(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Dolphin> Yeah....am not ruling out possibility in getting Megan's maid to train, man!

Like Yuki says, sometimes I think agency does have a part of play.... coz it depends on the sources where the agency get their maids from actually, whether they do the ground work of interviewing them for the 1st round, etc....

Dolphin, I am planning to get a helper and was quoted agency fee $488. Wondering if this is the market rate or kana chop.

After looking thru the sharings, I better set the house rule and expectation when the helper comes in. Need to practice close 2 eyes n deep breathing! Haha

haha luvbabe...wow you all see too highly on my maid liao lah...

The agent i got my maid is actually a filipino herself. She will find maids fm her hometown, usually those maid she knows more a less know their background. My agent knows my maid's family, so anything she will also feed back to my maid's mom on her well being. Last time we were in the same church, anything not too happy, i voice out to my agent then she will so call talk to her. but now a bit diff cos my agent move to another church and my maid get to know more frens and has been teaching her more things (bad influence). So on and off I need to do small talk to my maid. Cos she should know how good her life is wt me compare to others...

I & me agreed trainin fr megan's maid..i also not high expectation but she could take her own sweet time to do 1 task..she wake up 6am..but do does nothing but boil water..then wait till 8am, bring my nephew to sch..aft sch then she follow my mum go market, my mum prepare food, she stand one side and watch...

Agency fees now alot got promotion..i saw alot quite cheap, some NIL agency fees along bt timah there..mine $77, this agency used by my cousin..she also get maid fr there & she is good, th's y my cousin introduce to me..

jessietan - Dr. Lee is the favourite amongst nurses or patients? LOL. She's really very sweet, so is her nurse. Yeah, I think SH Mamas organizes this bumps & babes gathering where you can get to know other MTBs. Once a month I think. It'll be a good start for you to gain some insights.

Dolphin, your agency fee is $77! Confirm I kena chop by this agency! I just walked into this agency at Lucky Plaza and they must see me green green, quoted me so high.

Wow liew Yuki, Lucky Plaza ah..high end shops..u go Bt Timah plaza there, there got tonnes of maid agency, u walk past & all maids will bow to you...when i first go there, i felt so uncomfortable, because all stands up to greet u and staring at you..

Alot of agency there, u can choose slowly & find out the packages & pricing... BTW my mum is the one who source around, & collect feedbacks from my cousins..i din survey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuki, where u got yr cotton pyjamas at Chinatown ? Does it look "auntie" ? If pple come see u in hospital, look nice or not ?

I looking for my clothing for my hospital stay too.

i think using that as a guide, i better start to plan my menu for my maid...haha if not she headache dunno want to cook for me...will add in some other dishes i found in the recipe book

mstan, it is at one of the shops where the wet market and hawker centre are. there are many shops selling pyjamas and my mum bargain to $17 for 2 sets.

They have auntie and cutie one. The one I have is hello kitty prints. Not very high class but ok lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbwoofie>yep, today first day. Thanks!

Megan>have a good trip home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello ladies,

me miss out on the diana ser story too...

hmmm...i still wearing heels also le...kekek...because usual days...me wearing 3.5inch...now cut down to 2.5inch....me v short...i tried flats before...you girls may think its crappy..but its more painful for my back..because the body is "used to" the heels...and i start waddling..hahaah...

then i ask gynae...gynae say in dat case i cannot go "full flat" all of sudden...bad for my posture as well..


the sale only today?? tml still haf or not?? me wanna grab pampers too!!


huh..actually i v hiao..but in hospital..i think i dun really care..jus wear ugly pjs...no choice...unless you are feeling great...if not..think its common to be "ugly" in hospital??

fatbabe, the sale is until 18 oct, i just went there during lunch today, still got plenty of pampers there.

I can finally relaxed, my boy had almost clear of his fever now but still very cranky and clingy to me. wonder how he survived in childcare, a check with his teacher ytd and today, this boy still can snatch pple's toys, eat and play despite he is feeling feverish, *roll eyes*

fatbabe, the only good buy i see there is PAMPERS.

I'm sure sherry will agree with me on this, hahha, i walked in the sale and within 15min i already out.

Hi Dolphin,

May I ask if ur son was born at 32 weeks and birth weight abt 1.5 kg?

Reason i ask becos i'm in my week 24 now. During my detailed scan ard week 22, the dr found out that my cervix is shortening. Last week, at week 23, i went for a procedure called cerclage to stitch the cervix to prevent premature labour. Although now the cervix has been stitch up, I'm still very worried that i'll go into premature labour. Not sure what is the bill size if bb born at 32wks @ 1.5kg n need neonatal care.

