(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

yah yesterday's playdate was oso right in the smack of RN's nap BUT i figured she doesnt get to meet her little frens tt often (in fact its only the 2nd one) and so I worked ard her nap time.

cant rem how much was Polliwogs alrdy... but i like tt plc too.

peekaboo looks nice too!!! my #1 has been there but not RN. however i think the plc is cosy.
if u all doing it on sunday, we can join u all.
juz realised tt RN is v shy aft the playdate yesterday despite her hvg 3 other playmates at home. she was clinging on to me v much yesterday so hope can join more of such playdates so she's not so shy.

another suggestion - explorer kids? but the big kids can get quite rowdy lah. thou there is a separate area for babies.

am definitely not bringing RN to the zoo!!! we're dumping the babies at my mum's while we bring the tods to the zoo coz they've been asking 4 it! my hb hates the zoo but his precious son has been asking 4 it n so we're going!

so zoo outing for all? heee!

cant comment much since i dunno anything abt this but really hope everything turns out fine.

i realised this - the babies seemed to like u v much... so far hv seen quite a few such photos of u wif babies & they r all so happy ard u!
astro: wow i didn't know Royce so exp also... :p
am ok with either polliwogs or peekaboo. wanted to bring Kaelyn to polliwog last weekend but she was down with cough and flu so we did not go ahead. i'm ok with the timing, cos my lil girl no fix napping time.
my "time permits" is more with checking if HB needs to go back to office and his timing. not able to handle driving with her sitting at the back alone. tried once and she cried buckets till we reached our destination. and i'm badly traumatised by that incident. hahaha...
u r so brave to try driving wif baby in car seat at the back. i got no guts to try! am tramatised even b4 i try! this girl will cry & scream her way out aft 5 mins in the car seat... sigh...

how old is ur elder one?
My elder is 4 going 5 this year.

Let me know the timing for sunday/Monday see what I can work around the timing. Bcos Sunday midnight my hse got firework at midnight usually so I want to bring my elder to go down and take a look.So he might need to nap in the afternoon also
I use to drive with my elder alone last time, he is usually ok if he cry I just sing or try talk to him. Now with #2 my maid will usually sit behind with him so far so good.
Astro: I'll let grace know, but I probably can't join because Elgin is still sick. Don't want to pass germs to other babies. Sigh!!! I really want to go to playdates, but every time like something happens!

Re driving with baby behind alone in car seat
I do that all the time. He sometimes cry at night, and no matter how I entertain him he will cry like mad, but I just heck care and drive back carefully. Usually the distances are about 10 min long.

But one time he cried so hard, I stopped my car, went to accompany him behind for a while, and the moment I got out, he howled again, I had to cancel a playdate, detour to my mum's house to feed him even though I just did at home to settle him.

Other than that, he's usually ok by himself. I just try not to drive too late at night.
ok.. summing up the discussion.. let astro help us make up our minds :p

9th August at Peekaboo @Leisure Park Kallang
3-6pm(let's be flexi with the timing lah.. if u reach earlier.. then just go in and play else difficult to coordinate :p)

let's just be prepared that it will be crowded lah. public hols

and dunno adult needs socks or not.. so just bring


1. Astro
Jrrt: i can also do sunday.. kekekeke. but i think i will only bring bally. coz teng sunday got gym.. wait he tired out and grouchy.. and for him i need to pay $14 :p
so let me know if u keen to go on sunday.. via fb lah.. 3.30 - 6pm
kekeek.. miser will kill me :p
i think such indoor playgrd def needs to put on socks for everyone. juz bring lah! so dun hv to spend extra $$$!
Ok, will let u know if we're gg on sunday! My elder one will b super happy! wats teng's gym time on sun? i think our tods will nvr hv enuff of fun! LOL! he'll b grouchy? wah $14?! so our babies go in free, then how abt accompanying adults? sure need to pay a token bah?

my elder one oso still needs his nap but sometimes we try to let him forgo (rare) or juz do power nap for 30 mins.

u r so funny!
cat: thanks for socks tip :p

jrrt: teng's gym time is 10 ish to 11plus but coz it is at orchard. by the time we luncha nd go home and go to peekaboo.. abt that time liao :p

adults = free :p
Sigh zoo is out for me because all the walking would kill me. Now at work, I can't climb stair without slouching or having backache...old woman liao...
oh yah u mentioned abt the fireworks! true, if my son dun nap, he sleeps ard 9pm too.

