(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

i also put baby in yaolan during the day.. maybe that's why she had problem falling asleep at night when we try to put her to her cot to sleep.. we are trying very hard not to give her the pacifier.. but seems like we have to give in soon and give her the pacifier, else we will have more sleepless nights ahead

siangjiao/boi: thanks for reply.

I bought the avent manual pump yesterday.. then Angel started to reject my nipples..

xoxo: i wish we can both be put in a blender and then divide into two. so we can have a balance between 100% latch and 100% bottle-feed. maybe shouldn't even have started on breastfeeding..

mie: i envy u.... tfm is probably the best. darn tmc parentcraft for saying bf-ing is easy.
If u feel a lump, that's block duct. Most of the times it's painful. You can never miss it. Hehe. 

How much is your bb drinking now? It could be she's not full n rooting for more or Tummy ache, over stimulated n couldn't fall asleep. You need to eliminate one by one. My girl also v fussy. She make noise all the time. In the beginning, she grunt n squirms a lot n cry when abt to pee n poo. Sleep also like that. We didn't know n it was v frustrating but later we realize it's het pattern n just let her be. Will hum mmm or tell her to pee n wait. Nowadays we recognize her cries n now what she wants. 

My girl if overstimulated will wail v v loud before bed time n v v hard to fall asleep. No matter how we pat her, or pacify her she will keep crying till she knock out. Initially we tot she wants more milk. We try to feed her but she wails even louder. Diaper also not wet. Finally she cry until tired (can last abt 5-10mins) n just shut up n knock out. V drama n comical. Happen a few nights already. Usually after 10pm also. So I after her last feed, will put her on the bouncer to rest. When she start making noise (her cue to sleep), will carry her n pat her to sleep. Usually doesn't take v long. 
nurshing ponchos
Hey Ladies, have received the nursing ponchos from xoxo! Shugar's, hippo's and tien's, ur ponchos are with xoxo.

Others are all with me now, pending collection. All collectin during the xmas gathering?

Pls PM me for my bank acount for payment.
The Peony is $28, other shawls are at $33.

Payment already recieved from:

Loke: ha.. yalor.. i raised all my legs and hands and fingers and toes plus hair and agree with u that bf-ing is not easy!
i going to chip in my two cents worth on this. erm. ladies who are enjoying great success with bf-ing and are loving it, pls skip my post :p

i find it a chore. literally. coz of the time i have to spend latching rayan.. i feel that i have neglected teng BADLY.. liek a lonely child, he is runnign amok in th eliving room doing his own stuff.. maybe independence? well. maybe not.. haiz..

then aiyoh. when nature calls.. jialat.. now is lunch hour.. dun want to gross pple out.. u can imagine.. with fm simple.. just put the bottle aside.. and quick do ur business.. as with bf-ing.. bb will be brawling. but that can't be helped.. but bf-ing.. milk leaking! aiyoh.. messy

then IF onli i can pump out gallons.. maybe i will sing a different tune..
i was reading aria's post that she will exchange her ability to pump loads for direct latching. i will be first in the queue.. this pumping is frustrating.. i CANNOT believe that i can't even pump 100ml 3 hourly.. yet when direct latching.. rayan is happy and sleeps well.. argh.. so even if i am diligent and on the steady diet of fenugreek, blessed thistle.. what have u.. there is onli so much rayan can take.. if the stupid pump cannot empty the breasts.. i wun get the gallons out too! haiz.. now worse. i am reacting aginst fenugreek.. my skin is flaring .. with excema.. haiz. my 'chamelon' eyelids, itchy!, are back too.. so.. what can i say? as of now.. i still DUN SEE a clear pro of bf-ing.. except maybe for direct latching outside? well that is also easily achieveable with fm too. haiz..

BUT having said that. in toder not to let my tolerance for all the stupid pain for cracked nipples etc go to waste.. i am STILL attending bf-ing workshops! I am such a contradiction!

