(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)

When is the deadline for confirmation?
Cos need to know if hub gg overseas, n see where I need camp.
Sigh... anyone has any idea how to tell MIL not to touch your things?

My MIL is too helpful liao. she will go into my walk in wardrobe and help me rearrange the things inside. i know it's messy but i prefer pple not to touch my things. yest, she pulled out all my clothes on the floor, wanting to help me throw the clothes which i cant wear. I appreciate the thought but then this kind of thing shd be the owner doing it what. of cos i cant let her do, i told her i'll do and which i did. yest was so tiring yet i had to do that just bcos she was too helpful.

Then, she will arrange all my cosmetics and mosituriser such that i can;t find them after that. then i realise she chuck it at a corner. so, it;s rather frustrating.

I really appreciate her help in helping to do the housework and caring for baby. but how to tell her that i do have my own privacy and try not to enter my room? now she will enter my room as and when she likes. there was once i was changing and forgot to lock door. she came in and asked me sth. so pai seh!!!h
Shihui and Jolene, i think the milk spurting out is cos of the pressure inside the milk bott. cos warmed up liao air expands and pushes the milk out. hahahah was teaching this concept in science class last yr. suddenly i have some "ling gan" for my science questions in the science exams papers. haha

i think safer to let baby sit in car seat. there was once my fren carried her baby in her arms and sat at the back seat. then her hubbny got into accident and she was thrown forward at a great force. lucky she was quick enough to lift up her knees so that her knees hit the back seat of the driver instead of the baby getting the impact. in the end, her knees were all bruised. imagine what will happen if the baby were to be the one getting the impact.

So after hearing her story, i always try to let baby sit in car seat. baby seems to like it esp when car is moving. cos got rocking effect and he will fall zzzz. but when the car stops, he will wake up and cry. then car move again, he will quieten down and zzzz. so funny!
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)

Carseat: initially I put my girl in those newborn carseat (those basket type) until about she is about 1.5 month old then she refuse to be in the basket. So we change to a bigger carseat and try to bring her out often for a ride to let her get use to the carseat. So now she is ok with the big carseat and enjoy her ride as she could look out of the window to explore new stuff.
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)
19. Sharon Lee (2A+bb)

Excited over the first meet up with you ladies.
(1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010 (unless Swanston can join us then change to Monday)
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin (KIV- Hb's Bday)
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui
9) Sporty (KIV)
10) Chris (KIV)
11) sponge (KIV)
superwalker, me ard!! today very quiet. i wonder where are the rest.

The california baby calendula cream is not bad lei. my boy got this rash since yest night. I applied the cr on his face this morn and now it;s gone! it;s like miracle!
Hi Mummies,
Momo Mummy family is ALL sick
Got to stop breast feeding for now cos taking antibiotics... Started with my hubby who refuse to see doctor when he is sick... now we all fall sick together
Verda: Nice meeting you too... glad that u like the beef noodles.

Melodie: The beef noodle is near to Kovan NTUC there is a kopitiam near ntuc that sells Beef noodles from 9am to 6pm. But if u go after lunch usually the dry noodles will be sold out so got to eat the soup ones...

Fred: I think Superwalker answer ur question abt where to get Nepia liao hor.. if u order and u indicate morning delivery cos they always delay until afternoon then send. If u put afternoon they send in evening. So far only sporty and Karem delivery was on time. But i got the delivery man HP, so if u order can sms him to be on time. I always come up with crap saying that i am going out so must come on time... hahaha
Y suddenly so quiet? Where is everyone?

Rachelle: Yes California baby cream is really good.. i bought a bought from BP and used it on my baby and myself for bites/rashes/cuts and after apply next day is gone. really good but very expensive to buy from SIN. I heard US is sellign very cheap.
the california baby cream is really that good? em...otta buy some!!!

momo mummy, sayang...get well soon ya!! sayang lucas too!!!

its soooooooooooo hot today! wanna go walk walk but think will die in the heat!
have ur carrier arrive? Haha feedback leh...

Wow today I am so exhausted... Keep wanting to doze off.. Duno why.

Today seem so quiet in here.
so far, I only put on milderm on bb face rash. I bought California BB. but his nappy rash did not clear. Not intending to use for face yet...

Rachelle, your bb rash is face? it looks like patches, due to heat or slaive + scratching?

not weaning him yet, till after CNY, slowly n until I put at nanny's place. So far, when I got out, my mum help to bottle feed 2 times. So thk he can cope...

Once I work, I would still latch him whenever he is with me.

I find it really bonding to latch...though initially, i dun like cos it was really tiring.

he is napping longer hours, 3 hrs.

But nite time, only the bottle feed can last 3-4 hrs.
When he wakes up, he latch 10 mins n off to Z...then wakes up 2-3 hrs later.

I sorta used to it, cos I do not need to wake up to pump.
i feel so bad...yesterday i was using tissue paper to help my bb clear his noise as usual, then suddenly he turned his head very vigorously (struggling as usual), then the force caused his delicate skin outside his nose to tear - he bled quite a bit. now i have this phobia...dun dare to clear his nose
but his nose is blocked every morning one ....
Am feeling a bit indecisive now of what baby carrier to get. hoping to get some advice from some mummies here.

Loved the baby Bjorn Synergy air(the one with the mesh and back support) but argh... cost an arm and leg. Now looking at Infantino carrier front 2 back (seen at kiddy palace) which have waist support.

