(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

KD mummy> hope kd get well soon. Did doc say how long they going to monitor??
maybe u tell your doctor the concerns on the hospital Rm. Best is for kd to have proper rest. Kd mummy too.

Funzee : hyakaka. I was suppose to go today too. N. It's my hb sick too. Talk abt coincidences.
xoxo: huh? dre has no teeth yet ah? is she the last bo gey baby in the cohort? lol :p

i just ordered a toothpaste w finger cap from Kgal haha.. the first milk teeth or something hmm..
xoxo: I totally agree with you that the a&e at kk is terrible. Kids were vomiting, screaming, having high fever, coughing and sneezing in my face, and the place is so small and packed with a lot of people. I really wonder how they handle during sars and h1n1.

btw, does anyone know whether having diarrhoea is a sign of drug allergy?
Hi all,

Thank you for the messages and comments here, fb, watsapp and sms. I might not have time to reply all yet cos yest and today is like a nightmare for me. And is really long story to reply so probably just put everyrhing here. At least I finally got kd back to the safety at home and he is finally sleeping soundly on the bed. I have a throbbing headache now and shall turn in soon to simply just rest. But before that, I just wanna rant out whatever that I am bottling up!

First thing in morning, docs at nuh do their rounds and said stay one more day. I asked the senior doc y need stay 1 more day and he said cos kd coughing for 3 wks and xray showed chest infections. They wanna make sure he is better before sending him home. But.... Hw to define better when he dun have fever, no running nose, and still active? He said just observe one more day... I cfm can't tahan in that Pl for one more day... So calls were made and we decided to insist to dicharge and bring kd to a gleneagles and see another pd instead. Told nuh we wanna b discharge. And then the docs came to ask y and did many rounds of persuasion n hard selling. What I most can't stand is this conversation -->
me: to tell u the truth, I m nt comfortable to have him in the isolation ward cos it's not meant for children and I dunno what the rest of the people having.
Doc (Indian): oh, this is the isolation ward and ur child has a cough and we must separate him and not pass cough to other children. (right..... As if the children in the ward dwnstairs no cough or fever etc)
Me: yes I understand but other than cough he is well n vey active so I dun wan to keep him here and actually i prefer to bring him to private hosp so I can have the same doc to see him throughout.
Doc: oh, u know yest we have so many cases u know so we were very busy but today ok and so u see I am here to see ur child and u know nuh is the best institution and u surely dun wan to bring him somewhere else that is not the best and then later bring him back again here ok? Blah blah
Me: hmm actually it's my ils who want the bb to go to the private hosp. And so ya we wanna be discharge pls.
Doc : can u just tell ur mil that we are the best and just stay one more day? I am sure tmr will be fine and ur child can go home. U tell her k? Think abt it ok and let me know ok and walks out!!
My god. When I finally discharge kd is 2pm already! 4 hrs! And guess wat they so screw up. The reports they gave me failed to mention they kept kd in isolation and suspect h1n1. They also printed the wrong xray reports which they took of him of the earlier fever episode that my mil gave kd tat states lungs was cleared. My god. When I rush to gleneagles and read the thing I almost fainted.

Anyway kd no need to be admitted. Given antibiotic to start on. 3 days later to see if he is better. And also the anti allergy med called singular to help stop any allergy related cough and blah blah. I carried kd home in a heavy heart. WHY?? my in laws are so crazy! Told them nuh isolation ward so visit yesterday. Den KEPT calling this morning and u know we were trying to settle the dischage thingy but kept calling to ask hw and hw. Told them our intention and ya will update them again. THEY ACTUALLY WENT DOWN TO GLENEAGLES A&E SINCE 11+ to wait for us there and continue to keep on calling to ask what time we reaching etc. U know we were so tied up and had how many missed calls?! I just feel so stressed up!! Damn fed up! Wah lau go a&e wait for what??! Like they can do what?! And kept calling for what!! We arrived there at abt 4pm lo. So imagine how many calls my hb had. And they just failed to understand we dun need that. N I already felt super pressurized. Just to add, no they din request us to transfer to private hosp. I jus anyhow hum dum to lie To the nuh doc. It's my intention all along. And my in laws are jus extreme! I mean I understand they worry or whatsoever! And then whe we reached home they kept saying I unduly worried cos 1st child m many nonsense which I am really amazed y I nv burst out. Hello?! Even if is my 3rd child I will still do the same!!! And really xxxx man!! I think I shld be telling them dun be unduly worried cos is ur first grandchild!! Kept calling for wat? Go there wait for xxxx?!!!

