(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi! Back at work today, but not quite actual work cos on course. Well, time to get serious tomorrow! Been naughty and did not bother to clear stuff while I was at home so I am waiting for the sea of work to wash over me!

xoxo: thanks for concern. Nope, not completely healed, but can't go on MC forever! Should take 1-2 months more for my spine to fuse with the metal cage installed. Still have pain/loss of sensation but overall, life is SO much better after the op!

Hoping that the more experienced mummies can shed some light on teething. I think the normal pattern is for the bottom two, then the two front teeth on top, followed by the ones beside the two front teeth right? I noticed that A is growing 3 teeth now. One of the two front teeth, then the two at the side, i.e. one of the two front teeth has not come out yet! It's a little bit odd but I am not sure if it's cause of concern. If anyone has similar experience of teeth not coming out in conventional order, please let me know. Did a quick search on internet but didn't find anything. TIA!
hi mummies - xoxo, shugar, funzee, astro, angelina, tien & all who has replied me (sorry, a bit lost after a few days...) thks for all ur advice & replies ;D

went for a weekend getaway wif my gf to batam, spa n shopping... heehee.. not a posh resort but at least a nite of zzz without bb cries!
back to reality now thou!

oh yes, i went to view The Playhouse @ Rochester last week. Is a relatively new place so it looks rather clean. i like to concept of them having infant corner & adult/teens corner. Grd flr is for infants and upstairs they hv WII, playstation & wifi. makan is at the garden area, quite like the place except for price & parking...

still considering...dunno izit really worthwhile to spend almost $2k for his 1 yr bday?? or juz do with family members? bottomline is to hv a happy celebration & hope he can hv some fun but dunno will he lor...

Oh, seems like a few of ur bb start growing teeth ya. mine has not, is it normal?

btw, do u mums hv regular meetups huh? if possible, i like to meet up with u all too
mine oso still boh-geh. Nothing to worry abt it yet. Another forum fren only has her son's 1st tooth sprouting only at 17 or 18 mos. Then again, the doc was not worried but she was so happy when her boy finally had his pearlies.

So nice to go on a short holiday!

I hv seen xoxolight's photos at the Rochester playhse and it looks really nice. haven had a chance to check it out though.

Tts the usual order but then again I think no cause for concern bah.
Funzee: regarding your question on teething pattern - Riona also had the same thing as A. she got her lower 2 central incisors first. Followed by upper 2 lateral incisors and 1 of the central incisor. the remaining 1 of central incisor took another 15-20 days to appear. I did check with the dentist at that time and he mentioned that it is ok. just asked me to make sure that we brush her teeth and not to feed her milk while sleeping....I'm unable to follow this as Riona has to drink milk and go to sleep while drinking...

Can someone let me know how to break my girl's habit of taking thumb....Offlately it has increased soooooooo much, that I get irritated to the core!! specially at night - she has to have her thumb full time in the mouth to sleep!! Pls help!!
jRRt > when my dentist says it's not unusual for the first tooth to cut at 18mo, i was really surprised. now that i hear first hand that this is possible..hahaha, u know what..i hope dre doesn't get her first teeth till much later! i have been dreading what's gg to happen with the bfg bit since she latches...all my attempts to get her on the bottle has been scuttled. so....heh....the later the better! Rochester not bad..i love their cupcakes..ok, irrelevant pt.. :p

Vin > u know those 3M surgical tape for skin? stick one around her thumb... but thumb sucking is a self-soothing measure..so it'll probably be around for some time..
jrrt: Rochester is not bad! i like the play area. but the private party room for me... a bit cannot make it for the price tag we have to pay! :p hehehhe. their cakes and pastries are good. but their main menu is so-so only and yes, parking sucks! hahahaha.... but, really nice play room! :p
Hi mummies,

