(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

siangjiao: it's not your comp. sthg went wrong with the page formatting i think.
that's why i keep pressing'enter' to type my next line

Hippo: yes I do understand that engorgement aint funny. So I said bf is not easy, whether high ss or low ss. Seriously, if I hadn't bought that pump yesterday , n tt loot I ordered two weeks ago, I wouldn't be so frustrated even if angel rejects the breast. I felt rejected by the baby when she vomited out the nips.

So its frustrating. I don't even need to compare w anybody to be frustrate. Very upset.
HO HO HO I am back...forgot there's CSI! Going to watch!!

Famela: My YX also got a lot of 'bong bong bong' in her tum tum...we used the chinese ru yi oil instead...also pooed and farted...but still have a lot...hope tomorrow she will give us A bomb.

PY: Thanks babe! Shall sms her later...hmmm wonder if we can sign package now but take 4 months later when bbs are 6 month old.

Siangjiao: Ya I have the same problem reading the page...so ma fan..and no worries...you will cope fine!! Just takes a bit of time!

Menses...hmmm mine also havent come yet...just have a bit of light discharge here and there...hee stay away shoo shoo shoo...

Anyway, today went to Raffles City to walk walk see see...bought YX a santarina dress to wear on Xmas eve...and guess what? The lady thought my YX is 6 months!!!!!!!!!??????? My goodness...she is only 2 months today lor! She said that she is super tall..and also hubby was carrying her upright (this notti girl dun like cradle hold already!) Then went nuring room saw a bb boy, about the same size as my YX and he is 6 month old!!!! In the end got the dress -- for 9 month babies lor! The thing about her is usually she can fit the length but not the width especially those sleeveless type...she can fit bunnies at the sleeve area!! Cham...when my YX reaches 9 month she has to wear clothes for 2 years old!!! Pengz!
Hi just4venus , Personally I think its fine to swaddle baby. As long as you swaddle them the right way and check on your baby occasionally in case they the cloth covers their face.

For swaddle cloth, my MIL went to chinatown and bought 10m of the 100% cotton fabric. She cut them into the desired size and her friend who had a sewing machine helped to seal the sides. You can also go to Spotlight to get these cloth. They have nicer designs there. But of course more expensive ;)

Now I have like 10 swaddling cloth. Its really useful as its soft and absorbent. Can be a towel, blanket, swaddling cloth etc. Baby will not feel so hot when you wrap them too.

Hope this helps.
siangjiao: me too .. facing prob with the page, keep scrolling to the right for those long sentences posts. super frustrating..

re: blocked ducts
hey, for those who got mdm rokiah's help b4, rmb she used a big stone on our breast to clear the blocked ducts. i personally feel that hot towel isn't good enough. the moment i lift it from the small pail of hot water, it turns cold almost immediately. then the mischievous me and my hubby did something v naughty.. hee..
we went to 'steal' those decorative stones (smaller version) from 'somewhere' last sun, thinking it might help if one day i got blocked ducts again. dunno whether this method works.

mummies, it may be a cheaper way to massage our breast, also to open up our ducts (hopefully).at least it wont turn cold so fast.
me too, used to pump only pathetic amount in my first month. then realised coz i only pump 10-15min each time, there isn't enough time given for the letdown (maybe mine took longer time). nowadays i pump at least 20-30min, and yes, the amount increase.

maybe loke, when u go for the xmas party, try see if any mummy can lend u a dual pump. u try it for at least 20 min, and see if the ss increase.

for those full-time latching, i suggest u try to pump out at least 2 times per day (esp those gg back to work soon), first pump at 6am, last pump maybe at 11pm - 12mn.

regulate this timing first,first pump amount is usually more than anytime of the day. u can either use it to btl feed the bb or freeze it. one frozen pack a day is better than nothing. at least after returning to work, the bb can continue to have bm.

let's jia you together !!!
Tien>> Sean Lau is good and very patient.. can check out my FB for some of my boy's pics taken by him.. if can take few mths later mayb i will sign again when he is 5 or 6 mths... hahaha
mie>> i not too sure abt tat leh... mayb need to call and check with them... if taken at 5 or 6 mths shld be very cute hor... tempting again... hahaha
hey all lovely mummies,

b4 i retire for the night, i wanna tell u that last week i weighed my boy and he was 7kg at 8 wks +!! is it too heavy for a 2 mths bb?? he was 4.5kg at 5 wks.