In the comfort of my own bed now I wanna share my greatest worry! Since the first episode of the fever thingy. The docs at nuh said kd's blood test showed abnormalities and ask if parents had thalassemia? I said no and y? Today I showed the private pd's kd blood test report done yesterday and he say everything normal except for the same thing!! So I told him wat nuh told me and show him 2 other blood test reports we did at the followup clinic and that the nuh clinic A said that babies still bf have no iron and is normal they dun get supplement in the solid we gave so they me not to worry and go back again when kd is 14 mths old to do another blood test. But this pd pointed out something on the 2nd blood tests and say he is likely having thalassemia and is a carrier blah blah. And ask who in our families have. But no leh. And he said we could be carries ourselves but we dun Noe it. My god. Now I jus dunno if kd has any scary thing and that can only be tested later. And the more serious thalassemia will need blood trusfusion frequently etc. I am really very stress up now. I hope kd has nothing and is just iron deficiency!!!

Just feel like breaking dwn to cry out all my stress. But I had to be brave n strong. For kd.
Ting: first and foremost.. check u and ur hb and eeryone in the family.. since thalessemia runs in the family .. should have someone with it.. but if no one has it.. chances are.. really nothing...
thalessemia major is the worrying one.. the minor is ok.. chill ok.. could be lack of iron also...
so what the pd recommend for follow up on the blood tests?

hmmm.. starting now.. beef KD up with red meat (beef.. if ur religion not against it..)
then dark leafy veg.. like kailan. brocoli..

THEN.. this is impt.. structure their milk feeds and solids properly. dun take milk and solids together.. aim for 2 hours intervals...particularly if the solid is iron rich eg meat dishes..
because taking iron and milk half the absorption.. just like our intake of iron and calcium when preg..

and hor.. try varying the diet more.. dun just stick to porridge because there is so much iron (meat) that u can add..vary it.. casseroles.. pasta.. red lentils (this one is rich in non-heme iron.. as in with all beans. but this one gives bbs least wind..take with vit c (some diluted fruit juice. buy the gerbers/heinz kind. dun diy coz sugar too much..) to help with absorption of iron..

rest well.. one battle at a time..
btw.. ya. it is vexing.. my mum kept caling me non-stop and i dun like to be disturbed kind.. esp when i am vexed liao.. end up i shouted at her.. i can't understand how come they need to keep calling.. i know concern.. but it is v stressful.. and touchwood. anything happens.. i call them first! haiz..hence i totally emphatise with u.. she drove me nuts when bao and bally got admitted.. and ya. kkh.. can forget about a good night rest :S ...
Ting > So so sorry to hear all of this

Just focus on KD now, getting his cough resolved and clearing up these health issues...what astro says is so right - load up on iron-rich food, ask PD if there is an iron supplement or something that can be given? Get yourselves tested so you can clarify if you are carriers or otherwise? Put NUH and the ILs behind you and rest well..*Hugs*
glass > yeah..i rem going to KKH A&E when Dre was 28 days old and because she was bleeding due to her milk allergy, she was rapidly losing skin colour and was becoming unresponsive. HB was parking his car (FULL CARPARK!!!) and here I was dealing with stupid admin that insists I pay first before they would assign a doc to see her! Kept telling them...the BC, wallet etc is with the Dad...haiz! It was so traumatic! The "fever" isolation section was nothing more than an "open" pen of children/babies with fever patches, wheezing and sniffling, crying and screaming. Dre was not having a fever then and I had to clarify our "status" so many times until a kindly staff nurse realised this was (1) a newborn, (2) no fever...and took us out of fever boxed-up hell. Then the PD who saw her at the A&E was..COUGHING on his own..but what took the cake was in the ward. They tried to feed her medicine not meant for her! Stroke of luck that I caught that nurse in time....so while I know KKH has done many good things for many people, in Dre's case, it was a total disaster.

