(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

vin >> thanks..i have gripe water with me and tried it around 9pm..doesn't seem to work. the yu yee oil does help to a certain degree. i have been applying the telon at bath time - no effect. i have just tried what you have suggested and she has given several loud farts - pressing the legs against her tummy. and she had a major poop just moments ago...bloody diaper again. i am monitoring now..
Hi, mummies... Long time no "see"...
Hope every1 is well and good...

Am interested in the Sean Lau photography also.. how to "register" for it?
zomby panda >> long night now for me. she is fussing and fussing non-stop. think part of the reason is the wind..and the second part is now this bloody diaper..i am very sure i did not take any diary today...*scratches head*
xoxo> hmm i have dentinox.. according to PD, that's very mild.. btw i didnt use the telon oil anymore.

I switched to ru yi oil and it works. alot of farting
Sori but pls take my name out of d gatherg list as i tink i cant make it as keith is havg fever aft d injection tis am!guess he wont b able 2 heal on time as fever normaly took 3 to 4 days 2 recover. Currently using hp 2 post therefore cant cut n paste. I hv actually bot d gift liao but nw cant exchg liao.if he is ok by fri then i wil stil go but i wil nt b eatg d buffer.thks!
ong: take care.. keith will recover fast!

xoxo: haiz.. see? u know what i asking u to 'see' lah :S

PY: tomoorrow will do atm transfer after deducting poncho.. my interbank banking gone cookoo. can't work..
sorry.. when r u collecting ur things from me? =)

looking for <font color="0000ff"><blink>ZEPTH</blink></font>
ur drugstore items r here!! please pm me for collection. thank you.
ong : oh dear. hope ur bb recover soon.

hm... am now awake due to bb eh-eh-eh-ing. he slept since 8pm. tink super shacked out since yesterday he din sleep much. 1st time refraining myself from changing his diaper ..unless he bawls? :p hope won't cause bad diaper rash. or is there a method to change diaper without waking up bb?

astro : i tink E found his thumb :p hehe..i looking at him now...sucking sound..and see 4 fingers but dun see the thumb.
Xoxo: Gripe water n rid wind no work for Sammy .... Din try the other one.

Hmm, yes bottle feed more gas. Burp mid feed n after. Bad cases, try burping before feeds.

Hmm, good burping poses: lie her down(cradle hold) for short bit b4 sitting her up or hv her sitting up on one of yr thigh n jiggle/ bounce her lightly or have both her thighs between yr legs n bend her over, supporting her neck n pat her back. Last one wk best for Sam. Will try to post a pic of that to give u an idea.

Ruyi oil, rub on yr hands first before laying thm on her tummy .
jRrt/gal/ginger: nice meeting u all. exciting day for me, 1st trip out with M alone, shou man jiao luan haha. looking froward to meet u all again hehe. do let me know when u all upload the photos we took yest ye,i try upload mine later hehe

PY/everyone: Sorry dun think joining u mom on sat, bad timing for me.Looking froward to join u all for next gathering. Enjoy ye n lookign fowrad to see all the gatehring photos at ur facebk hehe

mie/py: where u both bring bb to swim?is it the one at harbourfront?

Re: Sean Lau
Is his photogranphy skill gd, nvr hear abt him wo:p does he has a site for me to view his work?

xoxo: try ridwind.worked for M.initially he cried every evening now at least better, he dun keep crying nonstop n everyday, but still do cry now n then once in 2-3days evening but get pacified easier too. As fro RuYi oil,i apply fro M every day without fail after bath n evening wipe,instruction as what vin mentioned.Bottlefeed+Burp=>For latching,i will alwyas try burp twice at least,but again coz for M is after 1 burp hes ok he wont fuss if he still feel bad,he will fuss for another burp.Bottlefeed,i will try burp him after every 50-60ml.
havent been chkin the postings for long.
seems like a few babies are already good on their tummies already!

i jus tried my baby (11wks old) on his tummy but he is not lifting his head..think will need to practise more is it?

