(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Sigh princess min is just lying on her belly. If u put her toys out of reach, she will whine n daddy will hand it to her! But she did move like 2 tiny steps on her belly so perhaps hanging out with Dre has rubbed off some good on her...

But i m in no hurry to hve her crawl or walk cos my dad hasnt done anything to child proof the house!!!

hippo: i think hanging out with other babies really work.
I actually hung out with my friend who has a 3 year old and a 1 year old, who could walk a few steps.

After that, Elgin just picked it up.

My mother isn't too pleased about it because she thinks that babies who walk too early will have a hard life in the future.
tien > she's alright..purelan is magic :D but it's not a case of once bitten twice shy for her. back to her curtain climbing activities today. think i need to pack her and go out of home = no more dangerous curtain terrain. but it's raining...haiz!

hippo > speaking of toys, min and dre have alot of similar things! haha, the day u morph yr pond into a wading pool let us know...*invasion* :D

glass > haha, yr mum cld be more accurate by saying it's a harder life for the parents! watching and helping them to find the right footing is back-breaking business! :p
Wah, if hanging out with babies really work then I must make Amelie hang out with the good sleepers. I think the household is getting a little tired of the night wakings.

Astro, yah, I know she has sleep association problems. Becos I went back to work after 2 months and then my helper liked to rock her to sleep in the evening so that she can cook dinner and all that. I told her, next time 10kg who wants to rock her and she said never mind. So now like that lah! Then my husband see her cry very heart pain. So what to do? Now I am not sure if her night waking is cos of the sleep association or the separation anxiety. Cos if sleep association, if we rock her then shld be able to go back to sleep right? But now it's a case where if put down, she will cry immediately. I was going to ask you if you had any sleep problems since you follow GF. Hm, looks like Bally and A are the same - 30 min nappers. I have to wait until next month when my husband is free to take leave to do sleep training. Even then I suspect he will cave in. For the time being I am not keen for her to share our bed cos I am afraid she will kick me in the back (big no no since I am waiting for my bones to fuse).

Xoxo, I miss the days when A slept 10 hours at a stretch... now her grand total is 10 hours or less... including 3 x 30 min naps. I swear I can see her eye bags - puffiness + darkening under the eyes. She also likes to stab her eye with her spoon or fingers. And I mean right to her eye, not just rubbing deep. Sigh.
Hippo: ever tried a wind-up toy? Or a ball? Amelie likes to creep after balls. We have a soft one from IKEA then after she gets it she will hold on to it and suck her thumb. Very silly and funny. Wind-up toys are also great since they capture attention by moving about.
funzee: time for her to wear goggles!

Yeah, I found out that the way my in-laws put elgin to bed is by patting him vigorously!

now that he has grabbed the spoon to play with while eating, he likes to stuff it down his throat. Argh!

xoxo: so far I put him in the playpen when he tries to walk. He also stand when he's on my bed. We shifted the bed, so now 3 sides are closed to him. 2 sides padded with light mattresses, and 1 side bed frame. Left one side for us to guard.

It's like a fortress!
glass: the thing is, we have goggles for her since her papa brings her to the pool and guess what - she rips them off. So ah, do you have to pat pat Elgin to sleep too? Ours worse than patting. Must hold tight and pat.
Hi Mommies

Last day promo: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4088827.html?1276135246

Happy browsing. Thank u!
gal: ya.. 1.5. 5pm all solids.. milk at 6.30..

funzee: bally naps longer than 30 minutes.. just that at 30 minutes junction.. he cries/yelp.. and must quickly give him paci to make him go back to sleep.. else he wakes and plays! and xoxo's question to u.. bally doesn't rub his eyes..and he sleeps well at night.. so i can only conclude this boy needs less sleep than his brother..not really GF or what..
it is more like i didn't give him the opp to learn toput himself back to sleep..
bao by contrast is heaven when young.. just that he is sedentary! hahahah actually v easy to loo after! bally is different. he climbs all over the place.. well i wished for it. i get what i wanted.. so i cannot complain!

