(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

i'm having twice menstration in a month.. last menstration on 16 July and yesterday 4 Aug came another menstration..

is it normal.. anyone encounter the same probs
Juliana your twins are SUPER cute! Your girl is so sweet while your boy cheekily handsome!

My period also sort of came again, abt 2 weeks after the last one ended.
julianna.. ur babies are cutie pies.. how old r they now??

i also have menses twice last mth.. i check some website that having twice menses in a mth.. could be due to stress..

poko.. cream for cake..
uh this is so strange but mine also came twice this past month. I wonder if it's because it's the first time after I delivered so quite irregular.
Juliana -- Prob not normal but im guessing maybe it takes a while for our cycle to regulate itself after pregnancy?

Spiffy -- Havent seen u in here for awhile. How are u coping?
Hi all, here's my girls wishing all a Happy National Day!


My girls are around 6 months 4 weeks old. I've stopped BF, and now my girls get formula milk in the morning, brown rice porridge(with fish)at noon, milk at ard 3-4pm and then Fisocream rice cereal for dinner. 9+ they'll have milk once again. In the middle of the night they'll have another 1-2 feeds depending on their moods.

My mum told me that some days their poop is one lump, quite hard. I think it must be due to the lack of fibre. What should I do?

My mum tried to feed them a bit of apple juice (from the apple, not those packet ones). I've also suggested blending vege into the porridge too. They get some plain water together with their porridge and rice cereal. Do I need to feed them water in a bottle now that they are off BM?
Your gals are so adorable. My boys also have the same problem after going on solids... one lump de...not hard after i press (using diapers ,not with bare hands la)..they already have veggies in their diet..and i give fruits puree (bottled) and water mixed with porrdge or cereal like wat you do. They dun like water in bottle...they will just bite the teat..btw, they have bitten 3 teats in 2weeks...lallalala
The whole nation will be celebrating my boys' lunar birthday tomorrow..yay!! Wat shall I do to make it significant? Take the pledge with them? Mum cooking mee sua and drumstick..tho i am the one eating eventually.so exciting...come sunday, they having mini- 1 yr old birthday celebration with frens..looking forward to it...always going to fren's bbs shower etc..now is my turn....yay!! so exciting.
TY 76. My elder girl, on the left, though look quite chubby, is again refusing milk T_T. Changed a brand of formula for her. She still cries, but drink a bit. Sigh... dunno what to do with her...
76, my mum considers 1 month as 30 days instead of 4 weeks ;P
My elder girl who doesn't like milk is ard 6.1kg (weighed yesterday) and younger one is ard 7.1kg on 20 July. Havent weigh her recently.
Hi All,

Am searching for a reasonably priced twin stroller..

If you've any to let go, or for sale, do let me know..

All other twin strollers are too ex and way beyond my budget.. =(

Thanks! =)
chameleon, i'm okay - just started work again for a week. After discussing with hubby, i'm really going to quit to look after the bbs! in fact, i am telling boss tomorrow...very nervous.

Also finally held a celebration for the kids this past weekend. They're 6 weeks (CA) / 4 months now. It was very exhausting but I'm glad I held it cos so many relatives haven't seen them.

And most happy of all, my boys are smiling and cooing at us! The feeling is indescribable. I know most of you mothers have experienced this with your babies a long time ago but it's one of the first milestones for our little ones and we're delighted. Those fussy nights are all forgiven now.
Xiaofu -- Your girls are adorable and they are looking more like each other now eh
About your elder girl's milk strikes, maybe some babies just not crazy about milk, like my girl. But she lurrrrves semi solids and is so happy when she eats the veg/fruit purees I make for them.

Bewildered -- Maybe for the time being you might want to consider just getting 2 single strollers if that would fit into your budget? I think it is survivable without a twin stroller if you dont intend to bring the twins out together by yourself. If there is always going to be one other adult besides you when you bring both twins out, then the both of u can push a single stroller each. I always use 2 single strollers when I go out. The only times I use my twin stroller is when I bring the twins out for their evening walks around the estate.
Spiffy -- Welcome to the SAHM club! Will you still be looking the twins on your own or will u be getting a helper? It is alot more fun now isnt it, now that that the twins are more interactive
Thanks chameleon.

Went to the GP for their review & vaccin today. GP felt that its not a good sign for my elder girl to be below 5% tile of height, weight and head circumference charts & show no signs of moving towards 5th%tile.

He says we should come in for a review in 2 months time & he want to refer me to PD if there's still no progress.

Is she really that tiny (ard 6kg @ 7month)? My other twin is ard 7.4kg

Quite stressful when I think of her / feed her milk / carry my younger twin who is more fleshy.
xiaofu, your girls are so pretty!!!

Spiffy, so envious that you are staying home to look after them. peifu all SAHM!!