If your son is borned at 32 weeks, can u share with me youe experience? TIA!

sherry, ya boy, i was hoping to grab some good deals, but only pampers seem to have much bttr offer than others, very disappointed for this JUMBO sale.

TYL, good luck on the new job. Hope you are adjusting well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joy, glad your boy has recovered. My gal is getting more and more clingy to me. Will cry with real tears everytime I go to toilet at MIL house even though she has Ye Ye, Nai Nai, Daddy and maid to keep her company. Faint! Is your boy like that too? :p

pauline, my boy only very clingy to me or hb when he is not feeling Other than that, usually he is ok but the moment he see my mil, sil or my youngest sis, he will cling to them very tightly, he simply bo chup me and hb! :p

Joy, I see, my gal is not so clingy once we come home eg. I can take a 20mins shower in the MBR and she can play with Daddy in the living room. No problem. Sometimes, I wonder if she's acting extra 'manja' in front of others. Or maybe she just doesn't like me to lock the toilet door which I must do if at ILs house mah. :p

Hi morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at last i me back in ofc.. can chat chat le.. hee.. miss out lots of posting here.. did i miss out any good deal or info ???

JTS: TOYOGO warehse sale from 16-18 Oct.. Blk 11 Lor8 Toa Payoh Ind park..10am - 7pm..

i rmb someone askin abt getting the plastic cabinet rite.. guess the sale sld have good buy..

morning ladies!!


dats early!!...

today me bk in opic..still contemplating whether to take half day not...haf gynae appt at 2.30...but jus went last week...not sure if wanna change date...


hee.. early hor.. hubby send me to work ma..

me oso goin for me gyna check up tdy after work leh.. hee.. lookin forward to tat

morning, all.

pauline>thanks. so far, everyone is v nice. haven't started real work yet though. :p

Joy>glad your boy is feeling better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning all! Morning sherry, morning LSnTYL! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hey you were telling me you're starting to get water retention? Haizz...i can see my feet getting a bit "plump" recently.

And has anyone heard of muscle cramps on the calves called restless legs? I got them a few days ago...Yeowwcchh!!


i oso got waterretention on my legs le.. when i push hard on my leg.. it dent in for a while lol.. n my shoe gettin tight now...

Morning all!!!!

btw, anyone getting rice wine? Cos i have extra 4-6 bottles, at $12 each as my gf's aunt had made extra for me, let me know via pm, can boh? collection can be done next mth, as I am collecting from her.

morning mommies, have been more of silent member in this forum.. i love the dynamic and all the good advices.

megan, just want to understand. we bought the body wash from littledreamers for confinement. then we still need wine to bath too? pls advise.


strangely, mine is on my fingers.. one day my fingers got very itchy & e nxt moment i see my fingers bloated..


wah, haha, like sponge like that huh!


Ouh, I got mine on my fingers for #1! My gynae gave a little cream to ease the water retention but I hated it as it was sticky. So I just let it be. Miraculously, water retention disappeared almost immediately after birth!

Morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL, that's good. I wonder how it'll be like if I go back to workforce after a few years of being SAHM. Sure very kancheong, haha.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Smalldreams, I had restless leg syndrome for this pregnancy too. It's different from leg cramps where it is painful. RLS is the feeling that you must keep moving your legs if not will have the tiggling, restless, 'sng sng' feeling. It happened to me when I'm trying to sleep at night during 2nd trimester but last week it came back again. Very irritating cos can't fall asleep.

I surfed online and there were a few remedies:

1) Avoid caffeine cos it makes it worse

2) Avoid reading or using laptop on bed. RLS may be due to poor circulation in the legs so go to bed only to sleep.

3) Cold medicine makes RLS worse (I had cold last week so RLS came back)

4) You may be iron deficient, take more iron supplements or pig liver.

So far, I've


Ouh! Thanks for enlightening me!

If that's the case, then I don't have RLS. I have cramps! Ouch anyway [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


finger itch..?? could it b u scratch til swollen??


ya lol.. but sponge return faster wo.. my take few mins ah..


Gd morning mummies !!!

TGIF !!!

Oh, I hv been having leg cramps a few times every nite & also restless leg too. Bum sit a while will feel uncomfortable or pain pain....;p

Also hv BH contractions too....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Feeling heavy too everyday....;p

