(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Thanks fatbobo, I too prefer to have my mum care for them. I should be on maternity leave for 4 months, then maybe extend till the June holidays, which is like half a year with the twins.

After I go back to work, I was hoping my mum can jaga both of them for the morning till I return home around 3-4pm. >.< She may get extra help if my MIL drops by. I wonder if this can work ;X

I find engaging extra help not utilised as my school is off at 1.30pm. I am usually home by 3+ unless I have to stay back for meetings. I get school holidays too...

hey xiaofu.. dun mention la.. we all share info..n learn frm eachother.. alot of tings..i oso get feedback or ppls' experience frm forum.. den judge for yourself which way works better for u. cos every family different..every individual lagi different.

btw.. ur a teacher oso? someone here oso woh.

i personally find it abit tough for both granny to work tog.. i duno la.. i like to guess that both oso wana be 'closer' to the bbs.. n they hv different beliefs n different ways of upbringing little ones.. im afraid they might clash..n den not so nice lor.

i duno.. prolly i watch too much tv or i tink too much liao... hahaha.. but of cos.. there r oso in-laws who r on really good terms n blend in very well de. :)
ya, fatbobo, my mum also scared.. haha.. But no choice lei... 2 babies >.< if engage helper.. hard to find day time nanny willing to go to babies' house.

And coz my bro's MIL care for my niece, I feel sad for my parents who only see her own grandchild once a week... >.< I guess I hope I can compensate a bit ba...
haiz.. it's like that de la hor... i oso duno hw latr when i need to return to work..... take a step at a time lor..hv some rough plans nw.. but oso duno hw it will work or not latr.. i oso dun dare to tink n plan too far... boh bian de la. bahaha~
could you please share about babies day's routine in first month. Like from morning till next morning, feeding, how long and how often is sleep time. Just want to know what to expect! =)
hi all,
I'm new here, expecting twins (boy &amp; girl) and now in 22 weeks. I need to know what's the cost of c-section at KKH?

Advise need please
Any advice

did my 30wks blood flow scan today
it indicated 2girls weight differs..iszit ok???

Qn)By how much difference iszit considered not desirable

Twin A - 1.68kg &amp; Twin B - 1.25kg

Any implications ?
Hello mummies!

Sorry to intrude, I am also a mummy of a pair of identical twins, I can imagine your excitement and anticipation! Anyone keen to buy 2nd hand clothes? Worn only once as they have been given many clothes and before I know it, they have grown so big! Saving costs is crucial!

Email me [email protected] if you want more information.

The white romper has not been worn before.


Hi everyone! My baba and bubu were delivered via c-section on tuesday 18 august. Baba weighed 2.64kg and popped at 9.01am while bubu weighed 2.575kg and popped a minute later.
Just got home today and i am totally confined to my bed so can only reply via my phone.. Hee hee..
My babies' feeding times is sometimes together sometimes different. It's really stressful when both are hungry together as i cannot feed both at the same time. I have been doing night feedings everyday at the hospital and find it manageable. Will see if i can cope at home.
My doctor is from kk, his name is john tee. Hubby and i find him steady although he doesn't speak much

Hubby can go into operation theatre at kk for cesarean but there is a need to sign some papers before tat. Cameras and mobile phones are not allowed. Overall, my experience at my ward has been very good.
All pregnant mummies, eat well, rest well, and have a good and happy pregnancy!
My husband was NOT allowed into the OT when I delivered my twins by C-section at KKH two months ago. I remembered asking my doc more than once prior to my c-section, but they kept saying 'no, cannot' as KKH does not have a policy of allowing husbands in. Don't know if it is because I am a subsidised patient?
Private hospital will allow if it's epi csection but not for GA csection.