then they wld hv a whole bunch of daddies + mummies + babies going into the play area free? heee, i wonder if they'll freak out?

mayb bring along the health booklet juz in case need to show proof? heee...

even all tt walking ard the zoo will kill me, let alone u, a pregnant lady!

juz 1 hr of the playdate yesterday alrdy exhausted me! and RN too! she took 2 naps within 4 hr span! hahaha.
glass > hang in there..elgin should be well..pronto! i understand how frustrating it is to deal with allergies...but always hope it clears and keep trying. hope the probiotics prove helpful. don't worry, once elgin recovers, all of us are just a tinkle away..can easily meet up if u like..

jRRt > OK lah, Royce is not that exorbitant...don't go late afternoons where it tends to be really crowded. otherwise, good space and kiddo mix there for everyone to have fun. Dre is now 10 months old. Still toothless and grinning! :D

Rochester .. mixed feelings abt it. It was DIRTY on Sunday but PERFECT on the first visit there. I suspect that we went on the wrong day (Sunday)..I almost always regret my trips to places that take place on weekends. Think I will stick to non-public holidays, weekdays @ 2pm for these sort of activities. Off-peak is the best! Agree..food not great. stick to cupcakes :p

Babes like me or like the maracas? :p

cat02 > yes, Royce is not recommended on weekends.

astro > i think polliwogs is the best so far..though surely crowded. gogobambini's lighting and airconditioning cannot make it. fidgets is free...but some say dirty (it was ok, so-so to me)...haha..but peekaboo it is then..wah..first time pp say i have a radiant smile and good complexion....*floating* but then i just checked with my mirror at home *lightning, thunder..crashing back to earth*...*gulps*..bally makes u wanna hug him and squeeze his cheeks! and yes, one friendly, smiling and good natured baby u have!

tien > no, no..u are not old, just extra load :p

cat/jRRt > srsly..health booklet???? NO need lah! They usually take it in good faith!
kekekek.. psst..
those mummies on my FB.. check. i created an EVENT for this playdate.. so lets reserve the list here for ladies not on my FB :p

AND.. if i have you as my FB fren hor.. but you did not receive my event invite.. it is not because i don't want to invite you.. it is simply because.. i cannot match ur fb to ur nick here :p

JJRT: i dunno. but i think they shd be prepared..:p and we should be prepared for the crowd too! :p

xoxo: aiya. u let cat bring her health booklet mah.. :p her girl wrestler.. big built.. so must 'prove' 11 mths and below *Siam* :p
and hahahaha.. aye..so the thunder roared, lightning strike and you came crashing onto earth when you saw ur reflection... on top of that.. did the mirror crack??? kekeeekekee...
bally? half the time i am carryinghim, kissing him, playing peekaboo to make him smile and lol...
teng might be getting very jealous.. but difficult lah. the young one so chirpy.. the elder one is charming.. but he is grouchy half the time! :S
the happy hippo makes her laughing entry. .pretty errie.. whahahahah
aye.. go click accept on my event too leh.. hahaha. i sot liao. first time create event in fb .. hahahah
astro: wah, Bally looks so cute! He really has a nice smile.
My A is 74cm too! But she is lighter at about 9kg. I suspect she is the female equivalent of Bally here... People always think that she eats a lot but she doesn't. I can't explain her perceived chubbiness. I use perceived cos my husband and I don't find her very chubby leh. But now when I look back, wah, her limbs really look thick in some of the old photos. Hahahah!

xoxo, gal: aiyah! Such a pity I won't be in the same slot as you! Anyway 2.30pm is kinda near her nap time. Even the 11.45am is her lunch time.

Ooh, and xoxo, so your PD is Mr Popular! He was the PD for A when she was born but the nurses at the clinic advised us not to go to him for the jabs cos he is super busy! So I ended up with Dr Oh, which is walking distance from my house anyway!

Glass: Don't think I am on your facebook. Add me? Will PM you me email and hp no. Tomorrow I happen to be on leave! If it's for a walkie, I can push A somewhere. But if it requires carrying, then I can't go alone since I can't carry A yet.

