(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Joyce : hehe.. so u are another 'v fertile' mummy. ehe.. PY was sharing abt her menses too earlier in the forum

dreamygal : i feel hungry too at night and certain times of day. but i choose to sleep it off. v tired
last night he keep fussing..i lost track of feeding time etc. v tired. after noon feed later am going to take chicken essence.

Annette>> Using Mamy Poko for nite cos they seem so much softer. I thot with a softer and seemingly more comfy material will mk baby comfy to sleep thru... haha , that's my own reasoning!Yes, seem more absorbant too.. so if baby didnt wake up at nite, I wont change his diaper and no leakage by the morning too.

Yes, ntuc promo till 23 Dec.
Its rougher compared to NB size. Pls sms me on the day itself to bring a few extras for M to try.
Worried it will slip my mind totally. I guess it all depends whether it will leak anot. 4 my son whom was using drypers 3 yrs ago, it leaked many times until i boycott the brand. but now its said to hv improved, so not sure if its better. i juz dun like the material now. its the most economical priced one in the mkt.
Alamak, i threw away the wrappers liao! My son was using Huggies Ultra previously n i always kept the barcodes. I thot the NB/S series dun qualify.. ok will bear in mind to keep them now. thks 4 informing.

yah man... i oso piled on 3-4 kg aft i stopped bfg... cldnt shed off those weight despite trying replacement meals! Then i gave up aft a few mths coz by then i was TTC-ing liao.
Hi Mummies,

About the diapers, Im using Huggies and EQ. Not sure if you have heard of EQ before. I bought one pack from giant to try. The feel was something like pampers but its uses a sticker method to stick. It also has an indicator to tell whether baby has peeed. Wide and soft enough for the coverage. Best of all, its cheaper. I use this for my boy in the day time and night time use huggies.

I also used dryers on him previously and it always leak from the back. His rompers will be soaked from behind and we gotta change him always.

Sob. Now, Im have 7 kg more to shed. My tummy area still looks big. Sob... ;(
Ginger: Our initial agreement is for my MIL to help me till next CNY. I am not working now and thinking of going back to the job market after CNY. Didn't expect my MIL to just tell my hubby she wanted to go on the day my bb full moon. My hubby is a super filial son. So he din wan to say much. And I am kind of angry as she din even wan to tell me her intention to leave. Best is after she left, she din even called us to check if we are able to cope.

Now I think back, I find it good also for her to leave. With no one to lean on, my hubby started to b more hands on & we appreciate each other more.

gal: err...not too sure abt ingrown nail wo.adult one if serious need do minor operation to remove wo tts wat i know only.

jRRt: thxthx i will try to rem to sms u also ahha been super forgetful nowsaday n my sisters alwyas make fun of me tt i only rem M's drinking hr,everything also dun rem.Huggies has some promotion also, i just missed to redemption of musical toys also using the barcode, u can go www.huggies.com.sg

mummy143: oicc nvr heard of EQ b4,just take a look next time. does ur huggies leak fromt he back,mine does wo,wonder is it coz i din wear for M properly.Ger urs only7kg i still ahev 15kg, the nos looks so big
Annette: I was facing similar situation wth u also. Thank goodness, it's over! I used to think tat I am fortunate as my relationshp wth my MIL is super good. But only now I realize we are good bcoz we nvr stay together. It's really 'xiang jian hao, tong zhu nan'.

Astro: Thks for inviting! I wish I could join but my bb can b very scary when she gets cranky.
Hi, can your bb slp in bed during daytime, I realise since i put her in yaolan during daytime, she dun1 bed, but she can slp on bed during nighttime when its dark..worried that she cant slp outside...just gave her pacifier yest coz i saw her suck her mitten to slp , and realise that she cant slp without pacifier, its quite irriating when the pacifier drop and she will wake up and i gt to put back to her mouth before she can go back to slp...regret..
ok here's the list!

Hi all, please confirm the no. of people by Sunday 13/12/09 1159pm. Time is running out. We gotta place order for catering asap. Btw neo garden is having promo (free delivery for orders placed before 10 dec) which is tml lah! haha dun think we can enjoy that liao.