SJ, congrats again. If hubby can't bring camera in, then how to take pics of the new born?
Ayuki, i kept requesting for it also but nobody could give me an answer until just before the surgery someone went to ask the surgeon and then i was given 1 or 2 forms to sign. Then at the last min my hubby was told he could come in

bbq, we didn't take any photos of the babies when they were just delivered
My hubby wasn't offered to cut the babies' cord and he was led out of the room after the babies were out. maybe because it was twins so they were very careful. I only took photos of my babies a few hours later in my ward..
I was told that private hospitals usually 'close one eye' on the camera policy in cesarean operation
congratz to new mummies-to-be. :)

cj.. yur boys very cute leh... they both hv big ears hor.. so kawaii... heeee~ though fratenal..but look quite alike now hor.

i delivered at private hosp.. when we booked the c-sec.. they will ask is hb witnessing.. (if hb to witness means c-sec w/epi or spinal).... hb cld bring camera in oso. no need to sign any forms at all. ya... n the ma zui shi was even there helping us take pics..haha. but ya.. tink cos c-sec.. so hb cant cut unbilicon cord? cos time is crucial mah.

annfresh, i tink nw.. 1st mth.. they're on abt 2-3hrs feeding. but if on or with breastmilk..can be shorter feeding time. nw going into 3rd wk..my girls taking abt 70-80ml of milk.. duno izit too little or not.. but juz give them wat they can take. lala~
Hi ladies
news as per delivered by fat bobo (thank you), i pop on Wed night unexpectedly. had planned to have c-section at least till 1st week of Sept... but had contraction in the wee hours of wed morning. when i went in at 6am, i was already dliated 1cm. then went thru labour pain for 12 hrs as the medical team wanted to inject 2 doses steriod in me to mature bb lungs before they decide if to take out bbs... but by the time the 2nd dose injected at 630pm, i cant tahan pain anymore and there was a 'show'...so i was prepared to op at 8pm....so i kenna both labour pain and op pain..now confinement athome...bbs doing fine but they are still small at NICU...expected discharge is about 1mth... so now i shuttle between NUH and home..Bill for me is 1.4k, not deducted from medisave yet (may claim from insurance) so ultimately, dunno must pay how much.... will update you guys again...Jia you to teh rest of mummies
76, congrats. How many weeks were they and how heavy were they when they were born? How many cm diliated were you when they decide to start the op? You must be feeling terrible.
Congrats to 76
glad to know that babies are doing well. You are really very wei da to go through the contractions and post-surgery pain! Take care of yourself ok? It must be tiring to travel to hospital everyday.
My milk still not enough
i am really not disciplined enough to wake up and express every 3 hours! But i tell myself tat a bit of mummy's milk is better than none at all..
Wow 76, so fast u can be online? =) I believe the pain is worthwhile to see your babies doing good! =) Haiz, me still have 3 months to go leh.. haha counting down...
Hey, I wanna check.. do you all wear mask when going out? This coming week, I might be going for a 3 day conference... there will be a lot of ppl. Am thinking should i go or not.. Because of the H1N1..
hi Grace.. i personally feel that if u can n are able to avoid the conference.. den dun go lor. if really hfta attend de.. den prolly u wana wear a mask?

take care ya.. n happy counting down your 3mths.. hehe.... bleahx~
Can you share what the estimate cost for AI in KKH, once you receive the bil? They will send you the bill right after 2 weeks.

I just need to make sure, my budget is ard there.
Grace, yup we're on facebook and msn
you can search for me, i'm cj neo on facebook. Now seldom log on to msn cos i mainly use my phone to surf net while i'm lying in bed..
Juliana, sure, i'll share the size of my total bill when i receive it. Before admission, we were billed 4.8k and we've paid 2.6k, i think the rest by medisave.
thanks!! At least I can mentally prepared what the total cost for twin (c-section) in A1...
Btw, did you did any booking like premier or classic package? Have you heard of that..
Juliana, yeah i heard of the premier or classic package before but i can't remember if i made a choice :p when doing the admissions booking, i simply told the counter staff i wanted an A1 ward. i am not sure what is the difference between classic and premier also. btw, my hubby told me that the whole operation theatre was full of young doctors who were just standing in the background observing my doctor while he was performing the task. so maybe mine is classic package?

i am blogging my labour story.. will share it when i'm done
Hi SeeJay, may I also know what your delivery cost is like in KK? I am also thinking of choosing the A class package and I guess since it's twins, it will most likely be C section.
Hello. I just want to relate my experience with a confinement lady who lives in Yishun. She has a English name with starting with a "I". She claims that she has experience in handling twins and triplets and this is all she will do. She hardly do singletons she said. I have no doubts at all abt her abilities but it is her actions and words used that made me really upset.

Continue reading and u tell me if i shd be upset.