Anyway...I think our forum does have its share of health issues of late...shall take this opportunity to pray and wish all the babes and mummies the best of health and a swift recovery from anything that ails you...be well!
serenity > thks for the link...where did u get the carrier? how much was it?

funzee > srsly, thank god for the internet cos I'd be so clueless otherwise..i won't say i am an expert at all..but yeah, doing what i can for that little one - just like all of you mummies!

PY > hmm..i think so leh...dre is possibly the last boh gei babe on the thread...haha, maybe she has some company here and there..but i was just telling astro today, happy with things as they are cos i am still latching her fully and i really, really, really dread when she has teeth cos even with just pink gums now, she gnashes at times and the pain does make me recoil in horror! :p
Kd mummy: hugz. Take care of KD and yourself. Jus focus on getting KD back in shape. Don't think abt the infuriating doctors and ILs Liao.
And ya.. Thalasemmia minor is fine. My hubby is thalassemia minor and he was ok. I tested myself and i m not carrier. So it's not likely kid will be major. Anyway PD said we can only test kiddo for thalassamia after 1 yr old cos if test now, results will not be accurate and I vaguely remember that it's diet related. Ya.. So jus try to supplement with iron rich food. Even cereals are fortified with iron. As long as kD is still active, prob run have to worry too much.
Can only imagine the anxiety and frustration u feel.
Pray that KD get well soon.. And all babies stay healthy n cheery!!

*oh and if really worried, jus get yourself and hubby tested for thalassemia at any clinic. Very fast one
thank u mommies here! i feel very fortunate to have you babes to fall back on for support and advices. sometimes simply too overwhelm to think properly. and i really feel better after reading what you all said.. today i woke up, and read what you gals replied and turned to look at KD. haha, he is too active to be sick (touchwood). and it brings a smile to my face. i really believe that he is not sick.

yeah, the pd whom we went to follow-up to check on the blood disorder said not to worry cos KD is still young and could be diet related so to feed him meat like chicken etc and green leafy veg. i will take note about the milk cancelling the solid intake one cos KD tend to like to latch on even after having solids. and they dun wanna give iron supplement to KD leh.. ask me to try varied his diet first... then we test again when he is abt 14 mths old. she also explain the there are 2 types, alpha and beta and grades of +1, +2, +3, +4. said that it's very common and most pple are maybe +1 or +2... but if parents of +2 and +1 get together, the child might be +3 or +4 so blah blah.. confused but no one in our familes has this. and we dun want to start asking around and cause alarm and more worries and more stress for ourselves.

it's like when we were at A&E twice, the docs (diff doc) pointed out that disorder.. and then when KD admitted, total 5 docs seen and also pointed out that disorder.. and kept asking us if anyone in family has... i wasnt worried cos i had reservations about NUH doctors until yesterday the PD at gleneagles said the same thing and this time round he pointed out that it's not diet related cos the test results showed that KD blood cells are smaller than usual and not lesser. no idea wat all these is abt.. and will take a step at a time.

thank u mommies and yes, i am going to get myself tested later, just to make sure i guess. to make myself feel that tiny weeny bit better
<font color="0000ff">KD's mummy
gosh.. my heart sank when i read your posts. I fully understand how you feel and how tired you are. I had my fair share too, but thankfully for me, my PD was responsible enough to rush down to see my boy.

Rewind 3 wks back
My #1 had breathing difficulties in the middle of nite. Somehow I had this instinct that he was not well. Observed from 11+pm till 1am before we decided to bring him to 24hr clinic. GP couldn't figure out anything so told us to go to KKH A&amp;E. Told us he suspect bronchitis, so would need xray before can cfm anything.

We didnt go in the end, coz my boy managed to fall asleep in the car on the way there, so we went home. Nothing until day 3.. so brought him to PD. PD say abit wheezing, that's about it. gave med.

FYI: He didnt have any cough, flu or fever, so i'm not sure where it came from.

