(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


wow...i think i haf that RLS...and i haf been doing or haf all that you listed...

me tryin hard to cut caffiene liao..


think the rice wine for cooking not for bathing..


Serene: no lah..it wasnt me..my bb still guai guai inside there enjoying life..touch wood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wan him to be born when he is due.. what i am saying is to MamaD, we are both talking abt e gynea explaining low placenta at 97.2, he got 1 patient that born at week 32 & weighing at 1.4+ kg...

Morning mummies...tdy is a rainy day..good for sleeping, but i woke up at 5am..cos my neck cant turn left..is so painful..asked my mum to massage for me, but she said she dun dare to use force, so massage gently..now still cannot turn left..sooooooo pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i oso having some contracion on off ... like mens cramp kind lol..

i was buyin my bf this mornin.. the aunty was askin me..how come i haven go on leave ah.. then i tell her i due only in jan wo.. she was surprise.. n comment i look 'big' wo..

i oso feel so heavy n sometime tummy so hard now.. duno how can it expand somemore in next 2mths lol..


haha..cos this is your 2nd birth ma..so tend to look bigger! you having braxton hicks or real contractions?? v scary le..


hee.. but reali so big wo.. i feel like no space to expand le.. but still got 2mths to go ah..

is bh contraction ba.. real contraction wont b so easy de.. whaha.. tat kind of pain i will nvr forget.. kekeke

Morning all....

Me still feeling tired and restless coz still have to wake up to pee 4/5 times during the night. Really disturbed the sleep.

TYL> Enjoy your honeymoon period in your new co.

Joy> Glad that van van is on the road to recovery! Let me know if you wanna still go to Polliwogs tomorrow!

Dolphin> Could it be your pillow?

wont u gal have problem after drinkin caffeine.. esp kopi.. my bb become very active for whole day if i drink.. n i got so bloated ... tat y i dun drink now..

cladi, normally 2nd preg, tummy tend to be bigger, i have pple asking me if i am due soon hahaa!

luvbabe, was abt to sms u, hb say let ah van rest this weekend, so wont be joining u to Polliwogs this round, but do buzz me when u going the next time, ya?

cladi> I was the one who is interested in the Toyogo drawers....Am planning to get 2/3 sets for baby and new helper who is coming next week.


i wonder hor.. will tummy b even bigger after labour.. n difficult to return to usual 'flat' lol.. with #1 i already for small tummy after labour le.. now i thk will get even bigger hor..

Cladi, I can't take kopi or strong tea (esp some kopi tiam teh c or teh) cos I get heartburn. But home made teh o so far ok cos I don't soak tea bag for long. hee.

BP Alert!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheap rompers and Bb clothes/socks BUT PREORDER http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3109935.html?1255659868

Taggies blankets, balls, cubes


oh yes, these few weeks, dunno why my cravings for coffee bean ice blended and bubble tea very strong...i used to limit myself to 1 drink per week but realised that I gave in to my cravings and gradually started to drink 2/3 times per week liao... cham!

joy> no problem... yeah, also agree that you should rest van at home... Sure, will let you know next time I bring Luis again...

claudi : I 1st bb & my stomach not too big as I very small frame.....;p....but my stomach always harden or hv BH contractions.....;p

I put on abt 6-7kg & already feel so heavy liao....still hv 2mths more to go dunno how to survive.....;p


Ho ho, that's an expensive addiction!

The CB swiss chocolate ice blended is verrrrry

nice, but verrrrry expensive! If you buy regular,

each cup already $6!!!

I had one last week :p


I am also addicted to the BP & spree thread.

It's very bad! I think I've spent possibly many hundreds or even 1-2k just shopping in here. Terrible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


the adv in the paper tdy show the cabinet sellin at $25 only.. with purchase of $10..purchase with purchase..


hehe.. i oso hope not ah.. :p


haha.. i put on.. thk got 10kg le ah.. with #1.. my tummy harden.. i was worry..hence went induce since i was on leave at tat time oso.. hope this time wont need to..

fatbabe, it's from megan's post on the following: another tips is bath with those chinese white wine u get fm grocery shop can liao...

so i got confused. thought only the bath wash we bought is sufficient. or need to combine both?

smalldreams> not sure why, but i just can't help it.... expensive yes, but must drink, else I will keep thinking about it....my fav is also the Ultimate Ice Blended.

cladi> how many tier is the cabinet? is it on straits times or what newspaper...must tell hubby about it coz we need to buy.

ang, if u r using the confinement body wash, then it's fine, megan is just giving tips on alternate ways for bathing during confinement, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


those plastic cabinet lol.. toyogo one ... i use tat for my #1 stuffs oso.. cos my place too small for big cabinet le

Ha....ha....I also shopping on BP & overseas spree too that I buy so many stuff....can be real addictive....cant resist buying those nice stuff....;p

So now I try to organise my own overseas spree from babymallonline.