Anyway, the breastfeeding support group is orgainsing a series of workshops.. i am going to attend 'back to work' this sat.. it is a volunteer's house.. i thought this is quite cool.. then can ask questions. and ask for demo for the much acclaimed hand expression! it is $20 for non-members.. hbs not allowed :p

Here is the website..

wonder how to be a member to enjoy discount for the workshops.. heh.

i am going to be real vocal and get the help to empty and get the gallons out man!
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude, I'm from Jun '09 thread. We've 7 babies keen in Sean Lau Photography baby shoot. Is anyone here organising for their photoshoot or are keen to join us?? Pls take a look at www.seanlau.com Pls contact mi at 97932771 if keen, thks!

Sean Lau BP
10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)
30 babies sign up @ $178 ($60 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com
- 02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
- 05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
- 01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
- DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35.
If both parents join in for a family portrait, will throw in an additional picture worth $30.

* Recommended age: Below 1 year
astro : sounds interesting. can share w us oso once u attended the talk how to empty? i m v curious coz' the amt i empty is definitely insufficient. so m tinking is E drinking enough or he just drink tired so sleep. :S
i wanna attend the workshop too! My bfg queries still unresolved and i cant find answers to my queries...
Yeah i am interested to know how to b member to enjoy the discounts!

the pain when u hv blocked ducts cannot b missed or ignored. i was in so much pain tt i cant sleep, tts how bad it is. if u can still continue ur usual routine then it is not blocked ducts liao.
my girl is cranky ard 10+pm oso... but now i know why... coz she is looking for yaolan... sigh...

this stupid thread layout drives me crazy! quickly post more to get this page archived so its back to normal...

i dun wanna get auto yaolan! it will b the worst nightmare! even when we rock her now, its oso soft and not in full force. i alrdy got a headache getting her to sleep when we r not home...
hi loke

u mean ur bb dun wan u to bf already n wants to drink from bottle?

thats gd mah...

but, the pump not gd to use hor?

y u dun wan a auto de? sometimes it helps when u r bz lei

my hubby is scare of using it too nowadays cos his frnd told him not too gd to shake it for too long, but occ it is a gd help to us
boi: its NOT good. i just bought the pump yesterday and yesterday she started to reject the breast. if i can only pump 20ml each time from BOTH breasts, then all the $$ would be WAStED. the pump is ok. the issue is baby doesnt want to latch. then HOW to increase ss?!
Astro ,
I lol when u mention first to be in my queue. Seriously there r pro n cons of both method. But I really miss that special bonding when bfing. And the hassle free when outside. Right now, I detest the idea of going out n lugging my pump out. Also hubby is looking forward to me successfully latching naia so that he doesn't hv to do night shifts anymore. But seriously the chances are getting lower n lower.

I think i need to see lc again. Do u think this workshops is helpful for me?
auto means bb will get so used to it tt they need the yaolan to be constantly swinging thou they r sleeping... i dun wan... i am alrdy v irritated tt she can only settle to sleep wif yaolan... she doesnt need to be rocked for long to go to sleep. if she doesnt sleep, i will carry her out. dun wan her to 摇爽爽!!!

aria jo
perhaps it might b gd to see LC again. its a shame tt u cant direct latch...

hmm, but ever consider using it occ since u already bought it?

my sis is oso v irritated tt bb can only settle to sleep wif yaolan, and keep reminding me not to use it wor
the auto yaolan is being used by my nephew at my mum's plc. i only hv manual one at home. i am not abt to start her on auto one esp i know she is super addicted to yaolan now!!!

for me, no choice tt all the kids hv to use yaolan coz my mum is taking care of 4 kids! She'll b the 1st to go crazy if i insist no yaolan... my son was on it and "weaned" it off himself when he was slightly over 1 yr old. even then he is not tt addicted to yaolan. he cld nap happily in my sling as well. but i dunno wat happened to my girl... sigh!
Sean lau is good! My elder girl took hers when she's 8 mths. All the pictures turn out so so cute. Like poster pictures! Ok not bragging. Just want to say Sean lau is good if u like anne bedded style
hubby n I love his style!