Date & Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults
- PY - 2 adults
- Loke
- roxie
- shugar
- gal^ - 2 adults
- annette
- siangjiao - 2 adults
- Astro 2 Adults, 1 mini adult
- jRRt 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- dreamygal - 2 adults + Glynnis
- Ong
re: baby nails
i also using the safety scissors but dunno why still sharp at the corners.. tsk maybe not pro enough

famela> yup they heal super fast haha next day gone liao!

btw i'm trying to find an alternative to nepia coz nepia tends to leave markings on my girl tenderous thighs! hahaha... at night i'm currently using goo.n ..

tried drypers but i dun like the sticky tape at the fastener =\ LOL!
envelope:ya tts true tts y i dun wan to stay with my parent-inlaw ahha

joey: mine same prob as u.this wk i tried putting my bb on mattress/cot during daytime coz if cant ifns gd nanny mght put him in IFC so training him now.Then end up big disaster,fr mornign till evening only zz a few hrs since mon,initially thought coz of his jab on mon tts y hes cranky but yest mum put him on yaolan in daytime again the hes back to normal routine,i gave up aldy today put u back on yaolan when he super cranky but still tryingto put him on mattress now n then

Py:ger exclude me for the food part la easier tt way coz yet to get ans fr hubby.He gave me a 'har what'when i told him gathering be at woodland(coz hotel saty be at south) then bb cried then din get ans fr him liao.Sticky tape!though all diapers fastener r the same,so far only use huggies b4 hehe as sunnyling said its gd wo,soft also but abit ex leh,trying to find cheaper option for home wear
hey all.. had lunch already? just had mine.. my mom came over together with my dad, my bro and Adil and brought me lunch.. beef rendang! yummy!

my notty boy didn't want to stay home again.. rushed out the door and stayed far far away from me cos he knows i'll stop him from following them home. tried to bait him.. told him tmr i'm going to a birthday party so must stay home, and he said, "No, today go nenek's house. Tomorrow mommy can fetch adil then go birthday party straight." sigh.. he's only 3 and he's already talking back and reasoning and negotiating and what have you.. wonder what the teenage years will bring me.. hehe

OH!! and yesterday Ana slept from 8.30/845 pm thereabouts and woke up only at 8.15am this morning!!! She even skipped her 5am/6am feed!! WOOHOO! I think she was just very tired from the long day out with me yesterday.. brought her to my school to settle my NPL admin matters, then went to taka to shop, to ion, to wheelock's coffee club and finally to sakura at far east for dinner..

<font color="0000ff">annette:</font> haf you tried letting M sleep on his tummy? i know experts and PDs now do not recommend this.. but sometimes it helps settle the baby.. i put ana down for her naps on her tummy during the day time. helps her sleep longer. but i must make sure she's always within earshot. at night she sleeps on her back.

<font color="0000ff">jRRt:</font> maybe that's it lar.. Ana is pretty efficient at latching fr day 1. 10-15 min tops each time. occasionally she latches longer but i just let her be. you wait a bit more lar.. maybe RN was a smaller baby at birth so once she grows bigger she will get more efficient at it.

oh i forgot to mention adil did take some of my ebm last time when i had overflow of ss. i poured it over his breakfast cereals. it's the frozen one he has a problem with.. i think it tastes fishy..? cos it does smell fishy to me.

and about pumping.. dono why i keep forgetting. i must still pump once every day lar.. or at least once every 2 days cos i want to get her used to the bottle.. i keep forgetting abt this plan of mine. tsk. still having preggy brain. 1 bottle of ebm per day.

