(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

ladies, the updated file for today.

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Hey gals, long time never log in here. School exams coming so very hectic with revision and stuff. Haven been resting and now down with running nose and yeast infection. Tmr going gynae to get it treated.

Then there are 2 kids from my class who kena chix pox. Now i so scared. Tho i had chix pox before when i was 10, i heard still possible to get it. Then not good for preg mummy to get chix pox. So crossing my fingers now.

Sigh, sometimes, I really hope to be a stay home mum. no need to be so stressed up!

Anyway, my EDD changed to early dec. so can I still be here? haha. Well, I would be interested to go for the parentcraft course. after 3pm on sat is good for me. hubby can go also?
sorry... confused here.. the oscar test is not done at your own gynae office one huh? some of you mention "going upstairs" and "long queue"...
DevLina &amp; swantons, paiseh ar... was thinking to slowly add the rest when bluerain created the group. hehe.. pure laziness la.. anyway, I just added the both of you. Mine is the one with my real han yu ping yin name.
Just wanna check with you gals, are you going for the DS test? I heard the accuracy is not there and just afraid that it may cause more anxiety if false alarm.

Gynae told me that since I'm 30, she's not too worried but still up to me to decide. how how? are you all going?
I'm going for ultrasound scanning for DS. No taking the additional blood test unless the ultrasound showed high risk. I'm 25, btw
my gynae is at TMC. I should call to ask her if the test is done in her office, I guess...

Seem a long time since I last saw my baby.. cant wait for the next visit which is 3 weeks later...
Hi all,
i kena hospitalisation over weekend and going to discharge later in the afternoon....so suay.... kena severe gastric pain till feel like "dying"... so far now i am ok...best of all is bb also fine.... whew!!
Good morning mummies,
How's weekend for everyone? Looking forward to the upcoming holiday, yoo hoo!!
Sigh.... but my hubby just left for Taiwan for 3 days.

Sinkor &amp; Ayukie,
Take care.

How come gastric pain? still having MS?
I had mine OCARS test at TMC. I was there for about an hour. The whole process was quite fast but it's the waiting. If you had not made any appointmt, try reaching there before 9.30 which I did.
sinkor.. take care..hope u feeling better now.. =)

Dear all, i went to tampines over the weekend.. and bought new bras and panties at Mothercare.. the service is very good. Now I wearing the new maternity bra.. super comfortable!! no wire.. and the panties too.. bigger and more stretchable.

They having promotion on the maternity bra now is one pc for 28.. previously.. i forgot how much liao.. should be 30++.. so its a good deal.. but tampines got limited stock.. so they help me to get stock from centrepoint.. if u all need, faster buy now.. =)
Sinkor, you have to take good care of yourself. Glad that you are alright!

My weekend is sucky. Quarrel with MIL when MIL quarrel with hubby. Big drama till i dun feel like doing the AD anymore
Couldnt make appointmt cos was fully booked. So the nurse suggested that I walked in instead and Thursday's crowd is not as bad.

Wat about the quarrel?
no wire bra, does it mean cannot detach the bra strap? Was thinking if i shd get bigger size bra from usual bra dept, cos i've lotsa sleeveless top, &amp; need to detach bra strap everytime. currently wearing old bra w bra extender
take it ez fieda .. quarrels during wedding preps is normal bah furthermore ur pregnant now .. emotionals i think will be more ..
stmama, i din make appt too coz it was full. i was there on thursday too!
how come u get ur test done so much earlier than me. lucky u. my number was 3007.
fieda, haiyo. take care of yourself ok. dun jump around. quarrels during the ad planning is very common. everyone will have them, big or small. *hugs*
Rue, yes. it cannot be detached. and its is super full cup.. meaning cover everything and more.. hahaha.. but i feel so comfortable in it.. very thin, so might need to get a padding if wearing one pc. its the old fashion kind of bra..

Fieda, dun be angry.. must control.. cos no matter what u will see each other for life.. so its better to keep things amicable for future.. now just let ur hubby handle this matter.
Gd morning!!

aiyo... take care.. gd tt everything is okie liao..

wah.. dun get so agitated leh.. for me hor, if my hubby quarrel with his parents, i will bochap n walk away... :p it's better this way.. coz with the DIL in the picture, the parents will feel no face if they dun win the son.. so i rather be out of the picture.. easier for them to patch up later too.. :p
Sigh it's a very long story. The quarrel started off when my hubby was saying why his bro not contributing as much as him for his mum. Then the mum got angry coz his bro was part time studying and working at the same time. To me, i dun think it's a big deal, coz i have been there, done that before. I also went through what he had to get my own degree with my own money and i still contribute to household chores. So i never think what his bro did was a big thing.

Anyway the quarrel started off that way. Then it somehow got linked to me. Saying that his bro clothes are all washed at his gf's place as he stayed over more often and they did not have a dog for his mum to take care. Most imptly, his gf is very able to fit in the role as a wife. She then shouted at him crying, "I AM WORRIED ABOUT YOU" X 5times.

Girls, tell me what is she insinuating? All the time during the quarrel, i was hiding in the room with my beloved doggie who was under the bed. When he came in banging hard at the door after she shouted those words, i asked him to cool down and dun behave this way to his mum. To my disappointment, he actually told me "I can't convinced my mum that you can take care of me!" in his frustrating tone.

My threshold reached. Burst! One thing i must admit is i do not do housework on own will most of the time. But i am very sure that if i have a house of my own, i would do what i can to make it a house. His house is simply NOT my house! Apparently, the ability to take care of him was gauged with the baseline of housework. I got so work out that i wanted to leave the house with my dog for a breather. I'm totally disappointed with what he said more than what his mum said. I do not need him to convince. I just need him to believe!

While preparing to get out of the house, he kept insisting that we shld talk. I profusely refused coz there is no point. His mum interferred and make a sacarstic remark of "You ARE always like that" I'm really bursting! I stared back at both of them and asked "All of you have the rights to be angry and i do not have?" I stormed all the way towards the gate. My hubby held on to me followed by his mum giving me a hug and apologise. Seriously, what's the hug for?? I rejected all those and still insisted to bring the dog out for a walk. They refused to let go. So i started jumping around and cry. His mum cried too. And he cried too.

I really wonder if the mum's actions were out of worried for the baby or do not want her son to trapped in between. Seriously, i started to doubt marriage. What's the point?
ya its true, i agree with Shihui. I think its btr to let yr hubby handle, somemore its their son. I think it will be better compare to you talking to them.

Hey Swanston,
My no. was 3006, which means you are only a number behind me!! How coincidental!! Who did u go with? I only remembered a lady who came before me, was with the sister and I overheard that she just came back from India.

But how come yours take so long? I managed to pick up my son in school at 10.45am.

Must control our emotions now, for the sake of the baby... *hugs*
