(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi ladies...

Cmg in here to get a bit of happy atmosphere...

爱而丝他若: U r one humorous mum I knw! So gd.. always keeping your spirits up... Unlike me... Im quite a paranoia nowadays... Always thinking of the negative sides even before things happen... Dunno if PND is back to haunt me??

Hi Jesslyn!
My girl is Charlotte. Same name as sweetzinc's girl. She's 9 mths, born on 14 Oct, same birthday as me! Well, while everyone has more or less selected the birthday theme for the grand first year celebration and into the preparation, I've not! Not really a party person but hubby insisted on a celebration for us.... and he's wants the Queen and Princess theme! But I think I just want to keep everything simple but meaningful..

Now a temporary SAHM... but Im beginning to miss work life... Keke..

Hi Jesslyn,
and welcome to the thread.
Its always nice seeing new faces!

Ah, your boy is Reagan! that makes 2 October Reagans
Cute! they shd meet each other. hehhee

My boy is a Sept baby... the thread's 'kor kor'. early just like Funzee's gal. EDD was on 1st Oct initially but he couldn't wait.
wahahahahaha I can't stop laughing! so pinkiemie, I should change to sotong_horse?!

爱而丝他若 I'm good! Happier since my helper came as I can go back to my swimming and outing with friends once in a while. So Angelina, do try your luck!

I dunno how to use my installed chinese! why it's not han yu pin ying?! Anyone know?


I should be getting in touch with you soon.... teacher's day coming... gotta plan!
WAH! So happening yesterday and I missed everything! *sulk* Even 冰奇米 dropped by! *sulk even more* Hmm maybe you shld be 咪咪? More graphic! *bleah*

Ting: 天(意)ah? Like so passe leh! I want stylo stylo one like Astro's!

Anyway, Jesslyn, envious that you are a sahm! But I think I can nv do that. I am too restless. Well well, my girl was a born on 20 Oct. A few days older than your boy. Some mummies know her as Yuxi some know her as BB Kay or Kayzilla. Currently 9 months too!

Candy_white: No need to miss work life lah. Nothing interesting int he industry now. Hahahha...maybe you can find some freelance to do!
Jesslyn : if ur idea is celebrating at places like go go bambini, then u can also check out gymboree, Rochester house, or liang court. Those places has the play area n usually the have package for birthday party . I reccomend u go there n take a look by urself, so u can see n knows what u want
Candy white : wah ur hb so cute leh, never think that prince n princess for a 1yo theme. I can imagine Charlotte will look so pretty in a princess dress
Xoxo : I forgot that Josh n Dre perfect for each other in the hyper active similarity. We really should meet each other very soon n let both of them play together. Yesterday Josh played quite active. Was hoping that he would sleep through the night. But unfortunately he was very active n refused to sleep
Hi Jesslyn,
My boy is JS.He 9 mths and born on 17 Oct. He also like Mickey Mouse. From birth till now everything mostly is mickey mouse. But don know he like or not..hehehe. We will have Mickey cake for his birthday. I have not plan anything yet for 1st birthday..Haiz..
Hi mommies - cannot believe that our babies will be reaching their one year mark shortly...time flies..

I wanted to check on your experiences. Are you considering or have decided or have given chickenpox vaccines to your little ones? If so, will this vaccine cause illness in little ones?
hihi jesslyn, welcome.

my gal Kaelyn is supposed to be an oct babe but cannot wait also. Her birthday is 29th sept, 2 weeks earlier than the EDD. She is another energizer bunny and definitely not a girly-girl. our birthday theme will most prob be pooh & friends.

i'm a FTWM, and hope i can be a SAHM soon to spend more time with my baby.
Yah.. hubby IS cute... he suggested the theme and also stated the condition that everything has to be in PINK!!... then after that leave all the planning to me... see.. that means Im planning for my own birthday celebration as well! Charlotte is not anywhere near girly. She's so active and can't sit still. She enjoys crawling the most! Maybe can dress her up and look like a princess but at the end of the day... her actions will tell u she's more like a prince! Haha... Oh ya.. let me try your chinese name... 安格力娜 (An Ge Li Na)... How's that? Can?

Wanted to do freelance work.. But hubby said it will take a lot of time away from our girl... Anyway, now I think Im busier looking for a new home to be nearer to my in laws. Hope to find one before my leave ends. Actually, we could have been in the process of doing up the reno for our new hm... Sigh... but met an agent who's so unethical to make use of our ignorance and play us out... There goes the unit which we like so much! Just our luck... so now the search continues.... Btw, congrats on the completion of your new home! Do invite me if you are holding a gathering there pls..

