(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Babytum: Wah! That's good! Then you have nothing to worry about. You have a little gourmet there! But how about carbo? I read from GF that babies should have carbo during meal time.

Xoxo: Hahah I am glad that I have helped perk you up! But hope Dre is better now. The scab will go away. Baby skin heals really fast. I guess that's exactly what my PD has been warning...babies gets more dangerous as they grow. Bet you and SF felt heartaches at that moment!

Nay no worries...I am sure Dre wil grow out of this allergy soon. She has yet turn one! It probably will take a while...

funzee > oranges are a hit with dre. i fed her those w/o close reading that they can cause allergies. but after seeing that she's fine with them...i've continued to give her those. thing is, i later read, that citrus foods can erode their tiny teeth...aiyah..cham lah..now wondering if that's why she is still toothless. strawberries, i held off..choking hazard for anything "grape-like" in size...

sorry to hear abt the sleep issues..this cld be because of separation anxieties playing itself out during sleeptime. dre was reacting like that for a day or two sometime ago. then i decided to bring her to my bed out of sheer exhaustion. she has never left my bed. now she sleeps with us and we have more or less resolved this. read more: http://www.drspock.com/article/0,1510,3975,00.html
tien > hehe, i am OK abt her injuring herself. par for the course of growing up. it's SF...he wanted to bring her to the PD!!!! kaoz..i certainly hope she grows out of the allergy otherwise it's a real shame she can't get to eat so many things...like ice-cream on a hot day. :p
you know i've got nothing to do with the standing to poo nonsense. one fine day i just saw my maid nonchalantly remove Min's diapers then go "min min poot poot" and proceed to place the diaper on the floor, between her legs. and i was like "what you doing?" then she said "she don't want to do it any other way!" bullsh!t lah. then of course my dad was like "no lah, like that cannot come out. gotta hold her legs behind her knees and bend her legs." so HB takes her and makes the stance. poor girl man. but ever since she started eating yoghurt for breakfast this problem has almost dissipated by now.

Poor Dre! Belle too last night. She also fell leh! Aiyo... poor babies!!!
hippo > hehe, i knew yr maid was the "culprit"...but whatever works lah! Heli is super ..he is forever patient and gentle.

Belle fell? what happened? sigh, gotta get used to it...just when i said she is blue black, the bruise is subsiding fast. so yeah, they recover v quickly...*sayang to belle*
xoxolight >> i just boil the brussel sprouts.. think can steam too but im not a good cook.. i scared steam not cooked enough.. i usually overboil so easier to mash them up..

the good thing abt my girl is that she eats everything. so far she has not refused though i know she has a preference for sour stuff like plums. weird right.. for those that she doesn't like, she gives a v v cham look when she eats it but the funny thing is that she still guai guai open her mouth when i continue feeding her btu each mouth is followed by a v cham look. That makes everyone laughs.. (saddist!)

Haha, sorry.. blueberry la.. typing in office..

i wanna try new stuff like bittergourd n celery.. wanna train her to eat these.. will try tofu soon.. still not into rice carbs yet cos i think pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yams are also carbs right?

i tried the gymboree after reading the forum.. would not have known about it if not for this. thanks girls!
Kaelyn fell and hit her forehead against my bed rail last night too. The "baluku" appear instantly and she was wailing her lungs away... and i was so pissed with HB for that, as he was standing in front of her and supposed to be guarding her. The bump is gone by this morning and only a bit of blue black bruise left.
hippo and xoxo, our poor babies, hope they all recover soon... :p
hi ladies,

want to noe for those bb who are able to stand. Do they know how to crawl liao? supposingly, bb should know how to crawl first or stand/walk??
Hi PY,

Transfer done.

15 Jun 2010 04:09 PM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
187-19317-6 PY
Amount S$20.00
Transaction Reference 2938742808

Thanks for organising!
Hi mummies,

Any mummies ever try giving cheese to your kids? Can our kid started to take cheese? My aunty said can start giving cheese when bb turn 8-9mths.
Hello! Have done the transfer for my brown totseat as well..

To Account POSB Savings
187-19317-6 PY sweetsinc
Amount S$20.00
Transaction Reference 2938748865

Xoxo: Haha can imagine how SF must have felt. My hb also...he was watching some movie and turned out YX knocked her head against the marble flooring during her rolling and turning. He was soooooooooooo worried!!

Hippo: Hope Belle is ok.

Guess, we just have to play it real cool...this is the time when all the hard knocks and falls will happen.

