(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Xiaofu -- Hmmmmmm I wld tend to to trust what the PD says more than the GP since the PD specialises in children. So if the PDs say the weight is ok, then should be ok. My babies are also lightweight and around the 3-10 percentile range and my PD is not too worried about the weight either. At 6.5 mths my girl was 6.2kg and my boy was 6.9kg. Now that they are 7.5mths I'm guessing that my girl is prob ard 6.5kg and my boy ard 7.3kg.

I'm not to worried abt the weight too because they are hitting all their milestones and are sitting well unassisted and crawling. More importantly they are healthy, bright and active so I know they are NOT malnourished!

Besides, now that I've started them on solids, I'm less stressed about my girl's dislike for milk. Although at this stage milk is still their main source of nutrients, at least I know that they are getting supplements from the food I am feeding them. Hence I try to feed them a balanced diet comprising veges and fruits and soon I will introduce them to proteins and other calcium sources like yoghurt and cheese.
i am also having similar problem
now when i said No to my boy, he will sulk and when i said no to my girl she will scream.

My girl very stubborn. If she want something, she will get it no matter how far/long she has to crawl.

both of them dont take NO for an answer.

And in regard to babies weight. Dont worried at all. I was a pair of twins myself. My sister was very small sized then. But looking at our sizes now... no worries at all.
Spiffy -- Staying at home to look after the twins will be well worth the sacrifice of giving up a job you love

And I really admire you for managing without a helper! Even though I was one of those who was initially very resistent to the idea of employing help, I now cant imagine life without my help! She helps keeps me sane and with her help I really get to enjoy motherhood and retain a semblance of my old life. My friends are amazed at how well I seem (note: I use the word "seem" lol) to be coping because I never complain about being tired or frazzled or how difficult it is to manage two babies at home. I'm always gushing about how much I enjoy motherhood and staying at home to look after the babies and how it is very manageable and that I want to have more babies. People think I'm crazy but I tell them the secret to it all is to have good help at home! LOL

Of course there are tiring and challenging moments. But I have plenty of opportunities to recharge and relax and have "me time" and "couple time" with my husband, so the lows of motherhood are never very low.
After reading all your posts abt your twins "throwing tantrums", I realise that maybe thats what my boy has been doing recently. And oh-oh, I never saw it as throwing tantrums .....sheeeeeesssh I think I might have started spoiling the twins already! Ok time for this mummy to re-evaluate herself and assess areas for improvement!!
Totally agree re: getting help. Me also try to get "kampong" to help me...As for throwing tantrums, my boys spit out their food into my face, hair and clothes when i feed porridge..when i said NO!!! he laughed at me... then i also laughed..i know i shldnt laugh lah, but he sooo cute lor...
Hey mommies, you speak of tantrums but..but..your babies are only 1 year or so right? You mean the tantrums come so early? And i thought it was only the Terrible Twos.
Juliana, my boy was born with this pda problem too and when he was 8 mths, we went for 2nd review and thank god everything was normal. I know how frustrating it is that no insurance company would dare to insure babies with such problem. GE life kiasi, say wait 4 yrs. I finally got his from AIA.

what do you think will be the best gift for 1 year babies? I keep thinking of how to plan the parties etc. but as for gift, i was thinking what i can give to them so that it can be memories for them to keep
What I did for CNY was to open bank account for them.. Then for 1st birthday, I put in $200 each for them as present for future.
Ximi , do a video or a photo book for them . Inside , put all the preparations u hav done for that special day for them . Also pics of the guests who came to see yr beautiful twins !
I did this for them ..... I didn't ( and perhaps many of u too ) didn't get to see yr own very bb pics taken last time rite ? So this idea stems from that . Something to look back when they r mummies n daddies themselves ! Happy preparing their birthday !!! I enjoyed heaps - prep for their birthday ! And the day passed so quickly , those 2 mth prep all flew away in that few hours .
But hav photobook to capture the wonderful 1 st bdsy images
My mum also gave them shoes to signify their transition from babies to walking toddlers. Yes, agree with Poko, I just did a slide for them detailing the special moment from birth till now - icu, bath, play, outings, potty, crawling, lunar birthday with egg and meesua etc.
In case you wonder why i am doing slide, coz tmr they are having a celebration, so i just put on the slide show aka wedding style.
Ximi , yeah - can d.I.y yourself the shots or can outsource . I hav some videos ) montage style on my fb . U can take a look at it . But mine done by my friend who specualises in videos n montages . If keen , can intro u .

For pics , u can combine all the nice shots n they will pit it in a nice photobook . U can describe the event too . Even kodak shops does this at abt $20 for a 20 page photo journal. .
It went well, everythign as planned..except food not enough!!! My ah bui cried when first went into the function room...later towaerds the middle then ok..sigh..then as usual,that irritating nephew and SIL of mine up to his 'stunts'..i bet you all cant believe it..he is still sick..but never mind..i having learnt my lesson last time, decided not to let my boys go close to him..(reminded mum, maid..and somehow IL got the hint and told his family to staay away from my boys)...LO AND BEHOLD...hold your breath...he sneezed into my birthday cake!!!!! I dunno whether to blame my luck or whaaat..one of these days, i am just going to slap him...
76.. sneeze back into his cake when he next celebrate his bday!

lalala~ evil me!!!

wah.. been long since i last came in here.. the bbs sooooooooo cutie!!! :)

CJ oso lost frm here le arh?
76, must post the pics of party ah .... Especially yourself (main star of the party ?) I remember u got new dresses , went manicure, style yr hair ......