by the way, jus wondering, what do you all do with your babies when they are awake in the day? realised he can be awake for a long stretch now, and i am gettin tired of talking to him (like describing the room etc.) and singing songs (i know very limited rhymes). and i find him very bored when i place him in the playmat to entertain himself.
any ideas to share? esp since the total no. of awake hours is probably 6-8 hrs now:p

am also facin same problem with milk supply. seems very low. and my baby is still on a 2 hrly feeding schedule in the day. is there any way i can lengthen this!??

another question: i am intending to head out this weekend for 12 hrs. am wondering if i pump and store the milk in the cooler bag (which claims max. 12 hours) will it be safe? any one tried it before?
and ya.. is any mummy here exercising?? any tips to share?
finding problem (and strength and will) to exercise since baby is awake most of the time. his naps does not last longer than an hour. so how is it possible for me to exercise and bathe before he wakes??

my weight has been pretty stagnant last 2 weeks. while i have shed some 80% of my pregnancy weight gain..i still have like 4kg to go. and to start with, i am quite plump, so am hoping to shed more than 4kg during my maternity leave

also there is fear that if i exercise, will it further reduce my milk supply?!?!
gal^ ..how often do you change baby's diaper at night? am also very afraid of waking bb to change diaper. so i refrain from changing diaper.

i have tried letting him stay in his diapers for 8-10 hours (using Huggies ULTRA or Pampers) and so far no diaper rash problem. i apply desitin cream on his buttocks before he sleeps though.

my hubby always scold me for that. but rather than waking him up and having to spend half hour to pacify him back to sleep (or he may just decide not to go back to bed)??

am i being a very horrid mum??
just to share..
i also had problems burping my kid previously. but one fine day, while i asked my hubby to burp him, i finally asked my hubby what was his secret in being able to burp the baby...(he is really better at it) and he told me..
"sit the baby up straight and let him breathe"
so i heed his advice, and always sit the baby straight, and surprisingly, baby sometimes burp on him own without much patting from me.

but of course, when he is sleepy at night, i still face problem in not being able to burp him

maybe you all wana try??
Hi mummies,
Have a question to ask again. I did some research on the ingredient 'Talc' and realised that it is actually not good. Went to look at the baby powders on the shelves and realised that most of them (other than the organic ones) have Talc as ingredient. Wonder why it is still used despite that it is harmful? My question here is, anyone of you using Talc free powder? Can recommend?

Re: BM,
I have decided to give up on BM. Don't see why baby takes 1 bottle every one day or two days will help much. She really takes up most of my attention so much that I don't have time to express milk. Guess so be it... hope she will be fine if she is not taking much BM
Hi gals,

Wow the gathering is getting nearer thk alot of you must be excited. Too bad hubby traveling so cant join, you gals enjoy.


My 3kg still stubborn stay with me and I got total 6 kg to shed off include the fat I put on during my first pregnancy.


I dun use powder for my bb now only use baby lotion to moisturize him. My own opinion is not too good to use powder for baby when they are too young. My elder boy also start using powder when he is 1 year plus.
it could be. now, we also trying to refrain from putting my girl in the bouncer and let her looking at the self drawn card and all the hanging toys. well, it could also be your baby fussiness due to growing spurt and not enough milk to settle down.


i only change the diapers when she's abt to wake up for her feed or when she's awake. like you, don't want to disturb her from her sleep.

i hv a 12hour ftg but this only works if the BM is chilled and not freshly express. you can put in extra ice pack for it to last longer.
i hv extra ameda valves to let go if u keen but i do not hv bellow. Have PM u. thks!

thks for concern and keith is getting slightly better but his forehead still seems hot though measure aro 37.5.

i m interested in sean lau too and hv pm the girl too for a slot.
but powders are supposed to keep baby's bottom dry to prevent rash and irritation right??? What I read is that Talc are harmful even to adults. Not sure if I am over paranoid
hi ladies,
cant believe what had just happened to keith. He actually REFUSING bottle today and that shock me to hell!!

