(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hello~ Just finish finishing reading all the posts..

Velo: You shld have come for the HT gathering on Mon.. I was giving out the OCBC red packets.. wahaha.. =) And ya.. changing notes is really a hassle.. I understand ur frustrations cuz i every yr also kana scolded by customers 2 wks b4 cNy EVERYDAY! So pls dun be angry with the staff.. Its not tt we dun want to let u change.. but we need to control the stock so tt it'll last till the day b4 CNY.. Hope this makes you feel better... =)

Combi carrier: Forgot who asking abt it.. I got the same thing too.. but nv use the infant carrier.. I used it as a normal carrier.. head support not bad la.. but mummy's back support nt so gd.. I also got the infantino carrier.. tt one is back support gd..head support not so gd.. need to put a small pillow or shawl behind bb's head...

MOMO! you feeling better not? Drink more water ah.. Make sure u recover by tues just in case I can make it for lunch.. Hehe!

superwalker: Hope lil T's nose is better le.. =)

Oh, i bought the nepia le..M size.. just now tried 1 pc on my girl.. LIke still so big lehz.. even bigger den Fitti's M size.. But she still can wear la.. so far no leaks.. *cross fingers

juz had a nice shiok bath! whahhaha
anywyas updated the pics for the hi tea tha day on fb

mel, juz feed ur gal panadol and monitor her temp...hope her fever goes away soon

tanly, i swaddled my boy till he was abt 6 mths old...i read some bks saying can swaddle till 4th mth... ur payment i checked, not yet...maybe tom lor...

shirlin, hahha...i rem abt the "controlling" of stock of new notes at the branch...whahhahha :p

Updated list...for payment
Our high tea date!!

Date : 1 Feb 2010 (Mon)
Venue : Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood Park
Time: 3pm

1. tanly - on the way
2. kimifin -paid
3. nicole - paid
4. carinez
5. mitsy - paid
6. Sporty - paid
7. Agata - paid
8. superwalker - on the way
9. shirlin
10. zhenzhen - paid
11. blessed cyn - paid
12. fieda - paid
13. haitong -paid
14. alicia - paid
15. momo mummy -paid
16. 1st time mummy
17. shihui -paid
18. momoko -paid

Pls trf $32.96 to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5. thanks
shirlin: remember to pass the stuff to momo, i'll sms u to remind u, hehehe...

sporty: yes, monitoring... nw take med and put gel pad better le
velo: my case lagi worse leh! the staffs told me 9am new notes come in, by 10.30am no more liao~!!! Ask me come at 8plus to queue up 0___0 and i thought the thomson branch so ulu sure no ppl fight for the notes one.. faintz... so angry sia! i cant wake up at 7am lahh!!!

kimifin: hahaha... i try to ask him to demo how he lock the avent bottles cap on 7mar if he can attend :p so funny lahh...

hmmm.. if baby needs to suck very hard to drink the milk hor, wont they get very frustrated ah? tt time my girl will scream and kick hard when she cant get the milk flow fast enough... so ke lian thats why i realised must change the teats le...

sporty: u very li hai leh!!! my girl after 1st mth refused to be swaddled.. she will fight with us and squeeze her hands out of the blanket with all her might..and ended up couldnt slp well at nite... i see her so ke lian so decided not to swaddle her...

melodie: i also pump my baby nose... ehhh i dont knw hw to use the cotton wool to clean the nose :D but i use cotton wool to clean her face and eyes when bathing her :D

my girl nails very long and sharp oso and grows very fast too!!!
by the way hor, i have angbao packets...

ermmm that time my other colleagues (property agents) gather together to print angbao packets together...

so i got quite a number of packets with me now...

if u want, i can mail to u all k :D
velo, some carriers, the back comes up quite high, so can support baby's head when baby is facing you. and i've been slinging my girl in an upright position since her first mth. you can adjust the sling such that it supports baby's head. a bit hard to explain in words... hope you understand what i'm trying to say.

momo mummy, you very cute leh. sick become more active. as for your EBM, maybe you can add to your bath? then can have milk bath. heard before that someone had so much excess, ended up using the EBM to wash feet, feed dog/cat. what!?!

jolene, how about asking someone to change the money for you? cos i think all banks, the new notes finish very fast one.

tanly, swaddling is up to the individual baby. i stopped swaddling both my girls within first mth.
Rachelle... The air flow carrier arrive liao!