ya.. sleep training is tough. hence haiz. i shd have just let him cry for 10 minutes when younger at 3 weeks to go back to bed then to risk all these repercussions.. anyway. he is getting better. but nowhere near bao lah..
hippo: tell heli cannot do that. coz i think min is like teng. v intelligent (read: manipulative).. coz my mum (ok lah i guitly myself.. he whines, i go carry him up.. bt my mum lagi worse. pd highligted to us liao.. she still insists say pd wrong!).. to teng and min, if everything is given to me.. why the need for me to move? roger? with min.. LEAVE her alone..that is what i have been doing to bally.. and seems tat bally is a more tenacious bb than teng was!
xoxo, it's quite often but I won't say throughout the day. Usually happens when she is sitting (say in high chair or in our laps, including when eating!!!). And I know it's not tiredness cos she does that even after a nap. Yah, I was a little concerned but she doesn't do it all the time. Anything you want to highlight to me? I am open one! She doesn't do it when she is crawling - guess can't since her hands are occupied?!

BTW, I thot of smth re your socket cover. You know some sockets have a plastic cover? Those for outdoor use? I doubt they are lockable and I am sure clever Dre will find it a breeze to flip them open. I am not sure if there are lockable ones but you cld try asking DIY shops?

Astro: Sigh... so I am alone. Aiyoh, my A was a big sleeper in the beginning. Drink already just guai guai sleep. All this can't fall asleep thing started in her 3rd month - and has gotten progressively worse. At least Bally takes paci. We tried to give her. Try and try then she was taking for a while then started to resist big time. If we do sleep training, think neighbours will get fed-up and Amelie will be puking, which is what happened one time I let her CIO.
xoxo, sotong,
hahaha... you know i suggested jokingly once that we should convert the pond into a pool for the princess. ah gong was actually seriously mulling it. nah. i don't think we'll do that.

i know. but easier said than done rite? she is manipulative already. she has mastered the art of turning on the tears brigade (this one i think she inherited from me lah hehe ) at will to get what she wants. from as tender an age as 6mths. thats why i said she's too smart for the 2 of us add together. sigh... what to do? she garners the keen attention of EVERYONE in the village. including my bro & SIL. everyone's smitten. she's taken all of us hostage. EVERYONE.

oh well. i can only try feebly (at the side) "no, this cannot..." but everyone ignores me. hehe... then i'll forget and join in anyways. kua kua...
just posted trans ref in your BP thread. sorry for the delay.

can you help me to pick up my stuff from PY when she pass you yours? thanks ah. only when convenient lah. no rush.
PY > Yep, I will take the penguin

hippo > you know, u shld record the pout-before-the-wail look...Min seriously knows how to tug at heart strings!

funzee > if she keeps rubbing/stabbing things at her eyes, it cld be that she wants to sleep but for some reason, ain't getting enough rest. you might want to discount other unlikely, but possible factors such as blur vision or things like that..i mean if she keeps rubbing her eyes, presuming she is not sleepy, then it cld be a matter of she is trying hard to gain focus or something? that is a very, very unlikely thing (touch wood!) but cld be worth bringing up to yr PD the next time u chk back with him? can also test her by swinging a small string in front of her and see if she can make a good grab for it/ little things to test eye attentiveness? i am sorry abt suggesting the co-sleeping thing - shld have remembered that u had a back issue...hmm..how abt "faded sleep" routine? http://www.parentingscience.com/infant-sleep-training.html - hopefully this "prb" will just disappear...babies afterall go thru' phases..and sometimes, things will just resolve and we will forget we even had such prbs!
Xoxo: Dre is a brave warrior. Dun think 'once bitten twice shy' will be in her life philosophy...hers should be 'try until I succeed'!

Re: Crawling and stand
YX is showing sign of wanting to crawl and stand. She will be in upright position and try to launch herself into the crawling position. But dunno if it's because her thighs are too heavy, always fail halfway through hahahahha...for standing up, I think if not for the lousy playpen that she is sleeping in now, she probably would have stood a while ago. The height is just not right for her. And in fact it has become soooo dangerous that if she really attempt to stand in it, she will just bow over and fall flat on the floor. So, everytime when she tried to stand, we just have to stop her. So poor girl has no chance to practise.

