(2009/11) November 2009 MTB


I am back here :p

sorry ah, was quite occupied everyday with my baby, got to do everythg myself... hsework.. feeding, bathing and cleaning
hardly any time for myself

Sorry for missing out in all the chats and the gatherings :D

Cant wait to see all of u in March :D

My fren in June forum are having so many trials classes manz... they organised trials like gym and music.. cool... when our babies are bigger, shld go for tt oso :D
sporty: i tt to you already!

ref no: 0466
time: 1507

do check it!

thanks for paying first!

momo_mummuy: thanks for making the reservations!
Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

1. melodie
2. sporty
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (catmon)
11. ashley (witch)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy

Add ur name if you are keen
GG for class soon.. Just sent my girl over to MIL... Anw.. tot of a nice place to bring my hb for dinner to celebrate his birthday..


You all shld go with your hbs 1 day.. I went once with my frenz.. Love the ambience and service... =) Gg to surprise my hb this Sunday! =D
wow... who else's babies wearing M size now?

my girl was on newborn even when she was in 1mth+ leh and lately changed to S size only..

i realised the diapers cutting all very different.. thk my ger still can wear mamy poko nb size nw leh.. my fren gave me a pkt of mamy poko S size and they are SO BIG...

ehh, anyone using drypers wee wee? I using a combination of drypers wee wee and petpet in the daytime and huggies and mamy poko at nite, for long hrs wearing or when gg out.

Hee.. i did the calculations of the S size diapers liao.. see below for reference:

Mamy Poko: $0.33 (72pc/pkt for $24)
Huggies: $0.29 (44pc/pkt for $12.95)
Dryers Wee Wee: $0.21 (64pc/pkt for $13.60)
Petpet: $0.17 (46pc/pkt for $8)

Drypers Wee Wee having a sale now at NTUC.. any size for 3 pkts, selling at $33. I bought 2 pkts of S size + 1 pkt of M size, so its about $0.19/pc :p hehehe...

But one bad thg is the stickers for Drypers Wee Wee and Petpet is very irritating.. But petpet is really a budget diapers and good still... can use for overnite
Hee, thanks Rachelle

I got two more pricelist for diapers...S size

Pampers: $0.31/pc (48pc/pkt for $14.90)
Nepia: $0.27/pc (54pc/pkt for $15)

Hope the reference helps us to compare the discounts :D
juz finished dinner...so many posts eh! hehe

tanly, ok sure...will look out for ur funds then...hehe

fieda, i agree pampers active is good...i wear tha for my gal when she goes out and at nite also...

kimifin, u very cute leh...now only 2 feb...u already making arrangements for lunch on 22 feb...hehhe

momo mummy, i normally will bring my kids to GP first cuz i dun like to wait in the long queues at PDs unless its very serious cases...hehe

blessedcyn, ohh so u are the "mystery" trfer...now i found u...got ur dunds

shirlin, later u see me on msn, u buzz me...i give u my a/c no

jolene, my bb's wearing M size diapers now...hehhe...
sporty: wat u selling~?!!

wow.. so fast M size le~!!! I better go weigh my baby later... she is like super small size... i bought a carrier from gmarket hor then i realised she is so small tt she can drop out of it 0__0 hahaha... so funny..
jolene, i'm not selling anything...its the hi tea bill yesterday cuz i footed the bill first
my gal's abt 6.6kg now, thas why M sized...
ohhh..kekeke i seee...

ooo.. 6.6kg now.. is it consider BIG? hmm i better weigh my girl later...

ehh, u all slim down le mah? sob.. i m still very flabby.. sob... i saw Melodie that day lor... so slim... envious...

Ohh and how much all ur babies drinking now? I stopped bfeeding a mth ago coz very low supply liao... and then my girl drinking 120ml FM now :D

What brands u all using? Mine is enfalac :D But hor i realised enfalac has no discounts de
So sad... Lately Similac selling at $35.55 at NTUC~!!! And Enfalac is selling at $41.80 still~!!! And Similac 2 and 3 got discounts also!!!
jolene, my gal was born 2.61kg, shd be big ba? i'm lighter than pre preggy now...my gal drinking abt 100 to 120ml ebm now... u can try getting FM from those medical halls, its cheaper...
ohh i just weighed my girl!!! she is 5.6kg now and 60cm...

Ohh... my girl was born 2.7kg (38th week).