Zhenzhen, r u the one who say interested in this carrier also?(forget which mummy liao)
I tried on my bb jus now.. Still okie but mayb she sleepy so no reject.
It's quite easy to use leh.
jolene, not li hai la...juz tha i swaddled them very very tight since day 1 so they are used to it liao! heheh

zhenzhen, can use ebm/fbm as milk bath la...but after tha bb smells abit "smelly" and OILY leh cuz i used tha on my son before and only tried on him once cuz after tha had a hard time cleaning away the "grease"... whahhaha :p
starrz, it was me. i want to know whether to recommend to my friend or not. cos she's looking now.

sporty, you really try on your baby ah! so you're one mummy that's blessed with abundant milk supply ya? for my #1, my milk supply was so low. think can only use to wash baby's toes. fortunately this time around, more successful. but still not enough for milk bath leh... :p
starrz, your baby's neck stiff liao ah? good that your bb din reject. then can start to use it to go shopping!

hahah sporty, you used ebm to bath your boy? he really good life lei. got abundant milk to drink and extra milk to bath in! my extra EBM can only used to soak my hands but i won;t do tat lah. i want to freeze them so that next time bb can drink when i go back to work.

Tanly, i stopped swaddling within first mth also cos my boy likes to stretch and he likes to zzz with both his hands up as if he;s trying to surrender.
zhenzhen, i juz used those expired fbm to bathe him la, if not throw away very heartpain cuz he dun like fbm then... how long did u bf ur #1? this time round u are doing good leh, latching on very well outside

rachelle, ur bb's ok with taking fbm? if so, freeze lor...i kno some mummies they will pump very hard for first 3 mths so tha they can stock up 3 mths of fbm then they stopped bfing... so their bb can have 6 mths of bm but they pumped for 3 mths nia :p
sporty, for #1 i partial bf for 6mths. then i give up. #2 i got not choice leh. she dowan bottle. she likes her milk fresh. haha...
but that day at HT, she very funny. hungry but still want to look ard first before drinking. after i carry her ard to look look see see, then she happily latch on. so young already so kaypoh. yikes!
sporty, i tried giving baby FBM (thawed) mixed with chilled ebm - half half each. he is ok with it. so hopefully he can take fbm. i tasted the fbm. it tasted horrible!! fishy and metallic taste. very different from freshly expressed milk which is sweet and even chilled ebm which is sweet and slightly bitter.

Now i know why you gals use the last in first out method to feed baby. cos freshly expressed milk really taste so much better. so much so tat i', tempted to drink the leftover milk when bb cannot finish haha

hmmm.. sporty, that's a good idea. i never thought of pumping for 3 mths then next 3 mths no need to pump. but i;m a little late liao. now already 3 mths but my fbm is pathetic.
zhenzhen, yeah...i agree they very kaypo...mine like to be carried upright so she can see her surroundings... she also likes to smile and coo while latching and sometimes she drink halfway then coo, then milk dripped from her mouth...so after every feed with her, both of us need to change clothes! hehe

rachelle, yes the smell of fbm is already horrible, u still tasted it ah...peifu
nvm la, u stock up now and u can give ur bb 9 mths of bm lor :p but some pple dun agree with this method as there's a research saying our bm content changes with the age of the bb...so maybe the nutrients in those fbm are nutrients required for them in their earlier stage growth, not as good as fresh ebm...
Rachelle, neck not that stiff yet, need to use one hand to support her head. But still okie, carrier not that bulky, quite compact. One person alone can use, no need much help from another person.

Zhenzhen, ur fren bb how old? I only try out for 15 mins juz now.. I quite like it. In my opinion, I will recommend but maybe canot carry bb for long time coz back support not as good as those branded carrier lah. Anyway it's nice and affordable, can invest..
rachelle, agree that FBM tastes terrible. i tried 1 drop and it was yucky! fresh milk tastes a gazillion times better. don't blame my girl for prefering to latch on. haha...

sporty, your girl is so cute. can still try and "talk" to you while feeding. she'll probably be very chatty when she grows up.
zhenzhen, ur gal knos the best is from the breast! whahhah :p chatty ah? i already have #1 talking non stop...cannot imagine another one! but chatty better than quiet la...i shdnt complain!!
how do you gals manage with 2 children? I only have one and i feel so drained. Somemore I have in laws to help to look after. i intend to try for another one when my boy is 6 mths. so if heng heng preg, is it tough? like there;s a baby and then i;m preg? what is a good age gap?
sporty: but ur babies very ting hua leh! mine is very frustrated when bind her up :p kekeke...