Rae2: According to chinese saying, supposed to crawl then walk. Nothing on standing. But I notice that once babies get hold of support, they can stand. My girl is trying that and I think many babies are already. She is trying to stand in her cot which is the playpen type. That day she almost fell off it as the height is not quite right to support her standing. But no choice..her nice white cot is not at my mum's.

hurhur.. mine only noe how to flip n sit wobbly. if put her on stomach, later part she will vomit the milk out. so wondering how she gg to learn crawl..
Rae2: Maybe yours will also be one of those babies who skip crawling totally and start walking!! Be patient! My yx took quite a while to sit up properly, despite we started to let her sit on her on long ago.
Gal: I give egg yolk and egg white LONG ago in the form of chawanmushi! Hahahha I must be one of those bo chap mums. But better to give egg yolks only, apparently. Forgot for what reason...been lazy to give her that because I find it a waste to just give egg yolks...what's going to happen to the egg white?!
Tien: u hav the GF book? Can share what's feeding schedule (milk n solids) like for a 9 mth old? I borrowed the book sometime back but forgot Liao. Am tryin to get my mum to put my boy on schedule;)

anyway shld be quite fun to see ur babies feeding themselves. My mum feeds my boy as a result he is super lazy in self feeding. I will like offer him watermelon to take but e will be super lazy n jus bring his mouth towards it instead of holding it himself haha
PYsorry... had some problems with my internet so only had one chance to post the trans ref. before i restart my comp.. and i couldn't load your bp page XD so had to post here hehe.. Apologies!
Hippo: I know is mie's belle lah!!! Yours is min!!! But mie back already? She told u ah?

Vodkarib: if I'm not wrong the schedule is something like below. Hee my book upstairs lazy to walk up.

7am: 180ml to 240ml of milk plus breakfast in solids
11.30am: lunch in solids
late afternoon: 180ml to 240ml of milk
6 plus: dinner
10pm: 180-240ml of milk

hope I got it right. Anyone can help me if I'm wrong. For the dinner and last feed, mine always not regular.
PY > money is indeed hard to earn, easy to spend. but u have very interesting stuff *thumbs up*.. who says i don't want :p i want the totseat and the monkey bag...but if u know me, i am damn lazy to order, trf $$ blah blah blah. ditter dotter until i read it's next shipment *glum*

tien > gee..marble flooring is quite hard... :S hope yx is all ok! they are much tougher than we think they are..but still must monitor. that said, they are sometimes too fast with their antics. hard to catch them. wah yr yx is tai-tai leh. chawanmushi????!!!??? wahahaha, did u feed her the "abalone porridge"? ;p after all that hoo-ha, i went to inspect her lips, turns out she had cut both the top and bottom ones in that fall!

gal > yep, dre has scrambled eggs for breakfast..i wanted to ask, any max for the no of eggs she can eat? she can finish one egg on her own at times. but...again, this is a very iffy ingredient. just like oranges. some will say, not v good for babes? but so far, OK for us.

cat02 > awww..hope Kaelyn's fine!

rae2> maybe u can try giving yr babe tummy time abt 15mins after a feed? you can also give her a pillow to lie prone so that her chest/head level is higher than her tummy - that might help.
GF's 9th mth schedule

7am: 180ml to 240ml of milk plus breakfast in solids
11.30 - 11:45am: lunch in solids with some juice/water from a beaker
2- 230: 180ml to 240ml of milk
5pm: dinner
630: 180 - 240ml

by 9th mths.. bbs should have skip 10pm.. and sleep from 7 to 7pm..

avoid egg coz can cause allergy more easily than egg yolk.. egg yolk to give only when fully hard boiled.. can try introduce with milk added...pasty egg yolk..

xoxo: my bet's still on dre walking by 9 mths..
xoxo: eggs.. one per day up to max 5 a week..
but careful with the whites coz dre has allergy history.. and scambled. make sure ur helper cooks the eggs FULLY...

Rae2: my Bao (elder boy) skipped crawling.. and went straight to walking.. then back to crawling.. i attributed it to the lack of tummy time.. coz like ur case. he tends to bring up milk coz he was a glutton when young.. so i avoided.. but i think that attributed to him skipping crawling.. though there are cases of children who just skipped crawling.. coz reduced opps.. now i think back. heh. bring up a bit of milk.. when on the front. it's ok.. one.. at most clean up nia

xoxo: u need to buy insurance for ur hyper bunny!
xoxo: can I ask how many hours Dre sleeps? Wondering if I'm the only one whose babe sleeps less than the "recommended" 14 hours. I know Dre is quite energetic. Wah, walking already! Wonderful. My chubby one still trying to stand - not by holding on to sturdy things but by grabbing our t-shirts. Strange logic but oh well.

Yah, you might be right about the separation anxiety thing. I am not sure if I want her to join our bed cos I am afraid she will suffocate under the covers and she will also kick us all night long. She crawls in her sleep. I thot of asking my husband to do sleep training with her since I can't carry her myself and my helper will not have the heart to do it.

Mummies with babies who had falls - hope they get recover from their bruises soon! My mother says - must fall down then will grow up. According to her, sure will have cases like Dre where they fall down and cut their lips one.

