(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Angelina - I'll be gng to HK only next sunday. Do you think its better to take a carrier rather than stroller??

Babymax: i think ur PM is working now. will PM you :)

Hi hw's everybody...so long didnt log in here liao...may gal kanna scaled by a bowl of hot prawn mee soup last sat at long hsg. She was sitting on her pram and when the mee came and while i'm paying $$$, her action so fast that she juz grab the bowl and the whole tin juz pour onto her...wow lau..her right whole hand and leg and some part of her chest skin peel off...she was crying her lung out...it must be very pain for her...immediately sent her to KKH and was admitted till last wed then discharged. Now hv to go back change dressing alternate day...the dressing so expensive...$180 per visit...dunno stuill nd to go back hw many times...SIONG
Angelina : enjoy your trip.
Joanne: oh no. Sure heart pain. Both bb n medical cost. Hope ur baby heal soon. sayang. Ya .. Bb's reaction/ reflexv fast.

Today was super exhausting. My boy drink v little milk ( instead of 210 p feed, only 70ml-180ml). but took normal amt of solid.
Not sure if it's coz he not well (runny nose n throat inflammation) coz he still not used to level 4 teat though it's been 4 days or he sien of milk?? Or something else?
if tomolo like that what shouldi do? Give more solid?
Vin : since I stayed at causeway bay area near times square where all the street food n shopping place is,so I will recommend baby strap. But today I went to city hall n stanley road,its a very baby friendly place. U can bring stroller cause its nice to stroll around. I'll keep giving update bout places here,so maybe can give some perspective for u,peiyu n ting,whose going to hk soon

Joanne : omg,so sorry bout ur daughter. How is she now? Little poor thing. I know how baby can move so fast. Hope she's okay now

Gal n glass : thanks
am quite enjoying hk,but I won't bring josh here for holiday
Oh Joanne! Your poor baby. I hope she is recovering well? Hopefully because they are young they will heal fast and well. Must by super ouch for her and for you.

xoxo: Wah, I think my bedroom no space for her cot leh. We have just shifted her cot level to the lowest since she has finally learnt how to stand up using the cot! Hooray! Just made it before 9 month mark since she is late Sept baby. Hahaha. I also did the string test you suggested. I dangled a piece of wool in front of her and she could look at it and catch it. She can also see hair on the floor leh, so eyes should be OK I guess.

Babymax: You are right lah, deep breathing. I have endured about 1 month's fasting from Amelie. Then she decided to eat well for 2 days. Wah, 2 days, after one month of hating food. Gosh!!! As the elders will say, they will eat when they are hungry. And as for sleeping through, just cos they were able to, doesn't mean they will always manage to! A was sleeping through quite early on but the past month as been hell!

Last night Amelie woke up about 4 times. My husband said that sometimes she was standing in her cot looking around. Gosh. Doesn't sleep at night, fights sleep in the day.

gal: I think if the intake is reduced for a couple of days don't worry too much. 180ml per feed is still ok what. Now shld target about 21-24oz per days in total right? Personally I would only worry if it is sustained for some time. If not well definitely intake will be lower.
milk - will monitor. Tis am drank only 1ounce then refuse milk. 1hr later made cereal he wallop. Rather stay hungry than drink milk ? Pm switch back to level 3. Drank 110ml. Half of usual amt.

Sleep - Amelie wasn't hungry at night?
Joanne: oh my!!!
ouch! i hope she gets well soon! our babies are very quick now and things can happen in a split sec. gotta train ourselves to be as quick to stop them!
funzee: Amelie's recent night cryings could be due to her learning to stand? at new developmental stages, babies often cry more just before they take some big steps in learning or growth. Hope this passes soon! Hang in there!
Angelina>> So sorry!! It was a disaster for me over the weekend..lost my company's blackberry, and frantically trying to get a replacement because of course, I had to leave for a business trip to London today. Then came down with stomach flu on Saturday and was feeling crappy the whole Sunday. Lordie helps me on my flight today man!!! I don't want to end up in the loo the whole flight!!