I have delivered a set of twins in June. They were of gestational age 34 weeks upon delivery and the reason why i had to deliver them at 34 weeks instead of the usual 35/36 weeks is bcos one of the twin was not putting on weight ( Dr have been monitering his weight for a month and it was stagnant at 1 over kg, and it was amazingly that i could hold it to 34 weeks pregnancy!)

Twin 1(older twin) was the lighter babe. He weighed 1.6kg. The other twin was 1.9 kg.
As he was light weight, he was in the NICU for 3 weeks. The other twin was at the NICU for 2 weeks. They were basically alright. Just light weight.

I have paid a deposit of 1k prior to delivery. She said that this is standard practice for her as she is very popular and needs us to confirm we want her. We paid the 1k. She photocopied her IC to us and said that she wont run away with the money. Her services for twins are at 2.8K. No housework at all. Just cook and take care of me and babes. She said that she is unlike other confinement ladies who do simple h/w. She added that she is a professional. We acceped that. Hmm....we wondered.....

We found it hard to find confinement ladies who wanted to do twins. We had a few who rejected us too, so we were happy to get one experienced with twins!!!

The confinement lady called me many times before and after i delivered to "follow up". When she knew i have delivered, she said that she wanted to start immediately. I said that the twins r in hospital and will be there between 2 weeks to a month! She said that she cant wait for so long and she needed to start within 10 days of my delivery so that she can accept other job offers. I asked her politely who she will take care of when the babes are not back. She said that she will take care of me. Yes, that is important but i need her help more once the twins are back.

I plead with her to wait. She called nearly everyday to find out when she can start. I was so stressed as i was recovering frm my c sec and had to go to the hospital daily to see the babes and give them the expressed milk and yet the confinement lady had to add on to my stress. At one point i chose not to answer her phone when i saw her number on my hp.

On the day 10 of my delivery, the confinement lady called again and demanded that she needs to start now. Regardless if babes are back. She added that i have the right to tell the dr that i want the babes to be discharged and to tell the dr that the confinement lady can do a better job of plumpming them up!!! I told her i cant do that and its really the Dr's decision to discharge them and not hers!!!

She added that the hospital charges must be low that is why i choose to continue to put then there. I was like ????...Anyone noes that NICU is hefty!!!

She said that in this case, she cant work for me then. I asked her what happens to my 1k deposit and she said too bad, this 1k is to prevent us from rejecting their services at the last min. I tol her i didnt reject her, but the babes need another 2 weeks in the hospital.

She said that among her 20 yrs of doing confinement, she has never had babies who had to stay there for so long. I said that they are twins and there is always a chance of an even much much earlier delivery in multiples! I even said that she can start when my heavier twin gets back in a few days and asked for a lower charge as now its singleton she is caring for. She said that she will charge a hundred dollars lesser than the 2.8k initially agreed on. I said 2.7K for 1 baby ???

To cut the story short, my 1k was gone, no confinement lady at this most crutial time and this made me depressed. In the end, i ate no confinement food, no "special herbal water" to bath.

I am stronger now and i have "pu" myself up with other forms of nourishments after my twins were discharged and thus i can relate my experience to parents of multiples.

I have regained my sanity of caring for my twins in the hospital, and i have rested at home too. I thus called her a week ago, and asked if i can get half of my 1k back. Guess what did she say???

She said that luckily i called her as she has lost my number. She wanted to call me to tell me to pay a "fine" of $200 for not engaging her services last min resulting in loss of job offers.

I gasped and slammed the phone of cos...
By the way, i am most willing to share with you the experience of having and caring for a twin. I take care of them myself now and they are like any other 2 and a half mth babes! Slightly smaller only. I wish all of you mummys to be all the best!
Oh dear Poko! Thanks for sharing the story and congratulations on the birth of your twins.

I wont be getting a confinement nanny as my inlaws will be helping out for the first 2-3 months and I will likely engage a maid to help with household chores and all the nitty gritty baby stuff like washing clothes/nappies etc. I hope this will be adequate help.

