(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

About cheap milk powder, my hubby buy from a medical hall in Pasir Ris too. Nestle Nan 1 at Cold storage about $34, at Prime $32, at pasir ris $30. Hubby's colleague helped buy fr Johor Baru, but the smell not as fragrant. so still better to buy fr pasir ris.

About baby's blocked nose, the suck type didn't work for me. So i used tiny cotton bud to quickly dig it out. Otherwise, poor thing..got blocked nose.

Hi Mummies,
Long time didn't come in. Hope everyone is doing well. Today 1st day at work.

<font color="0077aa">I have a question. If I don't have access of hot water in the office, what would be a good way to keep pumping equipments sterile? I need to pump at least 2 times in the office.</font>
BlessedCYN: U miss my lame jokes huh? Remember to call me when u pumping so I can tell u jokes while u pump then SS will increase. WHahaha
Momo_mummy, hope u get well soon. Should scold him for not going to doctor immediately.

Superwalker, i hope timmy's nose fully recovered n no mark by the time your hubby came back.
wah pasir ris like good lobang in buying milk powder...near blk 446 ah... must go there look see look see liao..
wah so many posts!

momo mummy > oh dear! you mean take antibotic cant bf? i tot can get those safe antibiotic and still be able to bf? then must rem to still pump out else ss will drop lei!

Starrz > ya it arrived!! it looks ok. i tried to use the baby upfront face me position but my baby dun like. i think he feels very confined and kept struggling. I tried the craddle position, he also dun like. Sigh.... waste my money. i hope that when his neck stiffen, he can do the kangeroo position. but i feel that if your baby can enjoy the carrier, it is quite a user-friendly one. just that it;s ley chey to put on baby as you need to let baby lie down, secure the carrier on you then put it on your body. I think baby bjorn shd be more user-frenly. sigh.... hubby was scolding me for buying this and said that plus another $60 can buy the top range carrier from baby bjorn from USA......

Kimifin,> think my baby rash is due to saliva. he likes to suck his mitten and then wipte his face. the cali baby cr really useful! but i use desitin for nappy rash as well. that one is really effective. today nappy rash, tmr clear. but then i always use it when i change nappy also.

superwalker> so far we have been using the suck suck thing to clear his nose. we did it once a week and so far ok. infact after the suck, he will be like "phew, what a relief!" kinda face! hahaha

sporty > i already hint many times liao, MIL still like dun get it sigh/...... just resign to fate bah
momo_mummy: ya i miss your jokes! U R THE LIVE WIRE! the way u talk is so funny, cant help laughing. very good. must do conference call then can see u, will have a bigger boost to ss. now i am taking the supplements to boost my milk supply . have been pumping every 4-5 hrly. seen slight increase in the amt of milk.

so r u at work now?
superwalker > yikes thats scary. But strange leh. I called TMC post natal hotline to ask and they ask me use baby cotton bud. Hmm.

Momo mummy > I think hoh guys are like that one. sick die die dun want to go see doctor. Say wat self heal and then later kwah kwah pass the virus ard.

d8raem8n> woo thanks. do let me know if its good.

Finally managed to put down my whiney Claire to sleep. Argh.. due to airshow, a lot of aeroplanes flying ard. Already coaxed her to sleep then aeroplane flew past and she woke up. Garang Guni man pressed his horn she also woke up.

Super hard to do proper spring cleaning sia. Clean half way must stop and carry and coax her sia
(massaging her aching arms)
maybe bb still not used to it... try a few more times and see how.. his neck shld be stiffen soon bah hor...
aiyo your hubby scold u for buying this ah... already buy liao.. so hope your bb will like it...
not necessary top range carrier, your bb will like also mah...