Are you still in HK? Do you want to catch up for a quick coffee or something today? CWB is definitely not baby friendly. I find the place so crowded its not even fun for adults, let alone children. I think HK is generally not baby friendly, that's for sure.

Hi funzee >> so weekend, I was doing yoga breathing again, amidst my stomach flu because my bubba refused to open his mouth even when feeding solids. I had to syringe him his milk and cereals after 8 hours of food rejection from him. Worried that he will dehydrate especially in this hot weather. I don't know what's wrong with babies these days...my mum tells me when she's feeding me, there was no problem at all. She just throw me the milk bottle and I will guai guai suck.

Hi Vin>> Come come...let me know ok when you are here.

Joanne >> oh dear!! My heart goes out to you and your little gal! Poor thing.
Hi mummies,

Anyone encounter baby voice change? My son turn to 8mths last week and his voice change to rough sound...I haven bring him check PD. Don know is chnage voice or effection of throat...
Mummies am starting to think of boy's first year bday celebration. Eh dunno where to start on planning ;p
hehe cake maybe? Any suggestions on where to order nice cakes? He wun understand what's goin on but the adults sure want to see a nice Cake ;p

by the way anyone has any idea if the old folks will intend to perform any traditional ritual when 1 yr old? I need to prep myself n think of my argument if there are any that I am against ;p
vod: For me, Im going to bake my turing 1 boy a Organic butter beeday cake for him! hope turn out to be the good looking one but sure a healthy cake which he can eat too!! =))

I have order my cake from home maker, her name is Imina.


My son voice never change.


Take Care, must be super heart pain
<font color="0000ff">Vodkarib,

I got my son's bday cake from Pine Garden last yr. Mayb I might do the same this year too...

<font color="ff0000">Birthday Bash</font>
Are we still going ahead with this? My boy's bday bash with all his Sept 08 kakis was at a playgym last yr. If want, I can ask my mummy frens on how they went abt organising it. Or are we scrapping this??</font>
i spree-d with my mummies fren b4 at the party supplies site... cant rem which one thou but u might wanna check out if they accept SG credit cards. coz my fren realised one of this website dun accept aft entering all her orders. in the end, she had to scramble 4 alternative arrangements. Just fyi.
gal: I browsed the site you shared. The milk intake seems higher than what the GF book suggests, which I use for reference. Again, it's up to individual appetites I suppose! I realised that when A cut down her solids intake, her milk intake improved towards the end of her "fasting".

Babymax: I also dunno why our babies resist food leh. My mother was also quite frustrated with the situation. Only my helper has the patience to try and try again. I realised one thing tho, Amelie will eat her breakfast if you dole it out to her in little pieces she can pick up. That rules out oat cereal, of which I have many packs! If I tear little pieces of toast and put it on her tray one at a time, she will pick it up and eat it. If I put the whole piece or many little pieces she will get confused. I joke that she has an attention span of a pea. Do you want to try something like that? Maybe cos they are at the stage where they want to try finger food?

Shugar: One month already leh! I also thot that it could be a milestone thing but even weeks after she managed to creep forward, she continued to wake up. Even tried giving her milk last night to see if she was hungry. She did drink it but continued to stay awake. I've been counting the hours - I think she ohnly sleeps 8-9 hours in a row. Then after that cannot already. But in the daytime she also doesn't nap long. Alamak!
IMO, unless u r really buyg in bulk or alot of mummies share shipping costs, then it'll b cheaper. Or the theme tt u wan only available online, then go ahead to order. Coz no doubt i agree tt buyg locally is more exp, but its more convenient and u get to chose/see wat u really need. 4 myself, when i order online, i end up buyg more stuff which i actually dun need.
so ended up no cost savings at all!!! but tts juz me lah. haha.
Birthday bash : may I know whether u all still on for the bash on 1st of oct? Cause that is Josh's bday. N I wont plan on having a birthday party for him if u all still having it on his birthday.
I want to invite Josh's friends, but that's impossible if u all do the bash on the same day
If u all choose other date then I can start planning for Josh's party

Babymax : I'm here til wed. When ur free?
side track question :
is it a good idea to bring bb to zoo? or better to bring when older? if older..how old?

funzee :
ah..my milk issue..i think one part is fgured out. he dislike the level 4 teat. we change back to level 3. he still didn't drink his normal intake but a lot better than 1 ounce.