About caring for twins, I'm wondering if any mummies out there have managed to breastfeed both twins simultaneously? I saw breast feeding support pillows online that are meant to help moms breast feed twins in tandem and I'm wondering if I should get it.....
Poko, thanks for sharing your story, that CL is really horrible! wow you're managing the two babies on your own now? i hope i can manage once the CL leaves cos i depend everything on her now

chameleon, i have tried breastfeeding both twins simultaneously for a short while in the hospital, under the guidance of the LC. it requires a lot of effort to get the babies into position so that was my first and last try :p
gosh.. poko... wat a nasty experience u had with that "I" woman!!! *hugz*
but ya.. ur really strong n capable to take care of yourself n both twins these 2-3mths. *clap clap*

my babies r exactly 3wks today.. intending to extend our CL for another 2wks. cos we find that our helper is of no help. she cant feed well..no patients... her actions r so slow..my girls oso no patients towards her la!! to wat i c..she really cant make it de la.

i oso oni tried once (n last) to latch them on tog.. dat's it.. in fact.. aft we rtn hm.. i oni latch on few times niah.. nw oni express n bottle feed. cos like dat at least easier n oso noe hw much they drinking exactly.
Thanks for your encouragements!!!! I am doing alright now, just that my babes are waking up at wee hrs of the morning - smiling at you!! They woke up at 4am last night, not falling asleep till 6 plus today. I can only say that my "best friends" are rocker chairs i got from Fisher Price. They love it, and fall asleep on it most of the time. The trouble is that when u transfer them to the cot, they wake up, and the cycle starts again - back to the rocker chair. Hmmm...

Fat Bobo and seejay, do you use formula milk as well, on top of the breastmilk???

I think for very early days, it is so important to get the breastfeeding regime rite. The breasts can produce enough milk for the two. U just need to be consistent to have them on the breasts or express them every 2/3 hrs.

As i did not have a confinement lady, I was so tired most of the time, thus i wasnt so consistent in expressing my milk so often. I just pumped enough for the 2 of them while they were in hospital.

Now that they are going to be 3 months, and their feeds increasing, i have to use the Formula to complement their feeds. Each babe gets abt 2/3 bottles of formula, and the rest of the 5/6 feeds are expressed milk.

My much smaller twin does not latch on well as he was on the drip in the hospital for a while and he was not able to be on my breast. Thus, he takes the bottle better.

The other twin is fine with direct feeds.

Chameleon, Feeding simultaneously (tamdem feeding)is a challenge to me personally. As much as it saves time, etc...there is lots of logistics to it.

Firstly, someone has to be with u as you breastfeed. I think its near impossible to simultaneously carry the twins, position them on your breast all by yourself. Someone prob has to be there to help position them before you gets the feeding started.

Secondly, if one of the babe gags or gets off the breasts, you will have to put the other babe down. And then start the positioning again.

This is just my thoughts...i would love to do it too, but honestly i am unable to do it. The advertisements on breastfeeding seems that it is so easy to do tamdem feeding, but i think you'll need to master the skills to that. keke...

All the best!!!
Thanks Seejay and Poko for the advice! Hmmmmm maybe I will try it out first with normal pillows for support before I invest in the breastfeeding support pillow. Anyway I still have some way to go as I'm only 19weeks along!
hey babes, i have finished my birth story! it is super long and lor soh, can take a look when you're very free.. hee hee.. http://coffeejelly.com/?p=1305

any mummies having rashes after giving birth?? my tummy rashes that appeared in the last few weeks of pregnancy is back and it has spread to the whole tummy :'( there are random red rashes on my thighs and neck also.. i think it's because i'm sweating so much and can't shower properly (only shower once a day with the herbal water) :'(

Poko, yup i am using formula to supplement. currently i pump every 3-4 hours for about 15 mins each time and my yield is very low. any tips to increase the milk flow? for me, each pump is only enough for one baby
i don't want to wake up at 4am to pump because the noise will wake my hubby who has to work.. *sigh*

chameleon, i have friends who find the breastfeeding pillow extremely useful but i have no use for those now because my babies have gotten used to the bottle after coming home for a few days and they no longer want to latch on :'( hee hee 19 weeks now ah, it's the honeymoon period of the whole pregnancy leh.. after that your tummy will become very heavy le..
I wonder if its possible that one baby latch on, while u use an electric pump on the other.. 0_0 coz I am also intending to breastfeed for at least half a year or even longer so I am quite ocncern about having the supply there, and also attending to the feeding needs of the twins.

