gynae and also I can feel very comfy with - that very very impt cos u are going to spend your entire pregnancy journey with your gynae.

LC, ur #1 is very young!, ya i think we are more tiring cos we have older kids to look after as well.

Congrats Helen! this thread getting more and more mtbs to join in, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1. DNA - 1 Jan

2. angel_oz - 2 Jan

3. tandiono - 2 Jan

4. jasmine - 3 Jan

5. smalldreams - 3 Jan

6. luvbabe11 - 6 Jan

7. bitbit - 7 Jan

8. Amby - 12 Jan

9. Yang - 19 Jan

10. RinaFoo - 19 Jan

11. angtay - 17 Jan

12. coolangelbaby - 20 Jan

13. maidenleak - 25 Jan

14. Linda- 27 Jan

15. Joy - 27 Jan

16. ET - 30 Jan

17. dumbger - 31 Jan

18. Serene - 31 Jan

19. LC - 31 Jan

joanne, im seeing Dr Ang nw. Not bad la, his fees oso reasonable.

Joy, i jus knw #1 was fantastic, #2 was bad.. #3~~~~~ kekeke...

LC, i hv 2, #1 4yo, #2 2yo lor. by the time i lie down on my bed, im a dead fish liao... hee

YC, the way u describe, lol! quite true hor, my #1 is fantastic but this #2... I have the worst symptoms this time round compared to #1. Lucky i going to stop at 2 irregardless this one is gal or boy. I think i will go crazy if i go for #3, lol!

Joy, ya lor, that is wat i can oni remember abt the 2 preggy... lol...

i hope a boy lei, cos both #1 & #2 gals. bt somehow i tink might be another gal this time wor..

Dh tell me if another gal maybe try for #4... I almost fainted...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


our first baby is about the same age.. mine was born on 15 aug 08.. yours?? who is taking care or your boy now?

YC and Joy,

Not easy mann.. guess our body is not as good as those who is having the first pregnancy.. YC, you laggi tired lar, got two kids to handle.. you working?

Hi YC...thanks for the update...will discuss with hubby to see how...but i wonder how come my MS starts at only 4wks?? and i always wonder y they calculate the additional 2 wks?? coz my LMD is 18 april. so that puts me abt close to 6 wks preg...but then my doc tell me im abt 3+ 4 wks preg...so anyone can enlighten me which one m i?? haha...getting confused...and plus...my tummy is so bloated i cant button my pants...omg...and im very petite


1. DNA - 1 Jan

2. angel_oz - 2 Jan

3. tandiono - 2 Jan

4. jasmine - 3 Jan

5. smalldreams - 3 Jan

6. luvbabe11 - 6 Jan

7. bitbit - 7 Jan

8. Amby - 12 Jan

9. Yang - 19 Jan

10. RinaFoo - 19 Jan

11. angtay - 17 Jan

12. coolangelbaby - 20 Jan

13. maidenleak - 25 Jan

14. Linda- 27 Jan

15. Joy - 27 Jan

16. ET - 30 Jan

17. dumbger - 31 Jan

18. Serene - 31 Jan

19. LC - 31 Jan

20. Joanne - 25 Jan

joanne, joy : my prev gynae is Dr Theresa Cheng at amk central. erm, i have switched gynae for this round - now seeing Dr Adelina Wong @ TMC. Dr Cheng is pro c-sec and she is rather moody kind. so up to you whether you like her. At amk central, there's also a KKH private clinic - business looks quite good.

LC, ya, me FTWM. somehw aft 2 preggy, body machiam rusted liao... no longer like #1 preg.. sian... hate tis feeling...

Joanne, kekeke, nvr mind abt that.. Im always blurred with the actual wks im preg. lol...

Yang...thanks for you recommendation...will check out lata tonite...

YC, hahaha...i tink i give up counting the actual wks ald...wahhaa...but now more interested to find out wat to do wat cannot be done...

so excited abt my first BB....

Hi, Joanne

We have the same LMP but my EDD is 31 Jan 2010. According to my gynae, my cycle has shifted from 28days after my first baby to 5weeks cycle so my EDD is pushed back.. but whatever it is the EDD is just an estimated lar. it can come early or late. but usually first baby is either full term or slightly over full term..

ya, 1st bb always caused excitement... hv fun[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm, wat to do n wat nt to do ar? jus do a little bit of everyting n moderately lor, relax n enjoy yr 1st preggy bah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joanne u're not alone, my ms also start at 4wks. sob!

yang, Dr Adelina Wong is good right, are u the one in the last thread whom I recommend Dr Wong? sorry my memory is failing me this time, keke! I think she have 2 or 3 kids, she can really keep her figure so slim and she so pretty! I wish I can change gynae but I feel so comfy with my current gynae (and she also pretty and slim as well, haha) so I can't think of any excuses to switch to Dr Wong keke!

yang, din know dr cheng pro-csec, eeeee, I don't like gynae who pro-csec, sorry no offence, i mean, if we are able to go natural, we shld go all the way unless under special circumstances then we have no choice but to go csec.

hmm, he said antenatal package will start from 6wks till delivery $550. den delivery fees bet $1-1.5K, depending on which type of delivery lor.

bt be prepared, his clinic is always full one lor. bt he's a nice doc, i feel comrtable w him lor, ez to talk to.

so affordable...of coz full lo....i have another recommendation from my sil...dr hii at yishun...quoted me $1200 thru delivery...not incl hosp stay and baby charges...do you tink its reasonable....the nurse is super nice...she chatted w me on the phone and answered all my enquiries...but it seems quite ex leh...