Fast forward 2 wks back (On a sunday)
My #2 woke up at 7+am. After breakfast, he started fussing and crying at about 930am. This also cannot, that also cannot. kept rubbing his eyes, so let him sleep. Slept for about an hr. woke up, play for 15min and started crying again. this time round, i had to carry him downstairs for a walk. coz he juz kept crying n crying for no reason. n guess what, he fell asleep again, till 1230pm.

The whole thing juz continued like tat till i decided to send him to Mt E A&amp;E, coz my PD is at Mt E. MO on duty there say bronchitis, coz his lungs sounded rough, so ordered for an xray after getting the go ahead from my PD. (PD was far away so couldn't rush to Mt E in time)

Xray came out horrible. Pneumonia and had to be admitted. But thankfully, my PD came in time to observe the situation and to view the xray. #2 was better by this time after medication and neubulizer.

Heng, dun need to admit, could go home but took med and singulair. (damn exp manz this med)...

He's ok now.. so i'm thankful that we are saved from admitting to hospital. I'm not sure what impact it might have on him, if he would have to be admitted. and i seriously have no idea how he or gorgor got the virus.. sighz..

So ya.. sorry for the long post. but i juz wanna say that i fully understand how you felt and the heartache for KD. but hey.. at least he's better now and so active.

Dun worry abt thalassemia. like the other mummies mentioned, if you or hb dun have history of it, bb wouldn't get thalassemia major which is ok

oh and i wanna add that the chest infections is really common. alot of my colleagues child have and will come back alot of times. it's bcos babies and toddlers are smaller in size and the bacteria easily goes into their lungs to become infected. the common bacteria is microplasma.. can googled and find out more. so no need to feel "unduly worried" like wat my ils said abt me. just take antibiotic and shld get better. and by the way i ask how KD can catch this, could be from me, or hb and infantcare or even from the MIL 2 mths ago and he hasnt got 100% recovered. so it's just anywhere and as our bb grows older and inmune system gets stronger will improved.

sigh~ parenting is a start of a kind of nightmare!
Ting, ILoveMaxMax: Glad that your babies have recovered now!! I'm sure it must have been very stressful to see them unwell and uncomfortable

Xoxo: thanks for myGym trial. took Riona over there on Saturday morning. she quite liked the playing part. she was not so ok with the sitting with parent and doing exercise thing.. :) But all in all it was a good experience.

reg Baby carrier - i bought a Patapum baby carrier. Its very very comfy - both for parent and child. the only thing is, if taken in front, baby cannot be face outward. Baby has to face inside towards the parent. you may want to try it out with Dre before buying it.
Hope all babies get well soon! Mine also just recently recovered from a virus called RSV.
Xoxo: I bought it from the baby slings shop in Square 2, costs abt $250. But I reckon it's worth it cos it's very comfy. U can read abt their ergonomic M design in their webby. Finally settled on this cos baby wails when she's seated in the pram. And my Hubby seriously thinks babies are most uncomfortable left "hanging" as with other usual carriers. The shop allows for u to test it on the spot before deciding if u wanna buy.
Re: diarrhoea

Charlotte has been having diarrhoea this morning. 2 in the day. once before she sleep and one more again ard 5am. Changed and another time again ard 630am.
and one more before i bathe her this morning ard 10pm. >.<

I think it's prob due to teething..

Think i need to get some NTUC diapers HAHA!
KD's mummy: most important is that you and KD are home and resting. Hope he gets well soon and don't be too stressed ok?

May all the babies be healthy and strong!