Try The Polliwogs @ East Coast... They have party packages and it will be fun if there are many children in your guest list. Can be ex thou...
Yep. Thks in advance!
I oso agree tt RN is crawling like nobody’s biz, which is why i am more keen to bring her to trials during this period. She loves to crawl and hates the walker for she likes to roam and take control. But coz she’s so light-weight, she falls easily and esp when my heavy-weight nephew comes over and juz smash her! LOL! The only thing that she wins hands-down – her thunderous cries for help!

RN’s trial is scheduled to be nxt Sun, 11ish am. Cant rem exact timing. We cant make it for 2.30pm slot. Its RN’s 2nd nap as well as my son’s. If u and hippo can meet us after our trial, will b great! Looking fwd to mtg the 2 ikan bilis babies (RN makes the 3rd ikan bilis) and the mommies!
Ur review on the gyms is useful!
Eeekkksss.... Gymboree is terrible for their hygiene! I wanted to go for the trial in tanglin mall but nvr went down to it. Sigh. And yep, noticed that there r fillipina trainers wif hard to understd accent!

I nvr use teething gels for both my kids. Juz chill the teethers and let them “munch” on it. Anyway i feel they will b cranky during teething, wif or w/o the teething gels.

I agree wif u! So far RN has yet to hv any trials wif oct babies and hardly met up wif the little ones till date. For my son, by the time he was 9 mos, we’ve attended nothing less than 10 trials and met up a lot of times wif his little frens.
Bally’s features changed so much! He’s so adorable! And looks heavy weight! My ikan bilis will look petite beside ur little hunk!

Wats wif all the Chinese names? U all are so creative! LOL!

冰奇米sounds like mickey mouse!
Hellos! Wah, within one night so many many posts! I am trying to enjoy my last couple of days as a "SAHM" before going back to work.

Just wanna share my experience re sleep. Some of you may recall that A was having major sleep issues, waking up in the middle of the night (3am+) and refusing to sleep unless someone was holding on to her and sleeping with her. Her naps were horrible - 30 mins and she'd wake up crying and still tired. Grand total of less than 10 hours of sleep per day. My helper also said that it was so hard to put her to sleep for her daytime naps as her body would be so stiff. So I did sleep training with her. I knew it was going to be tough for both her and the household, but I knew that it would be in everybody's interest. She would get the rest that she needed, which I feel is vital for her growth and devt, and everyone in the household would feel better. I set up a routine for her and did the gradual withdrawal method. The first night she cried, screamed and puked. She sobbed herself to sleep eventually and I cried too the moment I left her. But I am glad that I did it. Her sleep improved, though she's not hitting the "ideal" 14 hours. She enjoys her activities more, and the rest of us are also feeling better. Of course, this does not mean that life is perfect. She still fights sleep. She cries and fusses during her bedtime book and she will cry when she is put into the cot to sleep, but at least she is getting more hours of sleep. Just have to play with her and show her love during her waking hours. For those who are interested, can read up on a book by Andrea Grace which I borrowed from the library.

As for bday parties... oh well, don't fret too much! I have ever pulled off a party for myself within 2 weeks. So all of us have about 2 more months to go, can one! OK, one quick question - those of you who are inviting infants, are you going to have food for them too? Cos normal catering is for adults right?

Ting: thanks for the Chinese nick - sounds like weird rice? LOL.
funzee: my boy same. wake up at the midnite and cry when sleep his own playpen.It been hard time for us for a months. Then my mum went ask "so call god" coz she very traditional chinese. Said tat my son scared to sleep alone tat y in the midnite he saw we not around him, he scared then cry. So my mum ask me to let him sleep with parent so he will feel secured. I try for a 2 weeks is really works and he slept around 8.30pm till morning 6am. My mum said after 1yrs+ then train him sleep back playpen alone.. I don know whether I'm doing a right thing or not. I just want him to have good and enough sleep. I really hope 1yrs we can train him sleep alone.
Gemson: yah, it's really up to you whether or not you like this arrangement. For me, I can't have A sleep with me cos I had spine surgery and can't let her kick me. And I don't think it's healthy for my maid to be holding on to her to sleep (she will hold her and sleep in the armchair in A's room). I was very unhappy, and because I was concerned that she was not getting enough sleep so I decided to try sleep training. A also had the sleep problems for one whole month before I intervened.