Re: Sleep issue
Seems like I am not the only person battling with her on this. It was so much easier when I latch her, so, Astro, I agree that this is the toughest. It used to be latch and sleep. But since I stop bfg, she would still be wide awake after her milk feed. last few nites were bad. She would just roll, sit, turn, flip and play, refusing to sleep. If we just put her in her cot, she would fuss and fuss and do all the dangerous stunts. Pat her to sleep is like taming a tiger too. Usually she will only willingly let me pat her to sleep after half an hour to 1 hour of such nonsense just because she is tired.

xoxo: Thanks for sharing that. I think I am going to give it a try while my hb is away. Actually her issue is quite obvious. She plays too much at night before bedtime. But really, it's this choice between giving her a proper routine and spending time with her after work. In her case, her daddy is always returning from work pretty late and he likes to play rough with her after 7pm. Yep I do not want to stop this....would rather she bond with her daddy. Sigh...
My boy jus has his first formula feed yesterday. He accepted it after coaxing from my mum who keeps wanting me to wean him off BM.
And it's really weird that I am feeling quite sad
he is really growing up..
vodkarib, why does your mother want to wean him off BM ah?

xoxo, thanks so much for your suggestion (and no worries about ur suggestion on co-sleeping
). Yes, this gentle approach sounds better. Tho I am wondering how we can squeeze into the cot with her! LOL. OK maybe we try on our bed and transfer her but I suspect she will spend at least an hour climbing all over us. I just came back from the PD. Decided to bring her for her pneumococcal as well as to ask my list of questions. Well the PD said eyes look fine. I will try the string experiment later.

Oh yes, the PD said shld sleep 16 hours and I was like what?! She only sleeps about 10 hours (sometimes less!) now. Good grief. Even my helper was shocked - she said, like that whole day sleeping lah? Hahaha. Well well, if I can even get her to sleep 12 hours I will be quite pleased.
Hello Mommies!! Hope all's well. Sorry to hear about the falls and bumps. Must be ouch and OMG..

Sleep training >> I think I quite given up on GF routine. It makes me very depressed actually. My bubba is no where close and I felt lousy. At one stage, I nearly threw the book out of the window. hahahaha. Now I tell myself, one day he will sleep through and by then, it will be that much tougher to get him out of bed...my struggle is I can't get him out of the swaddle he used to sleep in when he's a tiny baby. So if I don't swaddle him, he cannot sleep and will scream the whole house down. At night, if he managed to get his hands out of the swaddle, I will have major problems getting him to fall back to sleep. He has graduated to using a grobag, and then I use a towel to hold his arms down, but still not fool-proof as he is getting very strong and like a houdini who can squirm his way out of swaddle. So its a "Swaddle me as I want to sleep, but watch me unswaddle myself." routine. GF would have baulk at my routine and all the tsk tsk tsk.

Weaning >> absolutely top of my grrrr list. Everyday has to go pray to see if he drinks his milk. Now, he is rejecting cereals, and eats only rusk and biscuit. Porridge so so. Arghhh...don't know how to feed him like that.

If its not one thing, its the other. Moral of story I learnt. Also, deep breathing when the going gets tough. hahahahaha.
Funzee: my mum belongs to old school thinking of formula milk is better and thinks the boy should not be too dependant on mummy for milk. Repeating her mantra since day 1 so een very good in trying to bf him exclusively till now. I guess I will jus let him take some FM to make her hapy since I m intending to stop after 1 yr old. Jus hope he doesn't decide to prefer FM over BM meanwhile. I m upset as the day grows nearer for him to eventuallyto wean off BM
sorry for lamentig here...
Hi Babymax,
i believe you are in HK - right? I may be travelling to HK in last week of June. I would be bringing my girl over there. Can you advice me on the climate, etc over there at that point of time. also is it convenient to take her around in her stroller or should I get a baby carrier?
thanks in advance!! :)
Hi Vin!! Welcome to HK! Are you coming on a tour or F&E? Where would you be staying? Kowloon or HK Island? Where will you be visiting?

OK, HKG is rather mucky in terms of weather this time of year. You have the humidity plus the heat plus the rain. I actually find HK summers worse than SIN because of the buildings effect. They trap heat on the ground level.

But sales are starting so always good to visit.

I will suggest stroller definitely, but bring along a carrier in case you are walking round the little alleys. I find its easier to carry baby like that. But certainly if you are walking round the Central, Causeway Bay, TST malls, then strollers will be helpful in taking the weight off you or your hubby.