Just came back from HK on Monday night and now still tired from the break. Have not had 3 nights of good sleep for so long. All parents must take short breaks once in a while to recharge.....
My boy is teething again. This time he is super grouchy...
Since the GP says small, then maybe shld take him see PD. But your previous milestone checks with PD, he din say anything meh? My boys are checked for milestone every month till 6mths, then therafter every 2-3mths.I heard from frens, that normal bbs are usualy just vacinne at poly then go liao...anyway, my bbs were 7.2kg and 9kg at 7mths..Now they are approaching 1yr, dunno whats their weight...
It's been a tough decision. My job is wonderful and I love it. But it involves lots of regional and long haul travelling which is fine if i didn't have children. Now I can't enjoy myself on these trips thinking about poor hubby handling both. I still don't have (nor intend to have) a helper. Well, unless things become really crazy at home i dont think so.

Right now 1 is in infant care and 1 is with my mom. Wanted to try out IFC. Turned out better than expected actually. The girls there are lovely and seem genuinely enthusiastic about looking after my little fatty.

Ever since we started them on FM, they've been gaining weight like nobody's business. Now they're 6.5/6kg. We've even stopped increasing feeds for the past month and a half (110mls every 3 hours, 7-8 feeds a day). Like when i tell ppl they were born at 7 months and tiny, they say, 'Premie meh?'
I went to my GP for milestones review + vaccin. I did attend scheduled appointment @ KKH with a PD there. I didn't really like the PD assigned to her, but KKH said I cannot change my PD 0_0 .. I did bring up the feeding issues I had, but she wasn't too concerned. She said, if she doesn't like milk, just wean her off milk, while my GP says Milk is still the preferred diet for them due to their need for calcium and vitamin D or something.

I also brought her to a PD in my neighbourhood regarding to her reflux problem. She too, wasn't very concerned about her growth. She does agree that my girl is small, but she feels she's generally of appropriate proportion, so perhaps she's really a small baby.

Everything is guess/ wait and see.. that's Y my GP says we should just do the testing to let us have a peace of mind.

I guess having 2 means more comparison constantly and that is stressing me out.

For those who are free, you can see how "traumatising" it is for me and her. ;P

hello mummies,
wow really envy all SAHM!! I still cant effort to be SAHM...
went to cardiac centre at KKH yesterday to review my daughter murmur.. the small blood vessel which suppose to close during 1mth is still there but harmless.. and its 0.71mm. Still to monitor for a year. just hope that the blood vessel close.

Did weigh my daughter and son.. she's 7.1kg and he's 7.9kg. And they are 8mths.. I still think that they are tiny babies.

Xiaofu, your girls are so beautiful!!!!
Bewildered, to me having single stroller is much more better than twin stroller. Especially shopping at town and neighbouring area... I used my mountain buggy twin stroller for jogging or walking only.. cause i ever bring it to town, plp will give such a sarcastic remarks like wow so big ah like BMW car... i get irritate with those remarks.. now I just just normal stroller.

daphne, my kids are now 8mths
its hard for me to get insurance for my daughter.. they can check record...but when i ask the prof yesterday, alot of kids have this kid of problems.. So i'm praying hard that the vessel will close.

And yesterday, i saw a new born baby have heart probs too, he is on oxygen. i feel so sad!!
The Heart With Patent Ductus Arteriosus

The ductus arteriosus is a blood vessel that connects a baby's aorta and pulmonary artery while the baby is in the womb. This connection allows blood to be pumped from the right side of the heart straight to the aorta, without stopping at the lungs for oxygen.

While a baby is in the womb, only a small amount of his or her blood needs to go to the lungs. This is because the baby gets oxygen from the mother's bloodstream.

After birth, the baby is no longer connected to the mother's bloodstream. The baby's blood must now go to his or her own lungs to get oxygen. Normally, as the baby begins to breathe on his or her own, the pulmonary artery opens to allow blood into the lungs, and the ductus arteriosus closes.

Once the ductus arteriosus closes, blood leaving the right side of the heart no longer goes straight to the aorta. First, it goes through the left and right pulmonary arteries and through the lungs to pick up oxygen. Then, the oxygen-rich blood returns to the left side of the heart and is pumped out to the rest of the body.

If the ductus arteriosus doesn't close after birth as it should, it's called a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). A PDA allows blood to flow directly from the aorta into the pulmonary artery and to the lungs. This extra amount of blood flowing into the lungs strains the heart and increases blood pressure in the lung's arteries.
one of my boys also has PDA..
review next month. At last check it was getting smaller. Hopefully it has resolved by itself.
Juliana , yr gal will be in our prayers ... Hope her mumur closes. I understand this sort of issue can get u worried or down . Is there a thread on sin motherhood that has mummies dealing wif this as well ? Then also can ask them for some questions u may have ...

Xiaofu, my 14 mths old bbs are yr bbs present weight !!!
honestly , my worries abt their weight fluatuates , depending on some comments by pple on the street . I know I shouldn't be that worried , but as mummies - we all wan the best for kid rite ?? Anyway , my boy is slightly lesser than 8 kg , gal ard 8 kg plus .