<font color="0000ff">jRRt/dreamygal:</font> me too! me too! am enjoying the eat-whatever-i-want period now.. always hungry still. fully attribute it to the BFg.. but yes.. i also rem putting on 3 kg after i stopped BF. i was 55(pre-Adil), then went up to 69, then went down to 52(BF + fasting) and finally up to 55 again once stopped.. and increased again up to 56.8 (pre-Ana) this time round have not lost so much lar. still stuck at 57-57.5kg. slowly try to lose 2 more la.. i want to hit 55 again. sooner rather than later hopefully.. i need to exercise. been whining to hubby so yesterday he made me do squats! haha. i did 20 and stopped. just kept laughing with him la. this is why having hubby as personal trainer is useless. we goof off more than we work out.
PY: I can't make it on the 19th due to PD appointment.
Pls remove me from the attendees list. Thanks!

Have you tried using mamy poko?

Bluesea: crying over spilled milk... happened to me before too. wah, really heartpain... even now when bb dun finish his ebm, haiz, also feel very heart pain.
hi mummies!

1 drugstore parcel is here already! waiting for another to arrive before i prepare for distribution!

payments received with thanks from:-

payment outstanding (in case u missed it :p)
zepth $32.79

please indicate how u wanna collect:-
1. direct fr jurong west (boon lay)

2. from astro (x'mas gathering?)


thanks! =D
<font color="0000ff">re diapers:</font> i am using drypers now too.. i use drypers, nepia and pampers. i still like pampers best so i reserve it for outings and night time. interchange drypers and nepia for day use. personally, still like the feel of drypers more than nepia.

<font color="0000ff">bluesea:</font> hey thanks for the info on the drypers promotion.. been looking out for it.
what's the promo like? do you rem the price? usual is abt $13.60..?

when i go buy drypers, i'll have too many diapers at home. i have Nepia S. those using nepia, you want to buy them off me?? i have 2 extra packets. can pass during the gathering at astro's house next sat. lemme know ok? PM me if i miss your post here.

<font color="0000ff">bluesea:</font> ouch! feel for you.. this crying over spilt milk has happened to me too.

<font color="0000ff">ong:</font> you're right. i didn't put on more than 20.. 14.5kg already seemed a lot to me.. thankfully it's almost all gone. you will lose them all too! soon soon.. don worry. i think mine went away cos of all the household chores i did, and looking after the 2 kids on my own. minimal help mah? tired la so lost weight. you just keep at it. before you know it, it's all gone
and yeay for losing another kilo!

<font color="0000ff">mummy143:</font> aiyoh don't cry la.. my tummy oso very wobbly still. after a full meal, i think i look 5 months preggy! fortunately, my clothes all loose loose kind, so it's more or less camouflaged! unless you go stare at my tummy lar. whahaha!

<font color="0000ff">envelope:</font> wah.. your mil just left liddat? she didn't call back? didn't she get attached to her grandchild during that 1 mth she was there? hmm.. anyways, it's good to hear that you and hubby managing ok without her help.
blessing in disguise yah, your MIL leaving..

my MIL stays almost at the other side of the island in pasir ris while i'm at woodlands. and i'm glad for it. hehe.. we're ok.. but like what you said lar.. we have a good relationship cos we're not together often enough and long enough to get on each other's nerves. hee hee

<font color="0000ff">joey:</font> yes my baby sleeps on the bed during day time. she sleeps wherever i place her lar. her cot, my bed, her bassinet, her rocker. but i don't use yao lan. at most i rock her on her rocker. i don use the paci. she has since found her own hand (fist) and she sometimes sucks on it when she's about to fall asleep on the bed. i think babies when outside can sleep rite? esp if they're in the stroller or moving vehicle? or in a baby carrier? if you regret intro the yao lan and paci, don't la. u still have time to change these habits

<font color="0000ff">PY:</font> yup yup.. wish my skin could heal as fast. haha!
Famela>> Drypers promo at NTUC as follows :

$38.45 for 3 packs.
S-64's + Drypantz 4's
M-56's + Drypantz 4's
L-48's + Drypantz 4's
XL-40's + Drypantz 4's

Famela, Shugar>> Yea, the spilled milk is really heartpain. Looking at the milk, dunno where to start cleaning up! Haiz... this teaches me to be extra careful today with my ebm. Cant afford another incident as my supply is barely meeting my boy's demand.