Vin: you were the one who told me about periwinkle @ marina sq right? I went yesterday. Too bad the cute nautical outfit with the polka dot shorts are not in her size! They said old stock so don't have already.
KD's Mummy > Yep, keep thinking positive! Things will be fine! Hehe, there's microplasma and mycoplasma! Both are yucky!! I got the second one during my pregnancy...resulted in "walking" pneumonia until my immunity went down then it attacked with a vengeance! The respiratory specialist used a honeywell purifier so that got me talking to her abt it. If you use airconditioning at home, u must be vigilant in the maintenance - there is such a thing as airconditioning hygiene..plenty of nasties accumulate there. Prb is, alot of aircon companies claim to clean this clean that but fail to clean the "pipes" and do a thorough job. Bottom line, could be a good idea to look into this aspect IF you use the aircon...don't want to miss this part out and thus affect the respiratory health of pp at home, including KD!

vin, serenity > thanks thanks! I will go explore!

charlottemum > is charlotte better? u and your diapers ah....hahaha
Hey KD's mummy,
Glad kd is out of nuh! Dun worry, we r all hoping n praying thAT he will get well soon.
Hmm yeah blood disorders are tricky for bubs. Sam used to do blood test every month... His blood count had a low strain of a certain white blood cell which made him an easy target for viruses n germs.
That was worrying initially But the problem seems to b rec
tifying itself now(phew!) and his next test is when he turns one.
Lucky thing is When he was smaller, he didn't seem to know when the blood sample was taken. But now, older... Wiser... Will make noise n whine during the process. Boy am I glad it's not monthly anymore!
xoxo: I think he must be allergic to the antibiotics. Had been having diarrhoea for the past few days, and last night was really bad. He got it all over the legs, and even his hand and the entire changing mat was soiled when we tried to clean him.

I forgot to mention this to my pd. I think I'll just let him finish it since it's just one to 2 more days.

After having a mild viral infection last week, his symptoms were merely just lethargy, he is now full blown sick and I suspect is totally from the kk a&amp;e. Really bad runny nose, bad cough, fever, plus still the antibiotics. He has 5 types of medicine to take. I feel heartpain when I see the 5 different coloured syringes, and he has to take one by one.

This morning, I force fed him the paracetamol as he was having fever again, right after bf-ing, and he vomited everything 15 min later.

Sigh! He has never been so sick, and I feel a cough coming myself.

kd's mum: like what other mums said, it's unlikely to be thalassemia. During my pregnancy, they discovered my blood count for something was a little low, and they were worried that I had that, but the test was negative. I just needed iron pills which I am still taking now since I'm still bf-ing. So since your baby can't take iron pills, you might want to take them. Check with the doc.

Other mummies: Hope our babies get well quickly!

BTW, is there any good female pd in bishan area or nearby? Elgin is absolutely petrified of slightly older male doctors. He had been screaming at both male pds we see, even if there were no injections. He didn't used to be frightened. However, he was ok when he was seen by a young female doctor at KK.

If this goes on, I might need to find another one.
glass: I go to Kids Clinic. Female doc, Dr Oh. Quite popular. Amelie likes her and she's quite affectionate to Amelie too.

Blk 116 Bishan Street 12 #01-28 Bishan View Singapore 570116

Hey, you staying at Bishan? Shld try and meet up!
glass: why whould Elgin need antibiotics for? against a viral infection?

also.. yes.. if he is on antibiotics.. then his diarrhoea is a result of the antibiotics..not drug allergy per se .. more of the bodily reaction to the drug particularly so for bbs.. even for teng.. last time on antibiotics (suddenly forgot the name).. for 3.5 years old.. wah.. stools was profuse! long time never seen such stools from him.. also bally was on the antibiotics for UTIs also had loose stools..

Elgin has slight allergies right? if not it would be good to have him on some lactobacillus/probiotics to replace him with good bacteria..xoxo recommended this Biogaia probotics.. i read up on it.. found it good.. i just returned from kkh.. stocked up 4 bottles of the drops and 2 boxes of chewablw tablets.. (still have 2 more at home).. all for their gut health.. i used to buy the more exp lactogg.. which made teng vomit (and teng rarely vomit).. then i know it is god's signal for me to change to the more pleasant ad cheaper biogaia.. both teng and yh love it..