Gemson: yes, can give cheese. Buy mild cheese. I wldn't go for the pkt singles cos those are salty. Made pasta with cheese sauce for all in the family but not shiok for adults cos the cheese not tasty (read salty) enough.
PY > I was thinking of getting the bag as a present. Is it ex-stock at the moment? BD party coming up v soon..

astro > dre is an egg-eater. ok lah, she takes abt 5 per week max... i have tried to give her only on alt days. buy insurance ah..medical one bought already. accident one, i think better add on :S...ask u something abt bb proofing - how do u secure electrical sockets that are in use? the empty ones, i bought this cap that sticks (but she manages to peel them anyway)..recently she has taken an interest in one particular socket that's loaded with a multiple socket. she pulls the various plugs off and likes to stick her wet-with-drool finger into the "live" socket. most times we can stop her in time. haiz! we sternly tell her "NO!" but she just giggles. and will keep trying again and again. i don't see anything securing such live sockets..any idea? or is there such a pdt just that i don't know abt it?
funzee > dre sleeps abt 10-12hrs at a stretch. she is usually asleep anytime btw 8-10pm everyday, and wakes the following morning at abt 8-10am. never quite fixed but it's within that range. then...the day starts and never stops until she sleeps at night. she occasionally takes "cat naps" where she "naps" for 10mins. but that seldom happens. even rarer are actual naps - classed as abv 30mins. today she took it. right after the traumatic fall...cried herself to her nap - but only for an hr. we did talk to the PD but he says as long as she isn't fussy w/o naps, we can't do anymore except try to pace the activities..so every three hrs or so, we switch to more "low" energy activities, like story time or finger play etc.

Haha, wait till Amelie grabs yr pants as u are standing!!! SF had many "oh-my-god-help-me-my-pants-are-coming-down" moments! :p

I had fears that she will be smothered by our covers too so what we did was throw the comforter over her and kinda fold our arms and see what she does. she was able to uncover herself and get out of the "situation" so we went ahead... her tactics also involve the shove and headbutting to gain bedspace and yep u are right, kicked us all over the plc. but she is always so duper happy when she wakes up in our bed vs waking in her own cot, we let her be. haiz! yet another indulgent move by us...

falls..can't be helped. just hope nothing serious :s
hi mummies

came back from a short KL trip on saturday and haven had any time to log in at all, till now
monday started work, and yes, my poor baby fell down!

she fell off my bed yesterday evening when i was still at work. her upper lip bled. rushed her to the pd, told to monitor for 1 week, gave ointment to apply on her lip.

came home, she had her milk, took half her norm, then i applied the ointment for her. halfr hour later, she wailed so loudly i tink i can hear her if im in pasir ris (im staying in tampines btw). loudest cries since her 8.5 months. then i noticed her tongue got blood! her upper lip bled again. rushed down to kkh.

the staff nurse on duty told us may have a cut, no food and drinks until the doctor attends to her coz may need to sedate her for stitching if really got cut. well, thank goodness, its just a very bad bruise. yeap, JUST, better than having a cut that requires stitches ya? so she gave us paracetamol and home we went.

poor baby.. my heart bled when i saw her cry so badly, i cried with her too...
miemie: haiz.. Isabelle will recover soon.. it is never easy. i hold back my tears so many times when bao AND teng repeatedly hospitalised within 4 mths and so many procedures on tiny bally then. . i no tears to cry coz i felt sooo numbed.. haiz. but dun worry she will recover v fast!

funzee: amelie has sleep association problems.. as in after 30 minutes.. remember the light deep sleep? she will wake and chances are she wun go back to sleep.. bally will yelp and cry.. haiz. compared to bao.. bally dun sleep well .. oh well but i think eventually.. ONE day. he can sleep well.. every afternoon the joker flipped himself up and smiled and played.. when he is supposed to sleep for 2 hours.. bao snoring beside him. i always carry bally to se bao snoring.. and i asked bally 'whey. u look at ur gor gor.. u sleep lah!'

xoxo: ya. get the accident ones also :p cover sockets.. ? eh. u know those insert into sockets.. it looks like our two pins adapter (the plastic kind) but outside is no holes one.. essentially it seals the holes up?
anyway .. me wrong persont o ask. i never bbproof the house coz my bao was SEDENTARY half his bb life..
oh. i always like to put the boyS beside us.. when teng was younger and now bally.. he sleeps in his cot when i am awake.. but when i sleep. i put him in the bed.. miser complains he got no space.. yh sleeps one quarter, i sleep half.. he has only a quarter!.. chey i dun believe him.. i like to hug my boy to sleep. and he smells so nice.. ya. last time he flips himself awake.. then i go grrrr. but it is so nice to see him waking up smiling..aiya. i always start out GF. then end up anyohow. :p
astro>> you not angry with me le ah? ;)
eh, teng = bao right? hahaha.. i think you wanna say teng and bally ya?