Famela>> Good that you are at least in the 50s range for your weight. I cant even see the 59kg yet. Still stuck at 61kg now. Hmm... the stubborn fats still staying put at my tummy and hips area.
Famela: i am trying to change the habit now as in trying to put her on bed sometimes but she wake up after closing her eyes for few minutes, and i have to carry her to slp first before i put her dw again...yaolan with pacifier, she can slp up to 3 hours without waking up...so i am wondering whether to kick the habit when she grows older...
<font color="0000ff">bluesea:</font> wow! thanks so much for that!
i'm def gonna find time to go NTUC this weekend.

a bit more only to get to the 50s..
sure can get there soon. my prob areas are tummy and thighs. haha..

actually rite... come to think of it, it's only been 2 months.. no need to be so hard on ourselves lar yah? as the malays like to say: "pelan-pelan kayuh" which literally means slowly slowly cycle.. hahaha I've always wondered why they use "cycle" instead of the other verbs. LOL.

<font color="0000ff">joey:</font> i had that 'problem' too. solved it by putting ana to sleep on her tummy during the day. last time my son oso slept on his tummy but he was worse cos he was a super fussy baby. i couldn't even go pee in peace with him. so he slept on tummy day and night. he could not get any sleep any other way. he made me worry for many2 nights for the first few months. only when he was able to flip both ways did he then want to sleep on his back then he'll flip back to tummy on his own. I wouldn't openly recommend this though cos PD advises against sleeping on tummy due to worry of SIDS. but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.. so far so good. and now that she can lift her head to turn left and right on her own, i'm less worried too

can't comment on kicking the habits when older cos never had to do this before. maybe other mommies who have gone through this phase would be able to advise better
Famela: I am also surprised tat my MIL din have any feel for my bb after 1 mth taking care of her. She is her first grandchild somemore. My own mother can call me everyday asking abt bb &amp; sometimes asked me to on webcam &amp; let her see bb. (My mother is in East M'sia tat explain y she can only see bb thru webcam). She even told bb to behave said she can dun strike 4D if bb is doing well. Haha... so touch!

So envious tat ur ana can sleep thru the night. My bb still wake up every 3-4hrs at night for her feed. And daytime she doesn't zzz much. I am soooo sleep deprived now.......
Hi all
sorry to intrude... I have 2X <font color="ff0000">Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Concert</font> tickets to let go - $83 per ticket for Tues 15 Dec 2009 8pm at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. These are really good seats. Unfortunately, hubby and I are unable to go. Please PM me if you are interested, thank you.
<font color="0000ff">envelope:</font> take it as a blessing oso lar. imagine if she was very much into your baby then come and visit every so often.. oso problem. your mom lives so far away. isit hard? and she's soooo sweet! nothing like a mother's love yah? i appreciate my mom much much much more after giving birth to my #1, and now #2. last time i know she's a wonderful mom yada yada yada.. but didn't realise the extent of her sacrifices until i had to go through labour and endure the sleepless nights, swollen breasts etc etc etc.. hehe

give your baby more time.. different babies are different. but they'll all get there eventually
are you aware of some flu call "super bug" that make bb's nose blocked..my gal catched it 3 weeks ago and no matter what doc prescribe the nose is still blocked, end up after so many visits, PD send the nose mucus for tests and find out theres some bacteria and prescribe antibiotic for her to take for 7 days, yest is the last day for her to take and i find that the blocked nose sound is back , i am afraif thats no cure to this kind of thing, and somemore 2 months old baby canot take too much medicine, doc already sae antibiotics is the last resort liao ..haizz...any very good PD to recommend , i went to TMC Ang Ai Tin previously..
Hi Annette, for my son, Huggies doesnt leak at the back. It only leaks from the side if i didnt position it well when I put it on for him. ;)
On the whole, I like huggies. My parents buys them from Malaysia for me so I get it abit cheaper. ;D

You can try out this brand EQ. Its some obscure brand that my mum chanced upon in Giant.
Re: Nursing wear spree

Pls refer to this website.
Seller is from Malaysia.. but the website it's the same as the TW website coz she get her stocks from TW.