ting: haiz.. it is like that one.. when one child. we worry.. when two child.. we complain (one sick the other also sick).. i suspect three children we whine.. and if 4.. we immune!
take care. it is very tiring on u also.. i read ur fb status.. sian.. someties i think hospitals should have membership.. and have resort style concepts to make the FREQUENT stays plesant.. :S

i just came back from KKH.. coz check on bally's 'uti'.. it is in inverted commas coz the report has mixed growth making it a likely contaminated sample.. bally is v ok now. no longer scareming and back to his smiley self.. but i was asked to take his urine sample at the hospital.. wah liew. i hate doing this. coz i need to take the darn bottle.. wait and wait for the boy to pee. and in the end, he was busy smiling at everyone, distracted. then he didn't and it was his lunch liao.. so went back.. next time must catch his urine and rush back to kkh within 2 hours.. wah. like i stay very near kkh? argh.. i super eng man.. duh.. then .....

i asked the pd in charge of bally.. A/P wor.. hahaa. since she is an A/P , astro can't resist but decided to 'test' her a bit.. coz they need to use nuclear medicine to do the DMAS (insert a radioisotope into bally to see if he has any kidney scarring from his previous UTIs).. i asked if there would be any active treatment if there are scars.. she said no. then i went. like that, ther eis no absolute must for it right? then she adjusts her specs slightly, looked at me.. and started explaining.. hahahaha.. she has this 'ok. this kind of parent is that annoying want to know a lot kind of parent' expression on her face.. her explanation was peppered with lots of jargon.. but luckily i understood.. ha. so my reply to her was also in lotsa chim bombastic lang.. hahaha. funny lah. but she is good.. kekekeke.. when i am more familiar with her. i would want to ask her how come she doesn't want to start a private practice. and bally will be her regular.. she was gushing at bally.. inspite of her reserved nature.. hahaha. bally has this charm on older ladies.. :p

and i screwed up on this DMAS timing .. i had only two lousy timings given to me.. and DMAS requries bally to fast.. coz wil have to sedate him.. aiyoh.. haiz.. the form in kkh needs redesigning wor. it is not inuititve and it is not logical.. there were only four components.. but me.. poor with numbers.. i stared at the timing but still can't fit bally schedule nicely.. but it is very stupid because.. it went like this:

Estimated time of arrival: 845
Estimated starting time of Scan: 1130
Estimated ending time of scan: 1200
Estmiated start of fasting: 930
Estimated sedation time: 1130

aiyoh.. dun u all find it all look similar?! 'estmated' something.. then hor.. not logical.. should put the fasting time right up after time of arrival mah. the timings are all jumbled up!.. i am used to a chrological one leh.. i see this. i can't think and react.. argh. angry..
funzee and the ladies who asked after bally: thanks..

funzee: it was bally who suspected uti. not teng..and i read u went to kids clinic.. then see a dr Oh.. then i thought how come my dr tan no working in kid's clinic liao ah? end up.. heh.. my dr tan is at rivervale mall one .. ha...

die lah. ithink i am experiencing retardation leh.. seriously....
astro : i understand what you mean. why can't they put the start of fasting as 2nd line? :S so confusing.

what's A/P? :p

funzee : mine 2ish leh.

think xoxo's one also 2ish.

glass : 5 syringes :S
Can imagine the struggle.
As long as our babes get well.

Pray that all babies get well asap, and mummy's and daddy's to be healthy and strong.
gal: ya. confusing..

a/P is associate professor.. i did a google.. and i found her CV :p

she is also with the NUS medicine faculty as an adjunct staff.. sits on many committees.. on her CV .. just her published publiciations.. two pages liao.. but hmm. her awards are within KKH one.. eh. like i very good.. go and critique pple's academic records..

speaking of which. hmm. head of infectious in kkh.. i find her familiar.. and i think she might have seen teng when he was down with shingles when he was 8 mths old.. hmmmm..
glass > that's awful! i hope elgin recovers soon....it's very likely that meds are causing the loose stools..his intestines are reacting to it. one way is to feed yoghurt to help ease the discomfort brought abt by the meds - rec by the PD before. though i think elgin is allergic to dairy too..so maybe not. in which case..probiotics!! good thing that astro reminded me abt the biogaia. those are probiotic drops which Dre's PD - the Mr Popular Dr T T recommended to improve her immunity cos she did not take quite a few vaccinations and also, to possibly alleviate her allergic conditions. You may recall that Dre was allergic to dairy and milk protein etc. good news is, she seems completely fine with dairy now..i have been challenging her ever so often..so hope remains that they can be allergic today, better tomorrow


you know..i really like the PDs at kinderclinic mt a.. haha..there's a female PD called Dr Lee Chien Yee...find her professional and nice. Think Astro saw her..you may wish to get a review...funzee's recommendation sounds great too..gentle, competent doctors..they are a gem!