wahhh so envious!!! i dont have much bmilk oso
sianzz.. its like wat zhen zhen said lor.. i only have like 3-5ml per pump.. pump until i depress and gave up

can donate some bmilk for my girl girl or not :p
rachelle, if u are staying with MIL still ok la cuz ur MIL can help mah... for me, we send #1 to childcare and #2's at home...so only the mornings, evenings and weekends will be more jialat...juz have to multi task lor... like if i wanna bathe #2, i will on dvd to entertain #1 and quickly bathe #2 ... or when #2 wanna feed, i will play with #1 sitting beside me etc... i think a good gap is 2 to 3 yrs...1 yr+ gap can be abit shiong but if u have ILs help shdnt be tha bad...

jolene, no la...my bbs not ting hua...i juz "forced" them...cuz i juz let them cry it out if they are not happy as i'm very strict with them...
sporty, my older girl also super chatty. every day being bombarded with 101 qns. i told my hubby next time we'll have sound surround. :p

starrz, ya... she's not buying yet. just wanna know feedback from the different models.

rachelle, for me i wanted a 2yr age gap. thot it would be less taxing, cos older one would be somewhat more independent by 2. and i'm sure you'll cope fine with 2 when the time comes. you're probably drained now because of the night feeds. once baby starts sleeping thru the night, you'll feel better.
zhenzhen, yes yes!!everyday is WHY this and WHY tha?!

rachelle, actually having kids closely gapped also have an advantage...u juz xin ku do nite feeds these few yrs and after tha can enjoy liao!! :p imagine the gap is like 5 yrs, ur nightmare will start all over again 5 yrs later... hehhe
superwalker, ur hb xin ku meh? i think u are the xin ku one :p hehhe... anywyas he might change his mind after seeing lil tim so lonely w/o siblings lor :p
but pampers the m size bigger pack selling ard 33 bucks i think .. that time i got the bigger pack m size 2 for 45 bucks or so super worth ...
tanly > i am also swaddling my girl at nite to make her sleep.

momo mummy > wah ur doctor give u medicine or drugs to make you high. lol. Get well soon sia. rest more.

Speaking of nails, my girl refused to sleep during the day today and yesterday. No chance to cut her fingernails. Now she finally managed to sleep but i dare not cut her fingernails at nite cos my room is cosy warm light. Not very clear. Argh... Hope tmr she more cooperative and can sleep in the day for longer period so i can cut her nails before she scratches me and herself
Hi Shirlin, ah U distributing Ang Bao packet, too bad didnt join HT. I like OCBC packet leh. UOB packet very ugly but easy to get. No worry lah, i no scold OCBC staff, only grumble to myself everything i go there. Lucky I also there for NTUC or to run other misc stuff so not wasted trip. But hor OCBC really should stock up more new notes leh...POSB got alot leh but i no want their packet. Only want OCBC...stubborn me! :p

Talking about #2 I also plan to have but bit scare by 1st delivery yet i dont want my boy to be a only child. Seem very lonely and also i getting old liao. Mmmm....also not easy to say want can get want oh...esp life style so busy now. I scare go back to work as there a mountain of work waiting for me yeks!
superwalker: my hubby also said one enough liao leh... but reason coz having baby is very costly.. think we spent abt $8K in all for tis one baby
And the post-delivery costs are still counting down... i recorded everythg i spent on...

but maybe coz now i am not working full time so its more stressful on him financially. See if can change his mind once i get a full time job...

hahaha, my baby also very kaypo and chatty now. She always try to 'talk' to my MIL and grandma-in-law (GIL)... so cute...

but i realised every time she sees me eat, she will demand for her feed, even if its not her feeding time yet~!!! aiyohh.. it happens so often when i bring her out.. its like i had lunch then i shopped for 1-2hrs then when i sit down for my tea, she asks her for feed! it's like she must eat before i can eat! my fren said this means my girl will welcome adult food very soon!!! coz her boy at 6mths still prefer milk than food!
Jolene - I join your club for the low supply fresh milk! my supply cannot bath baby nor even wash toes leh..every single drop like gold to me...hee :p Wish can be like sporty, so my boy dont have to cry his heart out for my milk!
verda, even in the day when i cut my gal's nails...i also bit by bit cut cuz their fingers are soo small...very scared of cutting into their skin!

velo, yes i agree posb alot of new notes...i went on tues morning, they even have special queue for changing $$, quite fast somemore... juz try for #2 lor, if u are fated to have, you will have
alamak, dun say tha la...i juz dun bear to throw the expired fbm away, thas why bathed my boy in it last time! anyways u can try taking supplements or pump more often to increase ur ss

jolene, wow...u are good...counted every cent! I never really counted tho :p
wow Sport which branch POSB U go still got special q. The one at Pasir Ris always very long q everyday.