Went for my 17 week scan yest and one of them is a girl. The other one was crossing and uncrossing his/her legs so can't confirm. Will only uncover the mystery in 2 weeks time when I go for my detail scan... I wonder what's the chances of getting mix gender fraternal twins... >.<
Hey seeJay thanks for sharing your blog. It makes for a very interesting read and now I kinda know what to expect during delivery! Your twin boys are identical? So cute! My tummy is already quite big for someone only at 19 weeks! At the last visit, the gynae warned me not to let it get too big or else it will be too big and uncomfortable later on. But this kind of thing how to control?!?! Its not like I'm overeating excessively! I also don't know why my tummy is so big haha!

Xiaofu - I stumbled acroess this lady's blog (cant remember addy now) where she posted a pic of how she fed both her babies at the same time. One was breastfed, the other bottle fed, and somehow she managed to hold both babies with 1 hand while her other hand was free!!
Xiaofu, You may have a mix gender fraternal twin indeed. I gave a boy and girl fraternal twins!!!! So U may never know!!!

I intend to breatfeed for a year, with the formula as an occasional supplement. I breastfed my elder son for a year and I really hope that i can cross that.

SeeJay, I had the PUPPP (Pregnancy Ulticarier Plaques of Pregnancy) during my 4th mth of pregnancy till my very last few days of delivery. It was random rashes everywhere, except the face (heng ah). I have scars to show my twins next time cos i scratched and scratched till I have even some keliods now. The dermatologist said that it may appear again after delivery though but so far so good. I'm not sure if the rash is the puppp but you can check the Net. It has some pics of it.

I am taking fenugreek from GNC to help make more milk. In fact, if u ask me, I did lots to try make more milk. I asked my gynae for a supplemen too (but i finished it and fogot what it is called).

I took the raw green papaya soup with pork /chicken every day. My father cooked it for me as i had no confinement help. I didnt like it but no choice, i wanted more milk!

Not sure if all these help, but my milk did increase.
Seejay, your blog was really lighthearted reading and helpful. So even though you were on the painkiller drugs, there was still pain when they took out your babies? How many days did you eventually stay in the hospital? You are very lucky that your healing process seems to be very smooth sailing...
your blog was really helpful.. But I guess I will go all the way sleeping for operation.. And I'm scared of epidurals (long needles) and also the drip.. painful..
Just hope that healing process will have a very smooth sailing!!!
I find that all my babydoll dresses which I used to wear are all getting tight.. Even my maternity dress.. So I think I will get big shirt and wear maternity pants..
See Jay
I consulted lactation nurse at NUh whenever i had to see my bbs at ICU and i am also concerned abt my bm supply...so i always show them how i pump and all...probably they can advise you better too? so far, i am taking medcine to help me with the flow, plus pig trotters (double boiled with black beans) and green papaya boiled with ngo fish head, make into soup...nurse say these 3 things take toegther will increase milk ss..true enuff, my supply went from 0.2ml to 20ml to 40ml now.... still low lah, but will work hard...ganbatte ne!!!
am still working on my birth story...will probably complete after my 1mth confinement..till then...1 week is over liaoz!!! 3 more weeks to go...

chameleon, my twins have separate placentas and water bags so could be fraternal or identical :p my tummy was very big also! but as long as your babies are healthy and growing well the extra weight is worth it

poko, the rashes on my tummy and limbs look like pupp, except those on my face are only red spots and not raised red spots!! my mum buay tahan last night and took me to see doctor, my GP says it could be triggered by heatiness or food allergy cos my immunity is low now. so far, the rashes has cleared a bit already *happy*

for increasing milk supply, no matter how hard i try, i can only pump for 20mins max leh.. my sil told me to massage my boobs while pumping and it does help to increase a little

sophia, i stayed for 4d3n in the hospital, and yes, the first step you take to move out of bed is very PAINFUL! but it'll improve, so by the time you go home, the pain will be more manageable le.. after one week, it is ok to sneeze :D

Juliana, GA is worse leh.. cos you will feel awful after waking up and you won't be the first to see your babies! for maternity wear, i wore large-sized maternity tops and bottoms towards the third trimester. my maternity dress cannot make it, it was too tight by week 27 or 28 i think

76, i can only eat the pig trotters and papaya from 12th day onwards, hope these will work ah!! yah, so fast one week is over liao.. hope your babies are growing well, i am looking forward to your birth story!