so far, i hv been bfeeding him once or at most twice a day and the rest via bottle and he seems fine so far for 3mths. However, starting today he is rejecting bottles and refusing to drink for an hr and he only stop fussing when i offer him the breast and nw he is sleeping peacefully.Cant believe this is happening cos he been accepting bottles w/o much problem all this while. Wondering if the fever is affecting him

Hope that this is a one off issue(becos he got fever) else i would be gg crazy !!! Will try feeding him bottle again when he wake up to cfm.
annette: i had fun ytd too.... but lost my camera cable so cant upload fotos yet. waiting for it to "appear"... hee

re: sean lau
i have "registered" too!
ginger: mine was over postage. she gave an option for normal and registred post and of course.. i initially posted on the thread saying normal post. then later that night i indicated that i transferred the amount for registered postage and informed her on her thread. a few days later, the parcel arrived via normal postage.. so i informed her that i have received . and requested that the excess be transferred back tot me.. wah. she slamed me saying that she wun transffer back the excess. and she already made known that she isnot responsible for lost in parcels.. i told her i know.. then she said i was fickle.. indicated normal.. then changed my mind to registered that night. she was nice enough to send on sat morning.. i was like.. huh? ok. blame me lah. then at least post on forum tell me u have already sent out lor.. then i would just ignore the $2 plus lah. small case mah.. what is classic is her reasoning.. she said.. she has indicated that if normal mail.. and if parcel is lost. she wun take the responsiblity. but if registered mail. she will take. i am like.. so??.. of course lah. registered mail traceable mah..so i opt for registered mail.. but she didn't send via registered mail. but via normal postage.. and wld take 'responsiblty' if the pacrcel is lost coz i opted for registered mail.. note.. according to her def.. pay registered mail.. she sends via normal postage.. if something wrong.. she will trace.. if nothing wrong.. that is considered registered mail..:S)

and my case is not lost of parcels leh.. just simple miscoomunication.. and $2 plus nia.. then she keeps saying.. she hopes i understand. and she is going to consider the case closed?! duh.. i slammed herback.. tell her she has to improve and take the initiative to update on communication else she might be perceived as cheating on pple.. she didn't reply liao. now this case about pumps... aiyoh..
loke.. it depends on the affected person lor. that spreeist keeps emphasing that she is not responsible for any loss.. and she said she has already indicated and the participants of the spree signed up in full awareness that she is not liable lor.. but i find the whole encounter very crappy lah. and the same class line 'i consider this case closed'.. wah u considered case closed.. means case closed ah?! duh..

i didn't persue the matter coz it is $2 plus nia.. (unlike the ladies with the affected pumps.)...but i slammed her over email lah. principle mah.. horrible spreeist..
aria: who to register with if keen?

ginger:where u register?now how many mom liao?30 be great

astro: wa can report/complain to the administer?wa 2bucks + also like tt,maybe she has been using same tactic for ppl who opt for reg postage n make significant bucksfr there
astro: wah, this lady really gian png!

annette: hee, aria replied le. i asked how many mummies have signed up but she is still in the midst of consolidating.

btw, we dun have to bring props for the photography right? all provided for?
Hey mummies! Quick post about the spreeist doing Medela spree...the preggy woman who had to carry the 3 bulky boxes is my friend lor...just finished reading that thread...super angry with that Mrs Kong!!! Made my friend carry the boxes and she is like 30 plus weeks preegy!!! ARGGHH!!! Condemn her!
Vin: No need to give ref to oct thread..just sms the lady and tell her u are interested...please hit 30 mummies...I also registered liao..

Mie Mie and PY: What time u all going for the BB swim? I might join if you are going to the harbourfront one...

hmm.. it seems that quite a no. of people cant make it at this v last min.. but we've already placed order for the food .. let me discuss with cammie and see what can we do. .. hmm the $$ per adult / child gotta increased liao.