Just want to check with your ladies, how do I stop breastfeeding? I intend to stop when Nathan turns 1 year old so that I can plan my holiday next year...
hi all..
cheery day for teng to school again today, slightly tearing (but he controlled kind) on my departure so no big fuss..
yh however was screaming his head off last night.. and occasionally thru the night.. morning also. normally he wakes smiling.. today.. scream like nobody's biz :S

2 possible causes: teething.. i thought i felt a sharp bit on upper gum.. applied dentinox, but still cried after that :S

or something wrong with his penis. Ellie said 'swollen'.. btut i stared at it. i think it looks normal leh.. and he doesn't cry all the time.. but occasionally he screams suddenly like in great pain.. wah biang.. i worried he uti again. but not fever.. haiz.. then miser said.. he saw a bit red on the underside.. let's pray that it is only abrasion (and hence it is painful when in contact with urine) and not UTI..:S

mum and ellie bringing him to dr ong's at 10am plus.. v sian.. i on standby for class.. can't take leave.. lagi sian now not activated.. but they already enroute .. :S duh..

sian. gloomy now .. :S

Joyce: gradually lengthen the intervals between pumping.. and for each pump.. pump lesser than you normally do.. so that u can gradually drops the feeds without serious engorgement..
glass: just got called up by the PD.. she did a dip test at her clinic.. excess white blood cells.. which indicate uti. she very sure liao but nonethelss sent the sample to hospital for analysis.. then she said better get back to the specialist again.. bally was supposed to go for a DMAS (inserting dye up the blood stream to check for kidney scarring from UTIs). but didn't go cos we thought he had a bit of fever.. but end up he was ok.. so now had to make appt.. and i dunno to see the specialist first.. or do the test first then see specialist coz that takes time.. aiya. sian!

i am reading on circumcision now :S.. coz pd's said his foreskin a bit tight.. and given he was cleared earlier of any urinary reflux. the tight foresekin could be the cause of this UTIs again.. haiz.. i super grey now
Wah, circumcision. That's a big step to consider. It's probably less painful when they are babies than when they are older.

So serious, must do so many tests. Heart pain.
Oh dear. Astro, hope Teng will be ok soon.
Glass, hope Elgin will be fine too.

Hey Vin & xoxo, thanks for sharing the info. OK, at least I know it's not like she doesn't have that other front tooth!

Since I returned to work, have not been able to see Amelie. By the time we get home, she's already asleep! And it's not like I am working late. Somehow, when I work, she sleeps even earlier than usual! Soon, we'll be strangers.

Today, I was reading in Mind Your Body that cuddles is good for baby. Makes them more confident as adults. So sad, as it is I don't get to see her. And I can't even pick her up to cuddle her. If I try to hold her while I am sitting down, she just squirms away. Sigh.

Vin: A also sucks thumb but I've decided to give in to her. I tried the pacifier a few months ago but she didn't take well to it. Anyway I decided that she could have that self-soothing method since it helps her to sleep. Besides, I was told that I was a finger sucker myself, so I guess it's partly genetic. LOL.
re: cleaning teeth

mummies here are cleaning baby's teeth / tooth? i have never cleaned belle's teeth leh.. and i think its been like a few months since i cleaned her tongue. erm, is this sthg i need to take note of ah?
hi miemie: I'm using those rubber finger caps thingies to clean Sam's teeth. Its good to start early and get them used to the idea of teeth cleaning/brushing. and now when they are taking solids food its good to get rid of any little food particles stuck between their teeth.