i saw the frustration going on abt bf.. i feel that the frustrations come along bcos of the determination (stubborness) of trying to be a complete good mum (maternal instint i tink) AND ended up focusing on the wrong thing!! so wat abt ss or latching or pump or invest liao but do not work? so wat if is bm or fm? actually i feel theses are just a process. part of the process of rearing ur child. everyone surely has a prob here or there one la..... as long as u tried ur best and your child is healthy.... just dun focus on the wrong thing. feeding is just a process to rearing a healthy child. if u wan a happy child den be a happy mum, wat u cant give him here, u made up there lo.

u noe, i start to feel very sad n want to cry already... bcos in another 47 days i should be returning to work! although i do look forward to going bk to do wat i can do best and easily, BUT i really cant bear to leave my baby. he has nv left me more than 4 hrs b4 and in fact i m his main caregiver since he is born. tat 4 hrs i went out n my mil look after him, when i came bk, his eyes and nose were red n mouth pouting but he enduring nt to cry!! my heart at that moment like being torn apart!! the closeness n bonding i had w him so amazing! motherhood is really a great journey!! i can say the best thing that happened to me is the day i first saw my son! no matter hw tired, how angrt, how frustrated etc.... it's really worth it!!


btw, i am going to ask my manager for a 2 mths unpaid leave.... see wat he say ba! i wonder 3 mths can or not?!

Thanks for the mummies who replied me. I did not call up PD because i am not taking lele back to him for jabs, so a bit paiseh. That's why i thought if anyone bringing their baby to the PD for the 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 jab, can just ask for me.

Astro : Thanks. If you could help, really appreciate.

I've transferred $33, ref 2602840521. I am not able to join in the xmas gathering, can i collect from you on other days? We arrange via email.
loke >> the day u get yr hands on that blender, tell me. muahaha..so chill yah..and here's audrey sticky milky MUACKS for angel..luff her whichever way yah?

astro >> u are right - teng knows his mama truly. ditto to the naturalists. i hate to admit it, but i got darned by the hippie.."latch..so as to develop the closeness, the bond...yada yada"...the bb see the nipple..they don't really care abt the mother (face). at least that's what i know tick tocks for my one...her allegiance is to the nipple. nothing else. erm, so what "bond"?? sorry..this is not griping hor. this is a statement of facts. whip out the towels to catch yr sprays with rokiah :D

dreamygal >> i hope lele is OK now. grow thick skin and call yr PD lah..i was just thinking, these PD see us for like less than 5mins and the bill is always super high..hehe..regardless, hope u have the info u need..cos i am probably seeing the PD tom or the day after so if u still need to tompang qns, i don't mind asking for u..

hippo >> yr little world with the windows closed is a beautiful one. kudos to u for keeping all the noise at bay. and may princess be merry always

famela >> hehe...i can turn purple leh..no training and she sleeps for 12hrs!! grin..i am still trying yr hocus pocus on her to no avail. so i've learnt to let her be. in her time. if she wants 4,5,6,7,8..they are all sleep..all precious and all appreciated by yrs truly :D my schedule this week is crazy..well, at least the turkey has been ordered. and choi choi choi..enuf with being sick!
Wah! So many posts!!! Spent long time catching up and this
left to right layout is not helping! Hope it goes back to normal soon!

Hi n welcome to the new mummies who joined since i last posted.

astro: pm me yr account number! Thanks!

I wonder if I will get to use the poncho anot!:p talking about bf issues... I also have wor! Mine is the opp of xoxo's prob I think.
Sam been bottle fed since birth due to complications n low birth weight. Now introducing him to bf n it's not plain sailing.