Fat Bobo. Didn't see u for a long long time here ! Hmmm
..... U are not actively in another forum like 2011 mums rite ??? Haha !!! How's things wif u ? Welcome bk to our bits n pieces of advices, glibberish talk , gossips , Suan-ing n stuff !
oh.. poko... i did went in to 2011 threads.. but to kpo niah.. bahaha... like re-cap the moods n tots we had when we were preggy.. planning for the birth.. n all... hehe.. the joy! time flies huh.

hw r u all?

post some photo up on the facebook...

Next time ur nephew bday, ask ur bbs to stand near the cake and smack it down...and opps sorry loh... :p


Thank you for your idea. I think i will do a scape book for them. But i think i will cry while doing it for them. i only get to see them when they are 6 days old.
I missed the whole process of delivery.

Poko, ur idea is good...up to now i have not planned. Only managed to book a venue and i have 3 months to go.. very fast.. it is their turn to turn 1.
I posted in fb liao leh.how come you all cannot see de...ok, i try posting again...
Yes i went to do mani/pedi, colour my hair, facial, spa...and bought 3 new dresses...but all just to make myself feel good lah that my boys 1st birthday are new beginnings and gve myself pat on the back..not so much like REALLY going for fashion show..hahahah...i only brought 1 dress to IL hse to change only.

ur girls are so cute

enjoy reading ur blog, reminds me of my two gals, they rejected milk for a period time too,stools were hard after they start on solids...they dislike drinking water, so my mum boil apple water for them, they enjoy it alot, can drank abt 100ml each time

I book Singtel Recreation clubhouse thru my niece. Their party fall on a long weekend. i think that week, everyone went holiday..

Hmmm, which date u booking? school holiday?
76, yeap ! Seen the pics ! The balloons r nice , n the cake has a cow figurine or a cow stuff toy , is it ? V cute !

And lo n behold !!! I saw the sneezer n his mum!!!! Ah .... Now a pic to that little boy !
Thanks Poko for the kind comments..The party deco nothing great lah...just my maiden effort...its cow sugar icing, dear...mum kept it and cooked red bean soup today with it...innovative right?
ximi, trying to book for dec. Super difficult due to the school hols but no choice lor.

76, saw the photos liao. So fast your boys grow up liao right? Thinking back to when I started the whole preg cycle.....
Which is the photo that has the infamous inlaw? The one with the whole family isit?
Yes, the family photo..there is only 1 very distinguishable pale looking (due to lack of food coz spoilt dunwan to eat) boy
Hi Mummies!
I'm thinking to give my boys (will be 10mth soon) to try fish. Which fish could be good for them? So big choice in supermarket :)
Want steam it with a rice.
hi annfresh, any kind of white fish is good. my twins have tried cod,salmon, threadfin and any kind of fish with the bone in centre. We mix it in the porridge with another two vegetables.
Saw the news yesterday on the toys toxin. Now buy toy also must see the ingredient.

When we buy toys, are there any safety sign to look out for.
hello mummies

my twins are 13 months. they are very naughty. meal times and sleep times are battles. they must be entertained with new toy during meals, or carried, otherwise refuse to eat. sleep time must sing and carry to sleep. how how how ?????
No, i cook the fish with the done porridge. Not earlier as the fish will become tough. The vegs are steamed separately.
Cod and salmon started when they were 7 months. Meat not yet.
if you are looking for venue / chalet for your twin 1st birthday, u can try at aloha loyang... they still have vacancy... $500 per night

i tried ntuc fully book
hi mommies,
Apparently my T1 has taken to screaming bloody murder when told no, or not given his way. I didnt witness the scene myself cos i was at work, but my cousin who is putting up with me told me when i called home.

my boys are RA 9 mths, CA 7 mths, and already behaving like that.. how?? and then there's my cousin, who has her own little boy 1 week older than my twins, telling me "u still dont discipline blahblah, yr kids already so spoilt n naughty."
Er.. as if i dunno must teach, but i'm at work and the only time i get is weekends to do that. Feel so lousy now, cos my work is taking away time to spend with my twins, and so i guess if they turn out monsters, i only have myself to blame. bleh.
its same thing happen to my T2 (girl), she will cry for attention if i tell her no...
my T1 (Boy), if i say no will cry.. jaiyah headache
thanks for the tips juliana. very expensive though....

imakeitrain, now i understand how parenting is like when you are actually one. Previously will just criticise the parents for not disciplining their kids. But, like you, when you dun really spend enough time with them, you dun want that time to be a disciplining session. However, we still must teach them otherwise will turn out to be spoilt brats later.
ya..i totally agree that disciplining kids is a MUST, but at this age i just dont really know how, smacking is out, even if i smack my boy's butt, with pampers, he thinks its funny and will laugh.
then if i take something away from him n he starts to cry, i jus let him go to a corner to cry cos i dowan to give in to him, others will tell me dont let baby cry n cry, not good. err. then how?
same same. I just let him cry too, until I cannot tahan then carry him. At the same time talk to him about it. Not sure if he understands but I would give in. But can be difficult.

i think at this age, most of our kids seem to behave the same way.. and i did the same thing to just leave them crying until i feel pity i carry them.. then my son or daughter will smile and now they know how to kiss, just kiss me...

it melt my heart sometimes...