WAHH.. haizz i think its coz i never bfeed enough
Sob... haizzz.. hw hw? i went for the post-natal massages but the tummy will rebounce after i stop... now still not working so cant continue le

ohh hw much cheaper to get FM from medical hall? got enfalac? but must check the expiry date k? worried they stock up for too long...
hi mummies,

anyone using nuk premium teats with Avent bottle?
i tried to do that n i found that milk leaks.

any comments?

the nuk premium teat could fit the pigeon wide neck bottle well. no leakage
hmm... i only knw avent bottles normally very hard to lock-in and always leak de... but then my hubby can lock-in tightly, i wonder hw he does it....

u all change teats le mah? My baby using pigeon bottles with M teats now :D and i bought the number 3 teats for Avent bottles liao but thk 3mths+ then can use...

Ehhh those babies who struggle sometimes when drinking milk maybe coz the teats are too small liao... so they need to suck very hard to drink and get thmselves very irritated...
blessedcyn, no prob

jolene, u can bind ur own tummy at home and put those slimming cream before u bind...it works for me... for FM, its relatively cheaper but i dunno how much cheaper from medical hall tho, maybe u can check with the medical hall near u? of cuz must check the expiry date before u purchase...

jane, not sure abt nuk premium teats as i'm using the longish nuk bottles...

Updated list...for payment
Our high tea date!!

Date : 1 Feb 2010 (Mon)
Venue : Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood Park
Time: 3pm

1. tanly - on the way
2. kimifin -paid
3. nicole - paid
4. carinez
5. mitsy - paid
6. Sporty - paid
7. Agata - on the way
8. superwalker - on the way
9. shirlin
10. zhenzhen - paid
11. blessed cyn - paid
12. fieda - paid
13. haitong -paid
14. alicia
15. momo mummy -paid
16. 1st time mummy
17. shihui -paid
18. momoko -paid

Pls trf $32.96 to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5. thanks
rachelle said can buy at AMK there.. heehee.. wait for her to reply :p

she said that's pampers new baby.. maybe active baby and comfort different price.
hey ladies using NUK teats,
my boy is using 1 M size..
sometimes the milk will drip out drop by drop but sometimes, it will just spray out when im testing the temp..

am i using the wrong teat?
jolene, u cannot compare with me cos i'm bamboo stick thin... i'm sure u will look good by 7th mar!

i'm still using avent teats with one hole for my gal, she's taking in 120ml of EBM every 2.5hrs during the day and 90ml of FM every 3 hrs at night.

dunno whether to increase her FM intake to 120ml or nt, will ask PD when I bring bb to take her 5in1 tomorrow
hey jolene,
thanks thanks and thanks thanks to rachelle
yah my boy is using pampers new baby..
my lao gong bought at carrefour for $16.90 and he say very cheap le.. got even cheaper one...
aiyah but AMK so far away from where i stay..
I return with Nepia M size 2 pack from NTUC.
Superwalker - M size indicates for 6-12kg babies. Ya,

momo mummy - ya no S size in NTUC and only 2 pack left on the shelve after my purchase.
Not sure if my boy can wear M size or not.

But hee I also bought a S newborn pampers- 48pc from a medical hall located at Loyang Pt (Pasir Ris) at $16.90 per pack.

Jolene - my boy also on enfalac. I usually buy from a medical hall at Pasir Ris cost $36.50 per can. Much cheaper and expiry long long till 2011. Their stock usually quite fresh i think as their stock moves fast and they have a few branches.
Ah my post missing. Anyway retyping. Got Nepia M size from NTUC today. Ya no S size leh. M Size indicates for 6-12kg. Dont know if my boy can wear as he's on S size for mamypoko and S newbaby for pampers.

I also got a pampers S size new baby 48pc from a medical hall at Loyang Pt for $16.90.

Hahaha today is diapers buying day...my arm aching from carrying 3 pack of diapers yo.

Jolene- my boy on enfalac also. I buy mine from a medical hall in Pasir Ris at $36.50 per can. Expiry quite long till 2011. I think the goods quite fresh la as their milk very fast moving and they have a few branches.
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (witch)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy

Add ur name if you are keen
limited slots avaliable! Also indicate no of paxs coming...
The price for FM at NTUC and medical hall, for my case is few dollars different. S26 selling 34.10 and from medical hall is 30 dollars.
However, need to check whether is export type or not. My col help me to get at pioneer medical shop, she mention somethings the powder mean for export to Msia and could be different, but she help me to check for S26 so the same.
THink got to check made in where and etc... and she did mention the seller also will tell her the type is for export or not.