On the topic of teeth, my cousin just brought her 3.5YO girl to the dentist to patch holes found in her teeth. Gee, didnt think so early can get tooth decay already! (that set her back almost $300.)
mie > u ought to clean her gums (before she has teeth) and once she has her first tooth, to use either the finger brush or a fine bristled toothbrush and do the necessary. you can ask your dentist. i spoke to mine and he shared plenty of info abt this. baby caries (cavities and decay of the teeth) is actually a fairly common occurrence and is devastating cos if bb develops them, they lose their teeth and this has consequences for their maxillofacial development that impacts their self-esteem, speech and face structure! there are sugars in milk, juice and food that u need to ensure do not build up...scary mary topic..but good to fear these so we be vigilant. The link to Q&M dental that i posted sometime back on this forum has info. Have a look.
toothpaste > most bb toothpaste contains milk! i didn't realise that till my own dentist told me so. Dre's allergic to cow's milk so i was fretting abt this till the same dentist say bm actually has lactoferrin that protects the tooth enamel. haha, i didn't want to venture and ask him if that meant i can use bm for toothpaste! :p .. so for mummies still on bfg, that's one extra pt to consider to continue to try and do so, no matter how hard it is. but if u are still bfg, all the more u need to ensure that you do not have any cavities in your own teeth as u can pass on the condition to your baby! now, i didn't know that!! so good to know yah..
Gemson: Hi there! I use it without toothpaste coz now the babies do not know how spit out the toothpaste and I don't really want to develop the habit of swallowing toothpaste. Asked PD abt this he said its ok to just brush their gums with the finger cap for now.
<font color="0000ff">Collect Sgp Coins Minted in 2009:</font> Hey mommies - I'm Apr 09 mom. Dunno if u noticed bt Sgp Mint has released for circulation e 10, 20, 50-cent &amp; $1 coins minted in 2009. I've collected 2 add 2 my boy's memory box. I also collected for my gal those minted in her yr of birth (2007) -- tho in dat yr I tink dint hv 50-cent coins. Anyway, thot I share &amp; c if any other mom wanna collect 4 ur own bb. Bt I'm nt sure if ovr e yrs e shininess wl tarnish... My B1's 2007 set stl ok so far
Hi mummies,

JS went for 2nd hearing test today. Hiaz..not pass for 2nd test leh.He cannot sit still and make noise once enter the room.Then the polyclinic refer him to KK wor.. said did not pass the hearing. 1st time test last week said right got response then left don have ask me to come back today. Then now test said right got response but left don have. Then direct issue letter refer to KKH. Sian...Any recommend Private clinic can do the test?
For mommies who wanna hang out together but without hubbies &amp; your little ones, I find a pretty good place..

I went for a massage at G Spa. At $138 + 7% GST for a 1.5hr body massage, you can enjoy the spa facilities too. I think it's pretty worth it, but must be prepared to spend one whole day there to really maximise the dollar value. The plus point there is the complimentary bar &amp; buffet, it's FOC!!! They cook for you only when you place an order from the service staff, and free flow of fruit juices too!!!!!

Just something for sharing...
Hi mummies need some advice.
Am planning a short holiday to Bali with hubby and 10 mth old baby.
Anyone ha any experience with Bali? Is there anything I shld look out for other than bottled drinking water?
Bringing formula milk and diapers to last the trip. Maybe cereals too.
wondeing if safe for him to waddle in salt water pool?
Stayin in sort of bungalow type of hotel but not high end type. In ubud.
Any advice appreciated
Finger cap: I got mine at some kiddy shop in Thomson Plaza (2nd floor) at about $2.90. Think it's just silicone. A likes having her gums/teeth brushed. I dunno if I am doing it properly, cos my finger is kinda big compared to her mouth! Just try to do what I can.

I think at this age no need toothpaste, and if using, must not have flouride.

Today I managed to catch A before she went to bed. She smiled when I came home but when I caught her for a hug, she grumbled and crawled away. Sigh! I think A doesn't like cuddles. My husband and I concluded that she likes to be part of the action - see people, be included, but doesn't like being cuddled. I hope it's not a sign of something. Ugh.

vodkarib: Ubud is in the more moutainous area right? Maybe bring a light sweater for him as it may get a little cool. I am guessing salt water pool should be OK as it should be no different from going to the beach? Check out this discussion: http://forum.canadianparents.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&amp;Number=761127
Gemson: just curious, how was the test administered at the polyclinic? Did your baby do the newborn hearing test?