He's gotten used to the flow of bottles. This little guy had no
complains... Any brand of bottle/teats he can drink well,
except 'mummy' brand!
he'll fuss n cry on some days when I
attempt. This fussing somtime cause me to not feel like

Astro: at least YH latches well!
so take heart in that. Carrying fm n bottles out are quite a chore. I still admire you n your 'afghan' style! Can go out with minimum fuss.
That day went out to great world city... Wow they hv a very nice nursing room( shall post pics on my blog ) but pity... I had a hard time there. Sam was protesting when I tried to bf. So embarassing... The bb in the room next door was coo-ing n feeding quietly... Mine... Screaming n wailing like no ones business
in the end gave him a bottle n he happy slurp it all up!
Ok la, not going to say anything bad abt bottles, coz they've played their part in sam's progress. From a weak tiny thing, (think he's the smallest bb of this thread even though he's first one out) he's doing well now
so, ladies, fm or bm, as long as bb is growing well n good, can liao. For me, even though I hope one day I'll be able to bf w/o probs, hv to supplement with fm then so be it! Dun stress ok?
Dreamygal: I got my poncho already but thanks for offering to pick up for me earlier on. How is lele?

Re mensus: I got my visit from ''aunty Rosie" too. Xian!! Asked gynae about this n he said when bb start sleeping through, and we dun wake up to pump at nights, then there's likely hood of it returning eariler.

Re gathering:
was really looking forward to it actually but haiz fall on same day as pd appt!! By the time I'm done n get to astro's place, maybe I be just in time to help clean up nia! Hahaha!
Morning mummies! Yx just gave me A bomb!! No more bong bong bong tummy!

Re: Sean lau
checked with the lady she say can sign and utilise any time before bb turns 1!! Me chope a place liao! Hope there's 30 mummies!!!! More discount!
I was shocked when i read wat u posted. But seriously, it was nvr in my mind to compare ss or to make u feel lousy. I'm sorry abt tt. Anyway the next time will bear in mind abt this b4 i post.

Another episode of blocked ducts! Argh!
ever since tt day, i've been v paranoid each other day. I am not sure if its subconsciously or wat, the pain seems to linger thou its not blocked anymore.

there is no need to compare how much we pump fr each other coz like i mention, if i wanna compare; i'll b the 1st to b stressed since i am facing my sis daily and we we pump together as well. i tell myself as long as my ss is enuff to meet RN's needs, tts gd enuff. and shld there come a day when i need to supplement, then so be it. at least she's had BM for as long as i can give.
and yes, the stupid blocked ducts problem will b there... esp when RN is not an efficient latcher at all. I am even wondering if there is anything LC can do....

Ameda Spare Parts
Some mummy posted abt hvg spare parts sometime ago but i cant rem who was it. I wanna get spare valves & bellows, if its still available.
jrrt: its ok. i guess i was a little emotional also.

limmil: i use the dual pump all along. so its not the pump. and i'm not so frustrated with the low ss.. its that sudden rejection to latch that made me felt really sad. if she had never latched properly or fussed during latching since day 1, i wouldn't feel so much. cos as long as she latches, there's still hope. btw, i dun pump 10-15mins. i pump for 1hr sometimes.. short breaks in between. hence the badly bruised nipples.

anyway, i dowan to talk about it anymore.

i've prepared gift exchange for this sat's party. so see u all there!
*hugs* understand how you feel. try to relax ok? you can consider calling the breastfeeding hotline at the website that astro listed. maybe even attend the workshop together? or maybe get LC to help? could yours be a blocked ducts issue?

famela, xoxo,
i'm all about managing my own expectations and staying chirpy as much as i can cos everyone knows i have a short temper and no patience. haha...

astro, jrrt,
not saying we WANT TO compare. but we all do it subconsciously. u know what i mean? anyway nuff said. we all just wanna help each other out so its impt to remember thats what we're here for at the end of the day right?

hey! i'm bad at nursery rhymes man. sorry ah, i attended PAP hor. and i dun think they taught us many of those. but her highness loves being sung to. she will coo and giggle and even attempt to make some noise. so when mummy hippo doesn't know the lyrics, its la la la la la la... bwahahaha...