1. DNA - 1 Jan

2. angel_oz - 2 Jan

3. tandiono - 2 Jan

4. jasmine - 3 Jan

5. smalldreams - 3 Jan

6. luvbabe11 - 6 Jan

7. bitbit - 7 Jan

8. Amby - 12 Jan

9. Meglee - 13Jan (csect either on 31/12 or 1/1)

10. angtay - 17 Jan

11. Yang - 19 Jan

12. RinaFoo - 19 Jan

13. coolangelbaby - 20 Jan

14. maidenleak - 25 Jan

15. Joanne - 25 Jan

16. Linda- 27 Jan

17. Joy - 27 Jan

18. ET - 30 Jan

19. dumbger - 31 Jan

20. Serene - 31 Jan

21. LC - 31 Jan

joy, yes, i'm the one! hehe, thanks for recommending Dr Adelina Wong! I was too lazy to scroll back to see who recommended! She's nice & patient - explained clearly about the oscar tests and costs etc.

my #1 was c-sec lor... a bit disappointed but ok lah. The gynae scheduled the c-sec on a date quite close to EDD - which my fren commented it was too close and i might go into labor before the date. And she was right! 3 days before, i had labor pains at night - waited till next morn and did the c-sec. guess it was all fated!

joanne, on the contrary, i found Dr Hii's fee rather ex. If im nt wrong, u must deposit $1200 with them. i din quite like the idea lor, dats why i wen to Dr Ang at Sunplaza.

Which part of yishun u staying, i was considering Dr Hii, initially cos its at yishun wor... lol.. FYI, Dr Hii is a very old doc i heard... So i din wan him to deliver my baby lor..

ooohhhh....im stayin at amk near to yck there....coz he is my sil gynae...delivered all 3 kids...so thot he was quite ok....since u say old....hmmm...mayb go to him first...see hw it is...then go to dr ang...then compare from there...good idea??

ya, he oso deliver my nieces, who are now 17, 16 n 14... kekeke...

up to u lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me i called up, did fees comparision, den decided to see Dr Ang, cos i heard alot of mummies wen to see him, all good comments.

if u see him le, let me know la.. maybe he's nt tat old as i heard?

hahhahaa....oh no...i tink he should be very old...hmmm....now im having 2nd thots....i oso heard alot of good comments abt dr ang...dunno lo...mayb go back discuss w hubby lo...i always do the plannin and he does the decision...coz i super indecisive...ahhahaa...about the craving for curry fish head....having that since last wk....

whos up for curry fish head next wk?? i need to satisfy my craving...else my baby come out they say will drool de...wahhahaa

joanne, YC : i'm currently at amk, moving to woodlands soon. so we are the north side ones eh? hehe!

joanne, hmm, me not a fan of curry... sorry!

hehehe, up to u la... cos i tink he's really old le..

aiyo, im supposed to go for fish head curry tomo.. bt i no appetite lei.. scare i eat le wanna throw out...

actually a good friend of mine went to dr.ang as well but her review is not so good. he delivered her #1 but she had miscarriage for #2 and he did not give her the attention and advice she needed so she switch gynea. so i guess its impt to choose a gynea who has time for u... some gyneas are really popular, and very busy.

yang, u shifting to woodlands? haha, good good, next time we can meet up. Oh ya, i remember, we both have fetish for pretty gynaes. Glad u like Dr Wong, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let see this round u able to go VBAC if not no choice, csect.

btw, i just realised we have a quite few mtbs stay in the north wor...

joy, u in woodlands too? ya, next time we can meet up

i'm not sure if i dare to go VBAC... But Dr Wong did explain the pro & cons clearly and risks, can see she doesn't pressurise you to go c-sec immed. will decide later.

haha, fetish for pretty docs? but i didn't see her full face leh - cos now the docs all wear masks. Haha!!

yeah...dunno leh...i heard the one at tpy near the famous crab bee hoon there quite nice...went past one at shunfu rd the other day...got one place oso alot of pple at the curry fish head restarant...whr u stay joy...suppose is woodlands rite??hahaha...any to recommend there??

huh??SAHM?? wat is tat?...

its bad to feel nauseous...its worse that it makes u feel like throwing up but noting comes out....

me too nausea all the time...more jialat if it's nearer to meal time...half way meeting i need to go toilet liao

yang, i in sembawang but very near to woodlands, hehe! oh ya cos of H1N1, tat y all doc now wear masks. hehehe!

Joanne, i stay sembawang, got one fish head curry opp sembawang shopping centre, hb and i went to try once, not as nice as we expected, i think it's overrated, standard drop a lot after it become popular according to my colli.