IMHO, I think you could just go to KK for the test. KK has a specialist section to do the test (as I described in my earlier post). My PD had also referred me to KK. If you see a PD, you still need to pay consultation and maybe get a referral whereas you could go straight to KK now. Just my thots.

Wishing you and your baby the best for the test.
Sorry to intrude. I have two boxes of BN Bellamy's Organic Rice Cereal (iron enriched) to sell for $11.50 inclusive of normal postage. Cereal expiry is 31 Jan 2011. PM me if interested.
wah..good info on toothpaste and teeth and cavaties.

JTS, my babe v fussy when come to bedtime of late. Then I googled and found out 9mo/10mo baby will be clingy coz separation anxiety coz start to recognise people.

Astro : hope bally cures soon.

:p any recommendation on a baby friendly with nice chinese food..round table type.
shugar: yup u r rite, the parking is sad @ Rochester. dunno if u aware thou, if u do party thr, they will provide valet svs for u. $3 per car. i've tentative book dat place, cos i like the overall concept

hey, ur bb really hv separation anxiety? At wat age will tis be shown? My bb 9 mths liao, but i find dat he not clingy to me leh... even thou i'm d only one taking care of him since i'm SAHM.

btw, any of u noe whr can find nice mickey mouse cake besides bengawan solo?
funzee :enter the room, mother or father carry baby sit in front then they throw 1 object infront let baby look and then start the machine sound beside thier ear, see baby got turn back or not when hear the sound.There is low and high sound.My boy din sit still keep look back. Then they said not pass refer him to KKH. I saw other baby also cannot pass and refer to KKH.Somemore the appointment at KKH is on 18/10..Just rite after my son birthday on 17/10. My hubby said the polyclinic test is rubbish. So we try to monitor till Oct see how. Coz @ home call his name,phone ring and on music he got response.
Hi, Gemson. My son was refer to KKH since he was 3 month old for is hearing test. Doc did mention to me that to get an accurate result the baby need to be sleeping. Thus he told me that he will do a GA on him after he turn one in Sept. Fyi his right hearing is not normal. So for your case, you need to go to KK to let them assess. No point go to pd as he or she will refer you to KK. As the hospital has the equipment to test the hearing.
Kd did his 9 mth old DA today at the polyclinic and they did the hearing test. I realised need to b quiet cos the machine will make 3 sounds high, middle and low pitch and repeated at left and right to see if bb will turn head or not. Seriously some pitches me myself oso can hear well. Haha.

Then! I request to see a doc cos I wanna get some medication for kd. And told the doc kd coughing for 3 wks Liao gave med for 2 wks no better. So ordered a xray and found alot of shadows which indicate chest infection. So I got referred to nuh children a&amp;e. And KD is admitted now. Sigh!
Ahhh so much to read!!!!!!!

Charlotte 2nd tooth is cutting through and both are crooked like the dad!!! WAH LAO!!! almost everything takes over him... tsk tsk!!! Not good!!!

Anyway i still clean her gum/tongue/teeth using a gauze towel. But i just bought 2 pkt of spiffies but find it really sticky and sweet! and i think it's really some syrup! eeek dont like!

Do you think it's better for me to get the finger cap as most of you are using? is the brush too harsh for their little gum?
KD's Mommy > Luckily you went to seek further med advice for KD's cough...chest infection is serious but hopefully it's not too bad and KD can recover very soon. Hang in there..

Gemson > The hearing test done on yr babe sound very much like the Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VSA). I am sure Mt Alvernia has the SSEP/ABR equipment - Dre herself did the ABR at Mt Alvernia if that is of any help for you to know. Maybe the question to ask WRT your referral to KKH is what type of audio function tests are they going to do and call up a shortlist of private ENT specialists to ask whether they can do such a test at the various private hospitals. That way, maybe you can get an earlier appointment (within this week) and have this issue resolved to your satisfaction. This is a good link to understand the various tests involved. After reading it, I believe there are several components that are at play to gauge hearing responsiveness - from middle ear response all the way to vestibular competencies. http://www.singhealth.com.sg/PatientCare/ConditionsAndTreatments/Pages/HearingTests.aspx. Has a polyclinic doctor seen your babe to exclude any middle ear infection?
PY > I use http://toothtissues.com/. Not sweet and syrupy at all. Only prb is they are blardy expensive. I am srsly contemplating whether i can ask u to do a spree for this..*wink*...costs $15 at Guardian for *gasp* 30 wipes!!!! Scandalous if u ask me!