Can pay her via POSB and they mail to us by singpost! hassle free! hehe

Take the RM / 2.3 = SGD

Website: http://www.immbaby.com

Those interested, do PM me! happy shopping!
hi joelle,
my stash will c/o Tien. she will help me to collect. so whatever collection method she choose, just pass my stuff to her as well.

no probs there right?

re: xmas gathering
would love very much to be there but my BFF is back from o'seas, for only a week. so all my time is reserved for her and Min has to meet her Kai Ma. anyhow, in case i'm not hanging out with my BFF, and i'm brave enough to test my princess in that long car ride, i'll certainly love to visit Astro's home. but no need to cater food for me. and yes, if i do show up, i'll have a gift for exchange.
haha... ah well, we all are constantly trying to lose weight as most women are vain pots right?

ha. tks tks. am still monitoring my ss for you. so far it has truely gone up, but not by a significant lot. i have a new theory and i think i know what i was doing wrong. but let me see for a few more days. will keep you updated.

haha... i like how you say "you nai jiu bu fang guo"... not a bad mantra to follow.
limml: i pump for about 0.5hrs to 45mins sometimes.. now i pump 1 side at a time as i don't really know how to pump 2 sides at the same time especially when i need to massage as i pump to trigger letdown

py: the tw site nursing wear really not bad huh.. this nursing tank is only 1 dollar? http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c48182187?u=s49sata
but you will be ordering from immbaby.com instead rite?

famela: your letdown sounds so amazing!

do you all have facebook? can i add you all in my fb?
quite moody to be stuck at home. So difficult to go out.about every 1 hour in day time will have to bring bb to potty.Looking for washroom like a mad woman each time i bring him out.He will wail like nobody business when he need to pee.Very tiring

But he can be interesting. He lift his hand and say hi at times. (When he is being ignored) I am so worried coz he has not poo for 2 days.
roxie/hippo: what does that mantra mean? you nai = got milk? something abt cannot let go? can translate? hehe

ww: i am just curious.. why did you want your baby to be toilet trained so early? won't it be easier to toilet train him when he is bigger and can communicate with you? and when he has better bowel control? or at least stomach bigger and can hold more? if your baby holds pee/poo now while you go look for toilet won't it hurt? i'm just thinking aloud here.. cos now baby's tummy so small.. capacity oso small..? so must go toilet so often..?

PY: i see like she has some long sleeve tops.. very hard to find long sleeved nursing tops in sg. but i can't read chinese.. bah!

jade: i am equally amazed, trust me.

blessedcyn: i think quite a few bjorn users here.. what do you need to know? just ask lar
haha u'r 90% right! bu fang guo = wont let go. not letting go as long as there's milk ---> roxie said as long as there's milk in her boobs she's squeezing every drop out.
wonder if xoxo is ok....

xoxo: how have you been? are you better? haven't seen you ard for past few days already.. really hope that the virus is being kind and hasn't made you any worse.. wanted to tell you that thanks to your directions, i managed to place ana in my pouch sling in that sitting position!! not 100% there but close. hurrah! when she was abt to fall asleep, i just adjusted the pouch such that it supported the head more, placed her hand inside and she snoozed..

here's a photo:

we have to make the payment for the nursing poncho to u rite? when you're up and abt more, PM me your account no yah? thanks so much, babe.

