(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

lemon_tee - hmz im eyeing the singled bedder discount $100 then at least can cover the cost of the subscription ..

ayukie: hohoho.. that sounds good!!!!!!!!

later then change room type ba :p

lemon tea: yaa supposed to enjoy the 10% frm OSCAR. but then i heard the queue upstairs was damn long...so i dont mind i dont have the discount hahaha if q is shorter.. coz the q are driving me crazy :p

i like the diaper bag and i thk got the similac mummy powder lehh..can try drinking...
ayukie, izzit! tat is good news!

as for fbi, i saw the brochure yest. for single bedded i think got $100 discount. grab a brochure when u r there next time.
u may proceed to the counter and ask...

my clinic booked the first timeslot for Oscar, 9am, so should be ok, by 8:45 reach then will have no waiting liao lo. counter told us to fill up the form first and submit to them before go to the test, then immediate can enjoy the discount.
oh.. talk about milk powder, the last visit to my gynea, i asked for sample then she suddenly gave me a tin of 900g Similac to try ler... so big tin and i think selling about 40+ hor... so happily bring home but till now my ensure not yet finish coz suddenly feel no crave for milk powder so no drink for some time ler...
I'm reading on recommended rate of weight gain for 1st trimester: 1 - 3.5 kg.

Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (kg) before / {height(m)x height(m)}

In 2nd & 3rd trimester:
If BMI < 18.5: 0.5 kg/wk; 18.5 - 22.9: 0.45 kg/wk; 23-27.4: 0.3 kg/wk

Recommended weight gain: BMI < 18.5: 12-18 kg ; 18.5 - 22.9: 11-15 kg; 23-27.4: 6-11 kg
i always exceed one.. lolx..
lemontea: think when u sign up FBI hor, they give u diaper bag, 700g similac mum, milk powder container, some product samples, books on pregnancy to childcare etc lor.. not bad lah...

agata: thanks for the info!! wooo.. i gain abit for 1st trimester only..within the requirement so shld be okay :D

my BMI i thk is 23 leh.. aiyoh..oso 6-11kg..
I already signed up for FBI liao... got the envelope yday. It also have voucher for books on breast feeding and parenting i think. I just hope to gain as min. as possible for pregnancy. Haha. Oh, my tummy quite big this morning! Wonder why!
wow got free gift ar ? ok then i gg sign up liaoz but i bought a diaper bag liaoz hehe .. its a pink diaper bag hiakz .. actually its a overnight bag but i intending use as diaper bag hehe ..
When i went for my first gynae check right, she already give me a bag of samples for mother's milk powder, inside has some diapers sample too. I wonder if it's the same anot
hey mummies!!!

u all wana sign up the TMC parentcraft together mah? classes are frm wk 20 onwards but heard its so hot tt we need to apply wk 16 onwards :D
izzit? i almost forget liao, i signed up for FBI about 4 years ago liao lo....can't really remember got so many goodies.. lol....
hope SBI also got...
my tummy also quite big, but not all the while wor, so weird hor.... yesterday i took bus ppl see me like all staring my tummy wonder if i am preg or not, lol.... not sure if i'm too sensative... haha...

ya, talk about sensative, since i know i'm preg, i so sensative that i do not like ppl go nearby me ler, scare ppl accidentally push me or knock on my stomuch, anybody also feel in that way?
Hi everyone,
Seems like most going TMC for delivery leh... I took the brochure for SBI, really worth the signing up?

Went for OSCARS test at TMC yesterday, cost was about $320, ex har. But don't remember them drawing much blood. Coz had my eyes closed when the blood was drawn. Hee...
lemon tea: i think oso got wor.. can take a look :D

hahaha me oso leh.. i always hold my tummy or cover my tummy in crowded areas to show them 'i m preggy, be careful hor'

haha i guess same same .. here hiakz .. then my brother will say my sis in law no hold tummy i hold tummy ler .. hiakz ..
yo yo, i'm getting cross-eyed.

i'm joining for tmc prenatal classes. aiming for the weekend classes.

as for OSCAR test, i've done mine for $460 excluding GST. i realised that mine's much more expensive than any of u gals paid.

as for the consultation package, it costs $2000 excluding GST. it includes consultations from 20th week, a 3D scan and normal delivery. vitamins excluded from the costs.
When i went for my first gynae check right, she already give me a bag of samples for mother's milk powder, inside has some diapers sample too. I wonder if it's the same anot
i just called them.. FBI.. for one bedded.. will be just $100 off the total bill.

there is also a 5% savings on delivery charges by Joycelyn Wong.. maybe other gynae different..

and also a 10% discount on OSCARS testing

think i will be applying for the card.. u can apply there on the spot.. or just mail to them with the cheque
haha.. i thk parentcraft if we joined with teh FBI card gt 10% discount leh :p

kekeke see if our timing matches :D

heard got free timing...

2.30-4.30pm, 4.30-6.30pm.. then 7.30-9.30pm.
smthg like tt
think parentcraft.. it teaches about the breathing methods and get the hubbies involved oso..

and teaches hw to take care of newborn bb etc lor.. those with #2 think dont need to attend lah :p

but i heard frm my fren its quite a gd bonding session with ur hubby :D
i think only on Saturdays wor.. 2.30pm, 4.30pm and 7.30pm.. not sure got change or not... but my frens told me theirs is tis timing..maybe can double check with the website closer to the date..

see if most of us can take the same slot?