Fieda, my bb choose bottle instead of rejected milk leh. I change to pigeon bottle she is ok, but avent bottle she struggle. Later try again, hopefully she is ok with avent bottle.
Helo mummies, have a great time at the high tea yesterday, so happy to know some of the mummies, did not have the chance to chat with the mummies on the other table

sporty, had just transfer the amount under my nick, did not got a chance to chit chat w you, thanks so much for organising the outing!

velo, not sure if we are going to the same shop, i also find a shop in Pasir ris blk 400 plus (forget the exact bk num) selling friso and mamy poko v cheap, Friso for $29 and mamy poko 48pc s for $14.20

min, i also use nuk teat last time and what you mention should b normal ba, it will sometime, go drop by drop or spray out when i test the temp...

shirlin, nice meeting you, thanks for the ang baos!!

jolene, i have difficulties locking the bottle too, always leak, the teat must be pulled up very very hard then will not leak... you are using Avent teat number 3? im still using the smallest "hole" one, mmmm...thinking of changing the teat liao..
i also buy my gal's milk powder from pioneer..
all my kids milk powder buy from there.. but my gal doesn't really like FM.. haiz.. so trying to keep building up my supply..
kimifin, i put my baby at the back when i'm driving. have been doing that since 1st mth. as the car seat is reclined and rear facing, shouldn't have any problem. if you're concerned, can get those cushion to put round the head.
min, sometimes the milk flow is due to the temp of the milk. when the milk is warmer, it will flow out faster.

re: teats
some babies prefer certain brands over others. last time my older girl only likes pigeon. reject nuk and avent. guess it's trial and error sometimes.
karen, the S26 you bought is cheap leh, i usually get from carrefour, think ard 34+... but pioneer is super far for me...
wahh pioneer and pasir ris sounds so FAR from me...

hahaha..is there anyway we can order in bulk anywhere and get them to deliver to one place so we can all enjoy the good rates :p heehee, anyone can check with the medical hall???

if many of us using same brands then we can every mth order like many tins and delivered to our gathering venue ^^

ehh my girl still cannot use the 2nd hand carseat i bought leh... coz her head not stiff yet... i m still carrying her and sitting in the front seat somemore...

ehhh i m not using number 3 avent teat yet.. but my girl struggling with the number 1 teat so thk i may change soon.. pigeon i using M size teat :D

ehh another way to save cost on diapers is, we can organise a shopping spree to JB hahaha then we can piah back alot of diapers :X
zhenzhen, did your baby cry when you are driving alone? me sure will v kan jiong if he does..
then how?

ohh milk flow got to do with temp.. ahh..okay..
and for pigeon teats, how to test temp of milk?
I turn the bottle over, squeeze the bottle, even try to squeeze the teat, milk also dont want to drip out.. the teat should be no prob cos my boy can finish the milk..
jolene, what car seat did you get for your girl? if it's suitable for infants, it should be ok leh. it might be the installation that's the problem?

min, in the beginning, my girl cried cos she didn't like being in the car seat. but now, she's quite good. will only cry if hungry or very tired. but if very tired, she cry a while then will KO.

if you want to drive with baby, you must learn to focus on road even if they cry. cannot be kan jiong!
ohh its those infant carseat.. must tilt to almost flat then she can sit inside... i tried twice.. she seems ok but then now tt she is starting to learn hw to flip.. even lying her down, sometimes she cannot lie still!!
momo mummy > nice meeting you today. thanks for the beef noodles recommendation. Its yummy. Hows lucas?

Carinez, Mel > Next time join us for lunch too.
jolene, i see. most kids don't like sitting in car seat in beginning. need to let them sit more so they get used to it. if you're carrying, think it's safer to sit at the back if you can.
Just to share.

Mummies staying in sengkang can try the medical shop at Rivervale Plaza (Level 1). Their milk powder and diapers are much cheaper than.