Yesterday was really intersting.
10am ish feed milk..only take one ounce.
nearly 12ish..feed cereal. finish all.
3ish..feed milk drank 110ml (half of nomal intake).
430...zzzzzzzzz till....we woke him up at midnight.
. Then he continue zzzz from 1230am to 530am.

today.. 1 hr nap only through the day. poor nanny :p
gal: funny ah. I thot level 4 faster than can drink more? As for zoo, my coy going to have family day there next month so I am bringing A there. Just nice, that is when my MC ends.

Rae2: The bumper mat was very useful in the early months. But now that A is crawling, I find that not that useful anymore cos she will crawl here and there and everywhere instead of lying, rolling and sitting on it. But I used it for my own exercises!
belle's bday bash gonna be held on 26th September.. Belle's baby friends, watch out for the invites okie! :D

angelina>> if you not holding on 1st Oct, then you gg to hold on 26th Sept? then we two going to clash leh! then how i invite Josh leh.. mm... hehe
bumper mat: I've got a Parklon 15mm one. It's quite useful, i place it in the living room and it saved my girl from quite a few falls. But like funzee, my girl is crawling all over the place but i still place toys on it and try to distract her to come back to the mat..

Party supplies: came across this which is near my place. never been in there before but figured their stuffs look reasonably priced? will pop by to take a look...

mie :im still gonna held it on 1st of oct, cause its his birth date. but its just means that i wont be able to invite his friends if u all still plan to do the party on the same day. i dont think babies can attend 2 party on the same day right? sure they will be tired. too bad though :'(
bumper mat:

cos mine still duno how to crawl.. so thinking if the bumper mat is better or just buy those normal type of mat for bb to train..
Rae2: long term investment? I find bumper mat a v good investment. There is another one posted few week back. Can dismantle and make to rocking chair. So tempting.
Rae2: try not to buy the ones at mini toons. In my opinion, they are a bit rough for baby's skin. You may want to request to feel the mat before buying. Whether it can absorb shock better etc. LG apparently is better but Parklon is good enough for me and more suitable for my budget.

for the Tessellation Play Mat.. looks fun and interesting.. price about the same. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4052407.html?1275494851
at least we can transform the mat into something else.. the LG n Parklon play mat cannot lo..anyone bought it can give review mah?
Hi mummies,

Just want to ask whether your babies still wake up at night for feeds.

Sob. Im still waking up twice a night. Anyway to wean it off? I tried the water method. Doesnt work.
joanne > take care...must have been a traumatic experience..hope babe gets well soon. $$$, no choice..but hope it's good meds that would help her heal quick..**hugs**

rae2> the bumper mat was useful and saved my babe from harm on many occasions. if u don't want to buy, u might want to rent one? that way, u could see if it's suitable..
Cat02: lol!!!! U are so bad leh hahahahah!! But Charlotte doesn't need Liao I ordered for her frm my supplier lol!

I didn't do bp on that and suprisingly she allowed me to order 4 pcs frm here! Yay!! :p
hi mommies,

Authentic Coach Big C logo Shoulder bag Letting go at @$120!

Sincere buyer please quote your best price, NEGOTIABLE.

BRAND NEW condition. Comes with dust bag.

Please PM me. Thanks.

I join LengLeng spree on the happy melts, and Rhys still eat but hor like a bit sour leh he dun enjoy as much as the other biscuit. But I still give it to him. I give to my friend kids which is other, all enjoy it.

Will you still spree on Birthday Direct or Party city?
Bought the yoplait yoghurt for Nate but it's too sour for his liking. Now I have to finish up the rest of the pack

is happymelts as sour?;)