how was THE SWIM? do tell! i wanna bring bb hippo!!! but must get daddy hippo's approval first! *hmph*
oh yah i forgot to tell you. my donuts i bought from prettymums.com only $8.xx per pair. just put in very hot water for 1min can use already leh. if u have those hot flasks then can just pour into a bowl, put donuts in, VOILA!
about bf: i'm also not quite sure what i'm doing especially when i see mummies feeding babies with fm have so much more free time to rest and do other things while all i do is to latch, pump, wash and sterilize pumps and try to catch naps repeatedly. then each pump session only gives miserable amount albeit so much prep work and time taken like massage, wash and sterilize etc.. but i just tell myself got milk then try to give lor, if never try and just give up, i will feel guilty..

i'm already mentally prepared to supplement with fm once i start work since i forsee i won't have enough 'stock' to last.. just hope that baby will start on solids earlier, maybe at 4mths, so the milk supply will last longer..
jadebelle: that was exactly my philosophy.. as long as got some milk.. i just try.. take supplement etc to try increase.. but main thing is still latching.. now she rejects the latching.. i'm not feeling guilty. rather i feel rejected.. hence the surge of emotions..
hehe... hippo, my boi also like it when i sing.
i don't have the best vocals around, in fact, i croak, perhaps he hadn't been exposed to better voices yet.

but yes, sometimes when i dunno the lyrics... i just go lalalalala... ummmmm... or make up the lyrics. Hope he doesn't get confused in future.

Tried letting him sleep on tummy today. Know it's not advisable, so he's constantly under my eagle's eyes. I find that he's sleeps better, at least his waving arms are restricted and can't jerk him up.
loke: when i use the avent manual pump, i realized i won't get much milk if i push the funnel tightly round my breast. I get a better yield when i just loosely cup it round the aerola (forming a light vacuum), pumping more on the aerola closer to the nipple. Hope the description is not confusing but you might want to try?

Also, i find that if i go rthymic, it works better .. like 1-2-3-4 pause, 1-2-3-4 pause
loke: how come reject latching? is it after you start on bottle feeding? maybe she find the milk flow from bottle faster than latching? i notice my baby also starting to sound frustrated during latching.. makes lots of grunting noises and twist and turn that i have to hold her head still so she doesn't pull my nips too hard..
siangjiao: thanks.. i'll try taht on the pump.. i also notice that slow steady pumping works pretty well. and i got to reposition the pump a few times to get the most out of it.

jadebelle: i started bottle feeding during the first week. was never tbf. always top up with fm. cos the ss didn't come in as fast as it should.. and i made of mistake of not latching her on demand in the first two weeks. she was also pulling my nips when the flow gets a bit slow. but if i don't latch or pump for 5 hrs and let the boobs become full.. she'll latch properly and sometiems satisfied after latching. which is y i simply don't believe there's only 20ml in there.
Hi all,

So long bo post liao. Dun have time to read every posting.

Just bring Rhys to see PD 2 days ago as his rashes got worst. And PD say he got Fungus Infection and Sensitive Skin. He is the same as his elder bro got ecezema. PD ask me to moisturize him daily which I had already did from Day 1. Everytime after his bath. So now got to more Gu Lat and Moisturize him more.


I agree with Hippo that I alway got Engorement and breast pain problem so it not really neccessary good that you got milk flow. I alway must go home after 6-7 hours max cos if not my breast will be super pain so it mean that I cant go out long outside. I am staring work on January so will like to cut down my pumping and start more on FM on him but feel waste so very headache.

My frd give me a email on increase milk flow which I think it work you might like to try:-

<font color="ff0000">This is the most effective method to increase breast milk. For me, taking
supplements does not work at all..including fenugreek, and goat rue.

I've shared this w colleage, it work for them too.

It made each pumping session reduce to 20min or shorter.

First of all, I think the twiddling should replicate sensation of baby
suckling, since that is the main difference btw funnel and baby. While
the baby encase the nipple with his tongue and palate, we consciously
avoid contact of the funnel with our nipples (imagine the friction and
the pain!). This is what I did wrong at first, I thought twiddling means
using the thumb and fingers on top and below the nipple to twiddle. That
didnt work for me at all. What I discover is that you should use your
palms facing your chest and gently tap the tips of the nipples in
circular manner(this is impt for me to get the letdown sensation).