Anyone keen ?

Newborn socks :


Basic socks :


Booties :


Bodysuits :


Bibs :



but i think 2-3 times a week is OK...hee..


tokking about spending...i oso think i love spending here...its my main form of shopping eversince i discover SMH..

hi mummies, me long time no post here liao.. so fast most of us already at end of 2nd tri or start of 3rd tri liao!

so far ive put on ard 9-10kg!! gosh. but think its expected since i put on nearly 19kg for my 1st pregnancy! theres a chance i may put on lesser weight this time round.

feeling more pressure ard the private areas and according to gynea its common for those with baby #2 and also from the baby weight bearing down.

last check up when im at 24w, baby is ard 650g. think weight is average..


babymallonline rompers are very very soft!! and its great for singapore weather!! think v good as daily rompers...

morning all,

m oso slient reader sometime. but like to look at BP and spree too.. hee.. got good lobang cannot 错过。

abt the toyogo drawer, i got 2 now. all put my son things. thinking of upgrading my son to wardrobe liao. anyone seem any nice design for kids one except ikea's anywhere?

re looking bigger; i too look bigger too. dunno how big will i go?

sigh~ super sian tdy. my project always got problem. delay delay delay.. really no mood to work liao.

yesyes!! fatbabe and mstan, babymallonline clothings very suitable for our weather here! Used to order a lot from there for my #1. Now i dono wat to order, let me browse browse and see if there is anything need to order or nt.

wei : I got 20% disc for all items, take rate of 1.5 first.

E.g. US$7.99 X 1.5 X 0.8 = S$9.59 (excluding international shipping).

Free shipping within US if reach US$100 (after 20% disc)

lil lamb,

me taken mine 3 years back..hiak hiak...

but hubby say since this is my last birth...he will "allow" me to take again..and he's willing to take wif me..


eh..use hand downs from kor kor cannot??..

my #1 haf lotsa handsdown from her aunty who is 1 yr older...

#2 use jiejie's rompers...so alot of times..he's dressed in pink..muahahah

#3 v lucky...cos still haf some of kor kor's used 0-6 months...

anyway...ladies dun overstock on 0-6 months clothings...cos dunno why bbs grow so fast..by 4th month..they can wear 6-9 months clothes liao..think 20 pieces is MORE than enuff

wow today thread goes so fast..hahah..

I: dun knw ah..dun tink is pillow..my mum massage my backbone then neck felt released..jus now my mum asked me to drive her to do her marketing..i tell her i cant turn, she gt to look out for vehicle on my left for me..laugh..so funny..

joy/pauline>wah, tempt me when I can't shop much here. :p trying to squeeze some time to look during lunch.

luvbabe>thanks. now is really honeymoon period. :p


Afternoon ladies~

Yes, stop posting BP, make me want to spend! LOL! The babymallonline very nice !!!! mstan, when our babies are born , you organize more spree ok? So we can buy bigger clothes for babies. I got too much newborn clothes liao..

Yes restless leg syndrome.. when it comes.. I feel like crying, like everything also cannot, I up with walking it off at night. I get it on and off even when I am not pregnant.

Lamb: So nice~ I mean the studio! I love to have mine taken like that too.

I am tempted to take it here in Shanghai as it seems freaking cheap leh. I was just asking for fun at one the other day and she quote like 888 RMB for an album, I nearly fall off my chair at the price cos seems so cheap. Anyway am still thinking.

Eversince I am pregnant, all I do is think think think.. LOL. Maybe I should just do it. Today I will go shopping again for serious baby stuff like baby wipes and all those small small things.

Oh, you guys like Korean stuff? -> Like Korean stationery???? I know supplier here very well on Taobao , can get it at the same price as in Korea.

I know it is not baby stuff but maybe planners or notebooks etc? Let me know and I post some links!