Peekaboo: Will see if can convince my hubby to bring us.
But hor, I have only met Shugar in person. MIght have difficulty identifying who's who. Hee!

FTWMs here, can you share with me, how much time do you get to spend with your babe on working days? If I'm lucky, I get an hour (maybe 1/2 hr or more in the morning but we are busy preparing for work). Another 1/2 hr in the evening when we put her thru her bedtime routine. I wish I could have more time with her. On one hand, I am glad that she sleeps early so that we have the evening to ourselves. On the other hand, not enough time with her.
Hi mummies

I only had time to sneak in to comment a little.. Typing on my phone in the dark room ain't easy la.. Anyway hor peekaboo is not v fun lo.. No toys for the babies to play with.. Ball pit is full of adults n rowdy kids. Last sat me n py hide in one corner of the ball pit with belle n charlotte, under the slide somemore, but we kena invaded n had to scramble out for our dear lives. Just my two cents worth la..

Astro, you got send invitation to me or not? Can't view from my phone la.. My Internet access is that limited now.. Haha
astro > wahahaha...u got my girlish giggles out..heeheehee...the mirror, stayed in place...still capable of beaming my reflection properly :D eh..bally is so easy to solicit the smiles out of him! i didn't do much..just look at him and he just stares and smiles at me...so smiley, i like!!

wah..then better bring health booklet..otherwise we might become "guilty" by association. Erm..u wanna listen to pinkiemie abt peekaboo and retreat to polliwogs? just a thought. i have not been to peekaboo but shugar doesn't like it too. and polliwogs..we can all hv a stroll by the beach right after..got NZ natural ice-cream too right next door...blah blah blah. i know leh chey lah.

funzee > don't need to worry..those characters u see here and there on FB they look kinda similar in real life. :p - cheer up..maybe A might change her sleeping time so u can spend more time with her?
Mie: Come lah! It's the company!! And if we can get many, I am sure we can DOMINATE the place! Just be more rowdy then the rest...we scare them off! Muahahahhahah

Astro: You say until like that! That means I must bring health booklet too for my KAYZILLA! Everywhere we go, somehow we will have conversation like this:

Stranger: Wah! Your baby cute hor! 1 plus yrs old already right?

Me: Erm no..9 months...

Stranger: WAH! Your baby so TALL/ BIG!

I am already convince that this KAYZILLA of mine surely will have to pay MRT fare soon! Cos they go by height! Just hope I can continue to drive...
Anyway I am perfectly happy with either polliwogs or peekaboo! All in my area hee hee...

Xoxo/Jrrt: Honestly, this extra load ain't showing much yet...but somehow my body is certainly not as gungho as when I had Kayzilla...
oh BTW, just a note! if you all do settle on Peekaboo on Monday, do go there via Tanjong Rhu>Stadium walk coz there will be road closure around stadium Dr and Blvd side.
tien. i like ur spirit :p hahahahah
i wish Bally can have half the height of kay.. he realy shortie in my family.. i think kay can emulate teng lah.. ha. pay for transport? i think i haven't.. and my firs boy is not short.. right?

re polliwogs or peekaboo
i am ok lah. just thought can try.. i dun have expectation that free stuff is good..so how? hmm road closure.. ok..so now
vote or what?
then i edit invite.. simple lah..

polliwogs or peekaboo?
dunno the cost.. coz difficult to find from the website..

eh. difficult to do democratic way.. i be tyrannic lah.. let's change to polliwogs?

onz boh?

hippo: happy.. :p .. scary.. with the bwahahahahha.. heh..

xoxo: u haven't seen him looking at pple then started crying.. maybe he only does that to my sil.. poor her.. hahahah

mie: of course i did! BUT.. sent also 'no diff'. u all formed elite gang with ur regular playgroups liao.. never chio one.. truthfully.. sometimes i also paiseh to intrude and ask where u all heading cause feel out of the group....haiz...*takes er-hu, sit on stool.. start playing lonely tune*
will read the preferences here.. if the majority 'anything'.. then we will switch to polliwogs.. can?

going to sleep liao.. moody..
night all..
Astro: hope this helps!