Too bad. Hubby not too keen as we took naia pictures just 2 mths back. Sob sob.

Oh yeah, the best time to take Sean lau pictures is when our baby is abt 6-8 mths when they just learn to sit n not crawl. That's the time our baby the chubbiest too. Super cute!
Hi, I am a silent reader of this forum. My baby was borned on 10 Oct. A low birth weight gal tho. only 2.6kg at birth and now only 4.5kg at most. I agree with Astro with this bfing thingy. I did not bf my elder boy previously and I always feel guilty abt that. Thus, with this gal, I am all out to bf. My ss is so low that u cannot believe it. I can only pump 50-60ml per 3-4 hrly. There is only once I pumped out 100ml. haiz.. But my gal is rather satisfied when I latch her. So I seriously dunno what is the prob. Now, I have another prob (like xoxo). My gal is refusing the bottle. If I am near her, she will be wailing for latching. She will only succumb to bottle if she is really hungry and it must be other people to bottle feed her. This made me difficult to get back to work and I do not know how to tackle this prob too... Sometimes, I regret starting this bfing thingy. WIth my elder one, I do not have such a prob at all.
jrrt/aria: at least u both can pump out SOMETHING... i can't stop braggin about me still pumping only 20ml from BOTH breasts added up.. and now she's REJECTING my breasts. so QUIT your complaining.
may: yalor. frustrated hor? :p come over to my. 'bf-ing is a chore' camp :p

aria: dun laugh.. i am serious. it is so frustrating that i get depressed over it. with pumping. i 'get best of both worlds'.. now i am stuck. neither here nor there.. and i dun see how this so called bond cannot be developed with bbs on total FM.. at least i know. teng knows i am his mama!

jrrt: go for the talk. it might be useful for u.. given RN not easy to handle.. but hey. 'a shame not being able to latch'?..

loke: ha.. i know how frustrated u must be now
Astro.. Its super duper mega frustrating... Can you imagine my hubby was the one who dun encourage me to bf cos he thinks its far too troublesome. And he thinks that if the BB just want the mum's breasts, then its jus impossible for others to help out in taking care of the baby. We argued this in one of the nights when I was sper tired and need to sleep desperately but my gal was refusing anyone to carry her nor feed her. She just want to latch!!! and when I want to pump out to store for usage when I get back to work but I get miserable amt.. Can't even satisfy her feeding let alone to store. Haiz...
may: that scenario sounds SO familiar..when miser n i are in better mood.. we can laugh over the irony over the issue.. but when both of us are tired..i.e. i dun want latch anymore..but he MIGhT want me latch to silence the boy.. it becomes the catalyst to unhappiness..*sigh*.. so far ..miser has been very patient with my roller coaster moods wrt bf-ing. ur hb quite a dearie...
sorry all. i'm really frustrated. n i think i'm not the only one. so if possible, can we try not to complain about the same bf problems again and again? but do continue to discuss about questions regarding bf-ing. just try not to complain.

thank you all very much.

i still love you all.
loke: sorry... I started with all the ranting... Haiz.. Ok.. Lets be positive and carry on bfing.. Since we decide to start, lets not give up.. Be there for one another.
may: thanks. i feel touched reading that. u r not the only one with the ranting. whether pumping gallons or latching problems.. all of us got problems with bf-ing..

the thing is with the complaining. discussions are absolutely great with getting around problems. but not complaining about the same thing again and again.

lastly, i still love you all. :D
may: oh. i forgot to say. given ur bb low birthweight.. 10 oct..and now 4.5kg liao. good job wor
look at the weight increase.. not the abosulte weight hor
wa Loke.. so ji dong sia.. i went through the same patch, pumping only that miserable amount.. that was why i hardened my heart and gave up! we love you too la!

sean lau photography!! Wow, i want!!
have i missed out anyone? pls take a look and let us know!!