Am looking for a carrier not too warm to carry baby and also preferably got back support. Cos poor me and hubby always got neck and backache (maybe bad posture in carry baby or sitting too long).

Anybody using Baby Bjorn Active (with the lumbar support)? issit warm if use outdoors?
superwalker > hugs. my claire also like will nose stuck on and off. I use baby cotton bud to clean the outside part of the nose. Inside part i dare not clean. I normally wait for her to sneeze it out.
when u all buy the carrier, u intend to use when going out shopping alone isit?

How long can we carry? in terms of kg.

I dun intend to spurge, but dun mind getting a 2nd hand one.
Superwalker: use baby cotton bud to clean when baby sleeping but ur hands must be fast, cos once u dig he will wake up.

Kimifin & Zhen Zhen, Thanks

Verda: Buy Baby Bjorn (superwalker using it) she says got back support one. Mine dun hv so mine not good. Think she bought it from Amazon is slightly cheaper.
Sporty and MM6J go back to work liao forum like so slient liao hor... think by March not much posting here liao cos ALL mummies report to work liao EXCEPT superwalker.. hehehe...
momo mummy, hahah.. sorry typo!!! LOL

momo mummy n verda, the nurses at tmc specifically told me NOT to use cotton buds to clear bb's nose, cos there are some incidences of bb getting hurt by the cotton buds when the bb suddenly sneezes while the cotton bud is in the nose. it actually causes bleeding in the eyes if it it VERY severe. hence i have been using rolled up tissue paper...but who knows....still tore my bb's skin. i cannot clean it while bb is asleep, cos once i do he will IMMEDIATELY wake up and cry till no tomorrow! hahahah

verda, if u really wanna get a synergy, can look for a used one.

kimifin, i use the carrier when i am alone and also when i am with my hubby cos its easier to eat this way with the bb cos my bb fusses when in the stroller. sme carriers can last till 15kg, the synergy is till 12kg. ut frankly speaking by the time the bb is 10kg, i dun think u wanna use the carrier already..cos no matter how good the carrier is, it is still painful loh.
kimifin/alicia, we are trying to book the venue first n once the venue n time is confirmed (shd be this weekend), we will start collecting the monies n do up the logistics...

rachelle, juz tell ur mil nicely tha u appreciate her keeping things for u but u will rather u keep it urself...i'm sure she will get the hint...

superwalker, hope ur boy's nose ok... *hugs*

momo mummy, i'm not back to work yet...its next week, not this week...
<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, wah! my face soooo big ar? lol. i cant make it worr. keeping my leave for wed coz sis flying to melb to study liao. dun use tissue paper. use those help to suck out one. i'm using that now. *sayang lil timmy*

sunday cant make it either coz niece's bday party during lunch too.

<font color="119911">momo mummy</font>, aiyo. take care worr. ur hb hor, piak piak notti boy. sick dun see doctor. i know how it feels. tat time i sick i totally never carry bb some more wear mask the whole day, even to sleep. can see cannot touch.
thanks gals, the skin outside his nose is still red...waiting for it to heal. must heal before the weekend...otherwise when mu hb sees it, he will sure nag at me!!! :p

swanston, i bought the suck suck type but dun dare to use cos the nurses told me not to. emm...maybe i try try later...
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 &amp; Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane (2A + 1 toddler + bb)
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)
19. Sharon Lee (2A+bb)

thank you for organising, gals
kimifin, i use carrier/sling when i'm out alone. or when we're eating. like superwalker, my girl doesn't like being in the stroller. at least carrying this way, i can still eat quite well.
Jolene: Rgrds to cheap diapers n FM

U can try the chinese medical shop at pasir ris if u are staying at the East area. I bought my mamy poko for $14.20 only.
Kimifin, I use carrier cos my bb wants to be carried when outside. He'll cry when put in the stroller. Am using a Combi carrier passed down from my brother but no back support so I got a Bjorn Active. Hope it is better.
Superwalker: WAH SCARY leh.. u say until now i dun dare to dig Lucas nose liao.... but got so much Pi Sai can see one quite outside shld be ok de rite? At least dig liao clear it then he can breathe better ma...

Swanston: The suck out 1 no use de leh... suck and suck got nothing come out... and baby oso dun like that....ya really now can see baby but cannot touch... very heartpain... i think i am more attached to Lucas then Lucas to me...

Sporty: Paiseh tot u back to work liaoz.. hehehe...

SO WE CONFIRM TUES YA... since Swanston oso cannot meet us on Monday... Hmmm hopefully i receover by then if not i must not go if not spread to u all.... and Shirlin hopefully she can go too...

Shirlin: Let us know by Sunday ya...

(1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin (KIV- Hb's Bday)
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui
9) Sporty (KIV)
10) Chris (KIV)
11) sponge (KIV)
superwalker - ive been using california baby cream for my boy daily quite good but for diaper rash desitin still more effective to clear ..
oh that .... waaa still gt organising commitee sia .. erm i cfm if i gt bring bb and hb later k? .. btw if you intend book neo garden i gt the member think last time i book my boy 1st mth got additional 5% off ..
momo_mumy: take care n rest well! u need to get well before tuesday! I am returning to work the
week after so u must come!

superwalker: hope timmy is fine now.