Astro > Alamak...as always..hope Bally would clear this hurdle. I second your resort getaway idea! It really pays to take the strain and stress when these young ones fall sick!

Funzee > Dre's class is on Sun, 2;30pm....
glass/xoxo:ya.. dr lee is very nice.. she was recommended to me by Gal.. hahaha.. i machiam rounding up all the PDs like that..

and.. she is a pediatric dermatologist.. elgin has ezcema right?.. would be good to to see her too.. she was calm and composed when teng had that horrid rash the other time.. and was able to handle my rapid fire succession when i get anxious and just want to know more (when boys are sick).. heh.. nice.. very slow and calm and steady kind..

the only thing i dun like .. is the crowded clinic.. but thanks goodness. she ain't the long queue PD in the clinic..
xoxo: bally is on daily yogurt liao ..:S
his is due to the tight foreskin.. so now on instructions to put a topical cream on the penis.. and stretch it every morning.. :S
hoping that it can avoid circumcison...
xoxo: look at this.. i think bally is fascinated with u.. :p

eh. had to blanko ur eyes away.. but didn't bear to blanko your radiant smile..

and.. ur girl..ignoring that her mama going to snatched away liao by the ball.. just keep on flicking the propellor :p

Hi everyone!
Popping in to say hi! Been so busy that I hardly have time to really read through all the posts and try to chitty chatty.

Ting, Glass and Astro: hope the little boys are better now! Gosh all the horror stories about govt hospitals...*shake head*

Astro: The pic is soooooo cute! Bally is growing really fast!
astro > ouch...i hope that's all he needs..circumcision sounds...erm, painful. :s

in fact i think all three docs at mt a kinderclinic are great. but we have our loyalty to long queue PD so we shall stick to him.

thanks for blotting out my wrinkly eyes and dark circles

Your bally cute..kept smiling and grinning away. Haha, he does have a sway with older women! muahahahha...
astro: he needs the antibiotics because of bleeding from the penis. I think it's a cut or a tear.

yeah man, the stools!!! Ok, I'll keep a look out for the probiotics. He is allergic to a lot of things, including cow's milk, soy milk, ngor hee(some sort of fish), chinese herbs and a lot more. So i need to be careful with what I give him.

funzee: thanks! Yeah, are you on my fb? I'm not sure who you are in real life. Definitely can meet up since I'm at home most of the time.

gal: It's really a struggle. He's been screaming whenever we try to feed him the medicine. My in-laws seem to think that putting medicine in the milk is a good idea, but I tell them it's terrible. You don't know how much he has drunk, and he doesn't like to drink milk once he decides he has enough. Plus we are wasting medicine. They are so stubborn.
Thank goodness he suddenly wanted to drink all, esp the antibiotics from the spoon, so it shut them up about putting the medicine in the milk bottle.
xoxo: thanks. it's quite near my place too. I'll see how it goes.

tien: yeah, but govt hospitals actually means it's free consultation and medicine (i think) for us. anyway, maybe i should write in to ST forum and raise this issue.
Glass: It's free? I think only for consulation right? Medicine still have to pay I think.

Anyway given my very last encounter with KKH, I have more or less decided private is the way to go. So, I better make sure I have money or I dun fall sick.
want to do a playdate this sunday (3.30 -5pm) at Royce Gym at Liang Court?

or next monday (9 August), sane timing?

Bally likes to crawl around but Gymboree timing is really lousy for us. Royce Gym seems quite a lot of stuff for bbs to play with judging from the photos on FB ..Passed by the other time but never really went in to take a look.

Gosh, din realise tt a few babies r down this period. Bally, Elgin &amp; KD - Hope they r all well soon!

U r so right... with 4 kids, u r immuned! i guess more or less I am along this... 4 kiddos at home. 1 down, all down!
And ur idea of membership in hospitals got me laughing!