Date & Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults
- PY - 2 adults
- roxie - 2 adults
- gal^ - 2 adults
- siangjiao - 2 adults
- Astro - 7 Adults + 1 mini adult
- jRRt - 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- Ong - 2 adults + 5 yr old boy
- blurmummy - 2 adults
- diana - 2 adults

Gift Exchange (Not eating)
- Loke
- annette (maybe)
- hippo (maybe)
- famela (maybe)
hi may, welcome. yah your bb same birthdate as my royal highness and i'm her royal servant. ha!

loke, astro,
i hear you guys loud and clear. clearly BF has taken a toll on some of us. well, lets just say that the grass is always greener on the other side. i dun mean to offend anyone but u know what? the ladies with the ample SS have engorgement problems k? and its not funny cos i think they need to empty their boobs ever so often or they'll be in pain. its certainly not something to be envious about.

i have been quite silent about the BF-ing issue for a while now. mainly becos i dun really wanna complain nor compare. because in my own little world, i'm quite happy with my supply. its definitely not the hundreds of ml that i get. in fact, most of the time i still get like under 100ml combined, but i just think "little drops an ocean make"... so i just diligently pump lor. i only produce slightly more than what Min needs. so everyday maybe at most can store extra 100ml? but seriously, i try not to think "aiyo other pple can get 300-500, even LITRES?!" cos thinking that doesn't help me at all.

when i read someone posted pumping 500ml i exclaimed aloud to my HB "wah 500ml man!" then he said to me "you want so much for what? to get blocked ducts or engorgement? pain right? what for need so much?" good point. some even can say i sour grapes. but i realised, dun compare. cos it'll affect how i feel.

anyways, all i'm trying to say is, just try our best and if it aint working out, then nothing wrong with FM. in fact, i'm prepared to supplement with FM when i start going back to work. so lets all just try and stay chin up and keep in a happy positive mood.

being stressed up over supply certainly WILL not help increase SS. so que cera cera lah.

everyday i look at Min (btw, she's very smiley and happy bb by now) and i think at least i've done 1 thing right - just relak spider when i was pregger and staying happy - made her a happy bb today.

ok, i've been monitoring my supply since mdm rokiah and ready to share my observations. not sure if this is the right time or place but i promised and since her highness is still asleep, i better write this down for you in case i forget later...

mdm rokiah cleared all my blocked ducts and i realised it was cos i was wearing under-wired bra all along. and indeed SS increased, albeit not by a significant lot, maybe 20-30ml per boob max.

i think i know what i was doing wrong before. i used to always only pump for 10mins on my medela PIS. cos thot no more milk coming out right? but now i realised milk will flow after a short break. so i have to pump 15-20mins before really no more milk can come out. but since xoxolight already did the experiment and concluded that our pump can't empty the boob very well, that could be why i'm having some blocked ducts again. but u know actually our bbs are the best at clearing them right?

and so far i've been diligently emptying both boobs after every other feed. in the past i only pump out the other side (i dun pump the side which i just latched.) but i realised the side which i just latched can still pump out like 10ml, sometimes 15-20ml even after Min spent 40mins on it.

using the "donuts" hot pack just before pumping helps me to achieve let down very fast. i always put them on b4 i pump. saves me some time.

i tried that pengaga vegetable that rokiah asked me to try. but only 1st time eating yesterday so still monitoring ss there. doesn't taste good leh. a bit bitter and the texture like very rough type. quite yucky. but for the sake of experimenting, WO REN! :p

am finding that my boobs get "refilled" faster these days. but also means that if i dun diligently empty my boobs, can feel engorgement. see? even my ss not much also can get this problem. so i ah Q a bit lah. i dun think i want a lot a lot of milk leh.
Too tired to type muchand having jerking n clicking fingers (dunno why) just want to say:

loke: hugzzz!!!

Hippo: nice meeting you today n thanks for passing me my loot!

Astro: got my loot! Thanks ah!!

Sean lau photography!! I WANT!!!!!!!!!!! How to get the lobang n where's his studio?
hi.. forum was down all night yesterday.
i typed a long reply to all but couldn't get it posted.
did save it but i think i'm gonna junk parts of that reply now..

