(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i also add until blur blur liao..
hahaha, i also blur. so now i included the fb nicks in the file as well beside the fb email for easy reference. let me know if u do not want ur fb nick to appear. and let me know when it is safe for us to leave preg comments too.
just back from lunch.. had my wantan noodles, so full now..drinking bubble milk tea now.... later still have guava and jambu... hehe

chen ma ma, i'm staying at bishan, quite far away from tampines ler..

I'm ok wif anything, haha! Btw, don't have my msn and FB add in the list. Can plz add for me? Thanks!

msn and FB (same): [email protected]
Also applies to my Friendster acc as well for those who wish to add me
hey, gals... i'm a bit worried as my company might have retrenchment soon, is there any laws that protect preg MTBs? where can find information about that?
morning mummies..

sorry for MIA yest.. woke up at 12plus.. went shopping for stationeries.. came hm laze ard awhile then headed for my graduation :D woohooo... now i can officially serve my customers liao :D heehee.. results pretty well wor :p got Merit award :D only lower than the top 5 students :p

Anyway... i went for my gynae check in the morning :D my bb grows fast!!! 9 wks and 23mm (compared to 7wks and 9.8mm only)... :D but i thk still consider small wor.. :p coz my EDD got postponed to 27 nov 09 instead

went alone today and so boring..coz waited for 2hrs 0__0 fixed next appt on a friday afternoon so hope my hubby can go along with me..next appt on 15may and will be doing my OSCAR and blood tests :D heard need to draw 5 tubes of blood 0__0 scary..

lemon tea: if i m not wrong, last time when i was with MCYS, working pretty closely with MOM.. i heard frm the mgr there saying if a female worker is retrenched or not employed coz she is preggy, can sue the company...
kekeke i heard RT not bad leh.. coz each RT can get $13 allowance and can knock off frm work at 5pm.. only bad thg is sometimes RT burns off the Sundays oso... i got a fren who have sidebusinesses.. so when he kena RT, it really drains his energy and cant do much for his sidebusinesses on wkends... but i got another fren, who purposely go RT to get the allowance.. faintz... and of coz knock off earlier.. hahaha...

by the way, i dropped by 1kg.. my gynae wasnt worried wor 0__0 but she gave me anti-naueous and anti-giddy pills to eat.. And i been not able to sleep for last 2 nites.. so she gave me two types.. the drowsy one for nite time so i can slp and daytime is non-drowsy type :p hahaha... And oso multi-vitamins.. I saw in the multi-vit.. the folic content only 1mg.. enough meh? Shld i buy folic acid separately?
jolene - my nxta ppt also may 15 whhahahaaa
but my edd on scan print out last week hor is brought forward by 1 day to nov 1st but my gyane say we still keep to nov 2nd for time being bah ..
i drew half a syringe of blood but divided into 3 test tubes .. how come got 5?
jolene - i also ask my gyane i ask him what the recommendation .. he says the multi-vits got folic acid le no need take additional ... but u can confrim with ur gynae should you take additional folic acid anot lor ..
jolene, no need 5 tubes of blood lah. yest they only took 1 tube from me.

esther, u never add me in fb.

i spent $320 after gst for the oscar test at tmc yest.
mine is half a syringe of blood then divide to 3 test tubes sent to lab .. if 5 syringes i think i expire on spot liaoz ... lack of blood lolz ...
hmz my total bill when i took my oscar that day is $346 including gst ... but the oscar test is $200 + gst lor i see in the bill ..
haha... saintbaby, finished liao lo....

after i searching around, i found that MOM does not really protect expecting females. in fact, there is a 3 months before extecting date, employer must issue maternity benefits to employee if happen to be retrenched. So far this is what I get from MOM web....sigh, so before that, have to be careful of those 'wu liang' employer.
saintbaby after gst is $214 excluding the doctor consultation fees and scan lor .. erm at my gynae clinic lor ...
ayukie, i think coz ur gynae doing it for u so the scanning sort of included in the normal consultation le. then only charge for the blood test and diagnosis bah. so good. my gynae dun do oscar test so had to do it at tmc.
yeah swanston - my gynae did it for me then straight after sent to the lab liaoz via courier (i saw hehehe ..) then consultataion and scan costs can be deducted from the gynae package price when im taking the package on my next appointment ..
hmz mine is with tmc i think cause my gynae is with tmc ..