Regarding block nose...
i am using nasal spray to spray onto my bb nose..
PD ask me to spray one.. she keep saying my bb nose very dirty!! so paiseh leh.
rachelle, next time u put your sex toys in one of your drawers where she will open, then maybe when she open the drawer n see it she will be paiseh, then will not open your drawers anymore? :p

momo mummy, i need your jokes too!!! hahahah!
blessedcyn > if can, try to pump 2 or 3 hourly. cos that will increase milk ss further. I did that and plus the supplement, ss went up quite a bit.
I am using Baby Bjorn Synergy bought from Amazon, less than 100 USD + shipping should be less than SGD 200. Try on my bb once, the steps is user friendly to use and the support is good.

Cali bb cream:
Very effective on rashes. My bb got red rashes on face and neck, and the cream is really useful.

The Desitin for nappy rash i order through my col as she will order from drugstore.com (US side). The Desitin from US is more in quantity and cheaper compare to sell in SG one.

Nose blocked:
We don't really dare to use the cotton bud, sometimes we just press press the nose and when she sneezes will push the mucus out then easier to wipe it off.
re: milk from msia
if buying milk from msia, be sure to check where it's manufactured and packed. cos a lot of times, it's different from SG.

saphira, how about getting those sterilising tablets? then just need to get a big container to soak your pump in.

rachelle, try putting baby in carrier more. maybe he's not used to it yet. and once his head is steady, i'm sure he'll enjoy being carried fwd facing cos can see the world!

verda, my girl also very sensitive to noise. then my place, dunno why got so many garang guni men. feel like going down to confiscate all their horns. grr...
Superwalker, that time i left my dildo on bed and my MIL can still help me put the dildo on the shelf! Faintz. i wonder if she knew that was a sex toy or perhaps she tot was just a massager........

Starrz, so you decided to buy the air flow one?
Rachelle Ling,
wat about the face? also Cali bb cream?

I tried on 1 side..

BB so naughty today, dun wanna sleep. Wanna suck fingers. Once he's sleepy, his finger falls off n he awakes n suck again. He reject pacifier now.

Do u all allow bb to suck finger?

I remove mittens already. thk no good to suck the cotton.
kimifin, baby face use cali baby; the crotch area use desitin. i really must say cali baby good. just now got a rash again. i apply it. after few hours is gone!

My baby also suck but he sucks his whole fist cos i think he doesn;t know how to stick out his thumb to suck hahaha. is like eating chix drumstick like tat. i try to push the fist away but he will keep sucking. i wanna remove mitten but his nails grow very fast. i scare he scratches his face. so, if i;m playing with him, i remov his mitten. if not, he will wear his mitten.
So far, did anyone who bought BPA free Avent bottles got the leaking issue too?

Cos I intend to get more of the 260ml bottles now, so might as well buy BPA free.
Rachelle, ya i order the air flow carrier... havent go see the mailbox, duno arrive liao or not...
Hope my bb likes it...
Shall feedback once i try it out..
rachelle, i say only lah. but no guts to do it. haha...

kimifin, i don't use mittens when i'm with my girl. but her nails even after cutting still feels very sharp. so i will put on mittens for her if i'm not ard, or she's sleeping.
zhen zhen > ha ha maybe i join you to confiscate their horns too! My girl's nails also feel sharp even after i cut. But i didn't let her wear mittens liao. Cos that time she kena eye allergy and my PD said i should stop using mittens cos when my girl lick mittens and then use to sweep her eyes and face, it may trigger allergy

Kimifin > I also recently bought Avent BPA Free bottles (260ml) and sometimes i also encounter leaking issue but my hubby said its cos i didn't tighten. So I am still observing and see.
i got the avent bpa free btls cause i bought 2 of the small ones and one is comes with the avent manual pump ... i realise you cant screw too tight the bottles else leak and also cant fill too much the bottles else leak also ..
i have to put on mittens for my girl.. got once with the mitten on she still can scratch until her eye area got blood!
But that mitten is those netted got holes de...
She is constantly scratching her face.. cant afford not to wear mittens..
Ah yo, my boy so cranky today. Cry whole day and fuss when drinking. Dont know what's wrong. The only time he happy is looking at his musical mobile (i wind till my hand ache liao) but still cry after some time. How!?