<strike>today</strike> yest my little girl more fussy than usual.. morning and afternoon was ok.
downhill from 3pm onwards.. i checked her tummy and true enough i heard the "bong bong bong" sound.. wind!!
the minute i massaged her tummy with telon oil, she farted and poo poo..
but after that there was still some wind and she took longer to go down for her bedtime.. aiyoh..
got me rather irritated <strike>just now</strike> yest. but my poor babe lar..

PY: hey babe thanks for the offer to help me..
i don't have any specific one that i like yet lar..
was just quickly browsing tru the other time and saw long sleeved stuff..
now too tired to browse browse.. thanks!
maybe if i do spot sthg i'll let you know? but if you need to order just go ahead ok?
you can add me on msn too [email protected]

menses: seems like a few of you guys already got yours..
i hope mine stays away. plssss stay away..
i hate Aunt Flo. hope she stays away for the next 7 months more like she did the last time.
she ain't welcomed!!

ting: hope you're better now gal.. gastric reflux?
sounds painful! take care..

ong: Happy Belated Birthday~~
Many happy wishes for you and family..

xoxo: thank goodness you're feeling better today.
that was a bad virus you caught there.. must rest well.. if you're sick, try to get some help lar..
and what were you doing marketing when sick???!!! no need cook lar.
ask your hubby to buy back lunch and dinner can rite?
must take care ok?

really really glad to hear that both you and audrey are alright now lar..
seriously no fun to be sick when you have a baby to worry abt yah?

yeah i'm oso wishing i had intro'd the bottle to Ana earlier and kept at it.

had another episode of blocked ducts on sat/sunday too. nuff said

yeah she slept 12 hours and been doing that every night ever since..
no, i didn't do any "training". just followed her feeding cues. what can i say..
perhaps my babies are just sleepy heads lar. haha! i know i'm really lucky in this sense
definitely ain't complaining

pump? me using my old avent isis IQ duo

your schedule for this week sounds really busy busy..
try to take it easy too ok? don't want to fall sick again now.

jRRt: poor thing. you have my empathy. since your boy grew out of the yaolan thingy then RN will too rite?
maybe she cldn't sleep cos of tummy ache and not the wanting to be swung on yaolan per se?

dreamygal: my poly appt oso still far off.. in jan.
very sorry. maybe give your pd a call and enquire? or email?

just4venus: can't comment much on swaddling. both my kids hated it right off so i only managed to half swaddle them.
your kid prob feels insecure without the swaddle since so used to it.
tried using a beansprout pillow?
dono if it'll help much. just throwing ideas out here

astro/xoxo: thanks re the nursing ponchos.

sean lau: maybe when our kids are 6-8 months we can do our own BP and get a package?
since aria said that's the best age. hee hee

loke: sorry babe. will practise self-censorship before sharing here next time too.
chill yah? peace!

hippo: i like what you just said.

my parting words for tonight:
bf is not easy. true.
engorgement/blocked ducts sucks to the core!!
blardeeee hell!

ok peace
hippo: indeed que sera sera.. even with my limited ss. i get engorgement.. and my little prince ain't an efficient latcher.. pumped also cannot clear.. so it just adds on to my frustration..maybe, let me try to paraphrase .. i ain't comparing.. and neither am i envious.. hmm. how to say ah? maybe. ok. to quote ur example. i am living in my little world, with a window half opened.. i guess i am just unhappy with my own circumstances. and despite how hard i try. i dun see tangible results.. (and this could be what u meant by stressing over ss will get us more stressed! ha).. i guess i am all mixed up. i am fed up coz i ain't spending enough time with teng.. while latching rayan.. i wish for some time off myself too. but i can't coz what i pumped out ain't a complete feed. in fact i need two session to make 150ml! i guess i am fed up with this.. and plus my skin reaction. soemtimes i wonder why am i doing this to myself? didn't teng grow up fine with fm? .. miser is quite right. it is my own problem..an ego issue.. i am whining about myself. not comparing to others.. just wanting to overcome a failed mission the last time.. so i am frustrated.. no comparing to other ladies.. just frustrated over my own circumstances.. which is why. when May posted. i know she knows what i am saying