Ya, our #1 also come as a suprise as we tot we very hard get baby as we always busy with work and he often overseas.
hmmm.. i m partly scared to have #2 myself also coz of my bad post-delivery side effects. I was still giddy and cant walk straight for the 1st 2 mths! And the 2nd day after my delivery, i was still on drip and felt so miserable that i puke and puke
think GA is too heavy for my body

yaa i had C-sec coz my girl was in breach position and didnt want to move down
So after gynae tried a few times of turning her around but failed, she advised me to C-sec 2wks earlier after a very bad contraction...

heehee... OCBC packet is the one with the boyboy outside one ah? Hmmm... Anyway i think this yr CNY pkts all quite budget leh, not as nice as last time de... maybe run out of creative ideas liao :p hehehe...

Shirlin, which branch u working at? My fren at AMK ave 4 there :D

ohhh u all cut baby nails when they slp ah.. i cut them when she is awake :p
velo, i went to the posb at yishun central...maybe becuz i went before 9am ba...abt 5 pax in front of me nia... if ur hb always overseas, u better plan for #2 lor, sometimes its not say u want sure have one lor :p

jolene, i cut my gal's nails when shes awake...juz chit chat with her while i cut...telling her i doing manicure for her...next time when she grows up, we will do manicure together...whhahhaa
jolene, think you are allergic to GA. it's quite common. next time if you have to go for GA again, you tell them about your experience. they can adjust the dosage and give some meds to counteract the side effects. so won't be so jialat.

i also cut my girl's nails when she's awake. cos she's a light sleeper, so sure will wake her if i cut when she's sleeping.
zhen zhen: i see i see!!! no wonder i feel like i gg to die when i was on my GA
haizzz... my hubby had to secretly tune the dosage lower for me when the nurse not looking or else i totally cannot sit up from the bed...i could only get off the bed after the 3rd day.. but with my hb help.. half dragging me

ohhh sporty: u stay in yishun??? My mum said the yishun POSB got special q for changing money...hehehe so good.. i go check out to see the DBS at thomson tmr got or not...

heehee, sporty, u so cute ah!! manicure!!! my girl will struggle when i wana cut her nails then i will tell her if u dun let mummy cut, u will scratch ur face and become an ugly girl.. then she will whine whine whine and let me cut...
zhenzhen, ur gal dun seems like a light sleeper, tha day at HT she was sleeping so soundly

jolene, yes i stay in yishun...yes, they have special queue at posb so it was very fast!
sporty, only when she's being carried, then she will sleep until super shiok. but if on the bed during the day, then she sleeps very lightly. but night time, she also can sleep quite soundly on the bed. dunno why leh. maybe it's because of the light??
zhenzhen, could be ba...ur gal can tell daytime and nitetime! i think bbs like to be cuddled, so they sleep well in slings etc... my gal can sleep for 2 hrs straight in sling if i go out with her inside but of cuz end of the day...my shoulders ache la!!
sporty, agree! my girl loves the sling. really sleep until super shiok. but very taxing for mummy. i told her to enjoy it while it lasts. once she gets heavier, think i won't be able to take her weight.
zhenzhen, yes, thas why i used carrier sometimes if i bringing ebm out... i think some pple get very amazed to see bbs in slings...there was once i was eating at chomp chomp with my gal inside my sling, an aunty beside me asked me whether i'm indonesian cuz i kno how to sling a bb and whether can my bb breathe in the sling!!
same! i've been asked a few times whether my baby can breathe properly. cos she likes to snuggle her head inside the sling. i'm largely using the carrier now tho. so can shop for longer! haha...
wahhh, u two very li hai! i tried once with the sling i bought when she was in her 1st mth, then i gave up le.. coz my shoulder cannot take her weight

so now i usually bring the stroller out if i m bringing her out...but i think nowadays when the stroller stops moving, she sometimes will wake up
but when the stroller is moving, she can slp!!!

last sun i took her to blading~ !!! hahaha we cover her stroller like a ba-sha concept.. then on her fan... then i pushed the stroller as i blade then she slept until v shiok like that... So cute... but when the stroller stopped moving, she will wake up! Same whn i took her shopping~!!!

i just bought a simple carrier recommended by my cousin but thk my girl too tiny, seem to be dropping out of it when i put her in :p

wow! u all so good can just bring a sling out with the baby~!!! its so much lighter than bringing a stroller!!! i need to call cab to the void deck then lug the stroller one hand, with the baby another hand and the diaper bag over me to the taxi
sob...same problem when i get hm

hi mummies

for cradle cap, do u apply the california baby calendula cream or any other solutions? how do u do that? apply the cream directly over the hair on the scalp?