S26 at NTUC ard $33-34. They selling $31.50. Mamil Gold at NTUC ard $29.95. They selling 27.50.
alicia, okies...will check my a/c later...thks for ur trf
ya lor, didnt have much chance to talk to u as we sitting diff table...nvm la, next gathering k? we talk abt the "handsome' gynae...whhahhaha ... juz kidding :p

zhenzhen, yes i agree tha bbs must be "trained" to sit in car seat...have to "train" earlier if not they wun sit! hhehe
karen, cck is also very far... i stay at sengkang. :p

verda, orh ok... i want to try the beef noodles, dinno gt gd beef noodles at kovan lor...
wah so many postings! okay pls count me in for the gathering..

1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (witch)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)

so many cuddly babies! looking forward..
hi gals!

You can get pampers newbaby at $14.90 at this cosmetic shop just outside AMK hub. I din take notice of the name. think is Venus or beauty language. you come out of AMK hub (the entrance where there's Old Chang Kee and a 7-11. then you walk towards those small small shops. the very first comsmetic shop you come across sell pampers newbaby at $14.90. So sorry ah, usu is my MIL who bot for me. I only been thr once to buy.

I saw AMK ntuc having nepia S size. i bot one pkt to try.

The verdict? Personally i still prefer pampers. the indicator line of pampers runs from front to back. so we know that the back is also soiled when the back indicator line turns color. for nepia, think it doesn;t work that way. Also, nepia is smaller cutting than pampers and it's not as stretchable as pampers. there was one night when my boy had explosive poo and he soiled his PJ and the mattress bcos the poo poo leaked from the waist area. pampers is more stretchable and hence, it fits nicer on the waist (esp my boy who has a tummy) so the poo won;t leak so easily.

but i must admit that nepia has thicker cotton and fit nicely around the thigh area. but after weighing the pros and cons, I;m still a pampers fan!
talking about bott, can try tommie tippie ones. the teats are really like breasts and nipples. the work like breasts also. cos the feel is exactly like latching on the breasts. i saw how my son latch on my breasts and the teats, the angle is the same. somemore, the teats work in such a way that the baby has to suckle and the milk will spurt out. just like the breasts.

There's a version which has a stick inside the bott. that one is for anticolic. i;m using that and found that it really helps. it's different from the anticolic bott of avent as the air gets into the bott thru the stick into the space in the bott. whereas for avent, the air gets into the bott thru the hole, into the milk and then to the space in the bott. so, in the process, air in the milk may be swallowed by the baby. so can go try the bott out.
we used to put #1 alone at the back when hubby drove him to MIL's place.. at tt time, his neck quite firm liao.. the only worry we had was tt he cry halfway.. :p

i tried using NUK premium teats on avent b4.. yupyup.. it leaks.. :p

i realised tt when the milk is hot, it will flow/shoot out very fast... but if milk is not hot, it will only drip drop by drop.. not sure if it's bcoz the warm milk cause the teat's hole to expand...

sometimes i buy fr goodbargains.. her milk powder is slightly cheaper than NTUC.. collection usually at AMK.. but if u buy enough, will hav free delivery.. her website is http://www.goodbargains.com.sg/

sporty, verda,
yupyup.. muz train them to sit in carseat.. there was a period of time when my boy rejected carseat.. but i juz let him cry in it.. :p soon, he realised tt cry oso no use.. now he guai guai sit in it without complain... :p
shihui: thanks for the recommendations!!! i just saw their website... they dont have Enfalac A+ for step 1~~~

and i agree that when temperature of milk is hot, it shoots out very fast.. sometimes when i take the cap off, the milk just spill all over my girl's face.. so poor thing...

rachelle~~~ Halloo :D Hahaha I am here as promised :p Come for the gathering in March hor :p

Oh yaa.. i think that cosmetic shop has a few branches leh... I just make the checks.. If its Beauty Language... the branches are as below:

Venus doesnt have website

by the way, my girl lately drools a lot and then will ask for her milk whenever she sees us eat.. even when it is not meal time!!! Think she is a greedy girl leh :p

Does ur baby do that?

And she is very chatty~ making a lot of baby noises nw :p
jane, sure, we can. i've an older boy - 2.5 years. he goes to the playground every evening after childcare. keke

jolene, my bb ger also very "chatty" and responsive. every time smile and coo and gurr, once she chuckled when i play peek-a-boo with her.

1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

We will be collecting the monies for this party prior to the event as we will have to book catering and venue etc... estimated its abt 15 to 20 bucks/pax

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
