(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Yes next fri test again see how the result.If still fail might go hosp check better.Haiz..

jRRt : Ok Ok now more n more relax leh..aiyoh..my aunt always want to scared me. Said most bb at this age got response when on TV. Keep ask me y mine one no response is funny wor..But indeed her 2 kids very tv addict.

it takes time to train them to become TV addicts! hahaha. actually on hindsight its not a bad thing they r not TV addicts!

I was thinking who is this Charlottemum and then i saw "sweetzinc" behind and thot it rings a bell! then realised its u lah!

I saw ur FB status! The supplier super sotong! Sent to TW! and i can imagine u r being hounded by the mummies 4 their orders! So how will u deal wif the excess?
just checking out with those who had bought the pupsik mon petit jardin nursing poncho sometime ago in our forum BP....if you'd like to let go of it, name a gentle price. i have a friend keen to buy it as a 2nd hand. thanks.
Ilovemax : ya, think needs to make it clear with the helper on what we want. Especially when its involving with taking care of our baby

Jrrt : my hb's intention is more on joining the forum. He likes to read n give comment. Some people of moms who met him before will understand on his kepo-ness (in a cute way though)

PY : ya lor,I also confused with charlotte mum. But I know its u lah
although can be mistaken as candy white

Xoxo : forgot to ask, can I go for the mygym trial also? Would like to go there with shugar,n maybe py. how to be eligible for the trial?
angelina > i will pass yr contact (tog with PY's - matty's been given already)...they will reach u for the free trial. it's a member-get-member promo..if u gals sign up, i get a free class. but u don't hv to sign up at all if u don't want to. just go there and see if it's something u want to enjoy as a once-off or do u want to have it as a commitment for the bb's enjoyment.
Xoxo : may I know what's is mygym? What's the difference with gymboree?
Btw I sent message to u on whatsapp. Did u get it?
Thanks a lot for the trial
Gemson: Actually, besides the newborn hearing test, I brought A to another hearing test when she was older - after she turned 6 months. Cos I noticed twice that she did not startle at loud sounds when she was between 1 and 2 months old - sounds which startled me and my helper. I was so scared. Told the PD and she said she would refer me to specialist after bb turns 6 months. By the time she turned 6 months, I noticed that A seemed to recognise songs as she would smile at familiar ones. But nonethless I went to KKH for another hearing test to be doubly sure. This one was different. We had to go to 2 very quiet, sound proof rooms. I went into one with her - the first one they put ear phones on her and tested her response. The second one my husband went in and they had a toy train and another distraction and they observed if she reacted to the oncoming train. She passed. I didn't tell my family members about this other test cos I didn't want them to worry. I was so worried and stressed that I was on the verge of tears when I brought her for the test. So, I totally understand your concerns.

Don't worry about the reaction to TV. A used to like to watch TV when she was very small - think when they are <3 months the light just attracts them. Now if I play a kiddy disc for her she loses interest after 5 mins! Dunno good or bad lah, but don't use that as a measurement.

All the best for the 2nd test.

Tien: I clicked the link but the outfit doesn't look nautical leh. Are you referring to this instead? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=84201&amp;id=100001145056552#!/photo.php?pid=91390&amp;id=100001145056552&amp;fbid=116619528386215

I just want to thank all you mummies who have been so helpful with your suggestions on the outfits - Shugar, xoxo, Vin, and Tien (and any others who I may have left out). You ladies are so helpful!
Oh, sorry, wanted to ask - any teething gels to recommend? Are they useful? A is teething so quite uncomfortable sometimes.
hi all mummies!

Am Jesslyn, a full time mummy taking care of my 8 mth plus bb boy.
Juz join this forum and like to meet new mummies here. so pls feel free to reply me.

btw, saw a few threads talkin on bday party. am planning to do my boy 1st yr party at Dempsey Go-Go Bambini. Any feedback/comments?

pls let me noe
funzee: i'm using dentinox
can get off the shelves from pharmacy~

It just gives a numbing effect for like a few minutes. hah tried it on myself before. ~
angelina > haha..yes i received your whatsapp! dre slept at 7pm and i slept with her...havoc timing. now i am wide awake and so is she! why??? cos we put on the wrong diaper for her..soaked to the max and babe was awoken. wish me luck -_-...