Re: Suspected UTI in Bally's case
A close fren of mine had a case similar to bally's sometime late last yr (cant rem if I told u abt it b4, my memory super lousy!)... in the end, she decided not to do the dye thingy coz its invasive... her girl's blood test was not conclusive oso, as my fren suspect cld b contamination of the sample too... in the end, cant rem wat was done but eventually her daughter recovered. Aiyoh, sorry this post is not helpful at all!

Re: Royce Gym
I find it v exp leh... granted the fact tt going together wif a member means paying $22 for 1st visit... but its only 1 hour leh! (As if 1 hr is not enuff to break my old bones!) However, the place is interesting. I think even wif our #1 there, they will enjoy it oso but PY commented tt the tods can get quite rough, so mummies wif babies will b wary of our tods!

How abt Rochester instead? haha... Shugar &amp; xoxolight seemed to give quite gd reviews abt tt plc (if i rem correctly!) Sunday is gd 4 us! Mon, going zoo! My #1 has been pestering us to bring him there for months! I hope it doesnt rain again... 2 failed attempts so far! Sigh...

Dre is not the last one tt is boh geh... RN too! Lets see which babe starts spouring teeth 1st... she seems to b taking her own sweet time to sprout. checked her gums yest... nothing yet!

i nvr bothered to clean my kids' teeth, even when my #1 has teeth alrdy... i juz "clean" by letting him drink water to "rinse" off food remnants and he swallows! eeekkkksss i know! but at least better than nothing!
and so since RN is still boh-geh now, i am not doing anything.

I think happy hippo is on leave this fri and she's checking if there r any playdates... i cant go on leave anymore this wk....
astro: yea i saw on FB too. Royce gym looks fun. would like to join too if time permits.

by i heard that the place is very packed on weekends wor...
hope our lil ones need not jostle against the older kids...
re rochester playhouse
Xoxo and i went on a sunday afternoon.. in my opinion, it was quite dirty..i was literally sweeping the dirt away on the playmat for bally to crawl around leh.. :S
on weekdays i think it would be good..nice and quiet.. but the food is not great..

cat/sunny ling: hmmm. what are your preferred timings? bally nap is from 1230 - 2pm.. then calculate transport time to go to the place.. around then liao leh.. it is quite difficult to arrange playdates to cater to all timings one.. so u see. i been missing out on so many previously playdates.. coz timing not right.. then i just realised.. just go lah.. thankfully that day xoxo was able to oblige. coz her hyper bunny never nap one.. kekekek *siams*

jrrt: ya. it is very exp.. omg i thought it was only $10?! $22?! ehh. ehh. ehh.

cat: shall we consider alternatives? $22 is too exp for one hour lah..
polliwogs? east coast wor..

gymboree i can't go.. bally would be turning in for the night by the time i go to the gym!

mygym free play only offered to members, little gym no free play.. royce gym exp.. rochester house okok.. polliwogs.. gogobambini both crowded..

shall we try this instead?
Peekaboo at kallang leisure park..
free for our kids! (but for teng i need to pay $14.. ouch).. sat they have party.. but i think open for sun/mon! shall we?!
jrrt: thanks for the info.. yalor. i also asked the same question. but i understand why she proposed the test.. ya. invasive,, a radioisotope will be inserted into bally.. for them to track the dye.. haiz..i booked the date but still harbouring thoughts not to go.. i need to discuss this with miser :S

xoxo: i blotted our the eyes not because you have dark circle leh. coz dun want to post ur photo here without ur permission
.. but ur smile too radiant to blanko.. so i took the literty to post :p

ya. bally likes to smile.. but strangely not at everyone.. he FEARS miser's older sister.. everytime see her sure cry. dunno why. maybe got to do with skin texture.. ur complexion good. bally likes.. erm. miser and her sis. bally dun like :p

tien: bally.. ha.. yesterday weighed him. not past 10kg.. 9.98.. and shortie at 74cm (for my family).. omg..

glass: ask grace join us? peekaboo? that was the place she was refering to the other time wor..