Oh on carrier, i bought a combi carrier and have a mum in mind sling but hor i dont know how to use till now.

Combi has a laying position for baby but my hb tried once and the strap seem to be in our boy's face (think his head too big). Baby 2 months old can use carrier ah? The neck seem still weak leh. How you mummies carry ah?

The other day, my maid used mim sling and carried my boy in an upwards position, scare me as he's neck no support! I quicky hide the sling from her.
so worried.
Agata, Scold hubby oso no use cos we all sick liao... guess learn from lesson loh... sick cannot wait ard must see doctor...

BlessedCYN &amp; Superwalker: Me not working today, too sick to work ley... my fever now 38 liaoz... Wah like that I must start charging liaoz... must visit momoMummylamejokes.com and dial my hotline will provide some stupid dance move to make u all laugh... blessedcyn, i charge u $2 per min then Superwalker $1 per min since Lucas and Timmy are twins... HAhahaha...

Rachelleling, Dun noe leh.. doc never give me safe anti biotic, i guess dun hv ba and he says not good to bf especially hving fever cos might spread to baby then even worst right.

Verda: ya our man is always very stubborn comes to visiting doctor... they feel they are man enuff to recover by themself...
Starrz, Ya I am quite siao... I sick drowsy medicine wont work on me... my hubby says he likes me to be sick cos I am more active when i fall sick... dun noe why my heart beat faster whenever I take those medication for fever then make me cant rest or sleep well then end up i will do more house work...
momo mummy.. huh so funny one ah...sick 'fan er' more active ah....
ur hubby also sick.. then BB Lucas how? stay at nanny house ah?
Wooo..momo Mummy hope you are not high on your medication now. Hee...

Get well soon! I understand how it feels to be sick and not be able to be near baby. I was hopsitalised 5 days few weeks after delivery and i cry buckets in the hospital plus had to throw away all the pumped milk. Now i dont have much milk supply which saddens me till today.
Momomummy, Wah....thanks for the discount!
u dun stress your body out when having fever! If u dun guai guai rest, then if the illness gets prolonged, then u cannot hug Lucas! Guai la....go lie in bed and read a book or something.
Starrz, all sick together loh.. both me and hubby was told by doc to wear mask loh. My hubby recovering so not so bad.... bb as per nanny say oso better liao... just that i havent recover yet.

Velo, ya is really sad to pump and pour away... wasted... i was thinking to buy a pot of plants to water with my EBM since CNY is round the corner (hahahaha). Think someone (if i am not wrong is ariesgal) in the forum says her mum use EBM to water plants and the plants grow until very very fat. like that at least not so wasted.... Whahaha...
FYI, NTUC selling pampers M size (44pc) at promo price of $27.45 for 2 pack. My mum just bought for me but i think my boy cant wear yet. Yeks the house full of diapers.

For those whose baby is on M size diaper already can go check it out as i think its a good buy.
momo Mummy U really funny! Ya, good idea, your plant sure bloom alot of flowers since edm so nutrious! Hee

Have a good rest!
read the posts...u gals are so funny!

ayukie, mel is booking the function room at her place for the gathering...thas the venue lor...might not take neo garden as devlina might be taking halal food mah...

saphira, long time no see u here... if u intend to pump twice in office, juz sterlise at home and bring 2 sets of the pumping funnels etc with u to the office...then u dun have to worry abt no hot water...or u can use sterlising tablets as an alternative...

kimifin, my gal like to suck her fist also...i juz let her be...and juz wipe with wet cloth every now and then if not very smelly...hehhe

momo mummy, hope u get well soon...go rest la...hehhe
yo mummies :D

today so busy.. hahaha.. and finally went to change money!! but no more $2 liao
tmr morning must wake up earlier to go and change

kimifin: i using BPA free Avent bottles also but hor i think the leaking problem is from the teats and cap not the bottles leh... my hubby said got one way to lock the bottles tight one.. i duno hw he does it.. i m so fedup with it that i only use pigeons :p and let him use the avent if he wants...