this is just my personal opinion...
went for gymboree when dre was 4mths and basically, there was a component of freeplay that went on for almost 20mins. i felt that that proportion of time was long for a paid lesson. but what turned me off was, prior to the "parachute" activity, a fellow bb peed on it and the instructor allowed the lesson the carry on - without changing the parachute. so pee was dripping on all the bbs' heads! i felt that was appalling...no offence, but the instructor at tanglin gymboree was filipino and i had trouble understanding her accent..last bit, there was just one instructor to a class of almost 11 babes..

mygym..ok, i won't toot its horn too much here. it's not perfect. but at least for every lesson whether it's 5 babes or 10, you get 3 dedicated instructors who are very eager to help u and advise u. they teach some moves u can practise at home (i am too lazy) and the 45mins lesson is quite packed with different activities from bars to swings to music/movt etc. i am quite happy with it. it suits us and i think Dre enjoys it when she isn't placed on the swing! haha. erm..and there's a freeplay bit - u get to go to the centre for one freeplay session outside of class...so that means i get a complimentary playground..gymboree doesn't have that.

location wise, mygym is more accessible for me than gymboree...so there..

come for the free play (though it shld be quite far for u)...let me know when u are all scheduled..i will gatecrash! hahaha... :p
mygym vs gymboree vs little gym
been to all three gyms.. (ya.. exaggerating.. i know :S).. to add on. gymboree.. hmm after a while.. it loses its appeal.. on a scale of engagement.. i rank.. little gym, mygym then gymboree.. mygym.. is ok.. but if wanna hear better english and more make belief kind.. and more room for bbs to roam.. and try those gymnastic stunts (high beam.. vault.. monkey bar..etc).. the little gym is more suitable..

xoxo: 45 mins in mygym. i didn't know what to do with bally.. coz he wun sit still! so unlike Bao who just sat thru (irregardless how long)in all his classes! and i can't be letting him crawl freely where all is sitting in a circle.. end up i always chasing after him.. much to his displeasure.. and he hates all those gadgets.. scream lagi loud when strapped to the swing! haiz.. he loves admiring his reflection in the mirror the most lah..

pity the little gym no free trial.. else can arrange something too! can't believe.. till now i still haven't go to a class with the oct bbs with bally! what is this??.. !#@#$%$#%@$.. argh..

the best i can possibly do is to sign bally up for the littlegym.. then they have a 'bring a fren week'.. then can only get ONE kid to go with bally.. wah liew.. so pathetic! :S

welcome jesslyn..
for the viewing pleasure of mummies not on my FB:


a happy and smily bally admiring his reflection at mygym. once the lesson starts, everything just spiralled downhill!
(never seen him crying that hard all these 8 mths!)
Hi mummies!
Wah! Lovely to see newcomer to the forum. Hi hi Jesslyn!

Astro: Long time no hear or see too!!! And what's with the new cheena name?

Ilovemaxmax: Hey girl, thanks for sharing. Same as you, I was initially concerned how I am going to share the love I have for #1 with #2. But my friend told me that, there's no such thing as splitting the love. When #2 comes along, you just learn to grow your love. So, I am really keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to do so. And honestly, I think it's good for yx cos she will have a didi or mei mei to grow up together with especially when she has no cousins of the same age. Kinda looking forward to how she will interact with #2. In the meantime, I am really trying to spend as much time as I can with her before the need to divide attention comes.

Jrrt: hahaha take it that you rsvp! Details in msg when nearer to date.

Re: Gym
I think I am really one lazy mum when it comes to that. Supposed to go mygym (paisay hippo and xoxo) but our weekends are alwasy filled with uncertainty. Sometimes my hubby wants to go back to my IL on sat, sometimes he will change his mind to do back on sun. So when it comes to weekends, time is not in my control unless I tell him way way in advance, which is also not my style.

Hmmm...the part on continuing the play despite a bb peed on the parachute is not very appealing to me. I would have complain straight away. But the only thing I will go to gymboree for is probably for the free play bit. Just that in my current state, I really need hb to be around.