Let me know if you need recommendations for food, etc!
Hi babymax
thanks :) we havent booked hotel as yet. my hubby is going on biz trip there. so we are accompanying. shall let you know once things are finalised.
Meanwhile, all suggestions on food and ofcourse on the sales and shopping is most welcome :)

other thing is baby food and formula - though I'll carry enough for 5-6 days from here, but in case i have to buy over there, which brands are available? If Gerber and Heinz are easily available, then I won't be much worried. else i'll overstock on these things.
and thanks for your prompt response!!
Oic. Ok. Let me know once firmed up, so I can better advise.

Shopping >> If you are looking for baby clothes, the cheaper alternatives are in Stanley. Its quite far away from Central. Its further in from Repulse Bay. They have BabyGap, Carter's, OshGosh, etc but factory knockoff prices. I usually stock up bubba's clothes from there. Less heartache when he outgrows them in a jiffy.

If you're looking for things yourself, my sisters always love shopping for bags and shoes here. They can be cheaper since they don't have the GST and I think SGD is stronger than HKD at the moment. The major brands like Miu Miu, Ferragamo, etc are having their pre-sales already.

Food >> I personally love dim sum. So Cityhall in Central is good. They have the traditional pushcarts and the place can fill up very quickly and is a favorite among tourists as well. Prices are reasonable. I now go to the other one at Jardine House (just a few streets away from CityHall as (1) I can book (2) don't have a rushed feel (3) food quality the same as CityHall. Prices are slightly pricier. And of course, the must dos are the yung kee for their goose and char siew.

Heinz is available as is Gerber (Is this Nestle family?). I definitely saw them in the local supermarkets like Wellcome and ParknShop. I think you will be fine. How old is your little one?

Let me know if I can further help in any ways. If you need a friendly Singaporean to have a cup of tea/coffee, give me a shout!
Babymax: thanks for all the advice!! i'm so looking forward for the shopping. can you PM me your email id and contact number pls.

PY: I dont think I received your reply till sometime back. I realised you must be busy with all the orders.:)
regarding sleeping, babies who don't get enough sleep in the day may be crankier at night. but if they sleep too much in the day, it's not good too.

these few days i'm having trouble with baby sleeping. he kept waking up, and i keep latching, but it's probably not enough for him.

super tired.
Vodkarib: How come your mum would think that FM is better than BM? My mum used to be like that..but that day she went PD with us and got converted by PD. Problem is she wants me to continue bfg but no more latching. She want me to express and give. Something I kinda refused initially. I love latching a lot!! Now really no choice but to give up...so, I can feel what you are feeling now. It's this sense of loss and really, we can't bear to let go.
Hi babymax,

Can I check if u station in Hk permanently? I planning to bring my boy to Hk for holiday in last week of sept or first week of oct to "celebrate" his first bdae. Need to check with u for advises before I make the bookings too!

I tried to pm u but you didn't turn on the function. Do u think u can give me your email address so I can contact you about this? I would like advice on hotel location and all those baby friendly eating areas and as well as addresses for the shopping as well! Wow I am so excited now! Thanks!!
Hello Ting and Vin >> hahahaha...you got to love this. I don't know how to switch on the function for pm and cannot seemed to do anything to switch it on?? So mountain tortoise.

Yep, been here for coming to 6 years now. Just one more year to get the permanent resident status!! For sure! Let me know and I'm happy to provide suggestions, recommendations!

So since I'm so tech savvy and all, I'm going to post my email here...hahahah. easier. [email protected]

See ya soon!
Babymax: u r sparking our interest in bringing our tots to HKG since it is a short flight _just as a test run:p
thinkin of shoppin at the sale too but Er with the baby... I think shopping would be very unfruitful

tien: I already latch at night n weekends cos am working on weekdays. So it's all the more precious when I get to feed him.. But seems like these times will be gone soon as he grows n decides not to tAke my BM anymore
I just think you ladies are all so brave...I dare not even think of bringing him on a flight back to Singapore!!

Depends on what you would like to get lah...

The best times for visits will be October because its starting to feel cooler. But then, sales will not start so early.