kekeke. 20 - 30ml per boob is a lot liao. if i can get that much more out.. i have a complete feed.. and i will be happy liao!.. and hor. i do pump on the latched breast.. yes. got 10ml.. and i pumped for 15 mins.. i think hmm. u and i qutie similar. maybe i got hope.. hahahah. well. i booked mdm rokiah tomorrow.. let's see wha thappens then

heh.. u managed to get the pengaga ah? where did u get that? i want to try leh.. ha.. donut hot packs.. hmm i have the one by gerber.. i am not sure if it is the same thing leh.. u know with letdown inclusive (if i am latching yh on the other side). i get about 75ml on my left boob. .and my left boob is the one with lesser ss leh! so u see my angst lah! haiz..

i remembered last time with teng hor. i didn't even latch more than 5 times.. and i was suffereing from engorgement. miser.. who was better last time *rolls eyes*..helped me do towel massage.. and one fine day. suddenly. 80ml!.. and now i dun even get this when i diligently latched. chey. ha. so i think apply heat hor. helps . but i can't get heat pads leh. i tried esterday at winter wear shop. dun have leh. very leicheh leh. every day each time must boil water and use hot towel. omg..

heh. how much is Min drinking? i think i am overfeeding yh. and causing unnecessary stress to myself! hahaha.. :p i weighed him today. if i didn't do my maths wrongly.. wah.. 4.8kg?!

hmmm.. today is the second night. little prince napped (from 7pm - 10pm now) without eh-ing every 45 minutes liao! afternoon nap also .. a breeze. i wun jinx myself. let's monitor for another one week beore i declare yh free from harrassement from REM!!! :p

tien: nice colour?
astro: you have the gerber thingy rite? it's the one with the hole in the middle rite?
should be same as the donut pad. can put in microwave to heat it up
and then stuff it in your bra for a few min before pumping.
but take care to ensure it's not too hot.
that stuff can get really hot in the microwave.
more convenient than doing the hot towel deal
famela: ya. that one with the hole. but hor. it doesn't feel warm at all if i follow the timing on the package leh..heat longer? skali explode?! and screwed up my mircowave (Which i bought just for this purpose!).. hahaha.. see how much have i spend on this bf-ing?!!!!

astro: yah i had that last time. can't rem how long i heated it up for but it was very very hot. maybe try increase the timing bit by bit..?
you actually bot a microwave just for this?! wow.
that IS expensive
i can't survive without a microwave - need to re-heat all my take-away food. hee hee
lazy bum i am.
just bot 1 new one last sun cos old one went kapoot
Helloe - Wah a bit of tension here today huh... All relax yah... xmas round the corner (I know not relevant to bf/FM, but well let's keep the beat up with the festive season)

Umm... understand how frustrating it can be when things don't go the way we want to. Seen advocates of eitther pro-bf or pro-FM, pro-direct latch or pro-bottle feed. At the end of the day, realized there is no perfect answer or solution but rather to adopt the method that suits your lifestyle, your baby's preference etc..Takeaway is whatever that makes you comfortable and happy. And once you realize your choice, just black out whatever others say.

Anyway, i have my issues to deal with as well.I guess what i like about this forum is i find a nice support group here (though sometimes the thread moves so fast until i tao gong gong)

Anyway, today my MIL go home. Dunno whether to be happy or not .. Just hope baby stays cooperative tomorrow. It's harder to make him sleep nowadays. Need to go memorise more lullabies.

btw, I wish everyone well with their feeding choices. But in the event, if anyone is ready to throw away or break their breast pump in frustration, can consider selling to me? I want to put one in the office instead of lugging my breast pump between home and office everyday.(please don't offer me a $700 pump hor, a bit beyond reach for me)
Mie: My details are correct. Got the gift today liao .. hehe =)

eh, anyone encounter problem reading the pages.. Somehow the posts do not fall in the same page for me ie .. if the sentence is very long, i need to keep going on to the right, quite irritating, dunno if it's just me.
