(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

OH Nooo...Maggie Mee!! me too...I had maggie mee or instant noodles before I go to bed for the past few nitezz. I shared with my hubby until he complaint I had too much liao!! Boohoohoo...I'm goin to buy pizza later

Yesterday we tried the new flavour of 'KOKA Instant Noodles' There's this black pepper mee goreng, Singapore Laksa...Wow, so yummy leh!
jing hui
oh.. ic.. till now i never own one....sigh... if single that time, i may buy one for myself liao, now hb sure disagree such expenditure for me de...sorb sorb...
i crave for maggie mee not only today, long long time ago since young i love maggie mee but now coz healthy reason, not dare to eat too much, always cook at home, so didn't take much actually...
lemon tee
juz pulling ur legs la...u shld get ur Hub to buy more stuffs for u k

Jing Hui
Wah ..so lucky ah ..so many things from US leh?
Anyway I think shouldn't eat those instant noodles too much lor...just a way to satisfy my itchy mouth. My hubby also gained weight coz he accompanied me for supper, ha!
I've been trying very hard to control my temptation :p So far, I had it once a week like that lor...feeling guilty ler...
Fieda, dunno supermkt carry goat's milk. If so, can buy 1 small pkt to try. The only source i know of is hay dairies farm in Lim Chu Kang. But min delivery to home is ~$16 purchase. meaning 2*800ml original flavour one. If dun like, will be wasteful.
Hmm, mayb i'll wait till gender scanning. If a gal, then will try to drink goat's milk. Gd complexion more impt for gals

Hehe, yeah...kinda satisfactory! At one go hor, can get sooo many presents!! :p But only for that time la, haha! He usually don't buy me things one except for my b'day and wedding anniversary.


Usually hor, when we preggy, hubby will oso follow gain weight one cuz they either accompany us eat or we can't finish the food then he gotta clear the 'extras' :p
jing hui
wah of coz satisfactory!! I'll be happy too!
My Hub oso had to eat with me weneva I felt hungry...but he's scared to put on weight..so every morn he'll jog b4 going to work.
Rue, you can try cold storage?

JingHui, you are very right about hubby gaining weight haha

Ayukie, i also want to eat cup noodle.. not allowed.

DevLina, your hubby very hard working leh!
ya... i will.. i will... else i not allow him to enter our house...keke...

yaya.. agree, my hb gained about 10kg i think for my #1 preg. coz i always order liao then eat a bit and push to him, so he got to eat extra half portion. now he diabetes also might due to me, in fact. so guilty...
not hard-working...more like vain! hahaha...dun wan put on weight.

lemon tee
i doubt u'll stop him fr entering ur house wor...by then u'll miss him too much liao.
Oooozzz...my hubby will never ever go jogging, even last time before we got married, he said will try to loose a bit weight for the wedding, ha! My hubby is the loyal RT member every year, in fact his RT starts next week, muahaha!!
hmz my bags i get myself but most i get before i got married haha got 1 gucci is i got 2 months before my customary wedding hmz .. wait for my hubby ar i wait till grow cowebs also bo .. he dun agree with paying so much for the brand ..
What's RT?

DevLina, then i can imagine yr hubby is very muscular kind liao hahah

Lemontee, your hubby must be like mine. Cannot waste food kind.
fieda - haiz ......
he's used to playing sports lor. We play sports together too. But he's more vain. I stopped all forms of training when trying for bb, but he continued.
RT is something the guys gotta attend when they fail their IPPT.

Lemon Tee
I knew it! Actually u're not angry with him la all these while...maybe just awhile only, u're just scared that u'll miss him too much
Remedial Training lorzzz...It's for those who can't pass their IPTT in army...(For physical fitness test) He has not passed a single test after he came out from NS...so every year, it's a routine for him to go for RT (well, a way to force him to exercise...)
ya lo, me also like that, so every time ask him, dun waste, finished it! lol... now dare not ask him to finish all....
my hubby gg ippt this monday .. **sobs** means i need to go work myself liaoz haiz ... this means MRT again **wailssss**
Yupe...I have added Natalie and Valerie...Who is Valerie ah?? Anyway I am Alicia...Wahh, all show off their wedding photo lehzzz...kekeke
haha ... the pics put haha after my honeymoon till now lor haha ... very long liaoz ok lah not as long as my old pic whhahaa

Haha Devlina, you never see his body.. he lucky face slim slim body not that slim liao... haha
Your hubby chinese ar?

I have michelle, alicia, jade and Rachael (swanstons?)

And i am abit confused who is who hahahah