So here are my steps:-
- Pump as per normal
- After first letdown and flow stops or trickles, stop pumping
- massage breast and then twiddle the nipples at least 10-15 times
- Pump again == > instant letdown
- Can repeat for more letdowns"

For me, my 1st letdown is very slow &amp; not sure whether it will come or
not so after pumping for 15mins, I will do the twiddling method. I will
gentle-ly tap my nipple with both my palms in circular manner &amp; tap
about 70times each. Almost instantly or few seconds later the letdown
will come! Try it!</font>
oh its the sudden nipple rejection? wif my son, he had 3 nursing strikes aka refused to latch as well. he was abt 3+ mths then &amp; it was oso suddenly tt he refused to latch. it was aft much determination (read: forced) fr my side tt i managed to overcome this. there is not much explaination why it happens, it juz happens. meanwhile, we juz gotta keep on trying. i've read tt sometimes it goes away aft a while as well. i know this feeling sucks coz i've had tt 3 times wif my son. i was sobbing each time i had to latch him and even took leave to spend time juz to get him to re-latch. let me see if i can still find tt website which i tried all the ways listed there then. u cheer up too

yep, tts right!

hey u dun hv to know how to sing nursery rhymes! they love it no matter wat!

RE: Gathering
are there any emails sent out yet? how much do we hv to pay for the buffet? I've gotten the pressie as well!

Found these 2 websites. Hope it is of some help to u.



btw due to the nursing strikes, in the end, i develop a super bad habit to nurse my son - i literally dance &amp; sway as i nurse him then, to coax him to latch. so u can imagine as he grew, i was still dancing &amp; swaying each time i nurse him, in the sling, of coz! else i wld hv died fr the carrying! some of frens were laughing each time they saw me doing this dance when i latched my son. sigh...
Hi all, sorry to interrupt. im a oct mummy. I have a medela swing breast pump for sale. Bought in june 09. Used less than 5 times as this pump is not suitable for me. As i seldom used it, all parts are in good condition (9.5/10) and pack in original packaging. Comes with the cooler bag and carrier as well. Bought at $290, willing to let go at $190 ( neg) as i intend to stop bf when i return to work. Pls Pm or mail me
[email protected] if interested. Thanks!
loke: hmmm kinda understand what u mean about the feeling rejected. i get tat too sometimes when sam refuse to latch. he can look so 'pek chek' i feel sorry for him.... sigh

hippo: i uploaded the swim video on my FB
think we all had fun. hb thinks the parents were more excited than the babies :p
hippo: thanks.. i've called up the bf.org.sg.. i also want to find out what's happening..

jrrt: thanks for the websites. they are helpful.. she latched for a while just now.. cos hb called up pd to ask.. and pd said to "starve her".. so last feed was 930am.. and i tried to delay the feeding time. she cried a few times.. fell asleep for an hr once.. so i just have to pat her, rock her, walk her around to try to settle her down. i also noticed she rejected the pacifier like she rejected my boobs. so at abt 145pm, when she seems to be settled down and dozing off, i gave her the pacifier.. and she didn't reject it! so i let her suck the paci for like 10-15mins. she was probably very tired and hungry. when she let go of the paci, i quickly offer her the breast (gently). she slowly took it and started to suckle, albeit not as per normal.. more like for comfort. then i let her latch as long as she can on both sides.. while i make fm for her. so now she's asleep on her bouncer. i hope she'll get back on latching as per normal. now i better go pump out some milk cos i don't think she drank much. she's too tired.

shugar: she was pek chek.. but she'll still latch. i think it was also due to the change of environment cos we were at mil's place the last two days and i let the maid fully handle Angel on Monday while i watch and guide.. cos i have to go back to work in january..

now i have a problem. i'm not sure if i would want to let both of us go through the same thing again.. maybe i try again next week? and stay at home for the rest of this week. i hope my mil and the maid won't feel bad.
hi ladies,

sorry to intrude.
have a good lobang here. need to confirm fast. please pm/sms 90011 110 me if interested.

rainbow hydrocleaner E2 (latest model)
usual price $3424 now $2800
only 3 sets available
8 yrs warranty and full accessories with receipt
there will be 1 person to give 1 hr demo - teach u &amp; yr maid.
$30 per lesson if u forgot in future

it is very good vacuum cleaner. can effectively clean the bed/bolster/floors/cars. able to vacuum the mites n dust very effectively. good investment if you have kids at home and worry abt their health.