Hey - if you're going to be here, let me know yeah! Can have a mini mommies gathering in HK! That is, if your schedule permits..:)
PY > thanks, i will get the penguin bag..cos SF made a gd pt..we have not gone out with dre at all for makan..and i doubt she will guai guai sit in the totseat...argh. let me know the total. maybe i can pick up from u directly and pay cash. i really find the int trf super leh chey.
funzee > you can move the cot next to yr bed. within an arm's reach
you can relax since the PD says nothing is wrong. just amelie's little habits :p

babymax > eh, don't be depressed just becos u can't quite follow GF. the dropout rate for GF is quite high in my POV. when i was expecting, i was so darn sure GF was gg to be the way i'd do things. i even had wall charts and little stuff that i planned in my schedules to accommodate the GF thingy. less than 3 days after taking the bb home, nearly 50% were thrown out of the window. dre is effectively not GF compliant but that is not a prb. so cheer up..hehe, just enjoy the ride.
u are based in HK..i see..i am hoping that i don't get this lottery ticket that would see me having to go to HK next mth for work. doing my best to dodge it. otherwise i dunno how to pack the little one in the luggage and go over there for work...haha, though if i do go, i will surely "bother" the friendly singaporean :p

tien > SF also loves boisterous play close to bedtime. i murdered him when he sang her those uppety christmas carols like jingle bells, dashing thru the snow and god knows what v early on...that was christmas. the squealing and laughing goes on at my place all the way to bedtime...what i have done is the minute i decide i wanna put her to bed, i scoop her and walk ard for abt 2 minutes in pure silence, nvm the hectic activity b4 bedtime. then i switch off all the lights in the room and wait for her to quieten...it kinda helps. she knows that's the cue to sleep. astro did tell me such laughing etc contributes to nightmares..in a way true also..some nights, i get her wailing in her sleep but she doesn't wake up. oh well..in the name of fun.
xoxolight >> Thank you!! I know, the first 2 weeks after I bring bubba home, I was utterly depressed because he was not following any of the routines even a little bit and I felt that I must have been a lousy mum. hahahaha. Does not help that I am quite an organised person so imagine the shock that I could not get him on ANY routine and everyday is a toss up between what may happen and what what actually did happen. I was crying buckets and called those days my dark days...Anyway.

Come come! no bother!

Btw, my darling hubby finally managed to have time to do my profile and I should be able to accept pm now? Try ok? Then I can go tell him if he's more tech savvy than me. hahahaha!
still unable to PM you..
To enable receiving PM, you can go to 'Edit Profile'
Then in the 'Preference' section, you'll see 'Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users'. Just uncheck this box. and you should be able to receive PM.

Hope this helps!!
Thanks Vin! Went in and checked...the section you mentioned under "Preference" was unchecked leh...not sure what happened...
Babymax : I'm flying to hk today. Too bad I only read this forum just before I take off,if not would have asked more about hk to u. I'm staying at Crown Hotel at causewaybay. Where do u stay? Maybe can meet up sometime,if ur free. Would love to meet ur bubba

Vin : when u'll be flying to hk? I'll be in hk til next wed or thurs. Maybe can meet up also

Share story bout Josh : josh needs to inhale steroids n ventolin everyday. Its really heart breaking to see this,its a quite hard to accept that my baby has asthma. But good thing is he's a super active baby,my little worm. For all the moms that saw him before,sure u all understand why sometime I called him little monkey or little worm,cause he's always moving. Atleast even though I knew that he has asthma but he never change,he's still a super active baby. With 5 little tooth that learn to walk.sigh,I hope he'll get better as he grows older
jrrt: i also dunno what she meant by yellowish but she keep saying that in hokkien.. but anyway i dun bother now after all the confirmation from here..

PY: Can i collect the totseat from you tomorrow?? will PM you my contact.

Angelina: Josh will get well...

Holidays: so many mummies are going holidays so envious.. me not too sure when my holiday will come.. so continue to wait wait wait...

anyway all mummies going on holiday or have planned to go for holiday.. Enjoy your holidays!!!!
Report from hk so far : I took train from airport to causeway bay, n had walked around times square. So far my opinion that this place where I walked is not a baby friendly at all. Lots of people,very crammed n jam, n they don't really bother to give way to stroller users. I saw some parents who bring their babies end up the babies all scream n keep crying. But that's only around this place. I'll keep updated other places here in hk for baby friendly