Funny thing is, Dre has no teeth and I am using this??? Cranky right? Figured I wanted to get her used to it. Personally I am picky abt dental hygiene so I fully intend to get her to clean up/brush after every meal - whether taken home or outside. So the finger brush now after breakfast and night; wipes during lunch. Dre likes the finger brush..no leh, not harsh at all..don't press down..just gently sooth over the gums..
funzee> *take our the pom pom* hahaha, so glad u managed to catch A in time!! Sometimes, I think we really have to battle our own little amazing races just to get home and be with the little one. Kudos to you but do take care of your recovering back!

slings/carriers > with dre's increasing weight, i can no longer cope with bjorn...she has thunder thighs for her small frame and the squirming etc can be too much to handle. sprained my thumb on both hands and now, the index finger too. pain in them is keeping me up at night now...gtg and see some tie da tomorrow! anyone has any idea which carrier/sling next?
Tooth tissue:
I ordered mine from http://www.iherb.com/Tooth-Tissues and is less than 10 including shipping. If anyone wants let me know cos I m ordering again to replenish. They also have some other great organic bb products as well like earth friendly baby etc. Cheaper than in sg.

Regarding my son hosp:
Damn angry leh! Dunno where to start! I did bring my son to see the pd before I landed in hosp w kd having chest infection! Pd is at kidslink at jurong east. He said kd is 1st Wk cough, 2nd week prolong due to allergy ( cos last time he said Kd is sensitive skin n has ezema and will prone to asthma etc) he say if continue coughing for another 2 wks then come bk again. If not for my "itchy backside" to decide to ask to see the doc at the polyclinic while doing the DA to get more (&amp; cheaper) med for kd, we will nv have done the xray to know of the infection!! And yes! To me lungs being infected sounds serious cos that has to do w breathing!! Hw can anyone take it lightly even if it's "common and normal"??? Wats common to have chest infections in children and hw can pple say is normal man! It's not asthma leh! And we dun even know if it's contagious?!! Now in hosp they treat it as contagious first n isolate us. Suspect every possible virus n ordered the tests. If it's H1n1 then contagious n me n hb would probably caught it too. If it's others than ok... But guess wat? We are kept in the isolated ward n this ward is not even meant for babies or children! I noticed is all adults in the other rooms. N the nurses are all so drawn to my room cos they like nv see a baby before and each time they come in, they took their own sweet time to go out and wanna play w KD even at this blardy hour!! but kd is so wary of strangers (let alone we are now talking abt strangers in masks and especially they are the same pple who take the blood twice, took his nose swap samples etc) kd is fussing like dunno wat n I m soooo tired now! I m angry cos isolated wards means everyone got some probs Right? I fear the central system air conditioning will bring in some dunno wat virus to kd n the nurses too might carry from others patients n they do not even wear the disposable protective gowns n kept touching kd faces n hands etc. I m paranoid Now cos KD despite being coughing for 3 weeks was very active no fever and fusses only lil! So scare that the hospitalization is a wrong move n made him sick instead! N angry w hb cos he everytime wants the pd or hosp to be near cos to him distance n convenience soooooo impt but I feel having a good and trustworthy doc n good environment being more impt for kd!!!! 我的天啊!now I just feel like boiling when I m suppose to get myself well rested as kd is finally asleep now! In case u wondering, I m at nuh lo! The docs different every time n each time ask me different qns like "so... He fever for 3 weeks right?"!!!!! HELLO!!!!! nv even read the report properly!!!!! I angry man!!! N our room just outside the nurse station and the nurses occasionally will burst out in laughters or having loud inter-conversations among themselves n kd kept stirring cos so noisy.
Ear tests:

I wanna add on that the polyclinc nurse who did the hearing test said that no need to clean war wax for bbies. If need be, just clean the outside only. Cos if parents attempt to clean inside will push the earwax in deeper. Some babies failed the hearing in one direction is cos of earwax. So need to chk the ears for wax cos might not be serious like infection or something wrong. So gemson, I think dun worry too much just go Kk to see the specialist meant for CHILDREN, I feel dun need to go look for a private ENT specialist . (ok I m grouching n sharing my experience cos I feel it's disastrous when the specialist or doc is not in the area of pediatric cos many things could b different)

Side track: I m really very groughy and angry now cos I m so tired and upset at the way things are being done! Going to argue w the hb tmr Liao! Over y we shld haf went to a better PD or KK instead of the blardy NUH!
KD Mommy > i concur with yr fears...i will go ballistic. why did the poly refer to NUH instead of KKH? but having said that, the tests take some time to revert so that's why the docs are ordering so many at one go? chest infection, not so bad is bronchitis, really bad case is pneumonia..but i doubt it since KD is active w/o fever. regardless, chest infection cannot take it lightly and shld nip in the bud. if u see the nurses handling KD w/o washing their hands, maybe u can request them to do so? no need to give face..just say, "sorry, can u wash yr hands first?" they shld understand...i would emerge from the room, deliberately bleary-eyed and grumpy and say "SSSSSHHHHHHH!" hehehe...chill chill..don't get mad, get even.

hmm...u know my gist with KKH right? how they nearly fed dre meds not meant for her...? so unless i am really forced to, which i hope i would never be in that position, i would never step foot into that place. their A&amp;E for kids is an absolute nightmare! u'd leave shaking with fear...full of coughing, crying, high-fever children etc etc.

Get well soon KD!!!

cheer up!!
heaty ears > on this earful topic...just a thought. Dre's impacted earwax prb began when i started her on solids. after reviewing the diet, felt it was "heaty"...so i began to try to balance and give her more fruits and sips of water more frequently. seems to help. this, together with a much cleaner living environment..... and i am still using the ear drop to soften the earwax every now and then...the gunk just trickles out easily. best part is, using just a smear of it cleans her outer ear of any build-up, dried skin super easily. i am beginning to sound like a clean freak... o_o
KD's mommy: I am so sorry to hear about KD's chest infection. Is it possible to have KD transferred to a children's ward instead? I totally understand what you mean about not having rest in hospital cos people keep coming in to check on you, even during the wee hours of the night! Let's hope they can give you a proper diagnosis (and hope it's nothing serious) so that you can get it treated. Hope you can be discharged and rest at home. Poor thing! ((HUGS))

xoxo: you never fail to amaze me with your knowledge. You're like the in-house expert in this thread. Dre is lucky to have you as a mum! And yes, you sound like you are particular - but that's only because you want to bring Dre up in the best possible way.

I was supposed to go to the My Gym trial today but will be asking to re-schedule cos my hubby is sick.

Gemson: I think the test at the ENT specialist at KKH is similar - just that instead of playing the sounds out loud, baby puts on earphones.

Joyce: what is GA ah?

And oh, I don't bring my baby to poly for DA. I only bring A to see the PD for injections, and that is when the PD will do the DA. Is this OK?

Finger cap: No le, it's not too hard. It's pretty soft and I think it's quite soothing when their gums are itchy from teething. A likes to bite it.
Joyce : Thks for the infor. Ya yesterday try to call PD and they said same thing to me..anything will refer to KKH. So my mum ask me don waste time juz go KKH check lor..Do you remember roughly how much for the test?

Funzee : GA is like total make bb sleep.