They are teeny weeny n no matter what I feed , they still dun put in weight . They are also between the lower % tile rate . Thus my Kkh pd has referred them to see a nutritionist . But it seems they r not lacking anything ... They r jus small eaters , n "hard to put on" weight kind of bbs .

What yr other drs said abt weaning them off milk if they dun like it , is partially true , depending on yr bbs age . If they r already on solids , then it's prob ok . Like for my one yr old bbs , dr said I can replace milk with toufu , spinish , yougurt , cheese ......if they really dislike milk . My bbs dun dislike milk , they jus take little of it at 120 ml, so I feed them more often.

Yours at 7 mths , better stick to milk as still too young . Maybeu might need to keep feeding small amounts thru the day.

Their pd checked their height n head circum though , n this they r on track . Only the weight part .

Sophia , envy envy .... Holiday ! Yes , i need one as a "post delivery honeymoon ". But sigh .... I take care of them 24/7 so I think I'll find it hard to tear myself away from them n older boy . Also Sch exams coming up ... Urgggghhhhh ! And there r maid issues still bothering me.
Had nice yum cha there ? Did u get bb clothes ?
ur girls r so sweet.

I read ur blog entry .. Haha so funny.
My girls at 3 mths r also rejecting milk. Haiz. Only way to feed is by rocking them to sleep . My younger one especially bad she really hates milk. Once the teat touches her mouth she will struggle n shake herhead. Now sge even knows how to use her hands to block! Stress each feed is 1.5 hrs...
Hi Xiaofu and MomMe
Have you gals tried to have someone play with them while u feed milk? Also another tip is to "kiap" one of their hands behind your back instead of having 2 of their hands free infront of you so much so that they can grab their bottle or push it away.Imagine this scene of what I do: My boys' head lies on my left arm. Then What I do is I will kiap their right arm under my armpit to behind my back. so their right arm is blocked by my body and cant come to the front. I will use my left hand to hold their left hand to hold a toy and shake the hand (plus the toy)...then they will be distracted...at the same time, I will rock my legs. That is what i do if i feed them alone and when they struggle...
i noticed that my boy vomit yesterday after eating, i tot that he's full. but just now my mom just called that my boy still vomitting..

i need to send him to the clinic. is there any viral outside??
poko, yap had good dim sum finally with lots of good chinese tea as well.Bought tons of clothes for them as there is still the summer sale going on. Also stocked up on the dried seafood like scallops and oysters. Use alot of these for soups (cantonese hubbi) and porridge.

I started using the pigeon cup stage 2 with my twins to feed water. Not bad, my girl is finally drinking more water than usual. Hope it's not just a novelty.....
My son seems to understand 'no' and has learnt to cry with tears to get his way, any tips on how to enforce 'no' and mean it and at the same time tolerate the loud crying?
During the days that i'm not around, my parents have given in to his tantrums and now it's getting worse....
i'm facing same probes too.. when i say no to my kids, they will cry out lout.. then they will show their drama.. cry like kena beat or scold. what i did was to tell them NO.
then when they cry out loud both will have their direction to my maid or my mum, asking for carry..
our kids are really smarter these days. Not like our time, very gong gong....

Anyone with tips to our (juliana and mine) tantrum throwing problems?
Sigh ... Mine also throw tandrums . "scold" them n they cry .... Then need to carry .

DM 76, help !!! Pls help us !!! Wakaka!!!
DM 76,

Any recommendation on the rod then ? Like buy imported ones or local ones ? Which one u use in Sch ah , DM ?? Ok , nex time I go yr house pot luck , yr boy boy naughty, I take out my cane n u use ah !!!
hi everyone!
have been silently reading yr posts in between my crazy workload..im facing the same problem too.
my older one starts crying, younger one starts screaming when they don't get their way. so scary..
when i scold or change my tone, they cry more then everyone will come "save" them, saying they're still young blahblahblah... so frustrating! i think that once they are able to show this kinda behaviour, its time to discipline..correct? any opinions?
actually i'm really interested to know how to discipline them..any pointers DM 76??
u let out my secret job ah...ok, first, use normal rod, if no use, use fishing rod followed by lightning rod.

You wait ah, i need to search my manual.
Imaketrain , let's us combine our resources and invite super nanny from UK to help "train" our kids !! Hahaha!

76, got electric rod also la . Yr manual is it not updated !!!
Lol thanks ah now my boss know I eat snake cos I lol-ed when I read that.
Make sure yr mi4 ji2 updated n complete if nt like those wu3 xia2 show, missing this section that section jialat

Imaketrain , 76 manual not updated la ! Go maternity leave then now study leave - total of perhaps a year or
more away from work , her manual already sei kor . Every year , kids get smarter n smarter so must use the latest hottest edition to deal wif them . 2008/09 edition too Lao2 tu3. Hor 76 ???