If you are happy with the current arrangement, sure, carry on. But I think it also gets harder to teach them as they get older.
Dear mommies, wondering any of you facing the same problem as me. My baby used to sleep throughout the night probably a month ago, but now he constantly wakes up at leaset twice every night. Any idea what is the cause of the disturbed sleep? I've a working mum, and I takes care of him during the night. I desperately need a solution to resolve his sleeping issue. And for those who have gone thru something similiar, is this behaviour a short term one?

As for 1YO party, I've yet to do anything. Hubby is thinking of making it a small celebration between the families, however, I am hoping that it will be a party like celebration. Hubby does not mind having a crowded celebration, but I was shocked when told that the guests list will amount to abt 300, almost freaked out.. machiam like a wedding celebration.
Gemson, stlock15: Shugar & xoxo previously shared this with me: http://www.drspock.com/article/0,1510,3975,00.html
You might find it useful.

A used to sleep pretty well until she hit the 8th month, but she was assisted to sleep all the time. Then it all went haywire. For her case, cld be a combination of factors - separation anxiety setting in, wondering why mummy is home but not carrying/playing with her, wondering where the grandparents are - cos a lot of changes in my household then.

I think you have to figure out why your baby is waking up - is he/she being patted, rocked, assisted to sleep? If so, then baby will naturally need this assistance when they wake at night (and they do wake up!). Is there discomfort e.g. teething? After one month of sleeplessness, A's sleeping improved for a couple of nights - started waking at 5am+. It was about then that I started to do sleep training.

Even if you do decide to embark on sleep training, please bear in mind that it is emotionally difficult - on you and your family and during the first week you have to be prepared for night wakings and loud crying too. You do need a lot of determination and the people in the household to support you in this. Consistency is key. Using the Andrea Grace book, I drew up a plan and followed it. I think it really helped me.

Gemson: Use your instincts to tell you what to do.
BTW, I was the one who did the sleep training cos I can't carry her so I would never be tempted to carry her out of the cot. Also, after one month of me not carrying her, I think A knew that no matter how much she cried, she would never get me to carry her.
This thread abit sot. One moment it was so quiet, the next moment, it's a runaway train...haha.

Sotong_Horse > I missed yr reply ytd. How's work..has this return to the workforce been a good thing? Can arrange with Hippo to meet soon? Miss ya and Dre hasn't seen her buddy Reagan for ages!

jRRt > 11:15 class would end at noon..that's around Dre's lunchtime.... I'll liaise with u via phone closer to your trial...Dre won't sit still in the stroller and won't tolerate the sling either..so plcs i go to..i usually will have to give thought as to how to keep her entertained. oh yah, absolutely cham with shopping centres. she doesn't have a drop of a shopaholic's blood...

funzee > good to hear the worst of the battles at sleeptime are over. it's hard to make a good call of what's best. u are right. trust yr instincts. it must have been very tough coping like u did, with yr back prb...hope u are recovering very well..motherhood can be a great liability at times!

i think i am beginning to have a problematic thumb prolly cos of the way i handle the babe. gets really painful at times - i try to tahan, but i don't think that's the best way to deal with this prb.
Wow! Nice to hear that some mummies r seeing good progress with sleep training. Sad to say, me, despite being a 2nd time mum, still fail in this aspect. But i consoled myself that they will eventually outgrow this and it wun last forever. lame rite?
But i will nvr be able to overcome the baby crying out loud syndrome and so will not see any progress on this.

Other than tt, I figured tt since i can still function properly and not falling asleep at work despite RN waking up to nurse 3-4 times every night; i shall let nature take its course. Baby is happy; mommy is oso happy. Let it be lah.

i think its 11.45am? No? haha, cant rem. I was juz telling hippo tt I will try to hang ard aft the trial until both my kids scream bloody murder coz their naptimes are ard 2pm. But really hope to meet u all! And oh yah, any other mums oso hvg trial on that day?

Same lah, RN wun sit in her stroller too! Screams bloody murder! But she likes to be slinged. I can understd its tough to keep Dre entertained. I am constantly slinging RN too, its like the pregnancy nvr ended, wif a koala in front.