rachelle is the heroic one on bfeeding here!! jiayou jiayou~!!!

my girl also loves her thumb more than the pacifier now!!! I think coz its very ma fan for her to always scream for us when her pacifier drop but her thumb comes in handy!!!

she slpt for 6hrs straight just nw!!! and has her thumb in her mouth to curb her hungriness.. omg!!! usually she suck on the pacifier overnite to curb her drinking urge...

kekeke, rachelle, think Asher very soon will be able to differentiate which is the thumb liao :D jamie learns the way oso :p firstly, putting the whole hand into her mouth then now accurate put in the thumb only :D

hmmm.. i have frens who are anti-pacifier and anti-thumb sucking... but hor.. i myself is a thumb-sucker from young so i think its natural if my baby likes to suck her thumb :p as long as we keep her hands free, shld be ok!

and i removed her mittens after her first mth liao... yeah and i have the scratching issues oso... her nails grow so fast and she always like to scratch her face when she is hungry = angry! So funny... and i always tell her she is silly to scratch herself when she is angry :p nowadays sometimes she will scratch her ears and eyes also... i wonder why...

momo: yea, the sick issue hor.. i also kena it. Last week i was sick with sore throat and flu then at first i thought its ok then never see doc but i realise coz i am the main caretaker so i better make sure i m healthy or else wonder who else can take care of my baby if both of us are sick.. so i faster go and see doc last friday..

Must take care and get well soon k?
thanks for the avent &amp; mittens feedback.

Jolene, ask ur hubby give lesson how to use leh.

Oh, so its the teat + cap interface ah.

I still letting my son use size 1, cos want him to work hard for his food! duno if will result in anythg?
Jolene I also havent change money cos the stupid OCBC bank in Pasir Ris always no new money when i go in the afternoon. Must go by 11am then got money the staff say! So piss with the bank, as i have been going there for 4 days and never get to change. I need $10 new notes lah and want their ang bao! But i cant get there by 11am as have to wait till afternoon when more free.Sigh.

My boy also prefers his hands to the pacifier but i have his hands still in mittens as he always sweeps his face and eyes and his nails sharp lor. But he gets angry when he cant bite his hands ...hee :p

Kimifin as what Jolene say the leaking is from the rim for my BPA bottles also. Anyway my boy prefers pigeon teat for now so my BPA free bottles now white elephant on my table. End up i using all non-BPA free bottles...as confinement time i couldnt get out so had to ask others to buy for me
Kimifin, my boy also still using size 1 as he cannot take quick flow as he always gagg and choke even with size 1. When he was younger he couldnt swallow in time and there was no smaller teat, it was a tough time feeding then
Re: Cotton Buds
Was taught in Mrs Wong's class to use that to clean nose when bathing leh. N juz now lil A really sneeze when I doing halfway .... now so worried after reading the post ... so is use or dun use?? Confused ...
tanly, i still swaddle my bb tightly when shes sleeping at nite...

kimifin, if the flow of the teat is slow, its good in a way tha the bb wun reject ur breast next time as the milk flow is quite slow too...but of cuz certain bbs with no patience one might be lazy and dun wanna drink lor...

i noticed my gal's nails grows very fast...need to cut every 2 days...always must kept reminding myself to cut her nails... she loves scratching herself when she wakes up in the morning...thas why her face always red red after she woke up :p
verda: happy 3 mths to claire !

fieda: happy 3 mths to ryker!

superwalker/momo_mummy: i pump my ger's nose everyday cos always stucked.

Today PD gave some kind of nose cleanser and told me to use tt instead.

My ger having fever after her jabs today, monitoring her closely nw, scared.