Polliwogs entry fees:
Weekday: $16 (2 years old and over) /$8 (less than 2 years old) per entry.
Saturday, Sunday, Public holiday :
$18 (2 years old and over) /$8 (less than 2 years old) for 90 mins of play
tien > in Kayzilla we trust and have no fear! :p u've a pt..we will dominate in numbers..but let's change to polliwogs...the traffic issue is going to be a real challenge. still OK lah...i think i didn't "show" till my 6th mth! babyzilla #2 will reveal her cute bump soon enough!

astro > don't be moody lah...after rochester, i found u are a really affectionate mummy...amazing!! haha...speaking of this "look and cry"..wanna relate something. when i brought Dre to Universal Studios over the weekend past, I was totally freaked out at the nursing room. It was pleasant, cool and functional. But this is one occasion that was spine-chilling. When I entered the room with Dre and closed the door, the minute we sat down, she just stared at the corner of the ceiling and started screaming/shrieking in a way I have not seen before. Totally not her. No matter what I did, couldn't calm her..so I left the room. Immediately OK. Went back to the room, the hysterics began again. Then this time, Dre really was out of sorts..so I immediately left - again, she became OK the minute we left the room....wah..don't tell me there is something "wrong" with that place?
i think since its a public holiday, one can expect that play gyms will be crowded. didn't think of road closure around stadium. don't mind polliwogs either, but if its super crowded then we will say hi to all the babies, may not go in. dont forget parking may be a problem too. so try not to go too late. typically closer to 5-ish i think is when traffic builds up at east coast.
Kd started high fever since yesterday evening till now. I struggled a long time over who to bring him to see this morning as i am not comfortable w anyone of the doctors we have seen so far. But really being so far out in kd's sickness already. It's no good to doctor hopped cos ea doc will have their own style ans judgment. Instead of getting them to start diagnosing all over again, I decided to stick w the last pd at least until he recovers. Mistake. I hve given him 407+165+460 in 3 visits and I couldn't feel assure w him at all. He made us switch antibiotic for kd from what nuh prescribed to another one and today he made us switched back to what nuh prescribed. He said kd could have gotten a new virus for all we know. (seriously I dunno. I m just very weary). I reached the clinic, used my infra temporal thermometer to measure 39 on kd. Nurse said mommy's thermometer more accurate but she went in to tell doc, he said no, using the armpit is more accurate. So redo and got 38.4. All the while kd was wailing. Ask us to go in and gave us a 10 min lecture on accuracy of thermometer. I really show the /_\ face cos kd still wailing n he is not chking kd yet and then I asked him can he take a look at kd first to which he replied before he sees kd, is there anything else abt kd we need to tell him? Frankly speaking, a parent in distress can rem how much things? Everything I said he is like that's not impt. Sigh. I m not used to his style at all. I said kd is not feeling well. He been crying non stop whenever his temp rises and he had a couple of loose stools. And then he said kd crying cos he pooed and made us go change him. He will send the stools for culture test. Changed and kd was wailing all the way. Then they kept asking us to make payment first etc and I m like wat abt kd? What's wrong w him and the nurse said doc will talk to us later. (pay then talk?) when I saw the bill my heart really sank. 460! So I took a peep at wat was given for his medication - brufen, amoxicillin, another for diarrhea and I saw biogiaa! So I said I had brufen n something similar to biogiaa so I dun wan can? Only manage to remove the gia probiotics which costs 40!! I told I read in forum it's a cheaper alternative? So ex!! Sigh the doc only said kd is more likely a new virus and ordered a stool and blood tests and ask us to go home. If he is still not better after wed next week then bring back again. (wed? That's like 7 days later? Cos he is on leave and will be bk only then!)

Still haven mention how traumatic blood test was for kd. I really break into tears cos I feel so helpless and dunno how else I can ease his suffering.

Kd still had high fever today. 7am measured 40.2 on my thermometer. I hope he will b ok soon cos it's been 3rd day if fever and this nightmare started on last sat and he been coughing for week Liao. I m so tired. Just feel very helpless

Anything as never been to either one so no comments just go to the one which had better comments.

KD Mommy,

Oh no must keep sponge him sponge him hourly to bring down the fever if not so high fever better bring him to A&E.
Ting: *hugz*
biogaia is a cheaper alternative to lactogg. lactogg costs $60 plus.

I suspect KD is down with a bacterial infection liao.. or pnuemonia.. the way his temp fluctuate. i read what the crappy PD told u and of course anyone will be affected.. but tell urself.. his attitude or for the matter , anyone attitude is not the most important..
what is most important is KD to recover... remember that...