please see this link for ppl's comments.

with regards to the gathering..
me and PY are still working on the buffet caterer.. neogarden etc works out to be more than $20 per adult, unless we go for the mini buffet.. so we have found another one, and now in the midst of confirming the menu.. so pls stay tuned!

remember to get the gift exchange pressie okie!
*i've bought mine already..*
go for the trial first, $30.. if our babies ok with it, then take the package lo.. we discuss the timing on saturday at the x'mas gathering?
<font color="aa00aa">Those attending the X'mas gathering, can you pls PM me your email address (and pls identify yourself) so that I can fwd you the details and Astro's address? Thanks!</font>
sigh .. my supply is also decreasing.. just pump this afternnon ard 2pm and only manage to have 40ml (combined) but i'm on total latching..

hmm gonna get some fenugreek to eat liao.
<font color="aa00aa">Hey Babes, for the gathering..

Buffet Menu as below
1) Seafood Fried Rice
2) Fried Vegetarian Bee Hoon
3) Curry Chicken
4) Popular French Beans Stir Fried with Prawn
5) Japanese Style Teriyaki glazed Breaded Fish Fillet
6) Fruity Boneless Chicken with cashew Nuts
7) Potatoes “Q”
8) Prawn Fritter with Japanese Mayo
9) Cold Refreshing Fruit Punch
10) Sea-coconut &amp; Thailand longan
11) Delicious Mini Chocolate Eclair

On top of these, we will be buying a Hazelnut Log Cake</font>

<font color="ff6000">Per Adult is $15, and per kid is $7.30

Pls make payment to PY.
Her POSB Savings A/C is 187-19317-6</font>

Will drop you guys a separate email on address, after I receive your PM!
aria: i can feel a small lump but i don't feel pain when i tried to massage very hard so not sure is that a blocked duct.

i think my bb's in between 105ml to 120ml.. sometimes can take 120ml sometimes not..

i trial and error all the possibilities already and still cannot settle her..
latch her every hour and she still seems to want some more.. put her to cradle she twists and turns, carry her, pat her still scream and cry and doesn't knock out even after 30mins..

i read somewhere about the symtoms of growth spurt, seems quite like it but also not sure..

under what circumstances would baby be over stimulated? in the day we sometimes sing and talk to her for hours if we see that she's very alert and can't fall asleep.. will that cause over stimulation?

boi: how much did you get your auto yaolan for? i think i might need to get one soon too.. yesterday night i rock her from 11pm to 1am then managed to bring her back to bed to sleep without crying.. very tired..
audrey's tummy is bloated today..been fussing all evening and crying non-stop. only position that works is when i sit her up...lots of farting when she is laid on her tummy. and i've only just managed to soothe her to sleep..got questions:

1) gripe water, ridwind or detinox - which works?

2) does bottle feeding cause more "wind" to develop? the onset of this seems rather sudden to me and she never used to have this issue until recently when we have introduced more bottle feeds...just wonder if this is a justifiable correlation...

3) for bottle feeding, are we supposed to expect more than one burp? in latching, i used to be able to get away with just a single burp..now suspecting that we have not been burping her for all its worth while bottle feeding, hence her the bloatedness..

4) when applying telon, ruyi oil etc...do u first warm it in your hands before rubbing over the bb's tummy? or do u apply directly?

appreciate any feedback. thanks

xoxo, have read and heard that bottle feed does cause a lot of wind. Not much experience as have been latching always.
For Riona, have found ridwind to be more effective for colic as well as wind. PD also recommended this.
While applying yu yee oil or telon, take a few drops on ur palm and rub nicely till u feel warm. Then keep the warm palm on audrey's tummy and back.

Have u tried putting audrey on her back when she has wind? I think it helps to get rid of wind faster. Famela suggested this some time back and I have tried it many times. Works well for Riona.

Other thing is, you can hold audrey's legs and raise them and press them on her tummy, this also helps in relieving wind...
Hope this helps!!