At least there is a reason for dre to be an ikan bilis. For RN - her mommy here certainly is not an ikan bilis and so I dunno why she is one herself!
xoxo: thanks - you know, it was really tough. I also questioned myself if I was doing the right thing. Didn't help that I don't/can't do the fun things like rough play, carry her when she wants to be carried etc cos of the back. It was like, I am the bearer of all things bad - administer meds, do sleep training, no fun etc. But overall, no regrets. Think she looks better, more rested and happier.

About your thumb - consider physio? It may help. I had horrible wrist problem after A came along - got a few exercises from my therapist. Either the exercises helped or my wrist just got used to it. LOL.
Hey! For those of you who like Mickey mouse, think there's a Mickey theme Cafe at the mall opp ikea Alexandra. But I'm not sure if it's still around. I saw it online... Will try to look for the link.

Sotong-mum: think I shd b able to help you settle teachers day!
Hi mommies, care to share where you will be getting the cakes for baby's 1st birthday? I've come across a website with great design http://cupcakedivinity.blogspot.com/. Anyone who have tried their cakes and service, would appreciate if you could feedback. Thanks.

I thought that it will be an easy job to organize a 1st birthday party, but there are really so many details to look into.. venue, cakes, caterer for adults and small kids, trying real hard to make it a memorable party for the child. He may not remember much about his 1st birthday, but I believe that the fond memories of organizing one will always be there for us as parents.
xoxo>> i would really love to try that meter! but i tink i shant, coz i know belle looks like me! woohoo!

tien>> sulking coz 冰奇米 dropped by? wahahha.. ever since i started work, haven had the chance to peep inside here..
so the only time i have is when im off work but still working from home! (like now!!!) really wonder wad ive gotten myself into.. but then, i tink i complain too much ah.. hehe

jRRT>> yeah i also feel that 冰奇米 sounds like mickey mouse.. hahahah.. but the literal translation is like that leh.. mm.. i tink i prefer 冰奇咪.. so i am 咪咪 (冰奇咪)? yucks! hahahhahaa
冰奇米: Sulking because you drop by I din mah!

Hee...I am just browsing through now also. A bit lethargic to start work. Not feeling good again so a bit lazy to type...hahahah

Anyway mummies! Have a good week ahead! Weekend is coming in 4 days time!
Just popping by the say hi! Tomorrow I return to work, after staying home for 2.5 months! Think will miss Amelie lots. And probably won't have time to check the forum that often anymore.

stlock: I THINK I might have ordered from them for my birthday a few years ago. I can't confirm. But if it's the same one, they were pretty good - and affordable.
Tien: have you heard from the pinkgingerbynee recently? After I emailed her quite a few days ago to chope her, radio silent leh...

Now wondering if I need to go somewhere else....
Cat02: well I hv to be as positive as I can! That explains the count down!

Funzee: yep she's slow with response. Better to call her. Actually I changed baker already. Not because of her response. Cos given green light to spend!
hola mummies.

Need help/advice.
Now that our bubba's have teeth, I try to wipe bb's teeth and gums after every feed. Normally I don't have a problem until last week onwards. He refuse to open his mouth
(i let him sip water in hope it helps to wash the mouth)

Any tips? Having problem feeding him his medicine since yesterday as well. Normally he doesn't fuss/struggle. Now both me and hubby combine effort to feed him medicine.
gal > sending elgin get well soon msgs...i was reading abt baby caries etc...feed him avocado, carrots, corn and berries as these have natural xylitol which helps to prevent any gum infection / teeth cavity....so u can rest a little easier...good move by you to be letting him sip water (our supplies are fluoridated)..

dre is still boh gei..so i really don't have any first hand experience..but this is just what i have read with tips in them on how to get elgin to grant you royal access! all the best..


Looking at all the BEAUTIFUL cupcakes...i am becoming a major cupcake addict. on the constant prowl to eat sweet pastries! just reminiscing...before pregnancy, i used to like spicy food and avoided sweet stuff..now it's the complete opposite! where i used to be a dare devil.. i am now terrified of, gasp, kiddy slides! plus a whole host of things. effectively, i don't quite recognise the new me...*scratch head*..haha...

funzee > hope that your back has completely healed. ganbate for your work!
hihi so long never post here been busy with all the works.....

Now I was on holiday in Brisbane going back next Monday, the weather is cold here so shiok that like in a air-con daily. So tired everyday with all the cooking and dealing with my active elder boy. I really PeiFu those mummies that are SAHM, I cant take it for one weeks plus only. I prefer to go work still can chit chat/gossip with all colleagues.