Astro proposes a really mean approach --> As long as what he says makes logical sense i.e. give u fever med for fever and not like calamine lotion for fever.. then follow.. bear with the nonsensical approach he took.. then when kd is ok, then feedback to him that what he was not emotionally sensitive enough to his clients.

the fever guide below might be helpful, i can't remember the exact temp variations but it goes something like that:

Auxilary (ear): 38.1 then considered fever
Armpit temp: 37.5 is fever liao.
i vaguely remembered that the forehead temp is not accurate.. i was told.. i remembered..

I think any kind of tests is traumatic for the babies. when bally has to have the tube inserted into his penis.. i took the ostrich approach.. and let his father bring him there.. when bally had to take blood test, draw fluid from his spinal cord when he was merely 3 days old. .i heard his screams from that door.. i willed myself and closed my eyes and ears and heart, not to hear it.. it is difficult and we all know it is so for u.. hang on dear..

post here, dun break down, and get your husband involved, you don't have to witness all the tests.. because it drains your strength.. u need a break. so that u can continue to care for KD...
thanks shugar for the info..

ok. have amend the facebook invite, those who have accepted, pls do note the change in the venue. it is polliwogs now.

xoxo: sounds freaking.
me.. an affectionate mother? what made you think that way? i think if you have seen the way i screamed and yelled and smacked teng on his face and leg (till he goes red) when he refused and screamed against going to school just now.. u would think i am more abusive than affectionate...
haiz.. lousy start to my day.. teng is horrid.
ting > if Horrid PD can't seem to get his mind right on the diagnosis..and KD is still unwell..time to seek proper help. PDs sometimes forget that they have 2 patients - the young one and the old one...it's very natural for mummies to be anxious and yes, I belong to Astro's "Gan Cheong Spider" camp - no apologies about that...cos I rather over-react than under-react in matters related to babies. sorry had to go off on the call quickly earlier cos i had some work stuff. but i hope you get the help you deserve, that the tests all come back fine, KD recovers fast...有惊无险...if you do go to Mt A..and if blood tests are done, u would be pleasantly surprised at some of the lab technicians..esp this lady called Mala...painless. not only dre but alot of other babies i see...do not even squeak at her handling. but touch wood, i hope no more blood tests are required.
Astro > the amount of smooches u showered on Bally! You are very tender and loving with him! aiyah...sayang teng as well!! Ouch! don't smack... :s
Hi hi!

Astro, think I am not on your FB leh. Just sent a friend request to you.
Will try to make it to Polliwogs. Quite far out for us but it's a rare chance to meet up with all the babes.

xoxo: you know some people say that babies are more sensitive to these things. Hmmm...

KD's mummy: so sorry to hear that KD is still not feeling well. Yah, I feel upset reading about your experience with the PD. I'm not sure about you, but I'm the kind who normally goes with the gut feel when it comes to doctors. To me, bedside manner is very important. But you also have a point there about not doctor hopping. Yah, $40 is pretty standard for biogaia. If KD is not better or worsens over the next couple of days (2-3 days), I suggest you bring him to another doc. ((hugs)) Hope KD gets well soon!
ting: tough on you but hang in there. and hope KD recover real soon.

xoxo: my hair stands while reading your post bout the nursing room... will make a mental note to avoid there.

astro: am ok with the changed venue. thanks for organising the playdate.

i laughed out loud when reading your post bout the health book and Kaelyn is a wrestler girl.

She'll be meeting some opponents during the playdate. And i think she's quite a shortie too.

shugar: yea thanks for sharing the info on the various play venues. know that you won't be able to make it for the playdate next monday, would really like to meet up with Sam and the gang soon.

all mummies: am also having difficulities matching some FB friends vs the nicks here.

you can add me @ [email protected]

Hi KD's mummy! I really hope this buggy episode will be over for you soon! yes, its very weary esp when the bubs are not well and more frustrating when your concern can;t be communicated over to the PD.
i think a PD is like gynae. got to be able to put the patient/parents at ease and we are comfortable knowing we/baby are getting the best care possible, which is why we decided to change PD in the earlier months coz my initial one just did not fulfill either.
Hang in there and hope the meds work well on getting rid of any bug KD's got!