But I guess it's really time to start her on such gym sessions as she is really crawling and climbing like nobody's business. Bet she will have fun climbing over obstacles at the gyms.
Xoxo, astro, Tien: Thanks! sorrry if i;m a little slow here cos i'm totally new to forum. N plus my bb boy Reagan is really an attention seeker, always gotta b 24/7 him. Dunno if ur bb like mine too.

btw, can i noe all of ur bb gender? n how old r they? any of u like me, a stay home mum? hee...

oh yes, i've tried gymboree trial class @ tanglin mall. i juz felt dat is nt quite helpful. there was abt 10 bb n 1 teacher. dunno izit dat class only or me, seems like all bb/parents are rather passive n independent, not really interactive. i tot such class shld b more lively n interactive. Does not seems like it. the 15 min free play was worse, all parents juz plany quietly with their own bb, dont really seems wanna open up n make frens...funny...

as for my boy, he seems expressionless, neither enjoy nor dislike so i din sign up the class eventually!
爱而丝他若 > wahahahha...that "fren" is also your fren leh! pls tell that to Yvonne ASAP!!!! She will make a grab for your sky poncho!

tien > embrace the new addition! it would be a unique experience whether it occurs now or later! someone once said to me, with the first we are blur, with the second we are busy, with the third we become blessed...it gets easier and easier. have faith and take all these with an open heart! see u around soon..

jesslyn > hmm..u are not sotong_mum? haha..u shld meet sotong soon...her son's also called Reagan! :p mine's Dre and she's a gal (though at times I really think she is not!) SAHM..there are many here - charlottemum, angelina, shugar for e.g. i cannot be considered 100% SAHM though. what's Reagan's birthdate? are u looking after him alone? or with domestic help, ILs etc?
tien: hey! hahaha. lame lah. one day my other thread mums all started giving ourselves chinese names. mine sounds so cool hor? :p hahahah

jesslyn: bally is Rayan.. turning 9 mths on 27 July.. hmm.. he is a boy. .. but can be girlish.. this thread would tell u the existence of renee! hahaha.. :p used to be SAHM with older boy. now working..

xoxo: oh. yvonne hah? for her sis?
oic oic...

thks for all your reply!

can i oso noe if u mums hv any specific timing coming on line here? i try come in too if possible ;)

Xoxo: sotong? hope m not... so coincidence ya, another reagan! how old is he ya? Mine is turning 9 mths today. his bday is 22 oct. dats y planning his party.. dunno any of u any idea? i'm lookin him alone dats y so bz... used to hv maid wif MIL but CMI. then put him IFC oso CMI (keep falling sick).. long story short, i stay home n take care myself lor...

Astro: oh, so u back to work.. wats ur preference huh? SAHM or ?
jesslyn > hahaha, i didn't mean u are sotong. i meant, there's already a mum on this forum called sotong_mum! (hey sotong_mum..please say hi) :p

oh, happy ninth to reagan! uh, same as gemson..i catch no ball with yr acronyms..what's CMI and IFC?

gal > astro is a live wire or haywire? corny..haha..*siams*
Hi hi!!

I hear you xoxo keke

Hi Jesslyn,

I'm Sotong_mum! My baby Reagan is 9months 15days today! Talking about his party... My hubby and me still can't agree on the venue
Dunno where this will lead to. This sweetzinc is stressing me up!

I used to be SAHM too but is now back to work. In fact now in office waiting for my Golden Pillow dinner to come.

I'm more like a slient reader here cos not good at words, rather stay at the side line.

Astrio your new nick cool!
Hi Jesslyn

I'm going to make a guess what the acronyms mean. I think IFC is infant care. And CMI is can't make it. The second one I just learnt recently.

Unlike most of the mummies here, my baby Amelie was born in Sept - so she is already turning 10 mths soon! Her EDD was 10/10 but she came 2 weeks early.

As for go go bambini, I've only been there once. I just think that it is not so suitable for babies of this age. I think it will be more suitable for them when they are older. My humble opinion.

Astro: my Chinese is so bad that I can't read 3rd word. Oops....
Jeslynn : hai hai,happy 9monthsary to reagen. I'm a full Sahm , think most of us here planned for the Birthday ourself . Ofcourse with the help from other mums as well. My son is Josh n his an energizer bunny. Super tired everyday just playing with him
Quick question : for all the moms that weaned their baby already, was not eating or taking fm is part of the process? Super headache with Josh nowadays. I've been trying to weaned him off for a week plus. N he's been rejecting food n fm ever since, not that he drank fm before. But he even don't have any appetite at all. Very scary! Just wondering whether weaning off is the reason all this problem
xoxo/gal: i am a live wire gone haywired...*straight face*

Gal: it is pure crap. the nick..:p coz it is a literal translation from the sound.. it all started coz one mum wanted to learn how to type in chinese on computer.. and she went 铁丝丁,铁丝丁。。一,二,三。。。。 then we went sot doing sound translations of our nicks.. so there u go! :p

funzee: it is si, first tone..

jesslyn:.. hmmm i like working more.. coz i drove everyone crazy when i had my first staying at home.. but tiring to work and look at the boys at the same time..