oh, sthg not so fun: today fed ebm again. and i give it a failing grade. boo!
today, instead of just playing with the TT teat, she was more vocal in her rejection. no, she didn't cry. she just made tiny yelping sounds as she pushed the teat out again and again.. "Ah! Ah!" she went. at different pitches even to show her displeasure. quite funny actually if i wasn't mentally worrying abt her possibly completely refusing the bottle anytime soon.. she drank some. but still wanted to latch after that so i'm convinced that she stopped taking the ebm not because she was full already but cos she just didn't want it fr the bottle.. nemind. tmr i try again.
famela:i tried to let him sleep on tummy n he zz for 10mins only

famela/bluesea:i just bought drypers today fr JP ntuc extra.promotion is as what bluesea mentioned,but the promotor aunty at JP ntuc extra very gd, she allows mixture of sizes so i got 1pack S n 2 packs M+ 4 drypantz according to the promotion rate of $38+ then she gave us $2 voucher+ another4 drypantz so eventually we paid $36+ for 1packS,2packsM+8drypantz:p

jRRt: next wed dun need bring drypers for me liao ehhe thxthx

wwjot: i ahve same prob as u haiz both for outing duration n also poopoo prob,M din poo for 2days also
4 d gathering, i got 2 adults n 1 5 yr old boy.pls help 2 update as i am using mobile 2 post so hard 2 cut n paste. Thks!
famela: I didnt really toilet train him. He is auto - before pee and poo will cry very loud.Louder than when he is hungry. Very pityful and embarrassing, I cant bear myself to let him wail like this. He will try control his bladder for hours. I m scared he might fall sick. Hb n i cant bear to see his wailing face. So we give up, just bring him to pee n poo. It is very fast but troublesome.
Annette: Last evening he poo.My heart was so painful last evening. Very pityful, he make a lot of noise when he is trying to move his bowels.His whole face is red and twisted.I have to tell him'Boy, poo poo', 'Push'.He was grabbing and pulling my finger.
Annette: Did it cross your mind to bring his potty out?

I didnt let bb sleep with dh. She dump my bb in the hall in the middle of the night. When confronted,she twist and turn ard. Then explain and said bb cry disturb her sleep so she dump him in the hall. went back to her room, lock and sleep.N many other things. I look at her and tell her - You should be the one to be kick out sleeping outside. Not the bb. On a few occassion, she place the bb on my bed when i was sleeping. I almost crush him. When i ask her, she said> Coz bb is crying! Since then i take care of bb round e clock myself.Very upset. I wonder if i m too petty and unforgiving.
HI mummies!Been reading really silently these days as YX seems a little cranky these days. She is getting very sleepy these days and can really sleep long stretch at nite and during her nap time...quite worried...like this morning, she slept till 7.30am and fed at 8am. After her bath, she slept till now! Really wonder why...

Hippo: No worries...I have already dropped joelle a mail.

Mie MIe: I will be collecting for you or you want to get it from astro during the gathering?

Joelle: I will be collecting from jurong west. Have PM you.
joelle > thanks for your help! i will be collecting my drugstore stuffs from astro (xmas gathering) but i cant really remember what i bot.. will be thankful if u could provide me the list of my purchases again..

py/miemie > many thanks for coordinating!! i will be attending the party.. list updated (including Ong &amp; Shugar's) as follows;

* btw, perhaps i can try to talking to neogarden, see if they can waive off the delivery charges, cos i catered from them for 80pax during titus's full mth.. and have also catered for 25 dec's family x'mas party :p hehe the person i liaised with is not in the office today, will call tml and get back to you ok?

Date &amp; Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults
- PY - 2 adults
- Loke
- roxie
- gal^ - 2 adults
- annette
- siangjiao - 2 adults
- Astro 2 Adults, 1 mini adult
- jRRt 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- dreamygal 2 adults + Glynnis
- Ong 2 adults + 1 5 yr old boy
- roxie 2 adults
Hi mummies! both parcels r here already! will be meeting astro today..so those who wanna go on her 'bus' please indicate asap! =D

please indicate how u wanna collect:-
1. direct fr jurong west (boon lay)
tien->hippo, miemie

2. from astro (x'mas gathering?)

<font color="0000ff">mummies outstanding:-
hi joelle,
i'll collect from jurong west directly from u. will pm you shortly.

anyone from sk, punggol who want me to collect their stuff then let me know...

Hi chnyle, maybe u will like to try dr winston from cck kidslink clinic? He's a friendly n a detailed pd. Despite his clinic is always crowded, he has never short changed his consultation timing. He's the Pd for my boys.