the swell has subsided pretty much, still poutty, but at least it aint an angry red swell now.. held back all her solids today lest its painful. should be resuming them tmr..

ya, it aint easy being a parent.. need to stay strong for them and we can do it! our kids will be strong and healthy!
xoxo>> how's little dre now? i just had a bit of chance to read some of the archives.. gonna enter lala land soon.. this waking up early in the morning thing isnt in my blood, having a difficult time adjusting to my working hours! (even though its just 30 minutes earlier!)

and that 'SF had many "oh-my-god-help-me-my-pants-are-coming-down" moments!' is really hilarious, the way you describe it. hahahahhahaha
hope Dre wun try to pull her daddy's pants when you're outside!
PY>> the money i pass to you personally can? i tink most prob i self collect from you ba.. if not convenient, whatsapp me la.. i dunno when i will get the chance to log in here..
mie: i got over it.. i wasn't angry. just v disappointed. but i am alright now
no worries lah..

i meant both boys.. slept with us when they were younger.. bao in his own room on his own bed now , of course.. else how our pathetic queen size bed tahan 2 mega size adults.. one mega size toddler and one mega size bb? :p
Xoxo , mie : talking bout baby fell. Last sunday Josh just fell down also. He was standing n tried to pull something,which he manage to pull but end up no hands to hold on something. The thing that he was holding on into knocked his forehead n bleed then nothing to grip fell down on the floor hit the edge of dining table. It all happened in seconds.
N today he knocked his upper gum cause bleed again for quite some time. So had difficulty to feed him, aiyoh heart pain. Bleed here n there :'(
oh goodness me...ytd/today seems to be particularly painful ones! all babies..pls be careful okay? yr mummies'/daddies' hearts are q fragile. cannot tahan too many of such bangs and knocks (no matter how brave a front we put up).

astro > cannot buy those..i still need to use the plug...that's why, how to bb proof a live socket?
sedentary - i can forget it!

miemie > oh dear, the fall from belle seems bad!
no solids..then belle must be so hungry! :S hope yr holiday was good nonetheless and ganbate for the new co...dre's upper lip is more badly "cut". the bleeding was darker red and more profuse. she was hysterical. for a moment, i nearly agreed to go to PD straightaway..but purelan worked its magic. gave her iced water to soak her lips in earlier this evening to bring down the swelling and the pain. haiz!!!

angelina > poor Josh! i agree..they get into trouble in a flash! hope the bleeding wasn't too bad..?
astro > haha..tell miser, he is lucky he gets 1/4. SF gets 1/6 of the bed. he can only sleep on his side - and not move the whole night! same with me...that bunny of ours gets 2/3!!
PY > it's the perfect price for gifts. haha, for giving u the idea, got free bag or not...just kidding! :p prolly take the penguin bag in this case...monkey bag not suitable for that aug bb. :D
PY : 1 brown/1 purple totseat. $$ transferred to your a/c. Trans Ref : 2939812755 . Many thanks!!

mie: oh dear. you must have a shocked hearing that scream :S tongue bleed :S. Get well soon Belle.

angelina : hope Josh get well soon and can wallop mummy delicious food soon.

egg yolk.
I rem v clearly that the nurse at poly ask me to give my boy egg yolk before he turned one (before the 1yo jab). Any idea why?

astro :
i not really GF but did adopt some that was discussed in forum.
The 1st 3 timing is about there...ish.. :p I'll try over weekend. Can confirm the last two is 5pm and 630pm? That's pretty close the timing (1.5 hr gap)?
Xoxo: nay she's fine! Merely whine n cried for a while. She was just being playful n just so happened hb not keeping an eye.

Haiyo cuts on both lips? But as long as no more bleeding should be ok.

Astro: thanks for giving the correct schedule. Oh well I only follow the first part faithfully. Evening bit I can't as there's no way we can make hee sleep at 7pm. This is when her daddy n gonggong return from work to play with her.

Mie: welcome back! Hope belle is better now. So no stitching in the end right? Poor girl... Can imagine the heartpain. But she is a strong b chirpy girl, she will be well n good soon! You take care too!

I think this is the stage where it is more common for babies to fall, because they are experimenting with standing, and their legs aren't strong enough.

Elgin also just fell down recently when he was trying to stand up by holding on to the sofa. Too bad he fell through the gap between two armchairs.

Thank goodness after crying, he was ok.

I was there watching him as well, but it's just a sudden thing.

My relative's baby also fell, but I think she fell from much higher up.

Regarding standing and crawling,
he had been leopard crawling forever, one month ago started dog style 4 legged propping up, now crawling a big better but still not fantastic.

however, he has been standing up, and just a few days ago could cruise for about 1 metre.