Sotong: how have u been? hahaha. ur nick for me even cooler.. 'astrio'.. :p

hmmm.. u gals able to figure out what is '铁丝丁,铁丝丁。。一,二,三。。。。'? :p
angelina: are u still latching josh?
rejecting fm.. yes part of the process.. coz breastfed bb too used to latching and rejects the foreign taste of fm...

as for food.. if he is on direct latching.. it could be he is drinking excessively.. hence no appetitie for food..

if he is bottle fed.. then he could be over tired. coz when bbs are over tired. they dun feed well..

what was his height/weight percentile at the last PD check?
jesslyn: happy 9th month to reegan!
that makes him the third youngest here.. second younget ismy bally.. and the youngest is paige!
no time see paige's mama posting liao lor..
铁丝丁,铁丝丁。。一,二,三 is testing testing 1-2-3!
爱而丝他若 = a lateral translation from astro pro? hahahaha

then wad's mine?
oops! sorry for using those unfamilar acro...
And yes, Funzee got them ritez!
CMI- Cannot make it
IFC - infant care centre

Thanks mummy angelina, since our bb around the same age. maybe u gals can enlighten me. My reagan is oso a Duracell battery lor, lasnite he was awake till 11plus pm then willing to go zzzz... daytime, he can juz nap 30 min. now cos he can crawl, he is goin round the house sweeping down all my things like books, coasters, remote, etc... (faint)

Funzee: i've not went to see d bambini, only enquire. din wanna do at home, cos space limitation &amp; plus oso lazy to clean up the mess thereafter (hee...) most my frenz hv got kids so tot find a place dat can oso cater to them. wat hv u shortlisted huh??

My boy likes mickey mouse (MM), so am thinkin of having a MM theme party &amp; cake!
miemie.. hmmm 米米.. muahahhahaha.
yep.. u got it.. testing testing 1 2 3!

hmm xoxo's wld sound really corny.. xoxolight, wld u fancy a new nick? ---->卓卓赖!!!

whahhahha. sot again moi.
Lol! Damn funny!! Forum alive again when astro strikes! Haha 爱而丝他若 is just astro only! Not even have pro inside. It will be 爱而丝他若破!哈哈哈!




Guess what's all theses man!!!

Really sot Liao!
Astro! I rem u cut Bally botak after KD! How come Bally got so much hair!!! Envy! Haha so thick! KD has alot of hair when born but after I cut botak once his hair seems to get finer and finer! Hair alot but can see his scalp! Looks botak!
Mie: night ! U are a smart girl! Haha

饭奇 funzee


洁儿生 gemson!ok.... Abit 勉强!

水晶! sweetzinc

Guess what's all theses man!!!

Really sot Liao!
爱而丝他若破 > wahahaha...aiyoh, where got "赖", it should be "亮“ 》》 卓卓亮 *ahem*..much better! but still silly.

Jesslyn > welcome to the Energizer-Bunny-Tortured-Mummy Club. So far, I am a kindered friend with Angelina cos our babes don't sleep much. This means the caregiver has to be on alert mode thru'out..*fizzle* This has been going for god-knows-how-long. Is it normal? The PD says, can't give sleeping med, and if the mummy is plain hopeless at putting them to sleep..so be it. Does it affect their growth? Dre is an ikan bilis. She is at 15-25th percentile (but counting the fact that her parents are also ikan bilises...fine). But she doesn't fuss, doesn't cry w/o napping at all so I suppose she feels good abt her sleep or lack thereof. Maybe, just maybe, her small size and all is a result of insufficient rest. I would never know.

At first, I badly wanted her to nap cos I was trying to get some scattered rest myself. But slowly, I have gotten used to it. Dre wakes in the morning at 9-10am and stays awake till the time she sleeps at night. I'd be lucky if she catnaps for 30min. This does happen though not frequently - maybe once a week.