The rest, please transfer me the money latest to me by tml 8pm. will check and update accordingly. Please.. no last min back out ok
if not gotta recalculate everything again.. and more trf to be done also.. thx thx
Date &amp; Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults *PAID*
- PY - 2 adults *PAID*
- roxie - 2 adults
- gal^ - 2 adults *PAID*
- siangjiao - 2 adults *PAID*
- Astro - 7 Adults + 1 mini adult *PAID*
- jRRt - 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- Ong - 2 adults + 5 yr old boy
- blurmummy - 2 adults
- diana - 2 adults

Gift Exchange (Not eating)
- Loke
- annette (maybe)
- hippo (maybe)
- famela (maybe)
siangjiao>> i've replied you.. see ya on Sat!

tien>> we haven decide wad time to go for the swim leh.. thot of discussin on sat.. sms you once we confirm ok?
<font color="ff0000">Hihi, ok now the price per adult is $16.70 and per kid is $8.20. Please do the top up accordingly.. and no backing out please.

Date &amp; Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults <font color="ff0000">*PAID*</font>
- PY - 2 adults <font color="ff0000">*PAID*</font>
- roxie - 2 adults
- gal^ - 2 adults <font color="ff0000">*PAID*</font>
- siangjiao - 2 adults <font color="ff0000">*PAID*</font>
- Astro - 7 Adults + 1 mini adult <font color="ff0000">*PAID*</font>
- jRRt - 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- blurmummy - 2 adults
- diana - 2 adults

Gift Exchange (Not eating)
- Loke
- annette (maybe)
- hippo (maybe)
- famela (maybe)
Ya lor...just that day my friend came to my place and was complaining about that...super mad that she had to carry the 3 goddamn boxes...was scolding her like mad lor...
vodkarib :

> Re: chg diaper at night
er.. i not sure. yesterday my first time n only time not changing diaper in middle of the night. Was using MamyPoko + pureen nappy rash cream. E next day there were a bit of rash but not v bad.

another concern i have..which perhaps experience mummies here can comment is ..if we dun change diaper when full and bb no fuss.. for long hours... will it cause urinary tract infection?
my boy pees a lot..since he was born.

> Re: Talc
If you wanna use powder, u can go for CornStarch Powder. Cold Storage sell small bottle under brand Gaia @ S$19plus. Cornstarch powder is suppose to be heavier/safer than talc.

actually butt no need powder right? diaper rash cream is effective enough.

mummies, can i ask :
Q. does ur bb cry when attempting to fart?
sometimes E does, sometimes E doesn't cry v loud, sometimes he look fussy/man chang.

Q. how often ur bb poo?
past 3-4 days E only poo once a day ..major one. I wonder is it due to air? or its just a growth development?

astro : earlier i mention E found his thumb right? his poor thumb is 'badly' abused. I can see whole right thumb red like got internal injury coz' when he in pain (wanna fart, etc) he will suck.

PY : u mention ur PD give Dentinox colic drop and its mild right? Did he mention Ridwind is stronger or ?
Gal: dentinox is we bought frm pharmacy.. My pd gave her acolic and I find it v good
haa she poo and fart alot after taking that
Loke: hmm I tot ur bro bb full mth is on sat? Wah dun tell me he gonna hv it on both days!? Hahaha... We confirm gg but nt sure of the timing yet hee
u are welcome to join us! :p

changing diaper at nite:
i thought babies will cry 'automatically' when they feel uncomfortable with their diaper? my baby cried last nite halfway thru her sleep and it's not her milk time yet so i changed her diaper and pat her back to sleep..her diaper really wet that time..

bb poo problem:
i had a lot of problems with baby's poo initially, went to 4 PDs in all and all of them said the same thing that it is common that some breastfed baby don't poo for up to 2 wks. it could be that they are able to absorb all the nutrients very well so not much to poo. my baby's record is 11 days without poo. now she poos abt once in 3 or 4 days. she's not on total breastfeeding. we would give her 1 feed of formula a day and we notice that if we give her more formula, she would poo more often..