agata - yeah around that then he divide into a few test tube cause i think he did for me the normal down syndrome test (something like that) which is in his package as well when i did the oscars test ..
my gynae says by yesterday i do not hear from them (if there's issues with the blood tests) then my nxt visit i can start taking the package liaoz (week 15) but the previous consultations and scans and vitamins prescribe cost (excluding gst) can be deducted from the cost of my anenatal package price .. luckily haiz ... giving birth is also an expensive event ..
ehh i got asked my gynae just now leh.. cfm 5 tubes.. coz my fren same clinic.. oso took 5 tubes.. she was like almost dying lor coz she v skinny.. thk i will faintz... coz i got low iron content...tt time i donate blood, the doc told me one...

my oscar test is $320 with gst.. i subscribed the FBI card but think the clinic i using no discount wor for delivery charges.. somemore coz of the long queue, they sent me to their own gynae for the OSCAR and blood test instead.. so no discount oso
lemon tea,

r we allow to drink bubble tea? thou contain caffeine, so dun dare to drink now
My gp said even chinese tea contain caffine, so whenever i go chinese restaurant, will get warm water instead

Does EDD varies all the time due to the growth rate of bb? mine supposed to be 22nd Nov, calculated from last mensa, then after 1st scanning, they told me it's 20th Nov.. dunno will change again or not
i think my mum is damn irritating..

arghhh..think i may not be asking her for confinement liao.. nag and nag... i think i v qing cai lor..she is the superb ji jiao one.. nag so much!!! ARGHHHHHH...

i told her gynae said i dropped 1kg is okay.. then she keeps nagging non-stop.. next time i dont tell her liao :X
i havent subscribed the fbi but thinking of doing so maybe nxt month or so before i sign my package with my gynae .. i ask him le since im intrested in the single bedder i can go for it .. but savings won;t be alot cause the fbi subscription also not v cheap ..
rue: my gynae said can drink 1 cup of caffeine drink a day :p hahaha any kind of caffeine drink - coke, tea, coffee...

my preggy mgr always only drink bubble tea coz tts wat she wont give up for and since can only drink once a day, she said she rather drink tt :p

EDD will keep changing according to bb growth rate.. like my fren who is a july MTB, her EDD was pushed forward for 2 wks lor.. and mine already pushed back for 2 days... I think closer to the delivery period we will have a better idea.. some MTBs are due frm 35wks onwards...
rue - green tea and red tea both got caffeine .. i havent been drinking tea for ages

i think edd will change with baby growth and etc etc bah ..
ayukie: think the single bedded one can sign leh... coz we can use medisave for ward up to $450 a day rite? single bedded is $430 a day.. quite worth it hor...so can use up all the medisave :p hahaha...

i opt for 4 bedded first..heard can change later :p heehee... the nurse was telling me maybe later govt change ruling and said can use remaining medisave not used up for wards for the other expenses then better still.. coz every july sometimes got new laws mah :p
my gynea very chin chai one, she said as long as less than 3 cups of coffe/tea (or any others contains caffeine) should be ok.... so I just take lo, but actually i restrict myself the most one cup per day lo....

for the EDD, my gynea will only stick to one day, that is calculated from last mensus and will never changed. unless like my #1 case, early by 5 days, so she said my #2 should be 5 days early from my EDD too...
jolene - my gyane told me after june there should be a new ruling so we can use more of our medisave for our deliveries ..

if one bedded you should subscribe FBI ler, FBI subscription fee only S$148, but with 10% of total bill, i think still worth it. But too bad u already missed the 10% discount from Oscar... click here for more details
i think still got gnc, mothercare, etc discount
but membership is valid for 2 years only.
